I think the season would've been crazier with these twelve additions. A house with Averey, Marie, Nia, Violetta and their bloodlines would've been great to watch. We'd see Bruno/Violetta drama, Averey/Nany drama, Marie/Nia interracting with each other, Averey/KellyAnne interracting with each other, Bruno interracting with Marie and Nia, Averey/Nia alliance and Dustin's hot sister lol
If you could choose 1 old-school male and one old-school female to show up on Challenge 28 and make your dreams come true, who would they be? For me, Derrick Kosinski and Katie Doyle. (Alternates would be Landon and either Coral or Ruthie).
The Duel 3 (Tried to make it realistic and I think that some of the names below who normally decline can be convinced for the right amount of money and if they are told its the Duel.)
-DScott and JAMiEFiRE finally meet in person for the first time and have a hot, steamy hook up which leaves a huge target on their teams' backs.
-Tony, Christina, and AshKelseyFan have a threesome while Bluehatchet2 and Camila are outside the room listening.
-Ashley drinks a little too much and threatens to buy Mickeyflo2's family, Lurker tries to hold her back but she ends up accidently thowing grease on him...sigh
-Nathan and Debut Album have an altercation after Debut Album is confronted for his use of the phrase "non-castmember".
-Jenna and Bluehatchet2 drink martinis and tan in order to look good for the first challenge.
Challenge #1 - Slap a Hoe
Competitors will have to slap a maniquins head and try to detach the head from the body. Competitrs are only allowed to use one hand, the first team to detach the heads of their maniquins and deposit the heads into the lake will win! The last team to detach the heads will go straight to the dungeon where they will face off against the team that the winner's send into the dungeon.
Winning Team - Cory & Jman09
Last Place - Nathan & Schoszczak
Cory & Jman09 go through their choices and decide that they ultimately do not ever want to throw in Ashley/Lurker, Jenna/Bluehatchet2, or Wes/DScott. After a tough deliberation, Cory & Jman decide to throw in Cory's enemy Vince & Tbone123.
Sent In - Vince & Tbone123
The Dungeon
Stuck in the Mud
Players will be playing in alumni vs. alumni and fan vs. fan heats. THe objective of this challenge is to find your three designated ropes in a huge pool of thick gooey mud. The elimination will test your endurance as well as your strategy. The first person to find their three ropes in the mud and put them in their team's bucket gets a point for their team. If there is a tie, a coin will be tossed and will determine who will participate in the final heat.
The first heat is Schabozczak and Tbone123. Once TJ blows the horn, both competitiors five into the thick mud pool. Both competitiors spend a few minutes to try and find their ropes. Tbone123 finds his first rope and brings it to his teams bucket. Schabozczak finds a rope but it turns out to be Tbone123's. Vince tells Tbone123 to get their rope from Schaboszczak which ends up in a wrestling match. Ultimately Tbone123 gets the rope and places it in hi teams bucket. Schabozczak, now exhausted and stressed out begins to find his ropes quickley finding the first and the second consecutively. As Schabozczak goes back into the mud pool to find hi third rope, Tbone123 finds his third rope and quickly places it in his bucket winning his heat.
The second heat is Nathan and Vince. Vince immediatly goes beast mode and begins to find his ropes one after the other. He absolutely destroys th elimination round and manages to find his thrid and final rope before Nathan can ever get out of the mud pool to place his first. Vince places his final rope in his bucket and wins his heat!
TJ blows the horn and announces Vince & TBone123 as the winners of the dungeon!
Nathan & Schabozczak say their goodbyes to Nia and Christina which marks the end of their time in Uruguay.
-DScott and JAMiEFiRE's relationship continues to steam up, this leaves Darkfights, Badladjj, Nia, and Mickeyflo2 suspicious of a possible alliance. They ultimately agree on a plan to try and get rid of the showmance.
-Bluehatchet2 and Tony get into a heated arguement at the club when Tony calls him and Jenna a "lay up". Bluehatchet2 throws his drink at Tony and tries to punch him but Cory swoops in in time to seperate the two.
-Jenna and Nany turn up together and agree on an alliance to the end.
-Debut Album, Grafik, Bananas, and Coral agree to try and get every non-cast member off the show.
-Badladjj, Nia, and Ashley turn upat the club but things soon turn ugly when Nia and Ashley get into an arguement about using the "N word". This leads into a drunken verbal match which ultimately leads to the whole cast gettig kicked out of the club.
-On the bus ride back, cameras catch KellyAnne giving Darkfights a ******* while Bluehatchet2 and CMJ try to help cover up.
-Eveyone get's back to the house and goes to bed. In the morning everyone is hungover as **** but still manage to get up early and go to their second challenge.
Challenge #2 - GTL
Competitors will have to race to complete 3 tasks in order to win today's challenge! In the first task "Gym", competitors must move 10 50lb weights from one platform to another. In the second challenge, competitors must lather themselves in itching powder and lay under the sun for 10 minutes. Once the 10 minutes are up, you are allowed to move onto the final task. In the third and final task "Laundry", competitors will have to take a cloth, bring it to the ocean, soak it, and bring it back to their station and squeeze the towel over their team's designated bucket. You need to get 10 inches of water in order to move on.
