For the first time, two immunity idols can join forces to become one super idol that can be used after the votes are read. Also: One castaway gets crafty in order to retrieve an idol and another player on an opposing tribe fears there may be a bounty on their head if they can't find an idol.
Judging from the title of the episode soley this episode is gonna be good.
My guess: Debbie/Joe are in trouble and they are looking for idol
On the previews they show Jason tackling Alecia (or so they say, I haven't actually seen it), probably to prevent her form getting the idol. I'm gonna need her to snatch that idol from him and slay his whole existence (preferably idoling him out). No matter what, is gonna be good.
Yall idk who to like....
Alecia is the cutest tho.
Im surprised that debbie doesnt fully annoy me. She's interesting.
I am rooting for caleb
I'm rooting for Brawns and Beauty girls
Anna is the only one i'm rooting for, at the moment.
I'm pleasantly surprised at how much I'm liking Scot, not as ******* as I was expecting him to be. He, Alecia and the beauty girls are my favorites.
The brains dynamics are interesting, there's plenty of drama, but I literally couldn't care less about any of them.
I'm expecting Brains to go to TC and tbh maybe a Liz blindside. So excited, season has been so on point so I hope they give us another great episode.
Yeah this pretty much. Luzon >>>>> like this brains tribe isn't bad, but it's such a step beneath the *********** that included JTia, Kass, Garrett, and David.
Yeah, Peter seems to want Debbie around so I see her staying. It all comes down to Neal/Aubrey, but I feel like it'll be either Liz or Joe going, probably leaning towards Joe because he has been underedited.
Sorry for 3 posts in a row, but winner picks? Top ones for me are Michele, Julia, Jason, and Anna in that order. All 3 beauty men, Debbie, Aubry, Cydney, and maybe Scot are people I've all written off as not winning. Either for lack of airtime or just convient editing like despite going to TC twice, there's no personal characterization to Cydney or being shown too little like Nick or Aubry. I'm interested to see how Anna goes from most confessionals to no confessionals.
Yeah tbh I can just see Aubry getting along better with the older people and the fact that they had more compassion to her as opposed to Liz could be a sign of why she turns.
And Debbie was with Aubry during her melt down
Michele is my top pick and no one comes close. Last episode she was basically irrelevant to the story, but they still made sure to give her some air time and I think 2 confessionals? If she doesn't win I'm gonna be very surprised.
Either Alecia or Anna taking the W this season. I feel it
I have a feeling Jason/Kyle or whatever he goes by will get the idol.
It's time for female winner tbh.
lol Alecia is *****ing
I love Tai.
Have you ever played poker with Anna?
bye Liz
I agree with her nick is just fake
Nick is playing a role.
Tai too. Crying because of chicken? gtfoh
Tai is passionate about animals. Jenn cried too when they killed it her season.
Anna and this airtime
..I'm sensing a winner edit
Jason just pulled a Naonka LMAO
I feel super bad for Alecia
still love Jason/Scot/Cyd tho