-Graphik is getting sick of the enviorment and is contemplating quitting but decides to stick it out.
-Ashley tells Lurker that they NEED to get rid of Nia, Lurker agrees to try and find a way to do just that.
-Bluehatchet2 sits down Jenna and tells her that they cannot win anymore challenges and that they need to look weaker than they are in order to make it to the end. Jenna agrees.
-Bananas calls his girlfriend and tells her about his ongoing relationship with JEKFAN. Hannah breaks up with him leaving Bananas heartbroken and ready to quit but Nany convinces him to stay.
-Tony & Ashlay discuss a possible relationship after the challenge but KellyAnne quickly warns Ashley about the ways of Tony.
-Coral and Badladjj are becoming best friends and have agreed to hang out after filming.
-Nany and Pinkrose laugh about their hook up and become very close friends.
-CMJ and Darkfights have isolated themsekves and are mostly sleeping or working out.
-Coral/Badladjj, KellyAnne/CMJ, Nia/Graphik, and Tony/Pinkrose
Teams have to spin on a wheel that is attached by ropes to a zip line above a pond, swim around a buoy at the opposite side of the pond, then return to the shore and ring a bell. Two teams (four players) compete at a time on the spinning zip line. The team with the fastest time wins the Power Couple, while the team with the slowest time is automatically sent to the Dome.
The first heat consists of Ashley/LurkerNoMore and Tony/Pinkrose. LurkerNoMore is the first to let go while the rest manage to stay on untilt eh end. They all swim well but Tony/Pinkrose have a great leave and end with an excellent time. Ashley/LurkerNoMore also complete it but with a mediocre time because of Lurker's fall. The second heat is Camila/Darkfights and Bananas/JEKFAN...almost immediately, Darkfights and JEKFAN falls to the water while Camila and Bananas hold on until the end. They all swim to the end, Camila/Darkfights get a decent time while Bananas/JEKFAN get a medicore time. The next heat is Coral/Badladjj and Nia/Graphik...as they take off, Coral, Badladjj, and Graphik fall to the water. Nia manages to hold on fot a bit but then immediately falls to the water. Coral and Badladjj get a very medicore time while Nia/Graphik do terrible. The next heat is Jenna/Bluehatchet2 and Nany/JAMiEFiRE...once they take off, JAMiEFiRE immediately falls to the water. Jenna and Bluehatchet manage to hold on until about halfway while Nany manages to hold on for most of it. Jenna/Bluehatchet2 get a mediocre time while Nany/JAMiEFiRE get a terrible time because of JAMiEFiRE's fall. KellyAnne and CMJ go alone...CMJ falls almost instantly but KellyAnne manages to hold on for the whole ride. They get a mediocre time. TJ announces that the best two teams were Tony/Pinkrose and Camila/Darkfights. He then reveals Tony/Pinkrose won by a whopping total of 3 minutes. He then reveals that the two worst teams were Nia/Graphik and Nany/JAMiEFIRE...ultimately naming Nia and Graphik as the losing team.
Winning Team - Tony & Pinkrose
Last Place - Nia & Graphik
Tony/Pinkrose at first want to throw in Jenna/Bluehatchet2 but they talk to Coral and realize that that would be a waste of a win since Nia could most likely knock out a strong girl. They then begin to choose between Camila/Darkfights and Jenna/Bluehatchet2. In the end... Tony/Pinkrose decide to throw in Camila/Darkfights into the jungle.
Sent In - Camila & Darkights
-Darkfights remains cool and collected while Camila goes OFF on Pinkrose and Tony calling them a bunch of "*******".
The Dungeon
Hall Brawl
Similar to the original "Hall Brawl" in Battle of the Seasons (2012), Players must run through a narrow hallway past another contestant to ring a bell. However, this time the male players will go first and then tag their female partner at the other end of the hall. The players who ring the bell first in the best two out of three heats, wins the elimination.
Darkfights and Graphik are both ready to bolt through the hallway, BERNNNN! TJ blows his horn and both guys sprint towards each other. Graphik manages to shove Darkfights a bit both both manages to pass each other and high five their girls. Camila and Nia immediately start towards each other...Nia tries to grab Camila but Camila sweeps bye her and rings her bell giving Darkfights/Camila one point. Before the next round starts, Nia tells Graphik ot hold off Darkights long in order for her to have more time. The rounf then begins...BERNNN!...Graphik and Darkfights sprint towards each other, Graphik tries to stop him but he sweeps by both conitnuing to run...they reach their partners and Nia and Camila once agaisnt begin to sprint. Once Nia and Camila meet each other in the center, Nia snatches Camila and manages to shove her while continuing to run...CLING! Nia gets to her bell first earing Graphik and Nia a point tying the two teams. The final round is about to begin...BERNNN!...Graphik and Darkfights decide to just pass each other and they tap in their partners. Nia goes full out and sprints, once they mett each other in the center Nia decides to ignore Camila and continues to run....CLING!...Nia rings her bell first. TJ blows his horn and announces Graphik and Nia as the winners of the dungeon. He also says goodbye to Camila/Darkfights whose time in Uruguay has come to end. Bluehatchet2 and CMJ are devasted and they say their goodbye to their ally Darkfights.
-Graphik has been feeling terrible since the elimination round, he is taken to the hospital because of a strange pain in his abdomen.
-Bluehatchet2, Jenna, Nany, JAMiEFiRE agree that they need to avoid last place in order to slide to the end.
-CMJ begins to distance himself from Bluehatchet2's alliance and starts to allow KellyAnne to run the politics.
-Tony & Ashley continue to hook up much to Lurker's disgust. LurkerNoMore goes to Coral and expressed his need to get rid of Tony, unbeknoweth to their alliegance. Coral reveals to Pinkrose Lurker's intentions to which Pinkrose takes note of.
