The Real World: Go Big Or Go Home - Christopher Ammon

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PinkRose wrote:

I am so done with his storyline....I really dont like chris, Dione and Dean. In MY OPINION one of the worse male cast that they have put together. Whoever though about casting those 3 guys together need to get fired. I dont like their dynamic at all.

I think their dynamic is pretty much the norm for the males. They all get along for the most part.This is why they need to cast another Greg.

This male cast have made miss skeleton male cast a lot, the 3 of them were better characters than these 3 cast members. Jason/Bruno/Tony despite getting along most of the time they had their moments between Jason/Bruno arguing with Tony and 3 guys butting heads with the girls at some point.

This guys are mehhh

Graphik wrote:

PinkRose wrote:I am so done with his storyline....I really dont like chris, Dione and Dean. In MY OPINION one of the worse male cast that they have put together. Whoever though about casting those 3 guys together need to get fired. I dont like their dynamic at all.

I think their dynamic is pretty much the norm for the males. They all get along for the most part.This is why they need to cast another Greg.

This male cast have made miss skeleton male cast a lot, the 3 of them were better characters than these 3 cast members. Jason/Bruno/Tony despite getting along most of the time they had their moments between Jason/Bruno arguing with Tony and 3 guys butting heads with the girls at some point.This guys are mehhh

Dean & Dione obviously vibe better with each other, but Chris is too busy with his own agenda + doesn't care enough to have an issue with it.

Makes me wonder about Dylan....I never see him in any of their snapchats, yet Dean/Dione/CeeJai are always together.

Ok, I just don't get it?  smh This guy screams abuse, intolerance, judgement , and personal attack from every new podium he can create.  He claims judgment and personal attack when someone bravely and honestly admits that they don't enjoy the visual of other people's intimacy behaviors. (Which should be a completely private matter anyway. I personally don't spend my valuable time trying to visualize what other people are doing in their sheets at night)  He then goes out right coward to attack and blatantly lie about and cyberbully a young woman regardless of the emotional and serious repercussions  it will have on her life.  HE THEN LIES ABOUT IT OPENLY,  and stays silent when an innocent  person  takes the blame.  Correct facts right?  Has anyone  bothered to catch his social media accounts?  I have been following him for a minute.  I read tweets and posts before AND AFTER his little 15 minutes of fame happened.  What confuses me about ALL of this is that he is the first person to use racial innuendo;  to viciously attack;  to use name calling;  foul language;  and just tell people to f*&* off,  the instant they express any opinion or thought contrary to his own beliefs.  Yet,  he claims his reasons for behaving like a bakstabbing ostrich with his head buried deep in the sand was so conversations about tolerance can start?  How can you start a conversation like that if you have no idea how to understand or live it?  At least other people cast for 31 seasons of this show have owned their bad and good!  This guy makes lame excuses,  owns nothing,  and is the most disturbed liar this franchise has EVER tried to shove down our throats.  Can we please boycott until they get him off our screens?  Maybe a boycott for removal is in need?  Please,  this is incredibly badly cast. 

Ok, I just don't get it?  smh This guy screams abuse, intolerance, judgement , and personal attack from every new podium he can create.  He claims judgment and personal attack when someone bravely and honestly admits that they don't enjoy the visual of other people's intimacy behaviors. (Which should be a completely private matter anyway. I personally don't spend my valuable time trying to visualize what other people are doing in their sheets at night)  He then goes out right coward to attack and blatantly lie about and cyberbully a young woman regardless of the emotional and serious repercussions  it will have on her life.  HE THEN LIES ABOUT IT OPENLY,  and stays silent when an innocent  person  takes the blame.  Correct facts right?  Has anyone  bothered to catch his social media accounts?  I have been following him for a minute.  I read tweets and posts before AND AFTER his little 15 minutes of fame happened.  What confuses me about ALL of this is that he is the first person to use racial innuendo;  to viciously attack;  to use name calling;  foul language;  and just tell people to f*&* off,  the instant they express any opinion or thought contrary to his own beliefs.  Yet,  he claims his reasons for behaving like a bakstabbing ostrich with his head buried deep in the sand was so conversations about tolerance can start?  How can you start a conversation like that if you have no idea how to understand or live it?  At least other people cast for 31 seasons of this show have owned their bad and good!  This guy makes lame excuses,  owns nothing,  and is the most disturbed liar this franchise has EVER tried to shove down our throats.  Can we please boycott until they get him off our screens?  Maybe a boycott for removal is in need?  Please,  this is incredibly badly cast. 

I just think you need to chill. It is not that serious.