All teams stuggle in the first task. KellyAnne/CMJ, Nia/Graphik, Cory/Jman09, and Vince/Tbone123 quickly take the lead and move on from the first task. It takes a while for Nia and Tbone123 to put their itching powder on themselves which allows KellyAnne/CMJ and Cory/Jman09 to get a greater lead. Back at the first station, everyone has moved on except Jenna/Bluehatchet2 and Christina/AshKelseyFan. After another 10 minutes, both teams move on at the same time. KellyAnne/CMJ and Cory/Jman09 arrive at the final station and begin working. Nia/Graphik, Vince/Tbone123, Camila/Darkfights, Trey/Debut Album, and Wes/DScott arrive close behind. Wes manages to discover a good strategy in order to get the most water from their cloths. This gets Wes/DScott in a lead but Trey/Debut Album quickly notice their strategy and copy them. In an ultimate race between Wes/DScott and Trey/Debut Album, Trey/Debut Album ultimatly fill their buck first and win the second challenge! While TJ blows the horn, Christina and AshKelseyFan had just arrived to the final task ultimatly making them the last place team.
Winning Team - Trey & Debut Album
Last Place - Christina & AshKelseyFan
Trey & Debut Album ultimatly want to get rid of Christina because of her "non-cast member" status. Coral, Badladjj, Bluehatchet2, and Camila then bring up the idea to send in Tony & Pinkrose because of Tony and Christina's past relationship. Debut Album quickly negates the idea but Trey ultimatly convince Trey to go through with the plan. After a waying decision, Trey & Debut Album decide to throw in Tony & Pinkrose into the dungeon.
Sent In - Tony & Pinkrose
The Dungeon
I Saw You
In this elimination, both teams will be given a saw. A girl from each team (Christina and PR) will have to saw through three ropes which will correspondedly release three bags that contain puzzle pieces. AFter the three bags are releases, the two remaining players (AshKelseyFan and Tony) will have to race to complete the puzzle. The first person to complete the puzzle wins the elimination for their team.
After hearing the rules, Pinkrose is outrages that she has to rely on Tony's mental capablities to win and calls the elimination a fluke. Tony manages to calm her down and they get ready for the game. Christina and AshKelseyFan are confident in each other and are happy to be teamates. The elimination begins and Christina and PinkRose race to saw down their three ropes. Christina unexpectedly keeps up with Pinkrose and they saw off their ropes one after the other neck to neck. After about 7 minutes, both girls saw off their ropes at the same time and retruive the bags, they then bring the bags to their partners and allow them to work on the puzzle. Tony is immediatly overwhelmed with the amount of pieces while AshKelseyFan quickly begins to piece together the puzzle. AshKelseyFan reache the end of the puzzle but realizes that she is missing a piece. Cameras then cut to a flash back that reveals Christina accidently dropping one of the pieces from the bag when she was bringing them to her partner. As Christina goes searching for the missing piece, Tony quickly begin to piece together the puzzle. Christina finlly finds the missing piece but as she picks it up TJ blows the horn and reveals that Tony has completed his puzzle. TJ announces Tony & PinkRose's victory and ultimately says goodbye to Christina & AshKelseyFan.
-After the elimination, LurkerNoMore is sad that his friend Christina has left the house and decides to throw a party for her.
-At the party Vince and Jenna get into an arguement about "plane stations" which leads to a drunk verbal altercationbut their partners Bluehatchet2 and TBone123 soon step in a seperate the two.
-Coral/Badladjj, KellyAnne/CMJ, Nia/Graphik, Tony/Pinkrose, Vince/Rbone123 decide to form an alliance and agree that their first target has to be DScott and JAMiEFiRE.
-Another alliance of Camila/Darkfights, KellyAnne/CMJ (double team), and Jenna/Bluehatchet2 forms but they agree to not socialize in the house in order to avoid any suspicions.
-Bananas and JEKFAN get a little touchy which leads them to go into the bathroom... Subtitles reveal "Belt Unbuckling" and "kissing noises".
-MickeyFlo2 has been quiet throughout the game which bothers Badladjj. Badladjj decides to pick on Mickeyflo2 which leads his partner Zach to step in. Badladjj and Zach almost get physical but the house mamages to seperate them.
-Everyone gets up early in the morning the next day and head off to their next challenge.
Challenge #3 - Save-A-Hoe
Competitors will have to jump off of a 100ft platform into an ocean. They will be requires to swim to a buoy where there is a 50lb maniquin which teams will have to carry back to shore. The team with the fastest time will win the challenge while the team with the slowest time will go straight to the dungeon.
Ashley & Lurker go first, they start off well until they reach the buoy when Ashley tells Lurker that she cannot carry the mannequin. Lurker tries to carry it by himself but doesn't last long accidently dropping the mannequin ino the ocean ultimatlely DQing them.
Nany & JAMiEFiRE go next. JAMiEFiRE struggles with the swimming a bit but Nany helps her. Once they reach the buoy Nany and JAMiEFiRE try to share the weight fo the Mannequin but they only make it about 10ft with it before dropping it in the ocean.
Camila & Darkfights go next. They make it to the buoy in good time and manage to handle the mannequin well making it to shore in a decent time.
Bananas & JEKFAN go next. Bananas does well but it takes a while for JEKFAN to get to the buoy. Bananas decides to allow JEKFAN to just swim back and he carries the mannequin by himself. They get an okay time but complete the mission.
Cory & Jman09 go next. Cory reveals that he cannot swim that well which frightens Jman09. They begin and make it to the buoy in medicore time. Cory manages to carry the mannequin by himself and the team makes it to shore in decent time.
Nia & Grafik go next. It takes Nia and Graphik a long time to get to the buoy and by the time they try to take the mannequin they are GASSED OUT and they ultimately drop the buoy into the ocean DQing them.
Coral & Badladjj go next. They reach the buoy in mediocre time but once they have to take the mannequien, niehter of them could take the weight for too long and ultimately drop the mannequin into the ocean DQing them.
KellyAnne & CMJ go next and do well. They manage to get the buoy and work as a team to bring it bak to shore adding up a decent time.
