The Challenge: Favorite/Fantasy Casts

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Fanfic for Youssarians cast:


Episode 1:

Winners: Team Cara Maria

Last: Team Rachel

Voted in: Team Aneesa

Marchup: Brianna and Scali vs. Marie and Mike C

Eliminated: Brianna and Scali


Episode 2:

Winners: Team Aneesa

Last: Team Mark

Voted in: Team Cara Maria

Matchup: Brandon and Violetta vs. Chuck and Averey

Eliminated: Brandon and Violetta


Episode 3:

Winners: Team Rachel

Last: Team Bananas

Voted in: Team Wes

Matchup: Shane and Sylvia vs. Jay and Britni

Eliminated: Shane and Sylvia


Episode 4:

Winners: Team Cara Maria

Last: Team Rachel

Voted in: Team Aneesa

Matchup: Rachel and Cohutta vs. Aneesa and Tony

Eliminated: Aneesa and Tony


Episode 5:

Winners: Team Mark

Last: Team Wes

Voted in: Team Aneesa

Matchup: Jay and Britni vs. Mike C and Marie

Eliminated: Jay and Britni


Episode 6:

Winners: Team Abram

Last: Team Aneesa

Voted in: Team Bananas

Matchup: Marie and Mike C vs. Nia and Bananas

Eliminated: Marie and Mike C


Episode 7:

Winners: Team Rachel

Last: Team Nany

Voted in: Team Wes

Matchup: Ashley M and Layton vs. Laurel and Wes

Eliminated: Ashley M and Layton


Episode 8:

Winners: Team Abram

Last: Team Rachel

Voted in: Team Bananas

Matchup: Rachel and Cohutta vs. Nia and Bananas

Eliminated: Rachel and Cohutta


Episode 9:

Winners: Team Abram

Last: Team Nany

Voted in: Team Bananas

Matchup: Nany and Jamie vs. Nia and Bananas

Eliminated: Nany and Jamie


Episode 10:

Winners: Team Abram

Last: Team Mark

Voted in: Team Bananas

Matchup: Mark and Kellyanne vs. Bananas and Nia

Eliminated: Mark and Kellyanne


Episode 11:

Winners: Team Wes

Last: Team Abram

Voted in: Team Bananas

Matchup: Abram and Jenna vs. Bananas and Nia

Eliminated: Bananas and Nia


Episode 12:

3rd: Team Cara Maria (Cara Maria,Averey,Cory,Chuck)

2nd: Team Abram (Abram,Adam Kuhn, Jenna, Shanley)

1st: Team Wes ( Wes and Laurel)

Fresh Meat 3: 

Abram Boise & Shanley McInteeAverey Tressler & Christopher AmmonCory Wharton & Madison WallsDerrick Kosinski & Paris EikeFrank Sweeney & Kailah CasillasHeather Marter & Bruno BettencourtJenna Compono & Anthony BartolotteJordan Wiseley & Sylvia ElsrodeKellyanne Judd & Chuck MoweryLeroy Garrett & Jenny DelichMarie Roda & Brian WilliamsNia Moore & Dione MarianiTheresa Gonzalez & Connor SmithTony Raines & Jamie LarsonWes Bergmann & Ceejai Jenkins

LurkerNoMore wrote:

Still dead at the thought of Nany and I being partners.It's like a gender-swapped Lady and the Tramp, Lord and the *****.

You're the *****, I'm guessing.

The ***** Lord.

Fresh Meat 3: Abram Boise & Shanley McInteeAverey Tressler & Christopher AmmonCory Wharton & Madison WallsDerrick Kosinski & Paris EikeFrank Sweeney & Kailah CasillasHeather Marter & Bruno BettencourtJenna Compono & Anthony BartolotteJordan Wiseley & Sylvia ElsrodeKellyanne Judd & Chuck MoweryLeroy Garrett & Jenny DelichMarie Roda & Brian WilliamsNia Moore & Dione MarianiTheresa Gonzalez & Connor SmithTony Raines & Jamie LarsonWes Bergmann & Ceejai Jenkins

I'd ******* die for a Wes & CJ team. Jenny and Paris can switch partners.

Fresh Meat 3: Abram Boise & Shanley McInteeAverey Tressler & Christopher AmmonCory Wharton & Madison WallsDerrick Kosinski & Paris EikeFrank Sweeney & Kailah CasillasHeather Marter & Bruno BettencourtJenna Compono & Anthony BartolotteJordan Wiseley & Sylvia ElsrodeKellyanne Judd & Chuck MoweryLeroy Garrett & Jenny DelichMarie Roda & Brian WilliamsNia Moore & Dione MarianiTheresa Gonzalez & Connor SmithTony Raines & Jamie LarsonWes Bergmann & Ceejai Jenkins

OMG I'D LIVE for a Jenna & Anthony pairing! Sex on a plate!

