Survivor: Generic Thread (No Spoilers)

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Listening to Corinne's Kaoh Rong cast assessment. She always slaughters me. ❤️

I don't call females out of their name, but Corinne was the definition of the word ****.

Hated her. 

"I cliterally couldn't find it."


I don't call females out of their name, but Corinne was the definition of the word ********* her. 

She is, but it's ******* hilarious!

And why Vecepia is so hated as winner? I remeber watching Marquesas as kid and was rooting for her since day 1 and she won. That was super bad *** for 7 years old kid lol. Gotta re-watch this.

And why Vecepia is so hated as winner? I remeber watching Marquesas as kid and was rooting for her since day 1 and she won. That was super bad *** for 7 years old kid lol. Gotta re-watch this.

I think it's mostly because everyone wanted Kathy to win that season, but V is ******* amazing. 

Debbie, Jennifer  and Cyd had the best shots imo

Debbie, Jennifer  and Cyd had the best shots imo

Julia and Michele's second shots slayed though.

I'm waiting for Alecia to slay my whole existence. 

 I like to go thru all Survivors intros when I'm sad or mad. Like some shots are so beautifull and I want to cry because  beauty like this exist.


 I like to go thru all Survivors intros when I'm sad or mad. Like some shots are so beautifull and I want to cry because  beauty like this exist.


Some of them are amazing. Then you have Baylor's air-headed look to the sky.

I always wonder what my intro shots will look like.

I always wonder what my intro shots will look like.


So I've just started watching survivor. I've watched Exile Island & Cook Islands on Hulu. Any seasons that you all would suggest me watching? What's your top 5 favorites? I keep seeing Macronasia is good, but I accidently spoiled the winner by googling it so I want to watch another good season where I don't know who wins! 

BTW I loooooovee Ozzy on Cook Islands, Yul was deserving but Ozzy was everything! 

My top 5 (no order)



San Juan Del Sur

One World


but those seasons aren't well liked by other fans tho.


China, Heroes vs Villains and Philippines are great too.

My top 5 (no order)GabonMicronesiaSan Juan Del SurOne WorldGuatemalabut those seasons aren't well liked by other fans tho. China, Heroes vs Villains and Philippines are great too.

Gabon is a fantastic season, simply because the cast was rather normal/there wasn't a wide gap between characters and invisible people.

Micronesia is consistently in the top.

SJDS is in everyone's recency bias with Cagayan.

One World was ***. 

Guatemala was eh





Heroes vs. Villains

So I've been rewatching Weeds (SHOtime) and I wanted to make sure yall knew...

Sugar was in like 2-3 episodes. Her tits and cookie are in 1.

Natalie. *******. Bolton.

I liiiivvveeee for andrea.


Y'all I'm slain.

Mike Undercovergay can go.


lol As you know. . . . . tough decision Wink


Guys on the other hand... 

Guys on the other hand... 

Earl, Tony, and LJ. The rest can go. 

Alexis will ******* slaughter and join the Day 38 Club as a fan favorite, mark my words.

And that's assuming she makes the final cast. Which she undoubtedly will.

Sandra, Natalie A. and Sophie on the same season? **** YES

schaboszczak wrote:

Guys on the other hand... 

Earl, Tony, and LJ. The rest can go. 

Dunno about Earl. Couldn't finish Fiji. Tony is super overrated. And that blading creeper again...

I'm happy Sophie might get another shot. I thought we won't see her after she literally ****** in the *** Probts faves (Cockroach, Ozzy and Coach)
