I for one hope Little Finger dies a brutal death. I can't stand him.
I hope that everyone dies a brutal death tbh.
Basically and start it off with roly poly oly, that stab Jon, getting killed first.
Everyone who played a part in Jon's death should be tortured & killed in a really horrible way. The Night Watch******* can **** off!
really slow horrible way... Like use the Ramsay Bolton playbook and then burn them
yeah not happy, about Jon - (my step daughter was ranting for an hour nah-ah, why did you make watch this show?, I am NOT watching next season, that was stupid, where is ghost, did he warg?, that red ***** better bring him back, I don't even care I'm not watching it anymore... he isn't dead though right? Dad what happens in the books...) she was messed up!
Olly did nothing wrong honestly. If anything, he was manipulated by Aliser Thorne and the others to betray Jon. Obviously the little kid wasn't the mastermind. If he wasn't on board I'm not so sure the others would have been like, "Well, the 12 year olds not with us so I guess we can't kill Jon now."
Olly did nothing wrong honestly. If anything, he was manipulated by Aliser Thorne and the others to betray Jon. Obviously the little kid wasn't the mastermind. If he wasn't on board I'm not so sure the others would have been like, "Well, the 12 year olds not with us so I guess we can't kill Jon now."
Nahh. He played a part therefore he's equally wrong, actually more. Because he was loyal to Jon Snow and played him in the end. He can go jog off and get killed. Episode 1 scene 1 preferably.
Olly did nothing wrong honestly. If anything, he was manipulated by Aliser Thorne and the others to betray Jon. Obviously the little kid wasn't the mastermind. If he wasn't on board I'm not so sure the others would have been like, "Well, the 12 year olds not with us so I guess we can't kill Jon now."
He could have warned Jon at the very least or just stayed away all together. But nope he took his turn at stabbing Jon to death & he didn't seem to mind it. So he should receive the same punishment as the others, which is a horrible death.
Come on now. The kid's like 12 years old and just had his parents and everyone he knows brutally and mercilessly massacred by the same people that Jon is trying so hard protect. It's definitely understandable as to why he was salty. I know he stabbed the fangirls' favorite, but it's understandable. Add in the fact that he's like 12 and the fact Thorne and the others obviously told him to set up Jon, I think that if Jon comes back he pardons Olly.
The real issue here is the fact that if the mutineers were so hell bent on killing Jon, why didn't one of the brothers who went to Hardhome just explain what happened there. I don't think it was ever shown if Jon told the rest of the watch or if not, why he didn't. You think that's something you would want to fill everyone in on.
Sean, roly poly oly is still a ****. He's 12 but that doesn't excuse his actions. And clearly I don't think all of the watchers were all in on the plan. It was a small group, so he had an option.
Come on now. The kid's like 12 years old and just had his parents and everyone he knows brutally and mercilessly massacred by the same people that Jon is trying so hard protect. It's definitely understandable as to why he was salty. I know he stabbed the fangirls' favorite, but it's understandable. Add in the fact that he's like 12 and the fact Thorne and the others obviously told him to set up Jon, I think that if Jon comes back he pardons Olly.
The real issue here is the fact that if the mutineers were so hell bent on killing Jon, why didn't one of the brothers who went to Hardhome just explain what happened there. I don't think it was ever shown if Jon told the rest of the watch or if not, why he didn't. You think that's something you would want to fill everyone in on.
Quit making excuses for that kid, he knew killing Jon was wrong. I hope Ghost rips his face off!
theres more???? I only saw the ones with the faces of the dead (ned, cat, Robb, Joffrey, and then they showed snow :/) with their voices over. Then at the last scene they showed Tyrion and then a whole bunch of people. Basically 'Valar Morghulius'
SO GLAD that I won't be ruined by the book ******** this year.
LOL You mean the actual story? Wouldn't want some trivial annoyance like the vision of the author getting in the way of tv!! The group of writers are destroying the layered nuances of the characters and making them just as one dimensional as everything else.
The books are better, deeper, more thought provoking...the books are EVERYTHING!! And without the books and the ******** that loved them (like my children and me ) there wouldn't have been a show
SO GLAD that I won't be ruined by the book ******** this year.