Battle of the Seasons 3

Go Big or Go home-Christopher/Sabrina/Ceejai/Dean


Ex-plosion-Cory/Ashley M/Jamie/Thomas






Rivals 3

Wes/Jordan(Battle of the Exes 2)



Leroy/Jay(Battle of the Exes 2)

Chet/CJ(Battle of the Seasons 2)



Christopher/Dean(Go Big or Go Home)

Darrell/Abram(Inferno 2)

Zach/Alton(Battle of the Seasons 2)


Nany/Theresa(Battle of the Exes 2)




Marie/Sam(Battle of the Seasons 2)


Jenn/Cara Maria(Rivals 1)

Ceejai/Jenna(Go Big or Go Home)

Ashley M/Jamie(Ex-plosion)


Battle of the Sexes 2016

Christopher(Go Big or Go Home)
Darrell(Campus Crawl)
Dan(Viewer's Revenge)
Abram(South Pacific)
Pete(Fresh Meat 2)
Noor(Fresh Meat 2)
Jessie(Fresh Meat 1)
Jhonnie(Fresh Meat 1)

Marie(St Thomas)
Ceejai(Go Big or Go Home)
Laruel(Fresh Meat 2)
Theresa(Fresh Meat 2)
Cara Maria(Fresh Meat 2)
Chanda(Fresh Meat 1)
Susie(Down Under)
Ivory(Viewer's Revenge)
Veronica(Semester at Sea)

The Challenge: Battle of the Exes 3


Tony and Madison

Abram and Cara Maria

Thomas and Jamie

Cory and Aneesa

Jay and Jessica

Leroy and Jemmye

Bruno and Sylvia

Johnny R and Nany

Trey and Laura

Danny and Melinda

Chris T and Shanley

Brandon and Christina

Devin and Kiki


Episode 1:

Winners: Tony and Madison

Last: Bruno and Sylvia

Voted in: Chris T and Shanley

Eliminated: Bruno and Sylvia


Episode 2:

Winners: Cory and Aneesa

Last: Leroy and Jemmye

Voted in: Chris T and Shanley

Eliminated: Chris T and Shanley


Episode 3:

Winners: Brandon and Christina

Last: Leroy and Jemmye

Voted in: Danny and Melinda

Eliminated: Danny and Melinda


Episode 4:

Winners: Cory and Aneesa

Last: Jay and Jessica

Voted in: Trey and Laura

Eliminated: Jay and Jessica


Episode 5:

Winners: Johnny R and Nany

Last: Leroy and Jemmye

Voted in: Devin and Kiki

Eliminated: Leroy and Jemmye


Episode 6:

Winners: Thomas and Jamie

Last: Tony and Madison

Voted in: Brandon and Christina

Eliminated: Brandon and Christina


Episode 7:

Winners: Thomas and Jamie

Last: Tony and Madison

Voted in: Devin and Kiki

Eliminated: Tony and Madison


Episode 8:

Winners: Abram and Cara Maria

Last: Trey and Laura

Voted in: Devin and Kiki

Eliminated: Devin and Kiki


Episode 9:

Winners: Cory and Aneesa

Last: Trey and Laura

Voted in: Johnny R and Nany

Eliminated: Trey and Laura


Episode 10:

Winners: Abram and Cara Maria

Last: Thomas and Jamie

Voted in: Johnny R and Nany


Episode 11:

Eliminated: Johnny R and Nany


Episode 12:

3rd: Cory and Aneesa

2nd: Thomas and Jamie

1st: Abram and Cara Maria

The Challenge: Allied Forces















Cara Maria









Johnny R



























Episode 1:

Winners: Green

Last: Blue

Voted in: Orange

Matchup: Simone and Dario vs. Nia and Scali

Eliminated: Simone and Dario


Episode 2:

Winners: Black

Last: Purple

Voted in: Blue

Matchup: Christina and Johnny R vs. Brittany and Anthony

Eliminated: Brittany and Anthony


Episode 3:

Winners: Black

Last: Orange

Voted in: Purple

Matchup: Averey and Adam vs. Briana and Johnny R

Eliminated: Averey and Adam


Episode 4:

Winners: Black

Last: Grey

Voted in: Purple

Matchup: Susie and Devin vs. Briana and Zach

Eliminated: Briana and Zach


Episode 5:

Winners: Grey

Last: Purple

Voted in: Orange

Matchup: Christina and Johnny R vs. Nia and Scali

Eliminated: Nia and Scali


Episode 6:

Winners: Red

Last: Grey

Voted in: Purple

Matchup: Susie and Devin vs. Christina and Johnny R

Eliminated: Christina and Johnny R


Episode 7:

Winners: Grey

Last: Red

Voted in: Yellow

Matchup: Kiki and Evan vs. Jenna and Thomas

Eliminated: Kiki and Evan


Episode 8:

Winners: Black

Last: Green

Voted in: Grey

Matchup: Laurel and Trey vs. Sarah and Chuck

Eliminated: Sarah and Chuck


Episode 9:

Winners: Green

Last: Red

Voted in: Black

Matchup: Cheyenne and Kenny vs. Theresa and Bananas

Eliminated: Cheyenne and Kenny


Episode 10:

Winners: Green

Last: Grey

Voted in: Black

Matchup: Susie and Devin vs. Aneesa and Bananas

Eliminated: Aneesa and Bananas


Episode 11:

