The Challenge: Rivals 3 - Let Sleeping Dogs Wake

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I hope CT comes back one day ❤️. That was a nice special. They truly could've kept Susie though. They barely showed any clips of her on a season.

I miss Shauvon's messy *** lmaooo. She wasn't competition, but she was entertaining.

Think the only reason they asked Susie to be on was for her 10 second story about her marrying someone from the crew. 

dachallengefan4214 wrote:

Weird no clips of Tonya!

You know got damn well MTV don't know her *** no more. #SIP


Wow I thought Wes and Nany were going home there for a second.  Jamie had the ball just outside the goal when they cut to the commercial.

Think the only reason they asked Susie to be on was for her 10 second story about her marrying someone from the crew. 



hahahahahahaha good one

I hope CT comes back one day ❤️. That was a nice special. They truly could've kept Susie though. They barely showed any clips of her on a season.

What were they going to do show her sipping wine with Colie and Cara playing "I Hate Tonya"?

Think the only reason they asked Susie to be on was for her 10 second story about her marrying someone from the crew. 

nobody cares tho. doubt this newer gen of fans even know who she is

the.trillest wrote:

I hope CT comes back one day ❤️. That was a nice special. They truly could've kept Susie though. They barely showed any clips of her on a season.

What were they going to do show her sipping wine with Colie and Cara playing "I Hate Tonya"?


dachallengefan4214 wrote:

Weird no clips of Tonya!

You know got damn well MTV don't know her *** no more. #SIP

hahaha I know, was joking

Clips tagged #Tonya *delete*

How random is this Challenge survival guide? The heck? Also, Devyn looks like she has been hitting the weights hard. Her arms are freaking fit.

hardbitten wrote:

CMJ wrote:Bananas had a *****................ok

He did?..

Yep. They showed him bringing it on Rivals 1

Hm.. I wonder if Hannah's bout that strap on life

Boooo.  What a predictable *** end to that challenge.  Bananas & Sarah winning plus losing KellyAnne makes for a bummer of an episode.  I hope she returns for more seasons.

I am sick of Wes' whiny *** attitude.  All you have to do is win a challenge, dude & you can send in those 2 ********.  Except you & your partner suck & you aren't winning shit.  

Christina has joined Dario as the only 2 AYTO cast members I like/tolerate.

Still hating ********* devin's gross, greasy face.  He makes Evan look likeable.

Whoa! I saw a quick clip of Brandon Nelson!

Whoa! I saw a quick clip of Brandon Nelson!

One of the interns looked like him I thought. #allblackpeoplelookthesame

How random is this Challenge survival guide? The heck? Also, Devyn looks like she has been hitting the weights hard. Her arms are freaking fit.

She has always had muscular arms.

Wow, they put Bannanas on BLAST in that special. Damn, his GF is about to be pissed.

Had seen her recently and Susie does look terrible. No reason for her to have been on this. The most boring person in challenge history. 

I'm sooooo sick of the Bananas/Wes rivalry, it's been tired as hell for years now. 

I'm sooooo sick of the Bananas/Wes rivalry, it's been tired as hell for years now. 

Truer words have never been spoken.

How dare Bananas quote Once Ben?

Blind soccer might be my new favorite elimination set up. It's really funny to watch, and at the same time had me on the edge of my seat.

I have to give props to my girl Kelly Anne for making the best point of the challenge thus far. Johnny Bananas is such a sexist and a woman hater. He treats women and men differently. His so called female friends are so disposable to him. That's the way it was even starting on the Island. And then if a woman does play the game strategically, then to him she's the scum of the earth.

I also love Devin, Cara, AND Camilla herself for calling out his THOTness and implying that he covers them up constantly. Yet he was all about judging Cara Maria for her indiscretions all the while he's had Nany as his side chick while his girlfriend was back home! Camilla was his mistress too at one point.

This was quite the disappointing episode, mostly because of the outcome. Like aren't people sick of seeing that ****** win again and again? I'm really hoping that the alliance that formed between Dario/Nicole, Cheyenne/Devin and Wes/Nany actually makes an impact, but they're most likely flopping so I'm getting ready for a Bananas win once again. 

Has anyone watched Susie and Sarah's podcasts? They are so ******* annoying, going on tangents throughout the episode and barely even saying anything relevant to the events on the show, its all just hating on Wes then hating on Johnny. Sarah is one two faced ******, shes all best friends with Wes then is acting like she doesnt like him cause Susie says to, then she gets confused and thinks hes "talking shit about her" on twitter when I dont see any mention of her. Susie really seems to hate him and is trying very hard to get Sarah to not be friends with him, they went on about how Wes insulted her body on the naked challenge where to me it seemed like he was insulting Johnny, this is from susie the same ***** thats laughed when Kenny used to call her, fat and ugly.  And on the show shes going on about how well her and johnny are getting along and is all buddy buddy with johnny on the show then talks more shit when she sees susie isnt liking what shes saying on TV, she tries too hard to please susie.

 Ya clearly I dont like Susie, theres really nothing to like about her. I feel Susie tries too hard to push her thoughts on Sarah. "sometimes you should listen to me when I say you shouldnt be friends with someone" like ****. If Sarah wants to be friends with someone what is it to her, like with Wes, Im sure sarah knows him better than Susie does and can decide who she wants to be friendly with.

Then Susie talked some shit about a vevmo member, who Im guessing is Vman. Who she calls a "Tonya  apologizer" lol

Kellyanne went and spilled that T like no one's business. No lie tho, Jenna's manbod actually looked great in that bikini. The camera was all the way up her ******* in and out of the water. Stay classy, mtv. 

Dear lord, Jemmye looks terrible. And Susie looks like a skeleton.

Any link to the special?

Any link to the special?

I just watched the episode and SCREAMED when I saw Jonna on the screen. Cara was hot. Susie looked like she had silver hair LMAO but her eyes looked gourgeous. Camila looked SO different on Exes 1 on the flashbacks. 

Regarding the episode:

I HATE blindfolded challenges but that elimination wasn't bad. I was happy Nany & Wes won an elimination for once. I hope all these people talking a big game about sending in Bananas/Vince win something & have the balls to do it.