Jenna & Bluehatchet2 go next. They make it to the buoy in decent time but once they have to take the mannequin back they try to share the load but they ultimately drop it and DQ.
Tony & Pinkrose go next. They do an acceptional job getting t th ebuoy. From there, Tony makes up for last nights elimination and carries the buoy back alone adding up to an excellent time.
Trey & Debut Album go next. They swim well but Debut Album messes up when he accidently loses grip with the mannequin and drops it.
Vince & Tbone123 go next. Tbone123 reveals that he is a mediocre swimmer. Vince does all the hardwork single handidly but TBone123's lack of speed costs them a chunk of time.
Wes & DScott go next. They swim well to the buoy. They try to share the load of the mannequin but it ledas to bad strategy which gives them a mediocre time.
Zach & MickeyFlo2 go last. Zach does the hardwork and carries the mannequin alone while MIckeyFlo2 tries his best to swim fast but they ultimately get a mediocre time.
After everyone has gone, TJ reveals Camila & Darkfights and Tony & Pinkrose as the top performing teams. He then reveals that Camila & Darkfights did the best by 25 seconds. TJ then announces that from all the DQd teams, the two teams that brought their mannequin to the shortest distance was Nany & JAMiEFiRE and Nia & Graphik. He then reveals the last place team to be Nia & Graphik.
Winning Team - Camila & Darkfights
Last Place - Nia & Graphik
Camila & Darkfights agree to keep their allies safe which leaves Ashley/Lurker, Coral/Badladjj, Cory/Jman09, Tony/Pinkrose, Trey/Debut Album, and Vince/Tbone123. They reveal that they want to keep Nia & Graphik long because they do not view them as a threat athletically. They then agree that Ashley/Lurke and Coral/Badladjj aren't really threats. The finally agree on sending in Trey & Debut Album.
Sent In - Trey & Debut Album
-Once the winner's reveal their decision, Trey goes ballistic and gets into a verbal arguement with Camila. Debut Album, feling betrayed, storms out and begins to destroy the house in rage. Production then steps in and calms down the two.
The Dungeon
Hall Pass
In this elimination, teams will be required to sprint to a bucket, collect one of their designated balls, tun back to their podium nd place the ball in their bucket. Once one player returns, their teamate will then go and do the same. Partners will switch one by one. The first team to get 20 balls wins the elimination.
Graphik and Trey are ready to sprint when TJ blows the horn. Both competitors blast off but Trey makes an impressive lead. Both retrieve their ball and runs back to their bucket. They then tap their partners hand and then they blast off. This goes on and on. Trey and Debut Album slowly creep a one ball lead. After about 10 balls, Debut Album begins to feel a little sick. Around the 15th ball Debut Album is noticably slowing down and obviously exhausted. Trey tries to motivate his partner which helps but Nia & Graphk have caught up. Badladjj and Coral are roting for Nia & Graphik which only makes them more motivated. Both teams are neck to next whifch leads to the final heat which is Nia and Debut Album. Both blast off but Nia manages to find her ball first, she then sprints back and places the ball in her bucket. BURRRRMPP! TJ blows hi horn and announces Nia & Graphik as the winners of the elimination. TJ then says his goodbyes to Trey & Debut Album as their time in Uruguay comes to an end.
-Ashley is upset that Nia didn't get sent home so she begins to bother her which leads to Nia shoving Ashley into the ground. Poduction steps in and seperates the two.
-Zach and Jenna begin to discuss their relationship and Zach reveals that he doesn't know where their relationship is heading which leads to Jenna locking herself in the bathroom and bawling her eyes out. Bluehatchet2, Nany, and JAMiEFiRE try and help Jenna.
-Bluehatchet2 and Badladjj get into a heated arguement which ends with Badladjj throwing a glass at Bluehatchet2. Badladjj is reprimanded for his actions and is forced to apoligize.
-Coral, Badladjj, Bananas, JEKFAN, and Pinkrose are sick of Buehatchet's immaturity and plan on getting rid of him and Jenna ASAP.
-Tony and Ashley hook up. Soon after Tony makes out with JEKFAN which infuriates a jealous Bananas leading to a verbal arguement between JEKFAN, Bananas, and Tony.
-Vince and PinkRose hook up, Pinkrose starts to catch feelings.
-CMJ and Darkfights go thorugh the list of teams still left and agree that Wes and DScott have to go.
-Jenna, Bluehatchet2, Nany, and JAMiEFiRE decide to tan before the challenge.
Challenge #4 - Don't Play With Me!
Competitors will have to run to a mud pit and get a ball. Both you and your partner need a ball to stay in the game. 2 balls will be removed each round. The first time that does not get both their teamates a ball will go straight to the dungeon. Last team standing wins the competition.
In the first round, everyone one sprints to get a ball. Once there are 4 balls remaining Ashley, Jenna, JEKFAN, Tbone123, and MickeyFlo2 are left to scavenge for a ball. Ashley, Tbone123, and MickeyFlo2 get their ball leaving Jenna and JEKFAN. JEKFAN gets the ball but Jenna mamages to tackle JEKFAN and slowly but surely wiggles the ball away from JEKFAN running away from the pit. This ultimately means that Bananas & JEKFAN are the last placec team. As the heats go on the final 4 teams are Camila/Darkfights, Cory/Jman09, Wes/DScott, Zach/MickeyFlo2. Camila & Darkfights and Wes & DScott are then eliminated leaving Cory & Jman09 and Zach/MickeyFlo as the final teams standing. In the final heat, Cory & Jman09 each get a ball and win the challenge!