Winners: Green

Last: Grey

Voted in: Black

Matchup: Susie and Devin vs. Theresa and Leroy

Eliminated: Theresa and Leroy


Episode 12:

3rd: Grey ( Susie and Devin)

2nd: Yellow ( Nany,Jenna,Thomas, Cory)

1st: Green ( Cara Maria, Laurel, Wes, Trey)

The Challenge: Free Agents 2










Cara Maria























Episode 1:

Winners: Team Mitch (Mitch,Cory,Vince,Zach,Devin,Cohutta,Dario,Nany,Cara Maria,Cheyenne,Sarah,Rianna,Kellyanne,Jenna)

Voted in: Shanley and Scali

Kill Card: Aneesa and Jay

Eliminated: Shanley and Jay


Episode 2:

Winners: Team Kellyanne ( Kellyanne and Bananas)

Voted in: Nia and Scali

Kill Card: Averey and Devin

Eliminated: Averey and Devin


Episode 3:

Winners: Team Jamie ( Jamie,Kellyanne,Cory,Christina)

Voted in: Theresa and Marlon

Kill Card: Cheyenne and Leroy

Eliminated: Cheyenne and Marlon


Episode 4:

Winners: Team Sarah ( Sarah,Zach,Theresa,Cory,Nia,Vince,Jonna,Dario,Aneesa,Thomas,Christina)

Voted in: Rianna and Scali

Kill Card: Jenna and Cohutta

Eliminated: Rianna and Cohutta


Episode 5:

Winners: Team Thomas ( Thomas,Cara Maria,Cory,Nia,Leroy,Nany,Jamie,Aneesa,Scali,Christina)

Voted in: Dario and Theresa

Kill Card: Vince and Jenna

Eliminated: Dario and Jenna


Episode 6:

Winners: Thomas and Sarah

Voted in: Scali and Christina

Kill Card: Vince and Aneesa

Eliminated: Scali and Christina


Episode 7:

Winners: Cara Maria and Zach

Voted in: Nia and Mitch

Kill Card: Theresa and Thomas

Eliminated: Theresa and Mitch


Episode 8: 

Winners: Team Cory (Cory,Cara Maria,Leroy,Nia,Thomas,Jonna,Jamie)

Voted in: Vince and Kellyanne

Kill Card: Zach and Sarah

Eliminated: Vince and Kellyanne


Episode 9:

Winners: Team Aneesa ( Aneesa and Sarah) and Team Cory ( Cory and Leroy)

Voted in: Nia and Zach

Kill Card: Nany and Jamie

Eliminated: Nany and Jamie


Episode 10:

Winners: Team Sarah ( Sarah and Zach)

Voted in: Nia and Cory

Kill Card: Aneesa and Thomas

Eliminated: Aneesa and Thomas


Episode 11:

Kill Card: Cara Maria and Sarah/ Bananas and Leroy

Eliminated: Cara Maria and Leroy


Episode 12:

3rd: Nia and Cory

2nd: Jonna and Zach

1st: Sarah and Bananas

Season 29:

Battle of the Seasons

?Sidney?: Cohutta, Dunbar, Kellyanne, Ashley

Back to Las Vegas: Leroy, Dustin, Nany, Naomi(Cooke or Heather if it wasn't impossible)

Portland: Johnny, Jordan, Averey, Nia

Ex-Plosion: Cory, Brian, Jenna, Ashley

Skeletons: Tony, Jason(most likely no Bruno), Sylvia, Violetta

Bloodlines: Mitch, Jamie, Nicole, Jill

Go Big or Go Home: Dean, Dione, Ceejai, Kailah....(no idea, just threw some names in there)

AYTO?3: Mike, Connor, Hannah, Rashida

I'm really into the idea of this cast;  it would re-introduce a lot of newer faces from the more recent seasons.  I think this cast would be amazing and would do better than Battle of the Seasons 2012, because these seasons were somewhat popular.  Portland is an exception, but these people have made names for themselves on the Challenge.  


Fresh Meat 3 Co-Ed PairsAshley Mitchell & Gamer73Coral Smith & BadladjjJenny Delich & HardbittenKellyAnne Judd & DScottNany Gonzalez & LurkerNoMoreNia Moore & GraphikTrishelle Cannatella & YoussarianVioletta Milerman & WittyWrathAbram Boise & JamieFireBruno Bettencourt & PinkRoseCory Wharton & SemiSweetDarrell Taylor & LucciVeeDustin Zito & Hannamez8Jordan Wiseley & CantKeepQuietRyan Conklin & JEKFANZach Nichols & Kollanekoer

CaraMaria Sorbello/Laurel Stucky/Emily Schromm & Klounsnax2.0


The Challenge: The Ruins 2









Ashley K






Frank S












Johnny R








Episode 1:

Nominees: Ashley K/Tori/Camila/Brad/Frank S/Jordan and Averey/Jenna/Theresa/Trey/Dustin/Thomas

Winners: Challengers

Matchups: Jenna vs. Ashley K and Thomas vs. Frank S

Eliminated: Ashley K and Thomas


Episode 2: 

