Survivor Kaôh Rong: Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty - Now's the Time to Start Scheming

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I feel like Cyd is one of the safer people. Michele won't go for her, Aubrey won't either. If Michele & Tai work together as shown I feel like Cyd should be fine. 

kvm1977 wrote:

Challenge 17 wrote:I don't understand why people think getting rid of Jason was a bad move, he had 3 jury votes for him already,  possibly 4 if Tai was gone and Jason made the final tribal.  Joe is a bigger goat anyway because nobody would vote for him at all, plus he's not a threat to win challenges, he's not going to ruin a alliances plans unlike Jason. Keeping Jason around would just cause problems for everyone,  there was no reason to keep Jason in my mind.

Only reason to keep Jason was to get rid of Michelle instead.  Jason would have to win the next two immunities to get to the final.  I can't imagine that happening.Cynthia & Michelle are in trouble though right now

Cynthia really is introuble. Especially since her name is Cydney

LOL--sorry--that was really bad

I saw this article on Twitter, idk how true it is but it was saying how some lady who's a prosecutor will be on season 33 of Survivor. Not sure how they found out but yeah. If true, I'm pretty sure next season is another Worlds Apart and she would be apart of the White Collar tribe. Absolutely hate that theme so hopefully I AM WRONG lol 

I like that theme,  it gives us people from a lot of different backgrounds

I saw this article on Twitter, idk how true it is but it was saying how some lady who's a prosecutor will be on season 33 of Survivor. Not sure how they found out but yeah. If true, I'm pretty sure next season is another Worlds Apart and she would be apart of the White Collar tribe. Absolutely hate that theme so hopefully I AM WRONG lol 

a lot of people are saying next season is political divisons. So like democrats vs republicans lel.

Oh no. That sounds horrible to me.

Oh no. That sounds horrible to me.

right like who wants to watch that. 

badladjj wrote:

I saw this article on Twitter, idk how true it is but it was saying how some lady who's a prosecutor will be on season 33 of Survivor. Not sure how they found out but yeah. If true, I'm pretty sure next season is another Worlds Apart and she would be apart of the White Collar tribe. Absolutely hate that theme so hopefully I AM WRONG lol 

a lot of people are saying next season is political divisons. So like democrats vs republicans lel.

Its pretty much confirmed at this point. Same with the format for season 34 which is going to be ultra lit.

Cyd is funny

Damn Jeff, you hear this man is "miserable" and you still got me crotch down to talk still. Like let him go.

Damn Jeff, you hear this man is "miserable" and you still got me crotch down to talk still. Like let him go.

Wrong thread sweetie

hannamez8 wrote:

Damn Jeff, you hear this man is "miserable" and you still got me crotch down to talk still. Like let him go.

Wrong thread sweetie

oh ******
