The Challenge: What The Cast Is Saying On Social Media

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well i mean wouldnt you agree that she was the bigest loser last season considering that she did more work than the first team that went home but ended up making the same amount of money? running amost half of the final and doing all that work then getting 0 dollars for it is quite possibly the biggest fails on this show. that is not a queen. that is the definition of peasant. actually worse than a peasant because peasants at least get paid a dime while jenna didnt even get a nickel lol. what she did was straight up slavery: doing work without getting paid for it

QUEEN doing slaves work

well i mean wouldnt you agree that she was the bigest loser last season considering that she did more work than the first team that went home but ended up making the same amount of money? running amost half of the final and doing all that work then getting 0 dollars for it is quite possibly the biggest fails on this show. that is not a queen. that is the definition of peasant. actually worse than a peasant because peasants at least get paid. thats a straight up SLAVE: doing work without getting paid for it

Lol. She might not have made more money but she got more exposure and gained more popularity by being on 13 episodes rather than 1/2 like Hailey who will never get the time of day again.

Very much a queen. Making two finals in a row in different circumstances meanwhile Aneesa cannot make a final, KellyAnne can't make a final in this decade, Nany can't make a final unless luck is involved, and Theresa can't make a final unless she's being brought back. Not saying it makes them any less athletic, but theoretically. Jenna is the superior competitor. 

A peasant is more so Jasmine, Jonna, Aneesa, and Nany who have a difficult time making it to the end.

Someone made a list of all the times Cara has been called fake and tweeted it to her lmaoo.

chet really dislikse her too

V123 is killing me right now lmaoooo "QUEEN doing slaves work"

I will never know why no one on the Exes 2 reunion called Jenna out for not doing well in the final last season. Even this season, Zuri told Jenna on the aftershow that Jay quit on her smh Jenna couldn't even run in the beginning. She was being a brat IMO saying "OMG you're sooo annoying" and "Well they can pass us." when Jay kept trying to motivate her to run and she even said "I'm this close for real." after Jay told her not to give up. We all know she wanted to quit. It wasn't just him that ****** up. I get that she's doing better this season but the cast needs to stop acting like she really would've completed last season's final. And the fact that they brought up Jay (who isn't even on this season) on the Bloodlines reunion is sad lmao like let the boy live! 

Someone made a list of all the times Cara has been called fake and tweeted it to her lmaoo.

Wow I didn't know it was that many people *****

V123 is killing me right now lmaoooo "QUEEN doing slaves work"I will never know why no one on the Exes 2 reunion called Jenna out for not doing well in the final last season. Even this season, Zuri told Jenna on the aftershow that Jay quit on her smh Jenna couldn't even run in the beginning. She was being a brat IMO saying "OMG you're sooo annoying" and "Well they can pass us." when Jay kept trying to motivate her to run and she even said "I'm this close for real." after Jay told her not to give up. We all know she wanted to quit. It wasn't just him that ****** up. I get that she's doing better this season but the cast needs to stop acting like she really would've completed last season's final. And the fact that they brought up Jay (who isn't even on this season) on the Bloodlines reunion is sad lmao like let the boy live! 

Because everyone loves Jenna and she is honestly the MVP. Unstoppable.

justintime wrote:

V123 is killing me right now lmaoooo "QUEEN doing slaves work"I will never know why no one on the Exes 2 reunion called Jenna out for not doing well in the final last season. Even this season, Zuri told Jenna on the aftershow that Jay quit on her smh Jenna couldn't even run in the beginning. She was being a brat IMO saying "OMG you're sooo annoying" and "Well they can pass us." when Jay kept trying to motivate her to run and she even said "I'm this close for real." after Jay told her not to give up. We all know she wanted to quit. It wasn't just him that ****** up. I get that she's doing better this season but the cast needs to stop acting like she really would've completed last season's final. And the fact that they brought up Jay (who isn't even on this season) on the Bloodlines reunion is sad lmao like let the boy live! 

Because everyone loves Jenna and she is honestly the MVP. Unstoppable.

Lol I've given her props this season for doing well but she was the MVP of nothing last season. Bananas said she was the MVP to **** off Jay. 

bluehatchet2 wrote:

justintime wrote:V123 is killing me right now lmaoooo "QUEEN doing slaves work"I will never know why no one on the Exes 2 reunion called Jenna out for not doing well in the final last season. Even this season, Zuri told Jenna on the aftershow that Jay quit on her smh Jenna couldn't even run in the beginning. She was being a brat IMO saying "OMG you're sooo annoying" and "Well they can pass us." when Jay kept trying to motivate her to run and she even said "I'm this close for real." after Jay told her not to give up. We all know she wanted to quit. It wasn't just him that ****** up. I get that she's doing better this season but the cast needs to stop acting like she really would've completed last season's final. And the fact that they brought up Jay (who isn't even on this season) on the Bloodlines reunion is sad lmao like let the boy live! 