-Bananas tells JEKFAN that he does not want to pursue anything after The Challenge with her which leads to an ultimate break down in which she slaps him and begins to throw furniture. KellyAnne and Nany manage to calm her down.
-TJ comes into the house to give an update on Graphik's status. He reveals that Graphik has discovered that he has a broken rib and has been pulled from the game. He reveals that Nia's status in the game will be revealed at the challenge.
-Ashley is praying that Nia is sent home.
-Coral/Badladjj, KellyAnne/CMJ, Nia/?, and Tony/Pinkrose
-Before the challenge., TJ reveals that Nia will... be getting a new partner. He revevals her partner to be...WittyWrath! WittyWrath is immediately welcomed by most of the cast.
Challenge #8- Blind Leading The Blind
Each team has to advance through a maze consisting of bamboo poles, with each partner having their wrists tied together, blindfolded and wearing electrical-shock dog collars. Each team member has to endure "electrical shocks" throughout the maze, and a team is disqualified if they do not make it to the end of the maze within a 30-minute time limit. The team that makes it to the end of the maze in the fastest time wins, the team with the slowest time will go straight to the dungeon.
Ashley/LurkerNoMore go first... they do really good and manage to block out the pain and make it to the end in good time. Next is Jenna/Bluehatchet2...Jenna does not bode well with the electric shocks but Bluehatchet2 tries to drag her though it, in the end they get a mediocre time. Next up is Nany/JAMiEFiRE...neither girl does well with the shocks, they stop repeatedly and even begin to cry resulting in a terrible time. Bananas/JEKFAN go next...JEKFAN tries her best but begins to cry because of the pain which cause Bananas to drag JEKFAN to the end resulting in an okay time. Up next is Coral/Badladjj...they do well with the pain and finish the maze in a great time! Next up is KellyAnne/CMJ, both do not do well with the pain and travel slowly resulting in a mediocre time. Nia/WittyWrath go next... Nia continues to stop and even begins to sob because of the pain, they eventually make it to the end but with a terrible time. Finally, Tony/Pinkrose go up, Tony does not do well with the time but pushes through and with Pinkrose's good navigation skills, they manage to make it to the end with a great time. After the challenge, TJ reveals that the top 2 teams were Coral/Badladjj and Tony/Pinkrose...he then reveals that the winners are Coral/Badladjj by about 10 seconds. TJ then reveals that the two worst teams were Nany/JAMiEFiRE and Nia/WittyWrath...TJ then announces that Nany/JAMiEFiRE had the slowest time by 2 minutes.
Winning Team - Coral & Badladjj
Last Place - Nany & JAMiEFiRE
Coral/Badladjj are stuck between sending in Jenna/Bluehatchet2 and Bananas/JEKFAN. They discuss with their alliance who tell them that Bananas is a HUGE threat in a final but cannot win a challenge with JEKFAN. In the end... Coral/Badladjj decide to throw in Bananas/JEKFAN into the jungle.
Sent In - Bananas & JEKFAN
-Bananas is pissed off but feels confident that they can beat Nany and JAMiEFiRE.
The Dungeon
Played within a large circle, one player from each team has to swing and break a wooden stick at their opponent, while blindfolded. The blindfolded players will be wearing bells on their shoes and guided by their partners, who are standing outside of the circle. The team that breaks a stick on their opponent in two out of three heats wins the elimination.
In the first heat...Nany and Bananas will face off. JAMiEFiRE immediately tries to direct Nany to the right direction but JEKFAN's secret codes to Bananas ultimately leads to Bananas snapping his stick on Nany giving Bananas/JEKFAN one point. Next up is JAMiEFiRE and JEKFAN. The horn is blown and JEKFAN immediately runs straight and swings....BERNNN!!! TJ announced Bananas/JEKFAN as the winners and says his goodbyes to Nany/JAMIEFiRE ending their time in Uruguay.
-Banans begins to trash talk Coral and Badladjj whom they just ignore.
-Coral/Badladjj, KellyAnne/CMJ, Nia/WittyWrath, and Tony/Pinkrose agree that Bananas/JEKFAN have to go next.
-The house are taken to a beach party.
-KellyAnne, PinkRose, Jenna, and Nia hang out at the bar while Badladjj, WittyWrath, Nia, and Coral go to the dancefloor. Bluehatchet2, LurkerNoMore, Ashley, Bananas, Tony, CMJ, and JEKFAN lay out by the beach and drink.
-KellyAnne and Nia start throwing shade at each other which leads to NIa throwing her drink at KellyAnne. KellyAnne takes it like a champ and walks away to find CMJ. Pinkrose dissproves of Nia and begins to doubt her mental stability.
-Tony and Ashley continue to pursue their relationship but Ashley then reveals that it is all for the benefit of the game.
-Bananas tells Bluehatchet2 and LurkerNoMore that they need to get rid of Coral/Badladjj to which they agree to.
-Everyone goes back home to sleep and get ready for tomorrow's challenge.
-Coral/Badladjj, KellyAnne/CMJ, Nia/WittyWrath, and Tony/Pinkrose
Teams have to advance from one end of a platform to another that is suspended high above water. Each player has to swing on a series of logs that is hanging from the base of the platform. Each log is of a different length. A team is disqualified if one or both players falls into the water. The team that advances to the end of the platform in the fastest time wins. The team that DQs first goes straight to the dungeon.
Bananas/JEKFAN go first...Bananas helps JEKFAN get to each log, JEKFAN eventually loses grip and falls into the water DQing them. KellyAnne/CMJ go next, KellyAnne holds her own as does CMJ. They both make it to the end with a decent time. Coral/Badladjj go next...Coral immediately realizes she cannot hold her own body weight and immediately falls to the water. Tony/Pinkrose go next...They start off extremely well and communicate throughout the challenge making it ot the end with a good time. Nia/WittyWrath go next... Nia and Witty do okay until they reach the middle of the obstacle and Nia's arms are beat causing her to fall. Jenna/Bluehatchet2 go next... They go through theobstacle patiently both being able to hold their own body weight and having the arm length to reach each log finishing in a good time. Finally Ashley/LurkerNoMore go... they do little progress before LurkerNoMore falls to the water. After the challenge, TJ gathers thecsat to reveal the results. He reveals that the top 2 team were Tony/PinkRose and Jenna/Bluehatchet2...he says the winners are Tony/Pinkrose by 20 seconds. He then reveals that the two worse teams were Coral/Badladjj and Ashley/Lurker... He then reveals that the losers are... Coral and Badladjj who will go straight to the dungeon.
