Survivor Kaôh Rong: Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty - Play or Go Home

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Yesssss I am living for this season so far, Aubrey reassuring me that she is going to go far! I am surprisingly liking Scot more and more. It's going to be so interesting with a 4/4/3 dynamic next week.

Omg Debbie's model mayhem page

Omg Debbie's model mayhem page

Lmfao who approved of these photos and why?

nevidcm wrote:

Omg Debbie's model mayhem page

***** who approved of these photos and why?

Someone who hates her guts. 

I love Debbie I will forever lve her changing occupations lmao. 

also unpopular but I was bummed to see Peter go he was funny to see flop & fail at lying. The cast grts duller but hey he made jury too..

Omg Debbie's model mayhem page

That shit is nasty.

But yeah..I think they made the right choice in getting rid of Peter given they merge next episode. He could've done some damage had he stayed.

lol these beauty girls still irrelevant af, even when they are on the chopping block... terrible casting job with them smh

also peter with that "if this was about the stacking, i'll never get over it"... bruh, are you that stupid?

I think you're looking for the word boring, even if I wouldn't call them that. They literally cannot be irrelevant lol, Michele and Julia were both huge parts of the episode and Michele even got the most confessionals along with Nick. Irrelevant would mean they're literally edited as not doing anything or having any importance on the show.

Episode without Tai was great. And I heard someone from Brains found an idol. Idk if that person was voted out or is still playing

Episode without Tai was great. And I heard someone from Brains found an idol. Idk if that person was voted out or is still playing

Neal found the idol on last weeks episode before the tribes shuffle I believe.

schaboszczak wrote:

Episode without Tai was great. And I heard someone from Brains found an idol. Idk if that person was voted out or is still playing

Neal found the idol on last weeks episode before the tribes shuffle I believe.

he gonna get the carolyn treatment. They won't talk about it ever again until he plays it lol.

I have been actually impressed with Scot. He's actually played a pretty decent game so far. And I can see him going pretty far. 

I have been actually impressed with Scot. He's actually played a pretty decent game so far. And I can see him going pretty far. 

i mean the idea to just get Anna out, making him the only person to know where 2 idols are was a very strong move. And his social game so much better than Cliff's lol.

Jman09 wrote:

I have been actually impressed with Scot. He's actually played a pretty decent game so far. And I can see him going pretty far. 

i mean the idea to just get Anna out, making him the only person to know where 2 idols are was a very strong move. And his social game so much better than Cliff's lol.

yeah he's been a lot better than I thought he would. Most former athletes tend to flop

Crystal Cox is still a queen, shame she was a doper... and bigger shame she admitted to it LMAO.

Yes! Sp happy arrogant Peter went home, and Aubrey faked me out lol.

Glad Peter went home. I think he would've done some damage in the merge.


I love how Debbie had yet another job listed under her

The debvie modeling page is tragic af lol

I am actually liking her, I though I was going to hate her after the first episode. But so far I am loving her.

I love how Debbie had yet another job listed under her

Me too. It's like a running joke at this point and  I love it.

The debvie modeling page is tragic af lolI am actually liking her, I though I was going to hate her after the first episode. But so far I am loving her.

She's literally the only female that's worth a damn this season.

Debbie <3333 this girl is everythingggg hahhaa one of my fav survivor contestants in a long time

Debbie <3333 this girl is everythingggg hahhaa one of my fav survivor contestants in a long time

Debbie is like likeable Coach.

Casuals hate her tho </3

Debbie is like likeable Coach.Casuals hate her tho </3

I was more intrigued with Coach at this point in Tocantins than I am with Debbie... but it could be because the rest of her tribe is tragic lol.

Debbie is like likeable Coach.Casuals hate her tho </3

casuals as in the 40-50 year old women who frequent the facebook page and complain that they should have made it?? i don't know if those are casuals or just survivor rejects who complain about everything (much like the 40-50 year old women who frequent the big brother page and the 20-something losers on the real world page)

schaboszczak wrote:

Debbie is like likeable Coach.Casuals hate her tho </3

casuals as in the 40-50 year old women who frequent the facebook page and complain that they should have made it?? i don't know if those are casuals or just survivor rejects who complain about everything (much like the 40-50 year old women who frequent the big brother page and the 20-something losers on the real world page)

 Out of all them the survivor ones are by far the worst. There was a huge number of them saying they'll never watch again because of the "cruel" treatment of the ******* chickens. 

Someone in the Facebook group actually thought Debbie was responsible for the flint water crisis because of that article about her faking test results from 6 years ago. I swear they get more idiotic every episode 

Casuals on FB- "We want more old ppl on the show!!11!"

*Survivor cast an old, entertaining woman"

Casuals on FB- "We hate  that old woman!!11!"

pretty much

Casuals on FB- "We want more old ppl on the show!!11!"*Survivor cast an old, entertaining woman"Casuals on FB- "We hate  that old woman!!11!"pretty much

and don't forget

"They can't just have all attractive people and models"

Then Debbie said she was a model 

"she's not attractive enough to be a model"