Nominees: Paula/Sarah/Emily/ Jordan/Zach/Brad and Averey/Theresa/Kellyanne/Trey/Dustin/Johnny R

Winners: Champions

Matchups: Sarah vs. Averey and Brad vs. Dustin

Eliminated: Averey and Dustin


Episode 3:

Nominees: Laurel/Camila/Tori/Jordan/Zach/Wes and Kellyanne/Theresa/Aneesa/Trey/Johnny R/Cory

Winners: Challengers

Matchups: Kellyanne vs. Tori and Trey vs. Jordan

Eliminated: Tori and Jordan


Episode 4:

Nominees: Paula/Sarah/Emily/Zach/Frank S/Wes and Aneesa/Theresa/Nany/Cory/Johnny R/Vince

Winners: Champions

Matchups: Paula vs. Nany and Wes vs. Johnny R

Eliminated: Nany and Johnny R


Episode 5:

Nominees: Camila/Laurel/Emily/Zach/Frank S/Brad and Theresa/Aneesa/Cooke/Leroy/Vince/Cory

Winners: Champions

Matchups: Camila vs. Theresa and Brad vs. Vince

Eliminated: Camila and Vince


Episode 6:

Nominees: Laurel/Emily/Sarah/Frank S/Zach/Wes and Jenna/Cooke/Aneesa/Leroy/Cory/Trey

Winners: Champions

Matchups: Sarah vs. Jenna and Wes vs. Trey

Eliminated: Jenna and Trey


Episode 7:

Nominees: Laurel/Emily/Paula/Frank S/Zach/Mark and Cooke/Aneesa/Kellyanne/Cory/Leroy

Winners: Challengers

Matchups: Cooke vs. Paula and Cory vs. Frank S

Eliminated: Paula and Frank S


Episode 8:

Nominees: Sarah/Laurel/Emily/Wes/Brad/Zach and Theresa/Aneesa/Kellyanne/Cory/Leroy

Winners: Champions

Matchups: Sarah vs. Kellyanne and Zach vs. Leroy

Eliminated: Kellyanne and Leroy


Episode 9:

Nominees: Sarah/Laurel/Emily/Mark/Brad/Wes and Cooke/Theresa/Aneesa/Cory

Winners: Champions

Matchups: Sarah vs. Theresa and Wes vs. Cory

Eliminated: Theresa and Wes


Episode 10:

Winners: Champions (Sarah,Laurel,Emily,Bananas,Mark,Zach,Brad)

2nd: Challengers (Cooke,Aneesa,Cory)

Beauty vs. Brains vs. Brawn




Dustin Zito

Cory Wharton

Tony Raines

Anthony Bartolette

Dario Medrano

KellyAnne Judd

Averey Tressler

Ashley Mitchell

Christina LeBlanc

Jenna Thomson




Wes Bergmann

Cohutta Grindaff

Frank Sweeny

Devin Walker

Jamie Banks

Susie Meister

Sarah Rice

Violetta Milerman

Nicole Ramos

CeeJai Jenkins




CT Tamburello

Leroy Garrett

Zach Nichols

Mike Crescenzo

Vince Giatta 

Aneesa Ferriera

Nany Gonzalez

Nia Moore

Jenna Compono

Nicole Zanatta

Ewww @ Anthony being on Beauty. That busted 15 year old looking boy LMAO. But I can see why people think he's attractive.

Personally I would switch Jenna C and KellyAnne, and when has Cohutta shown himself to be particularly smart? Otherwise a very good job of splitting people up.

justintime wrote:

Fresh Meat 3 Co-Ed PairsAshley Mitchell & Gamer73Coral Smith & BadladjjJenny Delich & HardbittenKellyAnne Judd & DScottNany Gonzalez & LurkerNoMoreNia Moore & GraphikTrishelle Cannatella & YoussarianVioletta Milerman & WittyWrathAbram Boise & JamieFireBruno Bettencourt & PinkRoseCory Wharton & SemiSweetDarrell Taylor & LucciVeeDustin Zito & Hannamez8Jordan Wiseley & CantKeepQuietRyan Conklin & JEKFANZach Nichols & Kollanekoer



Me and Ashley would bring the ****** drama and eliminate******* left and right. 