Winning Team - Tony & Pinkrose
Last Place - Coral & Badladjj
Pinkrose wants to send in Ashley/LurkerNoMore but Tony refuses. Tony/Pinkrose struggle between either Bananas/JEKFAN and Bluehatchet2/Jenna. Coral begs for Jenna/Bluehatchet2. They agree that it would be dumb to send in Bananas/JEKFAN because they're not gunning for them. Pinkrose then brings up Nia's actions towards their alliance and how she doesn't deserve to slide by without reprecussions for what she did to KellyAnne. Once TJ comes in to hear the results, Pinkrose reveals that they are going to send in... Nia and WittyWrath.
Sent In - Nia & WittyWrath
-Nia, WittyWrath, Badladjj, and Coral go OFF on Pinkrose for her ad Tony's decision. KellyAnne steps in which leads to an ultimate house altercation. CMJ and Lurker try to mediate things but everyone is HEATED.
The Dungeon
Banded Together
Teams will be joined together by a rubber band rope at one pole, and the teams must work together and work their way to the pole on the opposite side of the field, and hold onto the pole for five seconds. The farther the teams get from one pole, the harder it will be to reach the pole. The team that reaches the other pole first and holds on for five seconds wins.
TJ blows the horn! Nia and Coral run towards the pole but immediately fall on their face once they realize how hard the resistance to the band is. Nia and Coral manage to creep up slowly both tiring out. Nia uses her long legs to her advantage and begins to push as hard as she can. AFter about 20 minutes of struggling Nia finally reaches her post. WittyWrath then begins to approach the pole. After about 10 minutes Coral finally reaches her post allowing Badladjj to reach his post. Witty has a 3 foot advantage to Badladjj but they're both continuously pushing. After about 15 minutes, WittyWrath finally reaches the pole! TJ sounds off his horn and announces Nia & WittyWrath as the winners of the elimination round, he also says goodbye to Coral and Badladjj whose time in Uruguay has come to an end.
The Challenge Revenge
Location Spain
host Coral Smith
Everyone has made enemies, for one reason or another, maybe they screwed you over,maybe they punched you, maybe they sent you home. Your fate is in your enemies hands. this isn't rivals, this is an individual game, the twist is your enemy automatically goes into the showdown if you win the days mission. the man and the woman who win the days mission will send their enemy into the showdown against whoever the house votes. Unless you decide to spare them and choose someone else to take their place. who will give forgiveness? who will get Revenge?
listed as pairs but NOT pairs. Alton & Zach
Nany & Theresa
Brad & Darrell
Cara Maria & Jenn
Leroy & Wes
Nia & Sarah
Brian & Cory
Madison & Sylvia
CT & Marlon
Cooke & Heather
Bruno & Tony
Beth & Svetlana
Abram & TY
Aneesa & Kelly Anne (bloodlines trailer)
The Challenge Revenge Location Spain host Coral Smith Everyone has made enemies, for one reason or another, maybe they screwed you over,maybe they punched you, maybe they sent you home. Your fate is in your enemies hands. this isn't rivals, this is an individual game, the twist is your enemy automatically goes into the showdown if you win the days mission. the man and the woman who win the days mission will send their enemy into the showdown against whoever the house votes. Unless you decide to spare them and choose someone else to take their place. who will give forgiveness? who will get Revenge? listed as pairs but NOT pairs. Alton & Zach Nany & Theresa Brad & Darrell Cara Maria & Jenn Leroy & Wes Nia & Sarah Brian & Cory Madison & Sylvia CT & Marlon Cooke & Heather Bruno & Tony Beth & Svetlana Abram & TY Aneesa & Kelly Anne (bloodlines trailer) Frank & Jordan Laura & Marie
Jamie, Trey, Pete, Noor, Mike M, Robb, Dustin, Mitch, Anthony, Tony, Bruno, Scott, Ryan, Cory, Jay, Abe, Cohutta, Marlon, Johnny R, Thomas, CJ, Brian, Dave M, Greg, Ryan L, Adam R, Darell, Wes, Landon, Ace, Steven, Ryan, Adam Kuhn, Mark, Brad, Jordan
Give me a good mix of 32 of these people plus a few LV3 people for a Free Agents 2/Cutthroat 2/Duel 3 type format
Played in separate male and female heats, each player runs back and forth with a bucket up a steep pile of dirt, where a water hose is hanging above. Each player tries to accumulate as much water in their bucket as possible, then run back down toward their designated team barrel, and deposit the water in their barrel. Each heat runs for ten minutes, and for the co-ed teams, each player competes against players of their respective gender. The team with the most amount of water in their barrel wins, while the team with the least amount of water is automatically sent to "The Pit."
The girls go first... Ashley, KellyAnne, Nia, and Pinkrose immediately power house the hill meanwhile JEKFAN and Jenna struggle to get up the mountain. Ashley and KellyAnne keep their momentum throughout the challenge and finish strong, Nia and Pinkrose tire out in the middle but they do a decent job, Jenna and JEKFAN do the worst. The guys then begin...Bluehatchet2, LurkerNoMore, Bananas, and Tony start off strong while CMJ and WittyWrath struggle to maintain their balance on the hill. Bananas and Tony keep their momentum strong throughout the challenge while Bluehatchet 2 and LurkerNoMore tire out towards the end. CMJ and Witty do an okay job. TJ reveals that the top two teams today were...Tony/Pinkrose and LurkerNoMore/Ashley...the winner of today's challenge is... Tony/Pinkrose! TJ then reveals the two worst teams as... Nia/WittyWrath and Jenna/Bluehatchet2...the losers of today's challenge is...Jenna/Bluehatchet2 who will be going directly into the dungeon.