Winning Team - Cory & Jman09
Last Place - Bananas & JEKFAN
Cory & Jman09 hardly have to deliberate and quickly come to an agreement. They decide to send in their biggest enemies Vince & Tbone123.
Sent In - Vince & Tbone123
-Once the winner's reveal their decision, Vince and Bananas get into a HUGE blow out with Cory which leads to Vince throwing a punch. Vince and Cory are then removed from the house and taken to a hotel.
-Later in the evening, TJ arrives at the house. He reveals that physical violence is not accected in The Challenge and that Vince has been disqualified from the game because of his first punch. He then reveals that Tbone123 will have to leave as well. This leads to PinkRose breaking down into tears now that her boy toy Vince is leaving. TJ then reveals that an elimination will still happen and that Cory & Jman09 will have to revote another competitor into the elimination.
Cory & Jman09 break it down to three potential nominees: Coral/Badladjj, Tony/Pinkrose, and Zach/Mickeyflo2. They realize that Zach is their biggest physical threat and decide to throw them into the elimination.
Sent In - Zach & Mickeyflo2
The Dungeon
In this elimination identical to the one on Rivals, players will have to uncover their teamate who will be locked in a wooden box hidden underneath a huge pile of hay. Once their partner is taken out of the wooden box, they will move onto a puzzle. The first team to solve the puzzle wins the elimination!
Cory and Zach decide to be the ones to break out their partner from the box. Once TJ blows the horn, they both dash the the hay. Zach uncovers the hay first and it's Mickey! He quickly breaks the box and release Mickey. Bananas then finally reaches the box and rapidly releases JEKFAN from the box. Now both teams are neck at neck at the puzzle. The teams try to solve the puzzle multiple times but no avail. From the stands, Camila quickly realizes how the puzzle works and helps Bananas telling him where to put what. Bananas and JEKFAN finally complete the puzzle with Lurker's help and TJ blows his horn! TJ congratulates Bananas & JEKFAN on their win and says his goodbyes to Zach & MickeyFlo2 whose time in Uruguay has come to an end. Badladjj basks in joy as MickeyFLo2 leaves but MickeyfLo2 runs back to the stands and punches Badladjj in the back of the head before being escorted by security. Jenna says her goodbyes to Zach but then he tells her that he thinks its best if they remains friends. Jenna's heart is broken and she remains silent the whole bus trip home.
-Bananas and JEKFAN continue to hook up in "secret" but soon enough guilt hits Bananas realizing that his girlfriend Hannah back home will eventually find out.
-DScott is getting sick of JAMiEFiRE who is beginning to get clingy. This leads to the two of them ignoring each other.
-Coral and Badladjj start training physically in order to improve their performance in challenges.
-Graphik is getting home sick and is getting tired of the constant drama.
-The alliance of Coral/Badladjj, KellyAnne/CMJ, Nia/Graphik, and Tony/Pinkrose is still going strong and still want to target JAMiEFiRE and DScott.
-Camila/Darkfights and Jenna/Bluehatchet2 begin to notice the formation of the alliance above. They realize that their alliance is not that powerful.
-Tony and Ashley continue to hook up which leads to Nia calling Ashley a hoe which aggriviates Ashley. Nia and Ashley then almost get physical but they are seperated.
-Wes and Bananas decide to work together now that they seem a bit politically powerless.
-Camila and Cory agree to mend their rift in the past and try to work together as the game continues.
-Coral/Badladjj, KellyAnne/CMJ, Nia/Graphik, and Tony/Pinkrose
Competitors will have to run 2 miles to a room filled with tear gas. In the room with tear gas, there are 10 sets of keys that each allow competitor to open their box back at home base that is filled with puzzle pieces. The first team to complete the puzzle wins the challenge! The team that does not get their key gets eliminated!
The challenge starts with a foot race which immediately put Camila/Darkfights, KellyAnne/CMJ, Nia/Graphik, Cory/Jman09, Tony/Pinkrose, and Wes/DScott in a lead. Camila/Darkfights, Cory/Jman09, Tony/Pinkrose, and Wes/DScott easily handle the tear gas, get their key, and dash off back to home base. The other teams then find their key and proceed. The last two teams to arrive to the tear gas room are Coral & Badladjj and Nany & JAMiEFiRE. They both run into the tear gas room ath the same time and Nany quickly finds the key, snatches it, and leaves the room with JAMiEFiRE ultimately leaving Coral & Badladjj as the last place team. Cory & Jman09 and Wes/DScott arrive back to base first and unlock their puzzle pieces. As they begin to try and solve their puzzle Tony & Pinkrose and Camila/Darkfights arrive and begi their puzzle as well. Each team is neck to neck but at the end, Pinkrose managed to solve the puzzle for he team! TJ blows the horn and announces Tony & Pinkrose as the winners of today's challenge! He then revleas that Coral & Badladjj were the losers of todays' challenge and will be going to today's dungeon.
Winning Team - Tony & Pinkrose
Last Place - Coral & Badladjj
Tony & Pinkrose and their alliance are stuck between sending in Wes/DScott, Jenna/Bluehatchet2, Cory/Jman09, and Nany/JAMiEFiRE. Coral and Badladjj do not want to face off against Cory. PR says that she does not want to send in Nany. It's not down to Wes/DScott and Jenna/Bluehatchet. Badladjj wants Jenna/Bluehatchet but Tony does not want to send in a weak team. Ultimately at deliberation, Tony and Pinkrose decide to try and destroy the showmance and send in Wes/DScott.
Sent In - Wes & DScott
-Wes and DScott are okay with te decision and are confident in their abilities. Coral and Badladjj are upset with Tony and Pinkrose's decision.