The Challenge: Free Agents 2 NanyJennaJonnaTheresaAneesaNiaAvereySarahCara MariaRiannaKellyanneChristinaCheyenneShanley BananasLeroyZachCoryMarlonThomasJayCohuttaMitchJamieVinceScaliDarioDevin  Episode 1:Winners: Team Mitch (Mitch,Cory,Vince,Zach,Devin,Cohutta,Dario,Nany,Cara Maria,Cheyenne,Sarah,Rianna,Kellyanne,Jenna)Voted in: Shanley and ScaliKill Card: Aneesa and JayEliminated: Shanley and Jay Episode 2:Winners: Team Kellyanne ( Kellyanne and Bananas)Voted in: Nia and ScaliKill Card: Averey and DevinEliminated: Averey and Devin Episode 3:Winners: Team Jamie ( Jamie,Kellyanne,Cory,Christina)Voted in: Theresa and MarlonKill Card: Cheyenne and LeroyEliminated: Cheyenne and Marlon Episode 4:Winners: Team Sarah ( Sarah,Zach,Theresa,Cory,Nia,Vince,Jonna,Dario,Aneesa,Thomas,Christina)Voted in: Rianna and ScaliKill Card: Jenna and CohuttaEliminated: Rianna and Cohutta Episode 5:Winners: Team Thomas ( Thomas,Cara Maria,Cory,Nia,Leroy,Nany,Jamie,Aneesa,Scali,Christina)Voted in: Dario and TheresaKill Card: Vince and JennaEliminated: Dario and Jenna Episode 6:Winners: Thomas and SarahVoted in: Scali and ChristinaKill Card: Vince and AneesaEliminated: Scali and Christina Episode 7:Winners: Cara Maria and ZachVoted in: Nia and MitchKill Card: Theresa and ThomasEliminated: Theresa and Mitch Episode 8: Winners: Team Cory (Cory,Cara Maria,Leroy,Nia,Thomas,Jonna,Jamie)Voted in: Vince and KellyanneKill Card: Zach and SarahEliminated: Vince and Kellyanne Episode 9:Winners: Team Aneesa ( Aneesa and Sarah) and Team Cory ( Cory and Leroy)Voted in: Nia and ZachKill Card: Nany and JamieEliminated: Nany and Jamie Episode 10:Winners: Team Sarah ( Sarah and Zach)Voted in: Nia and CoryKill Card: Aneesa and ThomasEliminated: Aneesa and Thomas Episode 11:Kill Card: Cara Maria and Sarah/ Bananas and LeroyEliminated: Cara Maria and Leroy Episode 12:3rd: Nia and Cory2nd: Jonna and Zach1st: Sarah and Bananas

I would super watch this challenge

The Challenge: Duel III




Johnny R.



















Jessica M.


Cara Maria





Episode 1:

Challenge Winner: Bananas

Not Chosen: Jonna

Picked: Sylvia

Eliminated: Jonna


Episode 2

Challenge Winner: Sarah

Not Chosen: Jay

Picked: Wes

Eliminated: Jay


Episode 3

Challenge Winner: Abram

Not Chosen: Jessica M.

Picked: KellyAnne

Eliminated: Jessica M.


Episode 4

Challenge Winner: Cara Maria

Not Chosen: Bananas

Picked: Bruno

Eliminated: Bruno


Episode 5

Challenge Winner: Leroy

Not Chosen: Laurel

Picked: Emily

Eliminated: Laurel


Episode 6

Challenge Winner: Emily

Not Chosen: Johnny R. 

Picked: Tony

Eliminated: Johnny R.


Episode 7

Challenge Winner: Wes

Not Chosen: Aneesa

Picked:  Sylvia

Eliminated: Sylvia


Episode 8

Challenge Winner: Nia

Not Chosen: Wes

Picked: Tony

Eliminated: Tony


Episode 9

Challenge Winner: Bananas

Not Chosen: Cara Maria 

Picked: KellyAnne

Eliminated: KellyAnne


Episode 10

Challenge Winner: Sarah

Not Chosen: Wes

Picked: Marlon

Eliminated: Marlon


Episode 11

Challenge Winner: Wes

Not Chosen: Emily

Picked: Aneesa

Eliminated: Aneesa


Episode 12

Challenge Winner: Cara Maria

Not Chosen: Jason

Picked: Abram

Eliminated: Abram


Episode 13

Challenge Winner: Bananas

Not Chosen: Cara Maria

Picked: Nany

Eliminated: Nany


Episode 14

Challenge Winner: Sarah

Not Chosen: Cory

Picked: Bananas 

Eliminated: Cory


Episode 15


TJ: " There are 12 of you guys remaining, split into two teams of 6. You guys will compete in a race to the island in events of a triatholon. Good Luck" "The first team advances to the next round, the second team will go home immediately."

Team 1:  Sarah, Jordan, Emily, Zach, Averey, Jason

Team 2:  Violetta, Bananas, Cara Maria, Leroy, Nia, Wes

Eliminated: Team 1


Episode 16 

TJ: " Split into a 2 teams of 3."

Team 1: Bananas, Leroy, Nia

Team 2: Violetta, Cara Maria, Wes

Eliminated: Team 1


Episode 17/ FINAL

3'rd Place: Violetta

2'nd Place: Wes

1'st Place and Winner of Duel III:  Cara Maria!



The Challenge: Heroes vs Villains


CJ (RW: Cancun)

CT (RW: Paris)

Johnny (RW: Portland)

Dustin (RW: Las Vegas 2)

Darrell (RR: Campus Crawl)

Mike (RW: D.C.)