Winning Team - Tony & Pinkrose
Last Place - Jenna & Bluehatchet2
Tony/Pinkrose come to a consensus that they want Jenna/Bluehatchet2 in the final with them in order to get a guarenteed win. They struggle to choose between Nia/WittyWrath and Bananas/JEKFAN... After talking to KellyAnne/CMJ, they choose to send in Nia/WittyWrath.
Sent In - Nia & WittyWrath
-Nia and WittyWrath stay calm and collected and are confident going in.
-Jenna is afrain about going in against Nia.
The Dungeon
Hall Brawl
Similar to the original "Hall Brawl" in Battle of the Seasons (2012), Players must run through a narrow hallway past another contestant to ring a bell. However, this time the male players will go first and then tag their female partner at the other end of the hall. The players who ring the bell first in the best two out of three heats, wins the elimination.
Bluehatchet2 is extremely nervous for Jenna but manages to put confidence in her. Witty feels confident about his partner's ability as well as his. TJ blows the horn! Bluehatchet2 and WittyWrath immediately sprint...BAM!...Bluehatchet2 pushes into WittyWrath, WittyWrath pushes back, right when WittyWrath is going to run around Bluehatchet2, Bluehatchet2 sticks his foot out and trips WittyWrath. Bluehatchet2 sprints to his partner and taps in Jenna...she runs. WittyWrath regains balance and taps in Nia...Nia runs. Jenna has a considerable lead...they both run to each other...BAM...Nia pushes past Jenna but Jenna doesn't stop....PING! Jenna rings her bell first...Round 2. WittyWrath tells Nia to drag Jenna back, Bluehatchet2 tells Jenna that he is going to try and drag WittyWrath backwards. TJ blows the horn! Bluehatchet2 and WittyWrath immediately sprint...BAM!...Bluehatchet2 immediately grabs Witty's shirtand slams him against the wall and continues to run...Witty then continue to run...Jenna is tapped in...seconds later Nia is tapped in...Jenna is about to leave the hallway when Nia comes in...BAM!...Nia grabs Jenna by her shirt and immediately begins to drag her back...It takes Jenna a few seconds to collect her thoughts (sigh) but she then manages to control her footing and pushed Nia back. Both girls are pushing, staying in place. Nia then pushed Jenna on the ground but Jenna pulls Nia down as well. Then...Jenna and Nia are holding each other down. Jenna manages to slide around and kick Nia's helmet ultimately causing Nia to let go. Jenna regains her balance and runs...Nia does the same...PING! Jenna and Nia are both at the end. TJ tells them that they will replay the tapes....It turns out the bell was first rung by...Jenna! TJ congratulates Jenna and Bluehatchet2 as the winners of the elimination round, he also says his goodbyes to Nia/WittyWrath whose time in Uruguay has come to an end.
I wanna see Lurker vs Blue in a physical contact round.
Cutthroat 2:
Darrell (RR: Campus Crawl)
Abe (RR: South Pacific)
Wes (RW: Austin)
Greg (RW: Hollywood)
Dustin (RW: Las Vegas 2)
Frank (RW: San Diego 2)
Trey (RW: St. Thomas)
Jordan (RW: Portland)
Marlon (RW: Portland)
Cory (RW: ExPlosion)
Brian (RW: Explosion)
Bruno (RW: Skeletons)
Tony (RW: Skeletons)
Chris (RW: Las Vegas 3)
Dillon (RW: Las Vegas 2)
Scali (AYTO1?)
Brandon (AYTO2?
Devin (AYTO3?)
Jenn (RW: Denver)
KellyAnne (RW: Sydney)
Ayiiia (RW: Cancun)
Cooke (RW: Las Vegas 2)
Nany (RW: Las Vegas 2)
Marie (RW: St. Thomas)
LaToya (RW: St. Thomas)
Averey (RW: Portland)
Nia (RW: Portland)
Ashley (RW: Explosion)
Jamie (RW: Explosion)
Sylvia (RW: Skeletons)
Violetta (RW: Skeletons)
Kailah (RW: Las Vegas 3)
Jenna (RW: Las Vegas 3)
Shanley (AYTO1?)
Briana (AYTO2?)
Britni (AYTO3?)
Bye, Bye, Bye. And bye.
LOL at me and Cory losing
The Challenge: Battle of the Fans
Ashley Mitchell & LurkerNoMore
Camila Nakagawa & Darkfights
Coral Smith & Badladjj
Jenna Compono & Bluehatchet2
KellyAnne Judd & CMJ
Nany Gonzalez & JAMiEFiRE
Nia Moore & Graphik
Bananas Devenzio & JEKFAN
Tony Raines & PinkRose
Episode 7
-Graphik is getting sick of the enviorment and is contemplating quitting but decides to stick it out.
-Ashley tells Lurker that they NEED to get rid of Nia, Lurker agrees to try and find a way to do just that.
-Bluehatchet2 sits down Jenna and tells her that they cannot win anymore challenges and that they need to look weaker than they are in order to make it to the end. Jenna agrees.
-Bananas calls his girlfriend and tells her about his ongoing relationship with JEKFAN. Hannah breaks up with him leaving Bananas heartbroken and ready to quit but Nany convinces him to stay.
-Tony & Ashlay discuss a possible relationship after the challenge but KellyAnne quickly warns Ashley about the ways of Tony.
-Coral and Badladjj are becoming best friends and have agreed to hang out after filming.
-Nany and Pinkrose laugh about their hook up and become very close friends.