It is indeed very serious. Chris made it very serious. He might be one of the biggest hypocrites in Real World history, and he probably did some serious damage to this girl. Probably for life. Yes, Jenna is not very intelligent. Yes, she's ignorant. She hadn't been exposed to anything other than her family's lifestyle. However, he wrote an article claiming she was a member of the KKK and a white suprematist. This is a very serious allegation and not even true. This might follow her for life. He never apologized. I don't think she was wearing a cońfederate flag because she was racist. I actually believe what she was trying to say during the aftershow. Yes, the confederate flag is racist, but the way Jenna was brought up she just wasn't aware of its racist connotations. It had always been around  her family (and you cannot blaim Jenna for that!) and the way she saw it it was a symbol of her identity. She tried to say that she now understands how wrong it is, but at the time she just didn't see it that way, but Chris wouldn't even let her finish a sentence. He claims he did all of this to start a conversation about tolerance. That's a lie. He wanted to destroy this girl's life because he wanted to ensure he would get his own storyline.

It is indeed very serious. Chris made it very serious. He might be one of the biggest hypocrites in Real World history, and he probably did some serious damage to this girl. Probably for life. Yes, Jenna is not very intelligent. Yes, she's ignorant. She hadn't been exposed to anything other than her family's lifestyle. However, he wrote an article claiming she was a member of the KKK and a white suprematist. This is a very serious allegation and not even true. This might follow her for life. He never apologized. I don't think she was wearing a cońfederate flag because she was racist. I actually believe what she was trying to say during the aftershow. Yes, the confederate flag is racist, but the way Jenna was brought up she just wasn't aware of its racist connotations. It had always been around  her family (and you cannot blaim Jenna for that!) and the way she saw it it was a symbol of her identity. She tried to say that she now understands how wrong it is, but at the time she just didn't see it that way, but Chris wouldn't even let her finish a sentence. He claims he did all of this to start a conversation about tolerance. That's a lie. He wanted to destroy this girl's life because he wanted to ensure he would get his own storyline.



Jenna was 22 years old when this filmed. Twenty-two years old. She is not a child.

I know for a FACT that Easley, SC (the town she's from) has a large "black" population. I know because I lived there for a short period of time. Anderson, SC & Greer, SC (two towns i'm also very familiar with & two towns she also frequents) also have a large AA population.

Chris has his own agenda & ain't shit either, but the excuses people are making for this grown *** woman are mind-boggling.

-_____-Jenna was 22 years old when this filmed. Twenty-two years old. She is not a child.I know for a FACT that Easley, SC (the town she's from) has a large "black" population. I know because I lived there for a short period of time. Anderson, SC & Greer, SC (two towns i'm also very familiar with & two towns she also frequents) also have a large AA population.Chris has his own agenda & ain't shit either, but the excuses people are making for this grown *** woman are mind-boggling.

lmao, right? i'm 21 and i would never say anything even remotely close to some of the shit she has said, never mind on television. this girl is ******* gross, and ignorance is no excuse 

audreyhorne wrote:

It is indeed very serious. Chris made it very serious. He might be one of the biggest hypocrites in Real World history, and he probably did some serious damage to this girl. Probably for life. Yes, Jenna is not very intelligent. Yes, she's ignorant. She hadn't been exposed to anything other than her family's lifestyle. However, he wrote an article claiming she was a member of the KKK and a white suprematist. This is a very serious allegation and not even true. This might follow her for life. He never apologized. I don't think she was wearing a cońfederate flag because she was racist. I actually believe what she was trying to say during the aftershow. Yes, the confederate flag is racist, but the way Jenna was brought up she just wasn't aware of its racist connotations. It had always been around  her family (and you cannot blaim Jenna for that!) and the way she saw it it was a symbol of her identity. She tried to say that she now understands how wrong it is, but at the time she just didn't see it that way, but Chris wouldn't even let her finish a sentence. He claims he did all of this to start a conversation about tolerance. That's a lie. He wanted to destroy this girl's life because he wanted to ensure he would get his own storyline.


Its funny how Chris tries to demonize Jenna, and yet he has come out looking even worse. 

He acts like a Tumblr SJW who's all for tolerance and such, when in reality he comes off as being self entitled, angry bigot, himself. 

He acts like a Tumblr SJW


Bingo!! I couldn't put it to words but this is exactly it. 


I also must have missed what Jenna said that was so terribly bad. She said some dumb shit like "I don't usually meet cool black people like yall." But there is absolutely nothing wrong with her being disgusted by gay sex, even if it's a blatant lie. I watch this shit high as balls, remind me of some of the racist crap she says and I'll try to justify it in a rational manner.

