Are You The One? (Season 4)

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I'm stalking Mike's instagram since he's on RW and he's bestie boos with Morgan from this season.. I knew Morgan had a big head but OH MY GODZILLA. WHY IS HIS HEAD SO LONG??

I ain't gonna lie, I expected you to over exaggerate... Damn 

Julia is weird to me. People are always calling her and John out and then Julia just stand there and smiles and says nothing? Victoria was calling her a ho and she just stood in the background? I feel like she has no personality or is just completely zoned out and there for the money waiting to go home to her bf

I'm stalking Mike's instagram since he's on RW and he's bestie boos with Morgan from this season.. I knew Morgan had a big head but OH MY GODZILLA. WHY IS HIS HEAD SO LONG??

******* oh shit, for a moment I thought he was on those weird *** mirrors that make you look all weird but nope

I'm stalking Mike's instagram since he's on RW and he's bestie boos with Morgan from this season.. I knew Morgan had a big head but OH MY GODZILLA. WHY IS HIS HEAD SO LONG??

Wow he really does have a huge forehead.

I'm stalking Mike's instagram since he's on RW and he's bestie boos with Morgan from this season.. I knew Morgan had a big head but OH MY GODZILLA. WHY IS HIS HEAD SO LONG??

I try not to comment castmembers' looks, but holy shit, he looks like Jack Nance in "Eraserhead"! Weird comparison, I know, but it was the first thing he reminded me of.

The Beavis & ******** comment on that picture though......stansfitness ain't shit lmaoooo

I called Big Mo an ugly **** from the second I saw him. Unappealing as ****. 

What's he hiding 

2 brains. Seriously that photo.. whenever he faces the camera at a certain angle it does him NO good at all. 

Francesca must have had a bad experience on the show.  All I ever see are negative tweets from her about "thots".  The best part is someone called her out for her use of "casted".

Francesca must have had a bad experience on the show.  All I ever see are negative tweets from her about "thots".  The best part is someone called her out for her use of "casted".

Maybe she should eat, yes, no?

This Stephen dude reminds me of Frank from RW:San Diego

The Beavis & ******** comment on that picture though......stansfitness ain't shit lmaoooo

It's been a while since I laughed that hard. 

I was surprised Mikaela is the one with a fake butt. She's so pretty, seems nice and has a great body. She didn't need to do that!She's one of the prettiest girls there. 

She has a great body which includes that ***. She did the best way too; not big, but round & in proportion to her body. 

Now if Fran could get herself some titties...

I hope Fran ain't still hurt over Asaf. She can do better. 

Stephen and John are both punkasses. I ain't a wall, I hit back. Okay, bro. Yeah, man. 

I can't belive how whiny and annoying Francesca is being on Twitter. All Emma and her are doing is **** shame other castmembers. Really classy, girls!

I can't belive how whiny and annoying Francesca is being on Twitter. All Emma and

her are doing is **** shame other castmembers. Really classy, girls!

But she's talking about vevmo members getting on her? I don't like like to talk about ppls looks but if you can't take it don't dish it. These ppl are annoying...

Y'all are gonna make her get surgery like Kiki *****. 

But Francesca, if you reading this you're looking mighty fine already. 

She's the worst type of a castmembers. **** shaming women who behave differently, whining when she isn't getting enough attention, playing the victim and blowing things out of proportion, retweeting every single person who says something nice about her (nobody wants to see all those tweets in their timeline) and attacking those have a negative opinion about her. Nobody here called her ugly (except for maybe one person who criticized her body, something I never do. I - and most users on Vevmo - know better than to judge other other people's looks) and yet we're the losers. Don't those people have any sense of homour?

Hi Francesca! I know you're reading this. You're the worst.

To be clear, Francesca is a beautiful girl. They're all attractive people. Those users who attack the castmembers looks and call them ugly are clearly idiots. None of those people are ugly. They may not be your type or you may find some of them more attractive than others, but none of them are ugly. However, Francesca, we do have a right to judge your behaviour. You went on a reality show and openenyourself to scrutiny. We do have a right to an opinion about the way you carry yourself on tv and, especially, about how you act now that filming is over. Calling other women "thots" and **** shaming them for behaving differently than you is an awful look and we WILL call you out on it.

could not have said it better. I think she's gorgeous just like the rest of the ladies. Just enough with the **** shaming ffs

nvm just realized she was quoting someone from here

lmao, what did I do?


I guess i should have told her to get a **** job like everyone else. Whatever, I'm too pregnant for this ✌

It took me a solid moment to even remember there's someone named Francesca on the show lol. The only likable girl this season is Tori imo. WHO ELSE THINKS SHE LOOKS LIKE THAT ONE CHICK FROM DAYS OF OURLIVES??!?! SAMMY. 

It took me a solid moment to even remember there's someone named Francesca on the show lol. The only likable girl this season is Tori imo. WHO ELSE THINKS SHE LOOKS LIKE THAT ONE CHICK FROM DAYS OF OURLIVES??!?! SAMMY. 

Hell ******* no! Do not bring Sammy into this mix

I can't belive how whiny and annoying Francesca is being on Twitter. All Emma and her are doing is **** shame other castmembers. Really classy, girls!

And also Victoria, after reading her twitter you can tell that she's so over this show and most probably not with her perfect match. 

This season is already better then the previous one. As for the girls I like Kaylen, Mikala, Tori and Alyssa are cool too.  Francesca is beautiful and looks like a nice girl, but she needs to stop **** shaming the other girls on twitter. I'm so happy she didn't sleep with Asaf, you can tell that he just wanted to hook up. And then he used the "you're like a little sister to me" excuse. ***** please. He's goofy and fun, but he's also immature and just looking for a girl to sleep with, nothing serious. Looks like Tori will learn that next episode. I wonder if he'll sleep with Camille or somebody else? Also Camille is getting on my nerves a little, but maybe it's just the voice and THE EYEBROWS. Emma needs to do something about her hair. She always looks like she woke up and just went with it. Other than that I like her, I'm on her side in this whole John/Julia/Emma triangle. Julia is fake and I haven't seen enough of Nicole to say anything about her yet. 

Cameron is the finest guy this season, in my opinion. Lucky Mikala. Also Stephen and Gio are my type. Morgan.... he thinks he's so fine, when he's just NOPE. "You're a six and I'm a nine, so goodbye" ummm no. Cam seems cute, but right now he's invisible. I don't know if I would want Sam to be my best friend or my boyfriend. But I like him A LOT. Prosper's FINE too. Tyler didn't do himself any favours with the "gorilla *******" comments and now he's on everybodys shit list. Oh well.

Based on this season's promo you can actually figure out if Kaylen and Gio are a match, but I don't want to spoil anything. Can't wait for the next episode!!

I LOVE Emma's hair because it fits her personality so well. Emma is messy, just like her hair, so it fits well. I kinda want her to keep her hair that way because it makes me feel bad for her which makes seem kinda adorable.

How could anyone want Cameron? He's so meh looking.

How could anyone want Cameron? He's so meh looking.

That haircut with the sides shaved off is ***** but he does seem a little cute.