Because everyone loves Jenna and she is honestly the MVP. Unstoppable.

Lol I've given her props this season for doing well but she was the MVP of nothing last season. Bananas said she was the MVP to **** off Jay. 

She is the mvp for always performing well during challenges and never getting last place, managing to always keep up with Jay. 

Blue can we not keep the Jenna delusions in one thread? 

Blue can we not keep the Jenna delusions in one thread? 

MCM, V123, and softbitten brought it up... So rotate.

MCM, V123, and softbitten brought it up... So rotate.

They didn't tell you to be delusional about Jenna being an elite competitor though... #OOPS

bluehatchet2 wrote:

MCM, V123, and softbitten brought it up... So rotate.

They didn't tell you to be delusional about Jenna being an elite competitor though... #OOPS

Who's delusional? More like theoretically correct. 

2/2 and counting Wink #OOPS

Aside from the mini-final, Aneesa was always average on missions. I don't see how she was the second best girl at all. 

So, you missed the fact she was throwing every mission to prevent Rianna from going into an elimination and to protect Bananas?

People overrate Aneesa because of her history as an elimination queen. We got used to the idea of Aneesa being a threat and we still see her that way, but she hasn't been above average in years. Her last good showing was Rivals 2.

She lost to Laurel & Cara Maria in the past 7 years or so 1 on 1.  Rewatch her elimination against Laurel--Laurel beat her by a single step both times.  No one else on that season even gives her a run in Oppenheimer

Before that she was paired with a girl in Exes & Robin/Diem in Rivals.  She has never had a good partner.  Unfortunately Diem wasn't close to 100% and her poor performance put them in an elimination round.

Aneesa is not, has never been and never will be elite.  She has never been great in missions.  The level of competition has just fallen so far that people like Jenna &  Brianna are deemed good when they wouldn't have survived to the midway point in the glory days.  Brianna--seriously?  Do we want to watch the first mission again?

Debut Album wrote:

On the girls side I agree that the competition was weak but the guys were much better. Anthony/Jamie/Cory/Abram/Mike/Backpack/Tony and to a lesser extent Mitch were good to solid competitiors. I think people expect too much honestly.

LOL at this.  You just don't actually care about competition.  Tony was good to solid--LOL--how far has the bar fallen?

No dude. You just expect too much but if that's what you think then fine.

kvm1977 wrote:

Debut Album wrote:On the girls side I agree that the competition was weak but the guys were much better. Anthony/Jamie/Cory/Abram/Mike/Backpack/Tony and to a lesser extent Mitch were good to solid competitiors. I think people expect too much honestly.

LOL at this.  You just don't actually care about competition.  Tony was good to solid--LOL--how far has the bar fallen?

No dude. You just expect too much but if that's what you think then fine.

Too much?  You think Tony is somehow athletic?  Maybe it's because I actually played hockey at a high level but if you think these people are "competitors" you're wrong.  Tony?  Seriously?

Even Cory has been a huge disappointment.  Hoping he comes up big in the finals or in a future season because we need more good athletes so people like Cara & Bananas actually have to battle to win

audreyhorne wrote:

People overrate Aneesa because of her history as an elimination queen. We got used to the idea of Aneesa being a threat and we still see her that way, but she hasn't been above average in years. Her last good showing was Rivals 2.

She lost to Laurel & Cara Maria in the past 7 years or so 1 on 1.  Rewatch her elimination against Laurel--Laurel beat her by a single step both times.  No one else on that season even gives her a run in OppenheimerBefore that she was paired with a girl in Exes & Robin/Diem in Rivals.  She has never had a good partner.  Unfortunately Diem wasn't close to 100% and her poor performance put them in an elimination round.Aneesa is not, has never been and never will be elite.  She has never been great in missions.  The level of competition has just fallen so far that people like Jenna &  Brianna are deemed good when they wouldn't have survived to the midway point in the glory days.  Brianna--seriously?  Do we want to watch the first mission again?

You don't know that.

But the thing is, MTV/BMP no longer care about having a balance between drama & competition. I'm sure most here already know how things would be in terms of casting & conditions if they actually gave a shit.

Yeah..they stopped caring a LONG *** time ago.

Debut Album wrote:

kvm1977 wrote:

Debut Album wrote:On the girls side I agree that the competition was weak but the guys were much better. Anthony/Jamie/Cory/Abram/Mike/Backpack/Tony and to a lesser extent Mitch were good to solid competitiors. I think people expect too much honestly.

LOL at this.  You just don't actually care about competition.  Tony was good to solid--LOL--how far has the bar fallen?