LOL You mean the actual story? Wouldn't some trivial annoyance like the vision of the author getting in the way of tv!! The group of writers are destroying the leyered nuances of the characters and making them just as one dimensional as everything else.The books are better, deeper, more thought provoking...the books are EVERYTHING!! And without the books and the ******** that loved them (like my children and me ) there wouldn't have been a show
No, by ******** I mean the ones who go on every social media outlet and blurt out spoilers just for shits and giggles. That shit ****** me off so yes I'm glad that both book readers and tv watchers are on a level playing field this season.
theres more???? I only saw the ones with the faces of the dead (ned, cat, Robb, Joffrey, and then they showed snow :/) with their voices over. Then at the last scene they showed Tyrion and then a whole bunch of people. Basically 'Valar Morghulius'
Pretty sure Sansa and Dany are next to Tyrion. People say there are basically everyone.
Everyone who played a part in Jon's death should be tortured & killed in a really horrible way. The Night Watch******* can **** off!
really slow horrible way... Like use the Ramsay Bolton playbook and then burn them
yeah not happy, about Jon - (my step daughter was ranting for an hour nah-ah, why did you make watch this show?, I am NOT watching next season, that was stupid, where is ghost, did he warg?, that red ***** better bring him back, I don't even care I'm not watching it anymore... he isn't dead though right? Dad what happens in the books...) she was messed up!
Olly did nothing wrong honestly. If anything, he was manipulated by Aliser Thorne and the others to betray Jon. Obviously the little kid wasn't the mastermind. If he wasn't on board I'm not so sure the others would have been like, "Well, the 12 year olds not with us so I guess we can't kill Jon now."
Nahh. He played a part therefore he's equally wrong, actually more. Because he was loyal to Jon Snow and played him in the end. He can go jog off and get killed. Episode 1 scene 1 preferably.
He could have warned Jon at the very least or just stayed away all together. But nope he took his turn at stabbing Jon to death & he didn't seem to mind it. So he should receive the same punishment as the others, which is a horrible death.
Come on now. The kid's like 12 years old and just had his parents and everyone he knows brutally and mercilessly massacred by the same people that Jon is trying so hard protect. It's definitely understandable as to why he was salty. I know he stabbed the fangirls' favorite, but it's understandable. Add in the fact that he's like 12 and the fact Thorne and the others obviously told him to set up Jon, I think that if Jon comes back he pardons Olly.
The real issue here is the fact that if the mutineers were so hell bent on killing Jon, why didn't one of the brothers who went to Hardhome just explain what happened there. I don't think it was ever shown if Jon told the rest of the watch or if not, why he didn't. You think that's something you would want to fill everyone in on.
**** Olly or however you spell his name. Little shit.
Sean, roly poly oly is still a ****. He's 12 but that doesn't excuse his actions. And clearly I don't think all of the watchers were all in on the plan. It was a small group, so he had an option.
Quit making excuses for that kid, he knew killing Jon was wrong. I hope Ghost rips his face off!
Olly had a choice. And he chose wrong! Lol
That preview though
which or both Hanna? April is so far away??
theres more???? I only saw the ones with the faces of the dead (ned, cat, Robb, Joffrey, and then they showed snow :/) with their voices over. Then at the last scene they showed Tyrion and then a whole bunch of people. Basically 'Valar Morghulius'
Game of Thrones Season 6: Tease (HBO)
The constant reminder of the lost of Jon snow, needs to stop. I refuse to believe.
SO GLAD that I won't be ruined by the book ******** this year.
LOL You mean the actual story? Wouldn't want some trivial annoyance like the vision of the author getting in the way of tv!! The group of writers are destroying the layered nuances of the characters and making them just as one dimensional as everything else.
The books are better, deeper, more thought provoking...the books are EVERYTHING!! And without the books and the ******** that loved them (like my children and me ) there wouldn't have been a show
I still haven't finished book one... But I'm mad they cut out certain things. Season 4's cliffhanger would've been everything and then some.
No, by ******** I mean the ones who go on every social media outlet and blurt out spoilers just for shits and giggles. That shit ****** me off so yes I'm glad that both book readers and tv watchers are on a level playing field this season.
Pretty sure Sansa and Dany are next to Tyrion. People say there are basically everyone.
Frfr, Sansa and Danny can both go. Two birds with one stone, like bye. It's been real, but you have to go.
Sorry sweetness but NO
Ugh I wanted some actual footage in that teaser. Oh well only 2 months to go.
I'm so ******* excited!!!!!
Game of Thrones Season 6: Trailer (RED BAND) (HBO)
"I choose violence"
lol that was my favorite part of the trailer.
That season premiere was great! Great start to hopefully a great season!
Melisandre needs to keep that necklace on