The Dungeon
Pole Position
Teams have to advance up a 25-foot structure, with ladders on both sides, and a bell at the top. Each partner faces each other, has their hands and feet strapped together into wooden poles, and have to use the wooden poles to advance up the ladder. The team that advances to the top and rings a bell first wins
Once TJ blows the horn, Wes and DScott immediately blast off. Coral/Badladjj are going slow and steady but cannot seem to go as fast as Wes and DScott. Wes and DScott continue to do well until DScott accidentely slips his footing and and leans back causing him and Wes to fall down from the platform. They quickly get up and start all over hoping to still be able to beat Coral/Badladjj. Coral and Badladjj continue to go and communicate marvelously and evetually reach the top of the platform and ring the bell, BING! TJ blows the horn and announces Coral and Badladjj and the winners of the elimination, he also says his goodbyes to Wes and DScott whose time in Uruguay has ended.
T.J. Lavin asks each team a series of trivia questions, which includes spelling, sports, geography, pop culture and U.S. history. The challenge is played in multiple rounds, and each player is wrapped in a blanket that is hanging from a platform suspended above water. If teams correctly answers a question, they will stay in the game, but will get an "X" for each wrong answer. If a team gets two X's, each teammate is dropped into the water. The first team to be dropped into the water is automatically sent to the dungeon, while the last team hanging become the winners!
The challenge starts...Ashley, Camila, KellyAnne, Nany, JEKFAN, Cory, Jman09, and Tony get third questions wrong which means Cory & Jman09 are the first team to fall earning them a ticket straight to the dungeon. The next round of questions start and Ashley, Camila, KellyAnne, Nany, and Tony get theirs wrong. This leaves Coral/Badladjj, Jenna/Bluehatchet2, and Bananas/JEKFAN (1 wrong). The next round of questions go and Coral, Bluehatchet2, and JEKFAN get it wrong leaving Coral/Badladjj and Jenna/Bluehatchet2 each with 2 wrong. Bluehatchet2 proposes that if either of them win to not send each other in, Coral immediately agree. The next round of questions begin and Badladjj gets it wrong deeming Jenna/Bluehatchet2 the winners of trivia and Cory/Jman09 as the losers.
Winning Team - Jenna & Bluehatchet2
Last Place - Cory & Jman09
Jenna/Bluehatchet strip down their choices to Nia/Graphik, Tony/Pinkrose, and Bananas/JEKFAN. Buehatchet2 wants to send in Graphik but in the end they agree that their best move is to try and get rid of Tony/Pinkrose because they are a huge threat.
Sent In - Tony & Pinkrose
-Tony is enraged with the decision but Pinkrose manages to calm down Tony. Pinkrose begins to pack her bags and makes Badladjj promise her that he would try and get rid of the "lay ups".
The Dungeon
Stacking Up
Similar to "Stacking Stairs" from The Duel, teams have to stack up a tower of crates from the ground, toward a 20-foot high bell. The guys will try to balance on the crates, while receiving crates from their female partners. The first team to reach their bell wins.
Tony and Pinkrose motivate each other and are ready to kill it. Cory and Jman09 are also confident. Once TJ blows the horn, both teams immediately get to worrking and start getting their blocks up. Tony and Pinkrose are communicating flawlessly while Cory is getting flustered by his lack of strategy. Tony comletely destroys the elimination and manages to keep his balance throughout the whole thing. Cory is slowly creeping up but soon enough...Tony jumps and rings the bell earning him and Pinkrose the win! TJ blows the horn, announces Tony & Pinkrose's win, and says his goodbyes to Cory & Jman09 as their time in Uruguay comes to an end.
My Bloodlines Cast
Cara-Maria Sorbello and Jamie Banks
Cory Wharton and Mitch Reid
Marie Roda and Victoria Roda
Aneesa Ferriera and Rianna Polin
Abram Boise and Michael Boise
KellyAnne Judd and Anthony Cuomo
Thomas Buell and Stephen Buell
Nany Gonzalez and Nicole Ramos
Dario Medrano and Raphy Medrano
Leroy Garrett and Candice Fowler (DQ) (No Replacement)
Emilee Fitzpatrick and Becca Haile
Tony Raines and Shane Raines (DQ) (No Replacement)
Cohutta Grindstaff and Jill Tuttle
Camila Nakagawa and Larissa Nakagawa
My Bloodlines Cast
Abram Boise & Michael Boise (Brothers)
Aneesa Ferreira & Rianna Polin (Cousins)
Averey Tressler & Jena Tressler (Sisters)
Bruno Bettencourt & Briah Bettencourt (Brothers)
Cara Maria Sorbello & Jamie Banks (Cousins)
Cohutta Grindstaff & Jill Tuttle (Cousins)
Cory Wharton & Mitch Reid (Cousins)
Dustin Zito & Victoria Zito (Siblings)
Johnny Devenanzio & Vince Gliatta (Cousins)
KellyAnne Judd & Anthony Cuomo (Cousins)
Marie Roda & Victoria Roda (Sisters)
Nany Gonzalez & Nicole Ramos (Cousins)
Nia Moore & Makeda Moore (Sisters)
Thomas Buell & Stephen Buell (Brothers)
Tony Raines & Shane Raines (Brothers)
Violetta Milerman & Irena Zub (Cousins)
I think the season would've been crazier with these twelve additions. A house with Averey, Marie, Nia, Violetta and their bloodlines would've been great to watch. We'd see Bruno/Violetta drama, Averey/Nany drama, Marie/Nia interracting with each other, Averey/KellyAnne interracting with each other, Bruno interracting with Marie and Nia, Averey/Nia alliance and Dustin's hot sister lol
The Challenge: Allied Forces
Wes & Brad (The Duel)
Bananas & Derrick (The Island)
Ryan & Chet (RW: Brooklyn)
Bruno & Jason (RW: Skeletons)
Robb & Trey (RW: St. Thomas)
Jordan & Johnny (RW: Portland)
Marie & LaToya (RW: St. Thomas)
Violetta & Sylvia (RW: Skeletons)
Ashley M. & Jenny (RW: Explosion)
Averey & Nia (Battle of the Exes 2)
Susie & Cara (The Gauntlet 2)
Tina & Veronica (Inferno 2)
Cory & Jamie (RW: Explosion)
Dustin & Nany (RW: Las Vegas 2)
Abe & Coral (The Inferno)
Frank & Trishelle (Battle of the Seasons 2)
Darrell & Rachel (RR: Campus Crawl)
Mitch & Rianna (Bloodlines) no evidence
My teammmm
Those female teams are everything.
