Survivor Kaôh Rong: Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty - Not Going Down Without a Fight

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Survivor Kaôh Rong: Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty - Not Going Down Without a Fight

The final castaways battle for a game-changing reward to help determine their fate. Later, they face the jury and plead their case before the jury members vote for a winner.

Team Cydney! I hope she wins!

I'd be fine with anyone left winning tbh. I don't hate any of them. I'd prefer Cydney or Aubry tho. 

Aubry or cydney

Any of the girls and I'd be okay. Hoping it goes like this.....



Final 2 FTC



Any of the girls and I'd be okay. Hoping it goes like this.....1st-Cydney2nd-MichelleFinal 2 FTC3rd-Aubry4th-Tai

Exactly how I would like it to go.

Same I don't care who win because none of them bother me too much and the people I don't like been left.  

But I want a Cydney or Michelle win. ♡

Hopefully, no one wins.

Any of the girls and I'd be okay. Hoping it goes like this.....1st-Cydney2nd-MichelleFinal 2 FTC3rd-Aubry4th-Tai

This. But I low key want tai to make ftc just to see Scot/Jason trashing him

Hopefully, no one wins.

Marc the Chicken. Played a stealthy game. Secretly manuvered Jason/Scott/Julia, while also playing on Tai's team. Marc got some Sandra level potential.

Hopefully, no one wins.

Hopefully they will bring Jason/Scot/Julia in an outcast twist and one of them can win.

Yay glad y'all are on board with the Cydney/Michelle train. I'm fully prepared for a Cydney loss tonight so I'm not getting my hopes up, I'll miss her sweet presence on the show Sad

I've had hopped on the "Michelle is the Sole Survivor" train week three  or so, but unfrotnuately sometime after Nick's boot, it's become clear isn't going to win. Compared to the other three, she hasn't done much or even significantly changed the course of the game. So on that note, hopefully she gets eliminated next so it can be a tighter FTC.

I'd be fine with anyone left winning tbh. I don't hate any of them. I'd prefer Aubry tho. 

why is everyone blind to the fact that aubry played the best game lol.. she played all game long. killed comps and had an impressive strategy with some good game changing moves. Michelle just started playing like 2 or 3 episodes ago. Cydney has pretty much sucked at all of the challenges (surprisingly), and has played a flip floppy game that almost got her the boot. Her only good move was saving her *** by getting Debbie out imo

1st Aubry

2nd Tai

3rd Cydney

4th Michelle

Challenge 17 wrote:

I'd be fine with anyone left winning tbh. I don't hate any of them. I'd prefer Aubry tho. 

why is everyone blind to the fact that aubry played the best game lol.. she played all game long. killed comps and had an impressive strategy with some good game changing moves. Michelle just started playing like 2 or 3 episodes ago. Cydney has pretty much sucked at all of the challenges (surprisingly), and has played a flip floppy game that almost got her the boot. Her only good move was saving her *** by getting Debbie out imo1st Aubry2nd Tai3rd Cydney4th Michelle

I agree with everything

UM she's been apart of every vote. People like her flipping on Jason/Scott. She has amazing intution where she can tell something is wrong and she usually ends up fixing the situation to her liking. She just won immunity? And if anybody is a flip flopper it's Tai. Cydney has been shown to be a good player from Day 1 where she was at the bottom of her tribe and positioned herself to the top 3 when Darnell was voted out.  Anyways i'm pretty sure most rankings are based on favorites now based on how well they played.

Agreed. I made a comment on episode 3 or 4 that I believed Aubry would be the dark horse, and she's proved me right time and time again. If she makes it to the final 3, she's the clear winner in my opinion.

Cydney is a very good player tbh. And as for challanges, she's never sucked in them and has won immunity. 

I'm still like 95% sure Michele's winning. She has gotten a bunch of screentime even when she was inconsequential. Like for example, she got 12 confessionals last episode, and a bunch of them were talking about the Joe medevac, where you would think Aubry would be the main one talking about it since she was the closest to him. And is not like Michele's confessionals are the most interesting either where they would go out of their way to give her a lot just because she's that entertaining.




--Final 2--









I'd be fine with either Aubry or Cydney winning the most but Cyd more.

I'm still like 95% sure Michele's winning. She has gotten a bunch of screentime even when she was inconsequential. Like for example, she got 12 confessionals last episode, and a bunch of them were talking about the Joe medevac, where you would think Aubry would be the main one talking about it since she was the closest to him. And is not like Michele's confessionals are the most interesting either where they would go out of their way to give her a lot just because she's that entertaining.

I feel as though, her screentime was to only compensate for her making it this far. You know? Julia did more than Michelle did, strategically, but Michelle made it far,so they need to justfy her existance.

