The Real World: Go Big Or Go Home - The Carny Queen + Shaken and Stirred

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Im just finishing these eps now and when did CJ become Deans mommy LOL

WittyWrath wrote:

Finally seen the preview for Episode 10. CeeJai didn't even drag Jenna she basically swung her *** to the ground before she could really even touch her. They are definitely saving the actual fight where CeeJai has on the black tank top and is dragging Jenna by her hair for the finale. 

Where can I see this?

It was in the first trailer released.

These were pretty good episodes. I think it's finally picking up a little bit.

This whole "Carney" thing is LAMEEEE! It's looks like a bunch of childish basic white guys who have to prented they are different. Amanda please is WHACK. I've never heard such an annoying voice.

I felt for Dean. He just wanted to have fun and then gets judge and they defame his character. He's a real genuine guy who I think is probably the only likeable person on the show.

Dylan is hot! I don't understand the hate on his looks in his thread or in this one. He is a very cute and very attractive guy. He could have it any way. When he took his pants off on Real Talk, YES PLEASE! Blum 3

I'm okay with Dylan. The roommates must have expected that someone was coming if they had an extra bed. Adding an 8th later is actually a great idea, imo, because producers can better understand who the house needs and it shakes the existing dynamic up

I'm okay with Dylan. The roommates must have expected that someone was coming if they had an extra bed. Adding an 8th later is actually a great idea, imo, because producers can better understand who the house needs and it shakes the existing dynamic up

It should've been 3 extra beds. Dylan IMO is not shaking up anything by himself other than Kailah/Jenna. The rest of the house doesn't seem to give a ****.

I'm indifferent to him....I just want to see how he does on The Challenge.

Well Dione is no longer the male sex icon of the house and I think he was pretty salty about it in his interviews: "Kaylas being desperate", "I cant blame him, I've been there done that", "He's a wierdo for liking Jenna" (<- or something along those lines) when he himself talked about how Jenna was a nice girl in earlier confessionals and lowkey used to hit on her.  Like someone said ealier in this thread there's someone on Jenna's side now so it's not going to be 6 v 1, even if producers did instruct him to befriend her.

Also I didn't care for Jenna before but I think seeing her interact with Dylan has made her a lot more likable.

I don't like Dylan cause it pissed me off how quickly he broke up with his real life girl friend over Jenna who HAS a boyfriend.. and she acts like she doesn't even want to break up with him. Dylan is there for like a month.. if not less, it's so selfish to me when people do that. Why couldn't you do it before the show? Do you not have any self control? He's just another ***** guy thirsting for the light eyed blondish girl. Nothing new.. next.

I definitely lower my standards for morality when it comes to these shows (why I watch them, idk) but I think that even if Jenna wasn't in the house he would be trying to get at other girls, made clear by how he made out with Kayla, and would have broken up with his gf anyway

I know it's been done before (was waiting for someone to call me out about Jonna) and Jessica just did it, but idk this situation annoyed me a lot. It was like he showed no resistance or loyalty for his girlfriend. At least Jenna was constantly thinking about Austin before doing something with Dylan. It must be heart breaking to watch someone you loved fall for someone else so quickly on trashy reality tv. I'd feel like crap.

Lmao I totally forgot about Jonna doing that. Maybe they werent at the stage of loving each other since they only dated for 3 months. It's shitty tho

I don't like Dylan cause it pissed me off how quickly he broke up with his real life girl friend over Jenna who HAS a boyfriend.. and she acts like she doesn't even want to break up with him. Dylan is there for like a month.. if not less, it's so selfish to me when people do that. Why couldn't you do it before the show? Do you not have any self control? He's just another ***** guy thirsting for the light eyed blondish girl. Nothing new.. next.

I still feel like production chose him to give Jenna a ally. It's clear to me his agenda in the house was to make Jenna the sweet misunderstood victim.

He probably just didn't care about his girlfriend that much. If you're in a realtionship and want to stay faithful you wouldn't just break it off like that.

They agree with Witty about the reason Dylan was added

They agree with Witty about the reason Dylan was added


Amanda is atrocious and I can't believe they actually invited her to attend the after show

Her ***** are more nonexistent than Chris and Sabrina's presence 

Watching The Carny Queen and CeeJai is so ******* extra. Team Kailah and Jenna.

They agree with Witty about the reason Dylan was added

The comparison between Dylan and CT is weird and offensive lol. If being from Boston and having a muscular physique is all takes, he's more like a poor man's Cara to be honest. 

PinkRose wrote:

They agree with Witty about the reason Dylan was added

The comparison between Dylan and CT is weird and offensive lol. If being from Boston and having a muscular physique is all takes, he's more like a poor man's Cara to be honest. 

Well shit. That's even MORE offensive lol.

They did not compare this kid to CT..... No....

WittyWrath wrote:

HunnyBun wrote:I'm still waiting on Sabrina to meet her mom. Like wtf happened to that storyline? 

I forgot that storyline. 

The audience did too no worries.

Same thing that happened with Laura's 

Nostalgic wrote:

WittyWrath wrote:

HunnyBun wrote:I'm still waiting on Sabrina to meet her mom. Like wtf happened to that storyline? 

I forgot that storyline. 

The audience did too no worries.

Same thing that happened with Laura's 

Not really. Laura's was never really touched upon. 

Watching The Carny Queen and CeeJai is so ******* extra. Team Kailah and Jenna.

Amanda OMG... wow I've never seen someone so thirsty for camera time in my entire life..

Team Kaliah until the end... 

Dylans accent is hott but his face isn't very attractive...

Ceejai is perfect smh. She talks about real issues, is funny and gets in drama. What more do you want from a cast member.

I don't get Dione hate. I didn't like him at first but he's grown on me. He isn't nearly as awful as the typical Real World ******. I actually find him quite funny especially on aftershows.

I don't get Dione hate. I didn't like him at first but he's grown on me. He isn't nearly as awful as the typical Real World ******. I actually find him quite funny especially on aftershows.

No he is the worse, he reminds of johnny R. Both are horrible.

I don't get Dione hate. I didn't like him at first but he's grown on me. He isn't nearly as awful as the typical Real World ******. I actually find him quite funny especially on aftershows.

Wow. I thought I was the only one who didn't hate Dione.

I agree though. I don't think he's as bad as people think he is. I mean he does have his faults but it's not like he's a terrible piece of shit.

I feel like Johnny is a ****** & a dud. Dione has personality & can be entertaining. I love when he makes Kailah squirm on the aftershows.