Veronica and Theo Von.
The Duel 3 (Tried to make it realistic and I think that some of the names below who normally decline can be convinced for the right amount of money and if they are told its the Duel.)
Wes (RW: Austin)
Bananas (RW: Key West)
CT (RW: Paris)
Zach (RW: San Diego 2)
Leroy (RW: Las Vegas 2)
Jamie (Bloodlines)
Dario (AYTO 2)
Cory (RW: Explosion)
Adam K (AYTO 1)
Frank S (RW: San Diego 2)
Robb (RW: St Thomas)
CJ (RW: Cancun)
Mark (Road Rules 1)
Abe (Road Rules: South Pacific)
Landon (RW: Philly)
Laurel (Fresh Meat 2)
Emily (RW: DC)
Cara Maria (Fresh Meat 2)
Cooke (RW: Las Vegas 2)
Nicole Z (RW: Skeletons)
Nany (RW: Las Vegas 2)
Ashley M (RW: Explosion)
Aneesa (RW: Chicago)
KellyAnne (RW: Sydney)
Sarah (RW: Brooklyn)
Jill (Bloodlines)
KiKi (AYTO 3)
Camila (Spring Break Challenge)
Nia (RW: Portland)
Averey (RW: Portland)
1) Landon/Laurel
2) Bananas/Cooke
3) Zach/Emily
Would be a sick final.
The Challenge: Rivals 3
The Challenge: Battle of the Fans
Location: Montevideo, Uruguay
Popular Challengers are paired with one of their fans to compete in a cutthroat competition which will put loyalty and new relationships to the test.
Ashley Mitchell & LurkerNoMore
Camila Nakagawa & Darkfights
Christina LeBlanc & AshKelseyFan
Coral Smith & Badladjj
Jenna Compono & Bluehatchet2
KellyAnne Judd & CMJ
Nany Gonzalez & JAMiEFiRE
Nia Moore & Graphik
Bananas Devenzio & JEKFAN
Cory Wharton & Jman09
Nathan Siebenmark & Schaboszczak
Tony Raines & PinkRose
Trey Weatherholtz & Debut Album
Vince Gilatta & Tbone123
Wes Bergmann & DScott
Zach Nichols & Mickeyflo2
Episode 1
-DScott and JAMiEFiRE finally meet in person for the first time and have a hot, steamy hook up which leaves a huge target on their teams' backs.
-Tony, Christina, and AshKelseyFan have a threesome while Bluehatchet2 and Camila are outside the room listening.
-Ashley drinks a little too much and threatens to buy Mickeyflo2's family, Lurker tries to hold her back but she ends up accidently thowing grease on him...sigh
-Nathan and Debut Album have an altercation after Debut Album is confronted for his use of the phrase "non-castmember".
-Jenna and Bluehatchet2 drink martinis and tan in order to look good for the first challenge.
Challenge #1 - Slap a Hoe
Competitors will have to slap a maniquins head and try to detach the head from the body. Competitrs are only allowed to use one hand, the first team to detach the heads of their maniquins and deposit the heads into the lake will win! The last team to detach the heads will go straight to the dungeon where they will face off against the team that the winner's send into the dungeon.
Winning Team - Cory & Jman09
Last Place - Nathan & Schoszczak
Cory & Jman09 go through their choices and decide that they ultimately do not ever want to throw in Ashley/Lurker, Jenna/Bluehatchet2, or Wes/DScott. After a tough deliberation, Cory & Jman decide to throw in Cory's enemy Vince & Tbone123.
Sent In - Vince & Tbone123
The Dungeon
Stuck in the Mud
Players will be playing in alumni vs. alumni and fan vs. fan heats. THe objective of this challenge is to find your three designated ropes in a huge pool of thick gooey mud. The elimination will test your endurance as well as your strategy. The first person to find their three ropes in the mud and put them in their team's bucket gets a point for their team. If there is a tie, a coin will be tossed and will determine who will participate in the final heat.
The first heat is Schabozczak and Tbone123. Once TJ blows the horn, both competitiors five into the thick mud pool. Both competitiors spend a few minutes to try and find their ropes. Tbone123 finds his first rope and brings it to his teams bucket. Schabozczak finds a rope but it turns out to be Tbone123's. Vince tells Tbone123 to get their rope from Schaboszczak which ends up in a wrestling match. Ultimately Tbone123 gets the rope and places it in hi teams bucket. Schabozczak, now exhausted and stressed out begins to find his ropes quickley finding the first and the second consecutively. As Schabozczak goes back into the mud pool to find hi third rope, Tbone123 finds his third rope and quickly places it in his bucket winning his heat.
