Mother will have more trouble on her hands come March 7, when “Bates Motel” returns for its fourth season.
A&E Network announced the premiere date of the critically acclaimed drama, from writers and executive producers Kerry Ehrin (“Friday Night Lights,” “Parenthood”) and Carlton Cuse (“Lost, “The Strain”) starring Vera Farmiga (Norma Bates) and Freddie Highmore (Norman Bates), at the Television Critics Assn. press tour Wednesday.
This ten-episode season of “Bates Motel” promises to showcase Norman’s continued descent into madness, as Norma becomes increasingly fearful, going to great lengths to find her son the professional help he needs. This further complicates their once unbreakable trust, while Norman struggles to maintain his grip on reality. Sheriff Romero (Nestor Carbonell) once again finds himself drawn back into Norma and Norman’s lives.
Can't wait! I've been obsessed with this show since the premiere!
ooooh i'm so excited for Season 4!!!! last season was great!! a huge turning point in the series... only 2 seasons left!!!
I thought last season was mostly boring :/
really liked the first two seasons and then last season didn't intrest me at all and I stop watching
The next two seasons are going to be crazy watching Norman's descent into madness. He is already a creepy scary dude. It only can get worse from here seeing him become a complete psychopath.
I thought it was defintiely better than season 2.... that whole episode where norman dresses as norma and his brother walks in. Freddie nailed that!!! even got her mannerisms down pat... i'm more interested in norman's descent than any of the other plotlines going on in the show (thats why i didn't like Season 2 - wayyyy to much pot field stuff going on)
I loved last season! I felt like we got to know more about the characters, especially Dylan and Emma. I ship them so hard haha it was also great seeing Norma and Sherrif Romero become closer. Their dynamic is really interesting to me.
I don't know how Norman is going to get away with what he did in the third season finale. Dude is ******* insane haha I just hope he doesn't kill my favorite characters )=
Norma ******* kills me LMAO "why do crazy people keep gravitating towards me?" Sherrif Romero's look after she says that is priceless hahaha
that's like one of my fav videos of all time hahaha
I stopped watching after season 2 because I never knew when it was on
here is the first teaser to season 4
I'm thinking Norma is gonna die this season... then the final season (season 5) will see Norman's full transformation into his mother, and probably end with Marion Crane arriving at the motel.
this is still my favourite promo ever for this show... so well put together
How am I just seeing this now?! Looks great!
Noooooo Norma's my favorite )= Dylan and Emma better survive too! Norman is going to go INSANE when he discovers that they like each other now lol
there are a bunch of new teasers to this season on youtube!! looks great
holy shit at that ending... did not expect someone to bite the dust so quickly :O
lmao is it wrong that I get excited when I watch him kill now...
This season has been awesome so far! I think it's going to be the best season yet. I can't wait! Dylan and Emma are so cute together. I love how they're oblivious to all the crazy stuff going on with Norman. Imagine when he finds out they're dating hahahaha he'll be super pissed off. I hated Emma with Norman. I'm glad she ended up choosing the more sane, cuter brother lol
The scene of Norma walking around the house with a knife looking for Norman had me so scared! I was watching it during the day too but I was terrified lol the cast is amazing. I love every character. The character development of Sherrif Romero is great. I love how him and Norma have become so close. It's really nice to watch because I remember they couldn't stand each other in the first season. Have they slept together yet? I can't remember if they did but I hope they do hahaha he's such a ride or die dude!
there's only been 2 eps. chill hahaha
but yeah so far i'm loving it!! it was great last week
I know I'm just overly excited hahaha Freddie Highmore's acting was incredible in the last episode. It's funny watching him in interviews because he's charming lol
Bates was a little slow tonight but OH MY **** i just saw this supertease and the season looks amazingggggg can't believe norman is gonna show norma to the therapist! this is gonna be sooooo gooooooood
im gonna go ahead and agree with you justin. This just might be my favourite season of Bates Motel
This season is definitely on fire right now and I think it's going to get even better! I'm really excited knowing there's at least one more season after this one too! I have a feeling Dylan and Emma are gonna get the axe soon )= viewers are really invested in their relationship so I can see the producers killing them off to **** with people's heads and cause a huge reaction lol
anyone see the big twist last night??? I knew it!!!! watch me eat my words though lol
I'm so mad about what happened in the finale........WOW )=
I knew this was going to happen eventually but it still makes me sad lol
i called it!!!!! wooot hahaha it had to happen eventually and I think they did it at the right moment. they needed a final season to show norman's full transformation and that's what Season 5 will be... also they just confirmed they will be recreating Marion Crane's character for a few episodes at the end of S5!!! They will do their own take on Psycho. CAN'T FREAKING WAIT!!!!! haha
I think this was the best season ever so far! So excited for next year!!!! I've become so attached to Norma, I almost lost it when Romero visited her at the morgue )= they were so cute together man hahaha I was rooting for them so hard. I hope Dylan and Emma survive next season but I feel like they will also get the axe lol
Ah I hate him so much! His *** better get caught, he has gotten away with killing FIVE people now haha I'm seriously shocked how he hasn't been arrested yet. This show deserves more recognition, it's been awesome since the very beginning! The cast is incredible. My co-worker and I have been getting super close lately cause she's one of the only people I know that are obsessed with this show lol