The Challenge: Rivals 3 - Stand by Me

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So here's the thing... Tony and Camila are both alcoholics. The bulk of guilt, imo, falls on Johnny - he saw Camila was close behind Vince and caused their little crash, initiating her fall and made a joke of it aven when he saw she was upset about and he, more than anyone, knows she loses her shit when she is drunk (You're gonna die in this house <-- ring any bells), when Vince tried to apologize...each time she would start to calm dowm or walk off he would wind her up again. She was inside when he came up with brilliant idea to wake up Tony again to antagonize Camila and be "entertained". The difference in Tony and Camila is she doesn't she the humor in Camilinator, she finds it embarassing and as she said on the aftershow she wishes she could "just be normal" and have a few drinks - Tony blames her for his actions - no matter what she does, he needs to own his shit.When CT said Tony reminded him of himself I was like ummm no because CT had rage issues, he doesn't blame other people, owns his crap and when he apologizes you can tell he knows he was out of control and regrets it. Also, when he knows he has been a shit he just takes it point - he treated Anastacia badly and she was hurt and angry when he tried to talk to her she slapped him. Did he flip, try to frighten or intimidate her - no. She was wrong to make it physical but he acted like a man and walked away

Tony owned up to it as well tho. Trust me the similarity between those two are very similar. 

Tony half owned up to it.  His bit about being on auto-pilot was bullshit.  Own the fact that you have a problem.

So here's the thing... Tony and Camila are both alcoholics. The bulk of guilt, imo, falls on Johnny - he saw Camila was close behind Vince and caused their little crash, initiating her fall and made a joke of it aven when he saw she was upset about and he, more than anyone, knows she loses her shit when she is drunk (You're gonna die in this house <-- ring any bells), when Vince tried to apologize...each time she would start to calm dowm or walk off he would wind her up again. She was inside when he came up with brilliant idea to wake up Tony again to antagonize Camila and be "entertained". The difference in Tony and Camila is she doesn't she the humor in Camilinator, she finds it embarassing and as she said on the aftershow she wishes she could "just be normal" and have a few drinks - Tony blames her for his actions - no matter what she does, he needs to own his shit.When CT said Tony reminded him of himself I was like ummm no because CT had rage issues, he doesn't blame other people, owns his crap and when he apologizes you can tell he knows he was out of control and regrets it. Also, when he knows he has been a shit he just takes it point - he treated Anastacia badly and she was hurt and angry when he tried to talk to her she slapped him. Did he flip, try to frighten or intimidate her - no. She was wrong to make it physical but he acted like a man and walked away

agree w/ everything you said *claps*

The CT thing with Anastasia happened in the daytime when both were stone cold sober. I think it is pretty clear that drunk CT and sober CT are 2 very different people.  Much like Tony apparently.  That being said I dont think he would have escalated it to the point Tony did by any stretch but if the drunk CT of the past was in the same circumstance you know he would have went overboard verbally just like he did to Cara Maria back in the day.

Tony half owned up to it.  His bit about being on auto-pilot was bullshit.  Own the fact that you have a problem.

Yeah for me alcohol is not an excuse because if you know you get all cranked up when you drink, you should maybe chill down a bit so stuff like that won't happen. But at least he knows he needs to grow up, will he do it is another thing. 

So here's the thing... Tony and Camila are both alcoholics. The bulk of guilt, imo, falls on Johnny - he saw Camila was close behind Vince and caused their little crash, initiating her fall and made a joke of it aven when he saw she was upset about and he, more than anyone, knows she loses her shit when she is drunk (You're gonna die in this house <-- ring any bells), when Vince tried to apologize...each time she would start to calm dowm or walk off he would wind her up again. She was inside when he came up with brilliant idea to wake up Tony again to antagonize Camila and be "entertained". The difference in Tony and Camila is she doesn't she the humor in Camilinator, she finds it embarassing and as she said on the aftershow she wishes she could "just be normal" and have a few drinks - Tony blames her for his actions - no matter what she does, he needs to own his shit.When CT said Tony reminded him of himself I was like ummm no because CT had rage issues, he doesn't blame other people, owns his crap and when he apologizes you can tell he knows he was out of control and regrets it. Also, when he knows he has been a shit he just takes it point - he treated Anastacia badly and she was hurt and angry when he tried to talk to her she slapped him. Did he flip, try to frighten or intimidate her - no. She was wrong to make it physical but he acted like a man and walked away

So here's the thing... Tony and Camila are both alcoholics. The bulk of guilt, imo, falls on Johnny - he saw Camila was close behind Vince and caused their little crash, initiating her fall and made a joke of it aven when he saw she was upset about and he, more than anyone, knows she loses her shit when she is drunk (You're gonna die in this house <-- ring any bells), when Vince tried to apologize...each time she would start to calm dowm or walk off he would wind her up again. She was inside when he came up with brilliant idea to wake up Tony again to antagonize Camila and be "entertained". The difference in Tony and Camila is she doesn't she the humor in Camilinator, she finds it embarassing and as she said on the aftershow she wishes she could "just be normal" and have a few drinks - Tony blames her for his actions - no matter what she does, he needs to own his shit.When CT said Tony reminded him of himself I was like ummm no because CT had rage issues, he doesn't blame other people, owns his crap and when he apologizes you can tell he knows he was out of control and regrets it. Also, when he knows he has been a shit he just takes it point - he treated Anastacia badly and she was hurt and angry when he tried to talk to her she slapped him. Did he flip, try to frighten or intimidate her - no. She was wrong to make it physical but he acted like a man and walked away

Add Vince into that with Banananana and I agree whole heartedly. I cannot stand those two anymore. Vince is the biggest ******* ever on the show imo, and that includes Puck.

Omg I get on this thread and its non stop about tony and Camilla omg I'm so over them and reading about it
