Are You The One? (Season 4)

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hardbitten wrote:

How could anyone want

Cameron? He's so meh looking.

That haircut with the sides shaved off is ***** but he does seem a little cute.

They all have that Phil from Rugrats haircut lol

Nostalgic wrote:

hardbitten wrote:How could anyone want

Cameron? He's so meh looking.

That haircut with the sides shaved off is ***** but he does seem a little cute.

They all have that Phil from Rugrats haircut lol

LMAO That was my shit.

Out of all the guys, i find Cameron most attractive. He's really the only one that's my type. Prosper would be a close second and Asaf a third, mostly because of his personality and sense of humor. None of the other guys are remotely my type.

Out of all the guys, i find Cameron most attractive. He's really the only one that's my type. Prosper would be a close second and Asaf a third, mostly because of his personality and sense of humor. None of the other guys are remotely my type.

This with the addition of Sam. Goofy dudes are my weakness. 

I guess Francesca is trying to be a singer?


I guess Francesca is trying to be a singer? 

She should stick to RTV.

Might be a bit irrelevant but I love that Prosper is representing us Nigerians well on the show (I knew he was Nigerian the moment I saw his name was Prosper, LOL!). We haven't had the best of luck in the past with others (cough... BGC Valentina) and I'm glad Prosper isn't being messy nor is he a flop and I'm loving every moment of ittttt

I'll clap my hands when we get a West indian on the show to represent until then Prosper will have to do.

Giovanni/Cameron/Tyler and Morgan are the ones that are definitely my type. Prosper has a good heart and if I was in that house he'll probably be my match.

Francesca is adorable so I don't get the hate for her. Sad

Out of all the guys, i find Cameron most attractive. He's really the only one that's my type. Prosper would be a close second and Asaf a third, mostly because of his personality and sense of humor. None of the other guys are remotely my type.

Cameron and Prosper are my #1 and #2 as well. I have Stephen as #3 but now I may have to re-think my life.

It looks like I was right about Kaylen being an attention *****. She's now tweeting that she should be on Girl Code. It's incredible how she went from my favorite to the most annoying.

It looks like I was right about Kaylen being an attention *****. She's now tweeting that she should be on Girl Code. It's incredible how she went from my favorite to the most annoying.

You're being thirsty. Go ahead an quench that thirst, girl.

Lol I tried to fill that role but turn 21, next year.. Anyway is Prosper african?

There's something really creepy about Gio. 

I always like the people noone likes on reality t.v lol I actually feel kinda bad for Giovanni but I understand why y'all hate him so...

Whoever said they thought none of the perfect matches are still together... That's wrong. Mikayla and Cameron are still together!

We know, lol. PR cleared that up for us.

Good riddance tbh. Cameron/Mikala had me asleep.

We know, lol. PR cleared that up for us.Good riddance tbh. Cameron/Mikala had me asleep.

Tf out. Mikala the type of ***** you wanna marry. 

hardbitten wrote:

We know, lol. PR cleared that up for us.Good riddance tbh. Cameron/Mikala had me asleep.

Tf out. Mikala the type of ***** you wanna marry. 

Why you come at me like this *****

gamer73 wrote:

hardbitten wrote:We know, lol. PR cleared that up for us.Good riddance tbh. Cameron/Mikala had me asleep.

Tf out. Mikala the type of ***** you wanna marry. 

Why you come at me like this *****

Cause I saw some ignorant comment bout how you wanted to see Trey on a challenge and I forgot to come for you then Wink

This tori Kelly chick will sieze any opportunity to twerk. I love how she don't give a **** about Camilla, ruthless lmao.

and what did Gio do? I'm confused.

Asaf is a cutie but this man is on the wrong show. Should of applied to that TV show Dunbar and Ozzy did 'foursome' or whatever it was called.

This tori Kelly chick will sieze any opportunity to twerk. I love how she don't give a **** about Camilla, ruthless lmao.and what did Gio do? I'm confused.Asaf is a cutie but this man is on the wrong show. Should of applied to that TV show Dunbar and Ozzy did 'foursome' or whatever it was called.

Dunbar was wrong for that knowing fully well he ain't packing.

This tori Kelly chick will sieze any opportunity to twerk. I love how she don't give a **** about Camilla, ruthless lmao.and what did Gio do? I'm confused.Asaf is a cutie but this man is on the wrong show. Should of applied to that TV show Dunbar and Ozzy did 'foursome' or whatever it was called.

Tori Kelly, *****...done w u *****

 I feel like I'm the only who finds Gio and Kaylen so unbearable it's not even funny. Talking about marriage and babies on the first day, and deciding you're meant to be just because you're both Scorpios, is immature and ridiculous. They literally introduced themselves to eachother with "wow you represent everyone I've dated in the past I wanna fall into old habits cause that's clearly what this show is all about". They are  full of themselves and arrogant.  Julia being an attention-seeking liar is bothering me, just find your perfect match and leave please. On the other hand, the girls are being very petty on twitter... Don't get me wrong, they have a point, but at this point they should just let it go. I only like Alyssa, Tori and Mikala at this point. Mikala's twitter doesn't even remotely acknowledge all the unnecessary drama, god bless her. Mikala and Cameron are clearly not reality-tv material, I'm not surprised they ended up going to the honeymoon suite so soon.  Glad they're together though, despite all the cheesyness, they are kinda cute together.

Oh my god, please shut up. You call me out for **** shaming and now you're calling Kaylen an attention *****. I literally made this account just to point out how much of a hippocrite you are. Get your life together, dude. 

Oh my god, please shut up. You call me out for **** shaming and now you're calling Kaylen an attention *****. I literally made this account just to point out how much of a hippocrite you are. Get your life together, dude. 



Er, 99% of the time I forget I'm not talking about fictional characters, tbh. That's why I never post on reality tv shows forums, I get carried away. I watch the show to pass the time, you accepted to be on television, hell you accepted to be part of the trashy part of television, people are gonna come up with all kinds of comments. You're right though, I don't know Gio and Kaylen personally, my statement was over the top, so I'll take it back. I liked them the first 2 episodes then the marriage talk (personally, I think they're really exaggerating, marriage is not something to take lightly, it's an important step in life that I feel they're unconsciously belittling) and their behaviour on twitter kinda put me off.  My opinion could change at any moment, though, three episodes really aren't much to go on when it comes to judging someone.  One more thing: people on social media can be brutal, it's inevitable, if I were you I'd try and be the bigger person. 

Hippocrite? Was that a pun? 

Oh my god, please shut up. You call me out for **** shaming and now you're calling Kaylen an attention *****. I literally made this account just to point out how much of a hippocrite you are. Get your life together, dude. 

Sis.. What's good with the quadruple post Sad