RealCynic wrote:

He acts like a Tumblr SJW

 Bingo!! I couldn't put it to words but this is exactly it.  I also must have missed what Jenna said that was so terribly bad. She said some dumb shit like "I don't usually meet cool black people like yall." But there is absolutely nothing wrong with her being disgusted by gay sex, even if it's a blatant lie. I watch this shit high as balls, remind me of some of the racist crap she says and I'll try to justify it in a rational manner.

Theres really been nothing said from Jenna that was racist or homophobic. Jenna is clearly ignorant due to her upbringing. Possibly even somewhat willingly ignorant. But there's been nothing from her that says she hates people who aren't like her. Chris just got up in his feelings and projected his bitterness towards the Mormon Church onto Jenna, exaggerating things she said. It's really tantamount to character slander. 

It is indeed very serious. Chris made it very serious. He might be one of the biggest hypocrites in Real World history, and he probably did some serious damage to this girl. Probably for life. Yes, Jenna is not very intelligent. Yes, she's ignorant. She hadn't been exposed to anything other than her family's lifestyle. However, he wrote an article claiming she was a member of the KKK and a white suprematist. This is a very serious allegation and not even true. This might follow her for life. He never apologized. I don't think she was wearing a cońfederate flag because she was racist. I actually believe what she was trying to say during the aftershow. Yes, the confederate flag is racist, but the way Jenna was brought up she just wasn't aware of its racist connotations. It had always been around  her family (and you cannot blaim Jenna for that!) and the way she saw it it was a symbol of her identity. She tried to say that she now understands how wrong it is, but at the time she just didn't see it that way, but Chris wouldn't even let her finish a sentence. He claims he did all of this to start a conversation about tolerance. That's a lie. He wanted to destroy this girl's life because he wanted to ensure he would get his own storyline.



Thank you.  My son and I share this account.  He was the one posting in this particular room.  He is 15 and Autistic!  If he sees an obvious problem,  why are others so blind? 

My friend merely asked him a question related to his repeated racial comments on Twitter, relating to Beyonce and Lemonade.  He kept talking about "white ppl" being in shock,  or upset because  it wasn't written for them. 

First,  isn't he white?  Second,  doesn't that show more deliberate racism than Jenna ever showed?   Where is his "so called" message of tolerance?  It gets worse;  all over his social media accounts. 

When my friend POLITELY confronted him;  asking how his personal attacks against people,  his name calling,  racial remarks, and sexual rudeness spread his "message of tolerance ", she was told  "f*** off", and,  "get off my d*** ".  Real tolerant. 

This guy is so shady.  He's a true cyberbully who uses the anonymity of the keyboard to give him courage he wouldn't otherwise have.  (Similar to the sneaky killer who kills secretly with poison...the act of a coward)  He is the perfect example of an Internet psychopath! 

thefinishlin wrote:

RealCynic wrote:He acts like a Tumblr SJW

 Bingo!! I couldn't put it to words but this is exactly it.  I also must have missed what Jenna said that was so terribly bad. She said some dumb shit like "I don't usually meet cool black people like yall." But there is absolutely nothing wrong with her being disgusted by gay sex, even if it's a blatant lie. I watch this shit high as balls, remind me of some of the racist crap she says and I'll try to justify it in a rational manner.

Theres really been nothing said from Jenna that was racist or homophobic. Jenna is clearly ignorant due to her upbringing. Possibly even somewhat willingly ignorant. But there's been nothing from her that says she hates people who aren't like her. Chris just got up in his feelings and projected his bitterness towards the Mormon Church onto Jenna, exaggerating things she said. It's really tantamount to character slander. 

Absolutely!  This is a perfect legal case for defamation,  slender, public humiliation,  and emotional abuse through identity destruction.  I hope she sues him & everyone who let him get away with it! 

Debut Album wrote:

audreyhorne wrote:It is indeed very serious. Chris made it very serious. He might be one of the biggest hypocrites in Real World history, and he probably did some serious damage to this girl. Probably for life. Yes, Jenna is not very intelligent. Yes, she's ignorant. She hadn't been exposed to anything other than her family's lifestyle. However, he wrote an article claiming she was a member of the KKK and a white suprematist. This is a very serious allegation and not even true. This might follow her for life. He never apologized. I don't think she was wearing a cońfederate flag because she was racist. I actually believe what she was trying to say during the aftershow. Yes, the confederate flag is racist, but the way Jenna was brought up she just wasn't aware of its racist connotations. It had always been around  her family (and you cannot blaim Jenna for that!) and the way she saw it it was a symbol of her identity. She tried to say that she now understands how wrong it is, but at the time she just didn't see it that way, but Chris wouldn't even let her finish a sentence. He claims he did all of this to start a conversation about tolerance. That's a lie. He wanted to destroy this girl's life because he wanted to ensure he would get his own storyline.


chris is just a really spiteful person 

I hate him so much and knowing his past he's probably reading this which is good. 