No dude. You just expect too much but if that's what you think then fine.

Too much?  You think Tony is somehow athletic?  Maybe it's because I actually played hockey at a high level but if you think these people are "competitors" you're wrong.  Tony?  Seriously?Even Cory has been a huge disappointment.  Hoping he comes up big in the finals or in a future season because we need more good athletes so people like Cara & Bananas actually have to battle to win

Tony was decent as a competitor. His only **** up was in Meet me halfway. He was fine in the other two missions. I'm not saying that he's athletic or spectacular but he was far from awful and same goes for everyone else I listed. And how the **** was Cory a Disapointment? He only did bad in 2 missions but he was fine in all the others. You just expect everyone to be some beast athlete like CT and I'm sorry but that's not realistic so like I expect too much.

nevidcm wrote:

Aside from the mini-final, Aneesa was always average on missions. I don't see how she was the second best girl at all. 

So, you missed the fact she was throwing every mission to prevent Rianna from going into an elimination and to protect Bananas?

So how do you base her being great or not if she apparently spent the whole season throwing challenges? And there's also the chance that she just flopped some of them and blamed it on "strategy" and "throwing challenges". 

kvm1977 wrote:

nevidcm wrote:Aside from the mini-final, Aneesa was always average on missions. I don't see how she was the second best girl at all. 

So, you missed the fact she was throwing every mission to prevent Rianna from going into an elimination and to protect Bananas?

So how do you base her being great or not if she apparently spent the whole season throwing challenges? And there's also the chance that she just flopped some of them and blamed it on "strategy" and "throwing challenges". 

Watch the mini final and the first mission 

kvm1977 wrote:

audreyhorne wrote:People overrate Aneesa because of her history as an elimination queen. We got used to the idea of Aneesa being a threat and we still see her that way, but she hasn't been above average in years. Her last good showing was Rivals 2.

She lost to Laurel & Cara Maria in the past 7 years or so 1 on 1.  Rewatch her elimination against Laurel--Laurel beat her by a single step both times.  No one else on that season even gives her a run in OppenheimerBefore that she was paired with a girl in Exes & Robin/Diem in Rivals.  She has never had a good partner.  Unfortunately Diem wasn't close to 100% and her poor performance put them in an elimination round.Aneesa is not, has never been and never will be elite.  She has never been great in missions.  The level of competition has just fallen so far that people like Jenna &  Brianna are deemed good when they wouldn't have survived to the midway point in the glory days.  Brianna--seriously?  Do we want to watch the first mission again?

You don't know that.

who beats her in Oppenheimer. Theresa doesn't have the size. Jonna Cara. and Nany would get run over. Emilee?  Devyn?  Who?

kvm1977 wrote:

Debut Album wrote:

kvm1977 wrote:
Debut Album wrote:On the girls side I agree that the competition was weak but the guys were much better. Anthony/Jamie/Cory/Abram/Mike/Backpack/Tony and to a lesser extent Mitch were good to solid competitiors. I think people expect too much honestly.

LOL at this.  You just don't actually care about competition.  Tony was good to solid--LOL--how far has the bar fallen?

No dude. You just expect too much but if that's what you think then fine.

Too much?  You think Tony is somehow athletic?  Maybe it's because I actually played hockey at a high level but if you think these people are "competitors" you're wrong.  Tony?  Seriously?Even Cory has been a huge disappointment.  Hoping he comes up big in the finals or in a future season because we need more good athletes so people like Cara & Bananas actually have to battle to win

Tony was decent as a competitor. His only **** up was in Meet me halfway. He was fine in the other two missions. I'm not saying that he's athletic or spectacular but he was far from awful and same goes for everyone else I listed. And how the **** was Cory a Disapointment? He only did bad in 2 missions but he was fine in all the others. You just expect everyone to be some beast athlete like CT and I'm sorry but that's not realistic so like I expect too much.

im not looking for CT or Landon or Darrell. I'd be thrilled with guys that with some athleticism and heart. Brad Tyler Derrick Frank R. **** even Nehemiah. Cory's knee is a huge problem for him on these shows 

nevidcm wrote:

kvm1977 wrote:

nevidcm wrote:Aside from the mini-final, Aneesa was always average on missions. I don't see how she was the second best girl at all. 

So, you missed the fact she was throwing every mission to prevent Rianna from going into an elimination and to protect Bananas?

So how do you base her being great or not if she apparently spent the whole season throwing challenges? And there's also the chance that she just flopped some of them and blamed it on "strategy" and "throwing challenges". 

Watch the mini final and the first mission 

The mini final I'll give to you, but on the first mission she got outperformed by a couple girls. I can't say someone was the second greatest just by two missions when she threw (or just plain flopped, who knows) majority of them. 