Brad (RW: San Diego)

Shane (Bloodlines)

Derrick (RR: Xtreme)

Averey (RW: Portland)

KellyAnne (RW: Sydney)

Jenny (RW: Explosion)

Madison (RW: Skeletons)

Jill (Bloodlines)

LaToya (RW: St. Thomas)

Jonna (RW: Cancun)

Jamie (RW: Explosion)

Alexandra (RW: San Diego 2)



Wes (RW: Austin)

Greg (RW: Hollywood)

Cory (RW: Explosion)

Bruno (RW: Skeltons)

Tony (RW: Skeletons)

Frank (RW: San Diego 2)

Abe (RR: South Pacific)

Adam (RW: Las Vegas 2)

Ryan (RW: New Orleans 2)

Marie (RW: St. Thomas)

Nia (RW: Portland)

Ashley (RW: Explosion)

Sylvia (RW: Skeletons)

Cooke (RW: Las Vegas 2)

Ayiiia (RW: Cancun)

Erika (RW: D.C.)

Violetta (RW: Skeletons)

Jenn (RW: Denver)



The Challenge: The Ruins  


Bananas and Kellyanne

Derrick and Sarah

Evan and Casey

Kenny and Kimberly

Darrell and Brianna

Syrus and Shauvon

Wes and Diem

Dunbar and Susie

Brad and Johanna

Cohutta and Veronica

Danny and Ibis

Adam K and Katie

Nick and Tonya

Chet and Evelyn


Episode 1:

Winners: Cohutta and Veronica

Last: Syrus and Shauvon

Voted in: Chet and Evelyn

Eliminated: Syrus and Shauvon


Episode 2:

Winners: Derrick and Sarah

Last: Evan and Casey

Voted in: Cohutta and Veronica

Eliminated: Evan and Casey


Episode 3:

Winners: Darrell and Brianna

Last: Chet and Evelyn

Voted in: Danny and Ibis

Eliminated: Chet and Evelyn


Episode 4:

Winners: Kenny and Kimberly

Last: Adam K and Katie

Voted in: Danny and Ibis

Eliminated: Danny and Ibis


Episode 5:

Winners: Wes and Diem

Last: Nick and Tonya

Voted in: Darrell and Brianna

Eliminated: Nick and Tonya


Episode 6:

Winners: Derrick and Sarah

Last: Adam K and Katie

Voted in: Cohutta and Veronica

Eliminated: Adam K and Katie


Episode 7:

Winners: Derrick and Sarah

Last: Darrell and Brianna

Voted in: Cohutta and Veronica

Eliminated: Cohutta and Veronica


Episode 8:

Winners:  Wes and Diem

Last: Darrell and Brianna

Voted in: Dunbar and Susie

Eliminated: Dunbar and Susie


Episode 9:

Winners: Derrick and Sarah

Last: Kenny and Kimberly

Voted in: Wes and Diem

Eliminated: Kenny and Kimberly


Episode 10:

Winners: Derrick and Sarah

Last: Brad and Johanna 

Voted in: Wes and Diem

Eliminated: Brad and Johanna


Episode 11:

Winners: Derrick and Sarah

Last: Darrell and Brianna

Voted in: Wes and Diem

Eliminated: Wes and Diem


Episode 12:

3rd: Darrell and Brianna

2nd: Bananas and Kellyanne

1st: Derrick and Sarah


The Challenge: Duel III_______________________AbramLeroy Johnny R.BananasMarlonJordanZachWesJasonBrunoTonyJayCory_____AneesaViolettaSylviaSarahNiaEmilyAvereyJessica M.LaurelCara MariaNanyKellyAnneJonna_______________________Episode 1:Challenge Winner: BananasNot Chosen: JonnaPicked: SylviaEliminated: Jonna__________________________Episode 2Challenge Winner: SarahNot Chosen: JayPicked: WesEliminated: Jay______________________________Episode 3Challenge Winner: AbramNot Chosen: Jessica M.Picked: KellyAnneEliminated: Jessica M.________________________________Episode 4Challenge Winner: Cara MariaNot Chosen: BananasPicked: BrunoEliminated: Bruno________________________________Episode 5Challenge Winner: LeroyNot Chosen: LaurelPicked: EmilyEliminated: Laurel______________________________Episode 6Challenge Winner: EmilyNot Chosen: Johnny R. Picked: TonyEliminated: Johnny R.____________________________Episode 7Challenge Winner: WesNot Chosen: AneesaPicked:  SylviaEliminated: Sylvia___________________________Episode 8Challenge Winner: NiaNot Chosen: WesPicked: TonyEliminated: Tony_________________________Episode 9Challenge Winner: BananasNot Chosen: Cara Maria Picked: KellyAnneEliminated: KellyAnne________________________Episode 10Challenge Winner: SarahNot Chosen: WesPicked: MarlonEliminated: Marlon_______________________Episode 11Challenge Winner: WesNot Chosen: EmilyPicked: AneesaEliminated: Aneesa______________________Episode 12Challenge Winner: Cara MariaNot Chosen: JasonPicked: AbramEliminated: Abram_____________________Episode 13Challenge Winner: BananasNot Chosen: Cara MariaPicked: NanyEliminated: Nany_____________________Episode 14Challenge Winner: SarahNot Chosen: CoryPicked: Bananas Eliminated: Cory_____________________Episode 15*BIGGEST TWIST IN CHALLENGE HISTORY*TJ: " There are 12 of you guys remaining, split into two teams of 6. You guys will compete in a race to the island in events of a triatholon. Good Luck" "The first team advances to the next round, the second team will go home immediately."Team 1:  Sarah, Jordan, Emily, Zach, Averey, JasonTeam 2:  Violetta, Bananas, Cara Maria, Leroy, Nia, WesEliminated: Team 1______________________________________________________________________Episode 16 TJ: " Split into a 2 teams of 3."Team 1: Bananas, Leroy, NiaTeam 2: Violetta, Cara Maria, WesEliminated: Team 1________________________________________________________________________Episode 17/ FINAL3'rd Place: Violetta2'nd Place: Wes1'st Place and Winner of Duel III:  Cara Maria!  