Please never do a challenge in all honesty I dont want another Davis or Ryan K. on there zzzz.

I though I was going to like him....He is the worse, I am glad he has become a background character in most recent episodes.


I though I was going to like him....He is the worse, I am glad he has become a background character in most recent episodes. 

he's so annoying and obnoxious. 

i have really begun to hate this guy. his behavior on social media is embarrassing at best, and he is being a complete bully at worst. he is really reaching calling kailah a racist, and is a complete hypocrite to boot. for someone who is so left and so into women's rights, he's very quick to shame kailah for her lifestyle choices and he uses the word "*****" a litle too freely for someone who supposedly respects women sooooooooooooooo much. he had some ******* tweet that was like "watching kailah and ceejai fight is like watching a cheerleader and a lawyer fight. oh wait, that's exactly it." like... bye? how ignorant do you have to be to care about what kailah does for a job. every tweet he posts is some negative shit about kailah and jenna. i would love nothing more than to see him get his shit rocked on a challenge. this guy is one of the worst casting choices ever made, along with dione. really making the season intolerable 

The only reason to have Chris on the challenge is so he'd get tossed around by those gross panties of his 

I actually liked him at first, even defended him on Twitter at one point. But itstrue, he's horribly hypocritical. And he needs to learn to step away from Twitter when he's emotional, because he just comes off like a nasty bully. I unfollowed the whole damn cast. 

To be honest, I'm having trouble watching the show anymore. MAybe I shouldn't look at twitters until the entire season is over from now on. 

i have really begun to hate this guy. his behavior on social media is embarrassing at best, and he is being a complete bully at worst. he is really reaching calling kailah a racist, and is a complete hypocrite to boot. for someone who is so left and so into women's rights, he's very quick to shame kailah for her lifestyle choices and he uses the word "*****" a litle too freely for someone who supposedly respects women sooooooooooooooo much. he had some ******* tweet that was like "watching kailah and ceejai fight is like watching a cheerleader and a lawyer fight. oh wait, that's exactly it." like... bye? how ignorant do you have to be to care about what kailah does for a job. every tweet he posts is some negative shit about kailah and jenna. i would love nothing more than to see him get his shit rocked on a challenge. this guy is one of the worst casting choices ever made, along with dione. really making the season intolerable 

Thats absolutely the best way to describe him. Chris is one of those arrogant internet social justice warriors who thinks that they have the right to pass judgment on everybody. Also, why is he going in on Kailah? Wasn't she the one who  wanted to learn about his former lifestyle and supported him when he left the Mormon Church? 

I really can't with this guy. Hes just the epitome of a holier than thou hypocrite.

indeed, for someone who says he accepting of everyone but yet looks down on others that have diffrent view points from his own? he is no better

This cast is such a turn off for me. I don't like Jenna and Kailah yet I'm not on Chris's side. I just hate them all pretty much ***** 

This cast is such a turn off for me. I don't like Jenna and Kailah yet I'm not on Chris's side. I just hate them all pretty much ***** 

This cast is such a turn off for me. I don't like Jenna and Kailah yet I'm not on Chris's side. I just hate them all pretty much ***** 

Same lol. I kind of like Dean tho. He seems chill ... except when he's hitting on girls who don't want him lmao. 

This dude is extra as ****.  I don't even want to know what he's saying on social media.

Oh this dude is definitely the worst cast member this season. Over-dramatic and ALWAYS playing the victim. it's exhausting. I looked at his twitter page and it's the same stuff. Beating the dead horse that is "jenna is an evil racist!!!" and acting like  she wore a white sheet over her face with a pitch fork chasing him and Ceejai around -__- He wants everyone to listen to his opinions but when it is different than his- it's a problem. 

Chris is definitely worse than Jenna in my opinion, because as annoying and as ignorant as she is, you can tell that she's still just uneducated and can't help it . But Chris? He's the one that talks about being accepting of others, open minded, and politically correct and all this other stuff, but the way that he came at Jenna was intentionally malicious and meant to slander her beyond what she actually said.

He's a SJW bully.