Debut Album wrote:

kvm1977 wrote:

Debut Album wrote:
kvm1977 wrote:
Debut Album wrote:On the girls side I agree that the competition was weak but the guys were much better. Anthony/Jamie/Cory/Abram/Mike/Backpack/Tony and to a lesser extent Mitch were good to solid competitiors. I think people expect too much honestly.

LOL at this.  You just don't actually care about competition.  Tony was good to solid--LOL--how far has the bar fallen?

No dude. You just expect too much but if that's what you think then fine.

Too much?  You think Tony is somehow athletic?  Maybe it's because I actually played hockey at a high level but if you think these people are "competitors" you're wrong.  Tony?  Seriously?Even Cory has been a huge disappointment.  Hoping he comes up big in the finals or in a future season because we need more good athletes so people like Cara & Bananas actually have to battle to win

Tony was decent as a competitor. His only **** up was in Meet me halfway. He was fine in the other two missions. I'm not saying that he's athletic or spectacular but he was far from awful and same goes for everyone else I listed. And how the **** was Cory a Disapointment? He only did bad in 2 missions but he was fine in all the others. You just expect everyone to be some beast athlete like CT and I'm sorry but that's not realistic so like I expect too much.

im not looking for CT or Landon or Darrell. I'd be thrilled with guys that with some athleticism and heart. Brad Tyler Derrick Frank R. **** even Nehemiah. Cory's knee is a huge problem for him on these shows 

Well if you want athletisicm go watch sports. Don't look for it in The Challenge. Never understood that mentality. And as for heart...well this season really didn't require anyone to have heart so I don't see why you expected that on this season.

And the only time Cory's knee bothered him was Weight For Me so it can't be that bad of a hinderence. Although I do see it being a problem with him in the final though..we'll see.

Debut Album wrote:

kvm1977 wrote:

Debut Album wrote:
kvm1977 wrote:
Debut Album wrote:On the girls side I agree that the competition was weak but the guys were much better. Anthony/Jamie/Cory/Abram/Mike/Backpack/Tony and to a lesser extent Mitch were good to solid competitiors. I think people expect too much honestly.

LOL at this.  You just don't actually care about competition.  Tony was good to solid--LOL--how far has the bar fallen?

No dude. You just expect too much but if that's what you think then fine.

Too much?  You think Tony is somehow athletic?  Maybe it's because I actually played hockey at a high level but if you think these people are "competitors" you're wrong.  Tony?  Seriously?Even Cory has been a huge disappointment.  Hoping he comes up big in the finals or in a future season because we need more good athletes so people like Cara & Bananas actually have to battle to win

Tony was decent as a competitor. His only **** up was in Meet me halfway. He was fine in the other two missions. I'm not saying that he's athletic or spectacular but he was far from awful and same goes for everyone else I listed. And how the **** was Cory a Disapointment? He only did bad in 2 missions but he was fine in all the others. You just expect everyone to be some beast athlete like CT and I'm sorry but that's not realistic so like I expect too much.

im not looking for CT or Landon or Darrell. I'd be thrilled with guys that with some athleticism and heart. Brad Tyler Derrick Frank R. **** even Nehemiah. Cory's knee is a huge problem for him on these shows 

hear hear!! on all of it

have I mentioned lately how much I enjoy when you get all worked up - hahahaha

Abram's trying to make Cara Maria jealous again. He posted a picture of a cute girl laying across his bar. Cara's latest tweet is "I literally can't." Well I have to say it, she brought it on herself. I think she is in victim mode again over this. 

bluehatchet2 wrote:

kvm1977 wrote:

audreyhorne wrote:People overrate Aneesa because of her history as an elimination queen. We got used to the idea of Aneesa being a threat and we still see her that way, but she hasn't been above average in years. Her last good showing was Rivals 2.

She lost to Laurel & Cara Maria in the past 7 years or so 1 on 1.  Rewatch her elimination against Laurel--Laurel beat her by a single step both times.  No one else on that season even gives her a run in OppenheimerBefore that she was paired with a girl in Exes & Robin/Diem in Rivals.  She has never had a good partner.  Unfortunately Diem wasn't close to 100% and her poor performance put them in an elimination round.Aneesa is not, has never been and never will be elite.  She has never been great in missions.  The level of competition has just fallen so far that people like Jenna &  Brianna are deemed good when they wouldn't have survived to the midway point in the glory days.  Brianna--seriously?  Do we want to watch the first mission again?

You don't know that.

who beats her in Oppenheimer. Theresa doesn't have the size. Jonna Cara. and Nany would get run over. Emilee?  Devyn?  Who?

Theresa has speed. Cara has speed. You never know until you're put in the situation.