-CMJ and Darkfights have isolated themsekves and are mostly sleeping or working out.
-Coral/Badladjj, KellyAnne/CMJ, Nia/Graphik, and Tony/Pinkrose
-Camila/Darkfights, KellyAnne/CMJ, Jenna/Bluehatcher2
-Nany/JAMiEFiRE, Bananas/JEKFAN, Ashley/LurkerNoMore
Challenge #7- On Again, Off Again
Teams have to spin on a wheel that is attached by ropes to a zip line above a pond, swim around a buoy at the opposite side of the pond, then return to the shore and ring a bell. Two teams (four players) compete at a time on the spinning zip line. The team with the fastest time wins the Power Couple, while the team with the slowest time is automatically sent to the Dome.
The first heat consists of Ashley/LurkerNoMore and Tony/Pinkrose. LurkerNoMore is the first to let go while the rest manage to stay on untilt eh end. They all swim well but Tony/Pinkrose have a great leave and end with an excellent time. Ashley/LurkerNoMore also complete it but with a mediocre time because of Lurker's fall. The second heat is Camila/Darkfights and Bananas/JEKFAN...almost immediately, Darkfights and JEKFAN falls to the water while Camila and Bananas hold on until the end. They all swim to the end, Camila/Darkfights get a decent time while Bananas/JEKFAN get a medicore time. The next heat is Coral/Badladjj and Nia/Graphik...as they take off, Coral, Badladjj, and Graphik fall to the water. Nia manages to hold on fot a bit but then immediately falls to the water. Coral and Badladjj get a very medicore time while Nia/Graphik do terrible. The next heat is Jenna/Bluehatchet2 and Nany/JAMiEFiRE...once they take off, JAMiEFiRE immediately falls to the water. Jenna and Bluehatchet manage to hold on until about halfway while Nany manages to hold on for most of it. Jenna/Bluehatchet2 get a mediocre time while Nany/JAMiEFiRE get a terrible time because of JAMiEFiRE's fall. KellyAnne and CMJ go alone...CMJ falls almost instantly but KellyAnne manages to hold on for the whole ride. They get a mediocre time. TJ announces that the best two teams were Tony/Pinkrose and Camila/Darkfights. He then reveals Tony/Pinkrose won by a whopping total of 3 minutes. He then reveals that the two worst teams were Nia/Graphik and Nany/JAMiEFIRE...ultimately naming Nia and Graphik as the losing team.
Winning Team - Tony & Pinkrose
Last Place - Nia & Graphik
Tony/Pinkrose at first want to throw in Jenna/Bluehatchet2 but they talk to Coral and realize that that would be a waste of a win since Nia could most likely knock out a strong girl. They then begin to choose between Camila/Darkfights and Jenna/Bluehatchet2. In the end... Tony/Pinkrose decide to throw in Camila/Darkfights into the jungle.
Sent In - Camila & Darkights
-Darkfights remains cool and collected while Camila goes OFF on Pinkrose and Tony calling them a bunch of "*******".
The Dungeon
Hall Brawl
Similar to the original "Hall Brawl" in Battle of the Seasons (2012), Players must run through a narrow hallway past another contestant to ring a bell. However, this time the male players will go first and then tag their female partner at the other end of the hall. The players who ring the bell first in the best two out of three heats, wins the elimination.
Darkfights and Graphik are both ready to bolt through the hallway, BERNNNN! TJ blows his horn and both guys sprint towards each other. Graphik manages to shove Darkfights a bit both both manages to pass each other and high five their girls. Camila and Nia immediately start towards each other...Nia tries to grab Camila but Camila sweeps bye her and rings her bell giving Darkfights/Camila one point. Before the next round starts, Nia tells Graphik ot hold off Darkights long in order for her to have more time. The rounf then begins...BERNNN!...Graphik and Darkfights sprint towards each other, Graphik tries to stop him but he sweeps by both conitnuing to run...they reach their partners and Nia and Camila once agaisnt begin to sprint. Once Nia and Camila meet each other in the center, Nia snatches Camila and manages to shove her while continuing to run...CLING! Nia gets to her bell first earing Graphik and Nia a point tying the two teams. The final round is about to begin...BERNNN!...Graphik and Darkfights decide to just pass each other and they tap in their partners. Nia goes full out and sprints, once they mett each other in the center Nia decides to ignore Camila and continues to run....CLING!...Nia rings her bell first. TJ blows his horn and announces Graphik and Nia as the winners of the dungeon. He also says goodbye to Camila/Darkfights whose time in Uruguay has come to end. Bluehatchet2 and CMJ are devasted and they say their goodbye to their ally Darkfights.
Pinkrose came in with the slay...
Blur, what the **** are you doing? loool.
I'm sorry, but this shit is terrible... starting with the cast.
LOL idek!!!!!! Bored asf!
Yeah, I figured you suck up to PR. lol
The Challenge: Battle of the Fans
Ashley Mitchell & LurkerNoMore
Coral Smith & Badladjj
Jenna Compono & Bluehatchet2
KellyAnne Judd & CMJ
Nany Gonzalez & JAMiEFiRE
Nia Moore & Graphik
Bananas Devenzio & JEKFAN
Tony Raines & PinkRose
Episode 8
-Graphik has been feeling terrible since the elimination round, he is taken to the hospital because of a strange pain in his abdomen.
-Bluehatchet2, Jenna, Nany, JAMiEFiRE agree that they need to avoid last place in order to slide to the end.
-CMJ begins to distance himself from Bluehatchet2's alliance and starts to allow KellyAnne to run the politics.
-Tony & Ashley continue to hook up much to Lurker's disgust. LurkerNoMore goes to Coral and expressed his need to get rid of Tony, unbeknoweth to their alliegance. Coral reveals to Pinkrose Lurker's intentions to which Pinkrose takes note of.
-Bananas tells JEKFAN that he does not want to pursue anything after The Challenge with her which leads to an ultimate break down in which she slaps him and begins to throw furniture. KellyAnne and Nany manage to calm her down.