horrible season. The team twist is ridiculous and laurel picking Emily over a twig like Violetta yeah very realistic. 

This would have been my cast/format for Bloodlines

Averey Tressler & Jena Tressler (Cousins)

Cara Maria Sorbello & Jamie Banks (Cousins)

Heather Cooke & Jessica Cooke (Sisters)

KellyAnne Judd & Anthony Cuomo (Cousins)

Marie Roda & Victoria Roda (Sisters)

Nany Gonzalez & Nicole Ramos (Cousins)

Nia Moore & Makeda Moore (Sisters)

Violetta Milerman & Irena Zub (Cousins)

Abram Boise & Mike Boise (Brothers)

Bruno Bettencourt & Briah Bettencourt (Brothers)

Cohutta Grindstaff & Jill Tuttle (Cousins)

Cory Wharton & Mitch Reid (Cousins)

Dustin Zito & Victoria Zito (Siblings)

Johnny Devenanzio & Vince Gliatta (Cousins)

Thomas Buell & Stephen Buell (Brothers)

Tony Raines & Shane Raines (Brothers)

Format: Alumni vs. Bloodlines (16 cast members on each team)

Each mission is alternatively designated as either a female or a male mission day. Prior to the start of each mission, both teams will nominate one player from the OPPOSING team to face off in the elimination round called The Bloodbath. If these nominated players perform better than all of their same-sex gender teammates in the mission, they will win a life shield, which will result in them being saved from participating in the Bloodbath. As a result, they will be able to choose someone else on their team to take their place. After the challenges are over, both teams will have to vote a player from THEIR team to face off against the nominated players. Players will be facing against their own teammates in the Bloodbath. Each challenge is worth $20,000 while the final mission is worth $150,000. There will be twelve players left at the final mission - six players (three males and three females) on each team.

Episode 1 Example

Before the mission, the Alumni nominates Jill for the Bloodbath while the Bloodlines nominate Cooke for the Bloodbath. Cooke performs better than all of the girls on her team in the mission and wins the life shield. She sends Violetta into the Bloodbath. The Alumni players vote Averey against Violetta while the Bloodlines vote Nicole against Jill.

Bloodbath Game

Dead Man's Drop (Averey vs. Violetta/Jill vs. Nicole)

Averey wins and sends Violetta home while Jill wins and sends Nicole home.

The Gauntlet


Wes Bergmann

Leroy Garrett

Dustin Zito

Cory Wharton

Tony Raines

Vince Giatta

Jamie Banks

Aneesa Ferriera

Trishelle Cantebellum

KellyAnne Judd

Camila Nakagawa

Nany Gonzalez

Jenna Compono

Simone Kelly



Brian Williams

Bruno Bettencourt

Layton Jones

Raphy Medrano

Devin Walker

Shane Raines

Dione Mariani

Marie Roda

Averey Tressler

Ashley Mitchell

Jenny Delich

Sylvia Elsrode

Kiki Cooper

CeeJai Jenkins



Mark Long

Johnny Reilly

Nicole Ramos

Christina LeBlanc


Anthony Bartolette

Tyler Pratt

Kailah Casillas

Cheyenne Floyd

This would have been my cast/format for BloodlinesAverey Tressler & Jena Tressler (Cousins)Cara Maria Sorbello & Jamie Banks (Cousins)Heather Cooke & Jessica Cooke (Sisters)KellyAnne Judd & Anthony Cuomo (Cousins)Marie Roda & Victoria Roda (Sisters)Nany Gonzalez & Nicole Ramos (Cousins)Nia Moore & Makeda Moore (Sisters)Violetta Milerman & Irena Zub (Cousins)Abram Boise & Mike Boise (Brothers)Bruno Bettencourt & Briah Bettencourt (Brothers)Cohutta Grindstaff & Jill Tuttle (Cousins)Cory Wharton & Mitch Reid (Cousins)Dustin Zito & Victoria Zito (Siblings)Johnny Devenanzio & Vince Gliatta (Cousins)Thomas Buell & Stephen Buell (Brothers)Tony Raines & Shane Raines (Brothers)Format: Alumni vs. Bloodlines (16 cast members on each team)Each mission is alternatively designated as either a female or a male mission day. Prior to the start of each mission, both teams will nominate one player from the OPPOSING team to face off in the elimination round called The Bloodbath. If these nominated players perform better than all of their same-sex gender teammates in the mission, they will win a life shield, which will result in them being saved from participating in the Bloodbath. As a result, they will be able to choose someone else on their team to take their place. After the challenges are over, both teams will have to vote a player from THEIR team to face off against the nominated players. Players will be facing against their own teammates in the Bloodbath. Each challenge is worth $20,000 while the final mission is worth $150,000. There will be twelve players left at the final mission - six players (three males and three females) on each team.Episode 1 ExampleBefore the mission, the Alumni nominates Jill for the Bloodbath while the Bloodlines nominate Cooke for the Bloodbath. Cooke performs better than all of the girls on her team in the mission and wins the life shield. She sends Violetta into the Bloodbath. The Alumni players vote Averey against Violetta while the Bloodlines vote Nicole against Jill. Bloodbath GameDead Man's Drop (Averey vs. Violetta/Jill vs. Nicole) Averey wins and sends Violetta home while Jill wins and sends Nicole home.