The second heat is Nathan and Vince. Vince immediatly goes beast mode and begins to find his ropes one after the other. He absolutely destroys th elimination round and manages to find his thrid and final rope before Nathan can ever get out of the mud pool to place his first. Vince places his final rope in his bucket and wins his heat!
TJ blows the horn and announces Vince & TBone123 as the winners of the dungeon!
Nathan & Schabozczak say their goodbyes to Nia and Christina which marks the end of their time in Uruguay.
Episode 2
-DScott and JAMiEFiRE's relationship continues to steam up, this leaves Darkfights, Badladjj, Nia, and Mickeyflo2 suspicious of a possible alliance. They ultimately agree on a plan to try and get rid of the showmance.
-Bluehatchet2 and Tony get into a heated arguement at the club when Tony calls him and Jenna a "lay up". Bluehatchet2 throws his drink at Tony and tries to punch him but Cory swoops in in time to seperate the two.
-Jenna and Nany turn up together and agree on an alliance to the end.
-Debut Album, Grafik, Bananas, and Coral agree to try and get every non-cast member off the show.
-Badladjj, Nia, and Ashley turn upat the club but things soon turn ugly when Nia and Ashley get into an arguement about using the "N word". This leads into a drunken verbal match which ultimately leads to the whole cast gettig kicked out of the club.
-On the bus ride back, cameras catch KellyAnne giving Darkfights a ******* while Bluehatchet2 and CMJ try to help cover up.
-Eveyone get's back to the house and goes to bed. In the morning everyone is hungover as **** but still manage to get up early and go to their second challenge.
Challenge #2 - GTL
Competitors will have to race to complete 3 tasks in order to win today's challenge! In the first task "Gym", competitors must move 10 50lb weights from one platform to another. In the second challenge, competitors must lather themselves in itching powder and lay under the sun for 10 minutes. Once the 10 minutes are up, you are allowed to move onto the final task. In the third and final task "Laundry", competitors will have to take a cloth, bring it to the ocean, soak it, and bring it back to their station and squeeze the towel over their team's designated bucket. You need to get 10 inches of water in order to move on.
All teams stuggle in the first task. KellyAnne/CMJ, Nia/Graphik, Cory/Jman09, and Vince/Tbone123 quickly take the lead and move on from the first task. It takes a while for Nia and Tbone123 to put their itching powder on themselves which allows KellyAnne/CMJ and Cory/Jman09 to get a greater lead. Back at the first station, everyone has moved on except Jenna/Bluehatchet2 and Christina/AshKelseyFan. After another 10 minutes, both teams move on at the same time. KellyAnne/CMJ and Cory/Jman09 arrive at the final station and begin working. Nia/Graphik, Vince/Tbone123, Camila/Darkfights, Trey/Debut Album, and Wes/DScott arrive close behind. Wes manages to discover a good strategy in order to get the most water from their cloths. This gets Wes/DScott in a lead but Trey/Debut Album quickly notice their strategy and copy them. In an ultimate race between Wes/DScott and Trey/Debut Album, Trey/Debut Album ultimatly fill their buck first and win the second challenge! While TJ blows the horn, Christina and AshKelseyFan had just arrived to the final task ultimatly making them the last place team.
Winning Team - Trey & Debut Album
Last Place - Christina & AshKelseyFan
Trey & Debut Album ultimatly want to get rid of Christina because of her "non-cast member" status. Coral, Badladjj, Bluehatchet2, and Camila then bring up the idea to send in Tony & Pinkrose because of Tony and Christina's past relationship. Debut Album quickly negates the idea but Trey ultimatly convince Trey to go through with the plan. After a waying decision, Trey & Debut Album decide to throw in Tony & Pinkrose into the dungeon.
Sent In - Tony & Pinkrose
The Dungeon
I Saw You
In this elimination, both teams will be given a saw. A girl from each team (Christina and PR) will have to saw through three ropes which will correspondedly release three bags that contain puzzle pieces. AFter the three bags are releases, the two remaining players (AshKelseyFan and Tony) will have to race to complete the puzzle. The first person to complete the puzzle wins the elimination for their team.
After hearing the rules, Pinkrose is outrages that she has to rely on Tony's mental capablities to win and calls the elimination a fluke. Tony manages to calm her down and they get ready for the game. Christina and AshKelseyFan are confident in each other and are happy to be teamates. The elimination begins and Christina and PinkRose race to saw down their three ropes. Christina unexpectedly keeps up with Pinkrose and they saw off their ropes one after the other neck to neck. After about 7 minutes, both girls saw off their ropes at the same time and retruive the bags, they then bring the bags to their partners and allow them to work on the puzzle. Tony is immediatly overwhelmed with the amount of pieces while AshKelseyFan quickly begins to piece together the puzzle. AshKelseyFan reache the end of the puzzle but realizes that she is missing a piece. Cameras then cut to a flash back that reveals Christina accidently dropping one of the pieces from the bag when she was bringing them to her partner. As Christina goes searching for the missing piece, Tony quickly begin to piece together the puzzle. Christina finlly finds the missing piece but as she picks it up TJ blows the horn and reveals that Tony has completed his puzzle. TJ announces Tony & PinkRose's victory and ultimately says goodbye to Christina & AshKelseyFan.
The Challenge: Battle of the Fans
Ashley Mitchell & LurkerNoMore
Camila Nakagawa & Darkfights
Coral Smith & Badladjj
Jenna Compono & Bluehatchet2
KellyAnne Judd & CMJ
Nany Gonzalez & JAMiEFiRE
Nia Moore & Graphik
Bananas Devenzio & JEKFAN
Cory Wharton & Jman09
Tony Raines & PinkRose
Trey Weatherholtz & Debut Album
Vince Gilatta & Tbone123
Wes Bergmann & DScott
Zach Nichols & Mickeyflo2
Episode 3
-After the elimination, LurkerNoMore is sad that his friend Christina has left the house and decides to throw a party for her.