-TJ comes into the house to give an update on Graphik's status. He reveals that Graphik has discovered that he has a broken rib and has been pulled from the game. He reveals that Nia's status in the game will be revealed at the challenge.
-Ashley is praying that Nia is sent home.
-Coral/Badladjj, KellyAnne/CMJ, Nia/?, and Tony/Pinkrose
-Nany/JAMiEFiRE, Bananas/JEKFAN, Ashley/LurkerNoMore, Jenna/Bluehatchet2
-Before the challenge., TJ reveals that Nia will... be getting a new partner. He revevals her partner to be...WittyWrath! WittyWrath is immediately welcomed by most of the cast.
Challenge #8- Blind Leading The Blind
Each team has to advance through a maze consisting of bamboo poles, with each partner having their wrists tied together, blindfolded and wearing electrical-shock dog collars. Each team member has to endure "electrical shocks" throughout the maze, and a team is disqualified if they do not make it to the end of the maze within a 30-minute time limit. The team that makes it to the end of the maze in the fastest time wins, the team with the slowest time will go straight to the dungeon.
Ashley/LurkerNoMore go first... they do really good and manage to block out the pain and make it to the end in good time. Next is Jenna/Bluehatchet2...Jenna does not bode well with the electric shocks but Bluehatchet2 tries to drag her though it, in the end they get a mediocre time. Next up is Nany/JAMiEFiRE...neither girl does well with the shocks, they stop repeatedly and even begin to cry resulting in a terrible time. Bananas/JEKFAN go next...JEKFAN tries her best but begins to cry because of the pain which cause Bananas to drag JEKFAN to the end resulting in an okay time. Up next is Coral/Badladjj...they do well with the pain and finish the maze in a great time! Next up is KellyAnne/CMJ, both do not do well with the pain and travel slowly resulting in a mediocre time. Nia/WittyWrath go next... Nia continues to stop and even begins to sob because of the pain, they eventually make it to the end but with a terrible time. Finally, Tony/Pinkrose go up, Tony does not do well with the time but pushes through and with Pinkrose's good navigation skills, they manage to make it to the end with a great time. After the challenge, TJ reveals that the top 2 teams were Coral/Badladjj and Tony/Pinkrose...he then reveals that the winners are Coral/Badladjj by about 10 seconds. TJ then reveals that the two worst teams were Nany/JAMiEFiRE and Nia/WittyWrath...TJ then announces that Nany/JAMiEFiRE had the slowest time by 2 minutes.
Winning Team - Coral & Badladjj
Last Place - Nany & JAMiEFiRE
Coral/Badladjj are stuck between sending in Jenna/Bluehatchet2 and Bananas/JEKFAN. They discuss with their alliance who tell them that Bananas is a HUGE threat in a final but cannot win a challenge with JEKFAN. In the end... Coral/Badladjj decide to throw in Bananas/JEKFAN into the jungle.
Sent In - Bananas & JEKFAN
-Bananas is pissed off but feels confident that they can beat Nany and JAMiEFiRE.
The Dungeon
Played within a large circle, one player from each team has to swing and break a wooden stick at their opponent, while blindfolded. The blindfolded players will be wearing bells on their shoes and guided by their partners, who are standing outside of the circle. The team that breaks a stick on their opponent in two out of three heats wins the elimination.
In the first heat...Nany and Bananas will face off. JAMiEFiRE immediately tries to direct Nany to the right direction but JEKFAN's secret codes to Bananas ultimately leads to Bananas snapping his stick on Nany giving Bananas/JEKFAN one point. Next up is JAMiEFiRE and JEKFAN. The horn is blown and JEKFAN immediately runs straight and swings....BERNNN!!! TJ announced Bananas/JEKFAN as the winners and says his goodbyes to Nany/JAMIEFiRE ending their time in Uruguay.
-Banans begins to trash talk Coral and Badladjj whom they just ignore.
Uh no... lol. I just think Tony would be more balanced than Cory.
Me & Nia was beatin *** in these eliminations lmao
I would definitely speak my mind on the conditions lmao but I wouldn't think about quitting though...that's *******.
Chestnut and Pistachio bouta make their presence known. Well-known.
But I would not be flopping left and right like that. Being raised like a redneck prepared me for this shit.
The Challenge: Battle of the Fans
Ashley Mitchell & LurkerNoMore
Coral Smith & Badladjj
Jenna Compono & Bluehatchet2
KellyAnne Judd & CMJ
Nia Moore & WittyWrath
Bananas Devenzio & JEKFAN
Tony Raines & PinkRose
Episode 9
-Coral/Badladjj, KellyAnne/CMJ, Nia/WittyWrath, and Tony/Pinkrose agree that Bananas/JEKFAN have to go next.
-The house are taken to a beach party.
-KellyAnne, PinkRose, Jenna, and Nia hang out at the bar while Badladjj, WittyWrath, Nia, and Coral go to the dancefloor. Bluehatchet2, LurkerNoMore, Ashley, Bananas, Tony, CMJ, and JEKFAN lay out by the beach and drink.
-KellyAnne and Nia start throwing shade at each other which leads to NIa throwing her drink at KellyAnne. KellyAnne takes it like a champ and walks away to find CMJ. Pinkrose dissproves of Nia and begins to doubt her mental stability.
-Tony and Ashley continue to pursue their relationship but Ashley then reveals that it is all for the benefit of the game.
-Bananas tells Bluehatchet2 and LurkerNoMore that they need to get rid of Coral/Badladjj to which they agree to.
-Everyone goes back home to sleep and get ready for tomorrow's challenge.