I would have preferred Josh instead of Victoria for Dustin; but brilliant cast, nonetheless.

The GauntletVeteransWes BergmannLeroy GarrettDustin ZitoCory WhartonTony RainesVince GiattaJamie BanksAneesa FerrieraTrishelle CantebellumKellyAnne JuddCamila NakagawaNany GonzalezJenna ComponoSimone Kelly RookiesBrian WilliamsBruno BettencourtLayton JonesRaphy MedranoDevin WalkerShane RainesDione MarianiMarie RodaAverey TresslerAshley MitchellJenny DelichSylvia ElsrodeKiki CooperCeeJai Jenkins Alternates:Mark LongJohnny ReillyNicole RamosChristina LeBlanc Anthony BartoletteTyler PrattKailah CasillasCheyenne Floyd

Averey is a veteran now.

The Ruins 2 - Veterans vs Rookies

Same rules as The Ruins

(Rookies first challenges Exes 2-Present)

Rookie Girls

Averey (Portland)

Cheyenne (Are You The One)

Jill (Bloodlines)

Jenna (Las Vegas 3)

Kiki (Are You The One)

Jenna (Explosion)

Violetta (Skeletons)

Nicole (Skeletons)

Rookie Guys

Thomas (Explosion)

Tony (Skeletons)

Dione (Las Vegas 3)

Devin (Are You The One)

Cory (Explosion)

Vince (Bloodlines)

Jamie (Bloodlines)

Layton (Are You The One)

Veteran Girls

Nany (Las Vegas)

Jonna (Cancun)

Sarah (Brooklyn)

Susie (Down Under)

Mandi (Fresh Meat 2)

Aneesa (Chicago)

KellyAnne (Sydney)

Marie (St Thomas)


Bananas (Key West)

Wes (Austin)

Leroy (Las Vegas)

Cohutta (Sydney)

Johnny R (Portland)

Dunbar (Sydney)

Abe (Road Rules: South Pacific)

Dustin (Las Vegas)

Rivals: Co-Ed



Ace/Cara(Inferno 3)

Abram/Tina(Inferno 2)


Frank/Nany(Battle of the Seasons 2)


CT/Coral(Gauntlet 3)

Trey/Marie(St Thomas)

Cory/Ashley M(Ex-plosion)

Leroy/Nany(Las Vegas 2)

Wes/Avery(Battle of the Exes 2)

Zach/Marie(Battle of the Seasons 2)



Dustin/Trishelle(Battle of the Seasons 2)

Christopher/Jenna(Go Big or Go Home)

Challenge 29 cast...make it happen BMP


CT (RW: Paris)

Frank (RW: San Diego 2)

Zach (RW: San Diego 2)

Jordan (RW: Portland)

Dustin (RW: Las Vegas 2)

Marlon (RW: Portland)

Cory (RW: Explosion)

Jay (RW: Explosion)

Bruno (RW: Skeletons)

Tony (RW: Skeletons)

Dylan (RW: Go Big Or Go Home)

Chris (RW: Go Big Or Go Home)

Shane (Bloodlines)

Vince (Bloodlines)

Adam (RW: Las Vegas 2)

Robb (RW: St. Thomas)

CJ (RW: Cancun)

Devin (AYTO?)



Marie (RW: St. Thomas)

Nia (RW: Portland)

Ashley M. (RW: Explosion)

Jenny (RW: Explosion)

Kailah (RW: Go Big Or Go Home)

Jenna (RW: Go Big Or Go Home)

Violetta (RW: Skeletons)

Sylvia (RW: Skeletons)

Cooke (RW: Las Vegas 2)

Jamie (RW: Explosion)

LaToya (RW: St. Thomas)

KellyAnne (RW: Sydney)

Nicole (Bloodlines)

Jill (Bloodlines)

Averey (RW: Portland)

Ayiiia (RW: Cancun)

Jenn (RW: Denver)

Shanley (AYTO?)


Alternates: Dario, Thomas, Theresa, Jemmye

Yeah you can take that cast, fold it into little pieces, and shove it up your *******.