Challenge 17 wrote:

I'd be fine with anyone left winning tbh. I don't hate any of them. I'd prefer Aubry tho. 

why is everyone blind to the fact that aubry played the best game lol.. she played all game long. killed comps and had an impressive strategy with some good game changing moves. Michelle just started playing like 2 or 3 episodes ago. Cydney has pretty much sucked at all of the challenges (surprisingly), and has played a flip floppy game that almost got her the boot. Her only good move was saving her *** by getting Debbie out imo1st Aubry2nd Tai3rd Cydney4th Michelle

Which is why I'm so confused as to why Cydney/Michelle/Tai don't team up to take her out if she doesn't win. You know?

Aubry is KILLING it in the challenges. How has Cyd been doing in the challenges this season? She should be destroying everybody lmao


Yassss Michele slaying your faves

Challenge 17 wrote:

I'd be fine with anyone left winning tbh. I don't hate any of them. I'd prefer Aubry tho. 

why is everyone blind to the fact that aubry played the best game lol.. she played all game long. killed comps and had an impressive strategy with some good game changing moves. Michelle just started playing like 2 or 3 episodes ago. Cydney has pretty much sucked at all of the challenges (surprisingly), and has played a flip floppy game that almost got her the boot. Her only good move was saving her *** by getting Debbie out imo1st Aubry2nd Tai3rd Cydney4th Michelle

Aubry is completely overrated. She attempts a ton of things but they rarely work out for her.

Scot controlled the tribe when they first swapped and then more of the same happened when they merged until Tai decided to turn on his alliance. If Scot and Jason weren't so terrible socially and as alliance members we would be looking at an entirely different game.

Also lolz at Aubry killing comps.

202mitch wrote:

Challenge 17 wrote:I'd be fine with anyone left winning tbh. I don't hate any of them. I'd prefer Aubry tho. 

why is everyone blind to the fact that aubry played the best game lol.. she played all game long. killed comps and had an impressive strategy with some good game changing moves. Michelle just started playing like 2 or 3 episodes ago. Cydney has pretty much sucked at all of the challenges (surprisingly), and has played a flip floppy game that almost got her the boot. Her only good move was saving her *** by getting Debbie out imo1st Aubry2nd Tai3rd Cydney4th Michelle

Aubry is completely overrated. She attempts a ton of things but they rarely work out for her.Scot controlled the tribe when they first swapped and then more of the same happened when they merged until Tai decided to turn on his alliance. If Scot and Jason weren't so terrible socially and as alliance members we would be looking at an entirely different game.Also lolz at Aubry killing comps.

True. But the social aspect is part of the game. If you're social game sucks, but you can potentially be great strategic, what good is it, if everyone hates you and doesn't trust you. Aubry did do amazing in the games. She was always a winner or 2nd or 3rd. She did do alot, and despite not everything working out, she managed to be on the right side of the vote perhaps almost always. She's probably the most electable winner, but I'm not entirely sure how her social game was. She's not overrated. She's not underrated. She's just rated.

Mitchele kicking the puzzle want hilarious. 

Aubry wouldn't even be in the game if Neal didn't have to be taken out of the game lolz

KennyER wrote:

202mitch wrote:

Challenge 17 wrote:I'd be fine with anyone left winning tbh. I don't hate any of them. I'd prefer Aubry tho. 

why is everyone blind to the fact that aubry played the best game lol.. she played all game long. killed comps and had an impressive strategy with some good game changing moves. Michelle just started playing like 2 or 3 episodes ago. Cydney has pretty much sucked at all of the challenges (surprisingly), and has played a flip floppy game that almost got her the boot. Her only good move was saving her *** by getting Debbie out imo1st Aubry2nd Tai3rd Cydney4th Michelle

Aubry is completely overrated. She attempts a ton of things but they rarely work out for her.Scot controlled the tribe when they first swapped and then more of the same happened when they merged until Tai decided to turn on his alliance. If Scot and Jason weren't so terrible socially and as alliance members we would be looking at an entirely different game.Also lolz at Aubry killing comps.

True. But the social aspect is part of the game. If you're social game sucks, but you can potentially be great strategic, what good is it, if everyone hates you and doesn't trust you. Aubry did do amazing in the games. She was always a winner or 2nd or 3rd. She did do alot, and despite not everything working out, she managed to be on the right side of the vote perhaps almost always. She's probably the most electable winner, but I'm not entirely sure how her social game was. She's not overrated. She's not underrated. She's just rated.

I'll give her credit for always being aware of what's going on in the game and her social game has been on point with certain players.

I sadly want Aubry gone more than Cydney but it'll be a tragic casuality. Sad