-Coral/Badladjj, KellyAnne/CMJ, Nia/WittyWrath, and Tony/Pinkrose
-Bananas/JEKFAN, Ashley/LurkerNoMore, Jenna/Bluehatchet2
Challenge #9- Water Logged
Teams have to advance from one end of a platform to another that is suspended high above water. Each player has to swing on a series of logs that is hanging from the base of the platform. Each log is of a different length. A team is disqualified if one or both players falls into the water. The team that advances to the end of the platform in the fastest time wins. The team that DQs first goes straight to the dungeon.
Bananas/JEKFAN go first...Bananas helps JEKFAN get to each log, JEKFAN eventually loses grip and falls into the water DQing them. KellyAnne/CMJ go next, KellyAnne holds her own as does CMJ. They both make it to the end with a decent time. Coral/Badladjj go next...Coral immediately realizes she cannot hold her own body weight and immediately falls to the water. Tony/Pinkrose go next...They start off extremely well and communicate throughout the challenge making it ot the end with a good time. Nia/WittyWrath go next... Nia and Witty do okay until they reach the middle of the obstacle and Nia's arms are beat causing her to fall. Jenna/Bluehatchet2 go next... They go through theobstacle patiently both being able to hold their own body weight and having the arm length to reach each log finishing in a good time. Finally Ashley/LurkerNoMore go... they do little progress before LurkerNoMore falls to the water. After the challenge, TJ gathers thecsat to reveal the results. He reveals that the top 2 team were Tony/PinkRose and Jenna/Bluehatchet2...he says the winners are Tony/Pinkrose by 20 seconds. He then reveals that the two worse teams were Coral/Badladjj and Ashley/Lurker... He then reveals that the losers are... Coral and Badladjj who will go straight to the dungeon.
Winning Team - Tony & Pinkrose
Last Place - Coral & Badladjj
Pinkrose wants to send in Ashley/LurkerNoMore but Tony refuses. Tony/Pinkrose struggle between either Bananas/JEKFAN and Bluehatchet2/Jenna. Coral begs for Jenna/Bluehatchet2. They agree that it would be dumb to send in Bananas/JEKFAN because they're not gunning for them. Pinkrose then brings up Nia's actions towards their alliance and how she doesn't deserve to slide by without reprecussions for what she did to KellyAnne. Once TJ comes in to hear the results, Pinkrose reveals that they are going to send in... Nia and WittyWrath.
Sent In - Nia & WittyWrath
-Nia, WittyWrath, Badladjj, and Coral go OFF on Pinkrose for her ad Tony's decision. KellyAnne steps in which leads to an ultimate house altercation. CMJ and Lurker try to mediate things but everyone is HEATED.
The Dungeon
Banded Together
Teams will be joined together by a rubber band rope at one pole, and the teams must work together and work their way to the pole on the opposite side of the field, and hold onto the pole for five seconds. The farther the teams get from one pole, the harder it will be to reach the pole. The team that reaches the other pole first and holds on for five seconds wins.
TJ blows the horn! Nia and Coral run towards the pole but immediately fall on their face once they realize how hard the resistance to the band is. Nia and Coral manage to creep up slowly both tiring out. Nia uses her long legs to her advantage and begins to push as hard as she can. AFter about 20 minutes of struggling Nia finally reaches her post. WittyWrath then begins to approach the pole. After about 10 minutes Coral finally reaches her post allowing Badladjj to reach his post. Witty has a 3 foot advantage to Badladjj but they're both continuously pushing. After about 15 minutes, WittyWrath finally reaches the pole! TJ sounds off his horn and announces Nia & WittyWrath as the winners of the elimination round, he also says goodbye to Coral and Badladjj whose time in Uruguay has come to an end.
Just posted what I think would be a great next challenge! I just want another BOTSeasons so bad..
I wouldn't tune in to watch that challenge....lol
I wouldn't watch this, I'm afraid lol.
AYTO1 (Ryan), AYTO3 (Chuck), Brian, Dunbar, more Bananas, Darrell.. just no. But I understand the desire to see another BOTSeasons.
I would loooove this cast..
That cast has some issues but I'd watch it.
The Challenge Revenge
Location Spain
host Coral Smith
Everyone has made enemies, for one reason or another, maybe they screwed you over,maybe they punched you, maybe they sent you home. Your fate is in your enemies hands. this isn't rivals, this is an individual game, the twist is your enemy automatically goes into the showdown if you win the days mission. the man and the woman who win the days mission will send their enemy into the showdown against whoever the house votes. Unless you decide to spare them and choose someone else to take their place. who will give forgiveness? who will get Revenge?
listed as pairs but NOT pairs.
Alton & Zach
Nany & Theresa
Brad & Darrell
Cara Maria & Jenn
Leroy & Wes
Nia & Sarah
Brian & Cory
Madison & Sylvia
CT & Marlon
Cooke & Heather
Bruno & Tony
Beth & Svetlana
Abram & TY
Aneesa & Kelly Anne (bloodlines trailer)
Frank & Jordan
Laura & Marie
On the next episode of The Challenge Battle of the Fans...
Jenna and Blue's slayvage continues.
Honesttea101 and Miss fail come in as heavy hitters even though she just gave birth days ago and is still laughing about wooping Nany's ***.
Laurel, Jill, Cooke, Cara Maria, Emily, Rachel, Evelynn, Nia, Nany, Marie, Sylvia, Violetta, Nicole, KellyAnne, Sarah, Coral, Beth, Tina, Veronica, Ashley M, Ashley K, Averey, Rianna, Anessa, Jamie, Theresa, Arielle, Latoya, Ashlee F, Ayiiia, Jenny, Ashley L, Trishelle, Brianna T
Jamie, Trey, Pete, Noor, Mike M, Robb, Dustin, Mitch, Anthony, Tony, Bruno, Scott, Ryan, Cory, Jay, Abe, Cohutta, Marlon, Johnny R, Thomas, CJ, Brian, Dave M, Greg, Ryan L, Adam R, Darell, Wes, Landon, Ace, Steven, Ryan, Adam Kuhn, Mark, Brad, Jordan
Give me a good mix of 32 of these people plus a few LV3 people for a Free Agents 2/Cutthroat 2/Duel 3 type format
The Challenge: Battle of the Fans
Ashley Mitchell & LurkerNoMore
Jenna Compono & Bluehatchet2
KellyAnne Judd & CMJ
Nia Moore & WittyWrath
Bananas Devenzio & JEKFAN
Tony Raines & PinkRose
Episode 10
-KellyAnne/CMJ and Tony/Pinkrose make a final 2 deal.
-Nia/WittyWrath makes an alliance with Ashley/LurkerNoMore and Bananas/JEKFAN
-LurkerNoMore has a meltdown and curses out his partner Ashley, she threatens to leave but Tony convinces her to stay.
-Bluehatchet2 and WittyWrath get into an arguement. Nia steps in to defend WittyWrath meanwhile Jenna is making chicken nuggets for the house.
-Bananas tells Tony/Pinkrose that they HAVE to take Jenna/Bluehatchet2 to the final.
-Jenna/Bluehatchet2 want to get rid of Tony/Pinkrose.
-KellyAnne/CMJ and Tony/Pinkrose
-Nia/WittyWrath, Ashley/LurkerNoMore, Bananas/JEKFAN
-Jenna/Bluehatchet2 and Chicken Nuggets
Challenge #10- Water Battle
Played in separate male and female heats, each player runs back and forth with a bucket up a steep pile of dirt, where a water hose is hanging above. Each player tries to accumulate as much water in their bucket as possible, then run back down toward their designated team barrel, and deposit the water in their barrel. Each heat runs for ten minutes, and for the co-ed teams, each player competes against players of their respective gender. The team with the most amount of water in their barrel wins, while the team with the least amount of water is automatically sent to "The Pit."
The girls go first... Ashley, KellyAnne, Nia, and Pinkrose immediately power house the hill meanwhile JEKFAN and Jenna struggle to get up the mountain. Ashley and KellyAnne keep their momentum throughout the challenge and finish strong, Nia and Pinkrose tire out in the middle but they do a decent job, Jenna and JEKFAN do the worst. The guys then begin...Bluehatchet2, LurkerNoMore, Bananas, and Tony start off strong while CMJ and WittyWrath struggle to maintain their balance on the hill. Bananas and Tony keep their momentum strong throughout the challenge while Bluehatchet 2 and LurkerNoMore tire out towards the end. CMJ and Witty do an okay job. TJ reveals that the top two teams today were...Tony/Pinkrose and LurkerNoMore/Ashley...the winner of today's challenge is... Tony/Pinkrose! TJ then reveals the two worst teams as... Nia/WittyWrath and Jenna/Bluehatchet2...the losers of today's challenge is...Jenna/Bluehatchet2 who will be going directly into the dungeon.
Winning Team - Tony & Pinkrose
Last Place - Jenna & Bluehatchet2
Tony/Pinkrose come to a consensus that they want Jenna/Bluehatchet2 in the final with them in order to get a guarenteed win. They struggle to choose between Nia/WittyWrath and Bananas/JEKFAN... After talking to KellyAnne/CMJ, they choose to send in Nia/WittyWrath.
Sent In - Nia & WittyWrath
-Nia and WittyWrath stay calm and collected and are confident going in.
-Jenna is afrain about going in against Nia.
The Dungeon
Hall Brawl
Similar to the original "Hall Brawl" in Battle of the Seasons (2012), Players must run through a narrow hallway past another contestant to ring a bell. However, this time the male players will go first and then tag their female partner at the other end of the hall. The players who ring the bell first in the best two out of three heats, wins the elimination.
Bluehatchet2 is extremely nervous for Jenna but manages to put confidence in her. Witty feels confident about his partner's ability as well as his. TJ blows the horn! Bluehatchet2 and WittyWrath immediately sprint...BAM!...Bluehatchet2 pushes into WittyWrath, WittyWrath pushes back, right when WittyWrath is going to run around Bluehatchet2, Bluehatchet2 sticks his foot out and trips WittyWrath. Bluehatchet2 sprints to his partner and taps in Jenna...she runs. WittyWrath regains balance and taps in Nia...Nia runs. Jenna has a considerable lead...they both run to each other...BAM...Nia pushes past Jenna but Jenna doesn't stop....PING! Jenna rings her bell first...Round 2. WittyWrath tells Nia to drag Jenna back, Bluehatchet2 tells Jenna that he is going to try and drag WittyWrath backwards. TJ blows the horn! Bluehatchet2 and WittyWrath immediately sprint...BAM!...Bluehatchet2 immediately grabs Witty's shirtand slams him against the wall and continues to run...Witty then continue to run...Jenna is tapped in...seconds later Nia is tapped in...Jenna is about to leave the hallway when Nia comes in...BAM!...Nia grabs Jenna by her shirt and immediately begins to drag her back...It takes Jenna a few seconds to collect her thoughts (sigh) but she then manages to control her footing and pushed Nia back. Both girls are pushing, staying in place. Nia then pushed Jenna on the ground but Jenna pulls Nia down as well. Then...Jenna and Nia are holding each other down. Jenna manages to slide around and kick Nia's helmet ultimately causing Nia to let go. Jenna regains her balance and runs...Nia does the same...PING! Jenna and Nia are both at the end. TJ tells them that they will replay the tapes....It turns out the bell was first rung by...Jenna! TJ congratulates Jenna and Bluehatchet2 as the winners of the elimination round, he also says his goodbyes to Nia/WittyWrath whose time in Uruguay has come to an end.
Girl bye. You look pathetic.
It's not that unrealistic! I'm pretty athletic and a decent height! Plus if Nia couldn't drag Theresa she can't really drag Jenna.
Lmao you would have went home weeks ago
Not I! Especially not with Jenna!
I'd be the Jay to her Jenna and we'd slide by. Except we'd slay eliminations