-At the party Vince and Jenna get into an arguement about "plane stations" which leads to a drunk verbal altercationbut their partners Bluehatchet2 and TBone123 soon step in a seperate the two.
-Coral/Badladjj, KellyAnne/CMJ, Nia/Graphik, Tony/Pinkrose, Vince/Rbone123 decide to form an alliance and agree that their first target has to be DScott and JAMiEFiRE.
-Another alliance of Camila/Darkfights, KellyAnne/CMJ (double team), and Jenna/Bluehatchet2 forms but they agree to not socialize in the house in order to avoid any suspicions.
-Bananas and JEKFAN get a little touchy which leads them to go into the bathroom... Subtitles reveal "Belt Unbuckling" and "kissing noises".
-MickeyFlo2 has been quiet throughout the game which bothers Badladjj. Badladjj decides to pick on Mickeyflo2 which leads his partner Zach to step in. Badladjj and Zach almost get physical but the house mamages to seperate them.
-Everyone gets up early in the morning the next day and head off to their next challenge.
Challenge #3 - Save-A-Hoe
Competitors will have to jump off of a 100ft platform into an ocean. They will be requires to swim to a buoy where there is a 50lb maniquin which teams will have to carry back to shore. The team with the fastest time will win the challenge while the team with the slowest time will go straight to the dungeon.
Ashley & Lurker go first, they start off well until they reach the buoy when Ashley tells Lurker that she cannot carry the mannequin. Lurker tries to carry it by himself but doesn't last long accidently dropping the mannequin ino the ocean ultimatlely DQing them.
Nany & JAMiEFiRE go next. JAMiEFiRE struggles with the swimming a bit but Nany helps her. Once they reach the buoy Nany and JAMiEFiRE try to share the weight fo the Mannequin but they only make it about 10ft with it before dropping it in the ocean.
Camila & Darkfights go next. They make it to the buoy in good time and manage to handle the mannequin well making it to shore in a decent time.
Bananas & JEKFAN go next. Bananas does well but it takes a while for JEKFAN to get to the buoy. Bananas decides to allow JEKFAN to just swim back and he carries the mannequin by himself. They get an okay time but complete the mission.
Cory & Jman09 go next. Cory reveals that he cannot swim that well which frightens Jman09. They begin and make it to the buoy in medicore time. Cory manages to carry the mannequin by himself and the team makes it to shore in decent time.
Nia & Grafik go next. It takes Nia and Graphik a long time to get to the buoy and by the time they try to take the mannequin they are GASSED OUT and they ultimately drop the buoy into the ocean DQing them.
Coral & Badladjj go next. They reach the buoy in mediocre time but once they have to take the mannequien, niehter of them could take the weight for too long and ultimately drop the mannequin into the ocean DQing them.
KellyAnne & CMJ go next and do well. They manage to get the buoy and work as a team to bring it bak to shore adding up a decent time.
Jenna & Bluehatchet2 go next. They make it to the buoy in decent time but once they have to take the mannequin back they try to share the load but they ultimately drop it and DQ.
Tony & Pinkrose go next. They do an acceptional job getting t th ebuoy. From there, Tony makes up for last nights elimination and carries the buoy back alone adding up to an excellent time.
Trey & Debut Album go next. They swim well but Debut Album messes up when he accidently loses grip with the mannequin and drops it.
Vince & Tbone123 go next. Tbone123 reveals that he is a mediocre swimmer. Vince does all the hardwork single handidly but TBone123's lack of speed costs them a chunk of time.
Wes & DScott go next. They swim well to the buoy. They try to share the load of the mannequin but it ledas to bad strategy which gives them a mediocre time.
Zach & MickeyFlo2 go last. Zach does the hardwork and carries the mannequin alone while MIckeyFlo2 tries his best to swim fast but they ultimately get a mediocre time.
After everyone has gone, TJ reveals Camila & Darkfights and Tony & Pinkrose as the top performing teams. He then reveals that Camila & Darkfights did the best by 25 seconds. TJ then announces that from all the DQd teams, the two teams that brought their mannequin to the shortest distance was Nany & JAMiEFiRE and Nia & Graphik. He then reveals the last place team to be Nia & Graphik.
Winning Team - Camila & Darkfights
Last Place - Nia & Graphik
Camila & Darkfights agree to keep their allies safe which leaves Ashley/Lurker, Coral/Badladjj, Cory/Jman09, Tony/Pinkrose, Trey/Debut Album, and Vince/Tbone123. They reveal that they want to keep Nia & Graphik long because they do not view them as a threat athletically. They then agree that Ashley/Lurke and Coral/Badladjj aren't really threats. The finally agree on sending in Trey & Debut Album.
Sent In - Trey & Debut Album
-Once the winner's reveal their decision, Trey goes ballistic and gets into a verbal arguement with Camila. Debut Album, feling betrayed, storms out and begins to destroy the house in rage. Production then steps in and calms down the two.
The Dungeon
Hall Pass
In this elimination, teams will be required to sprint to a bucket, collect one of their designated balls, tun back to their podium nd place the ball in their bucket. Once one player returns, their teamate will then go and do the same. Partners will switch one by one. The first team to get 20 balls wins the elimination.
Graphik and Trey are ready to sprint when TJ blows the horn. Both competitors blast off but Trey makes an impressive lead. Both retrieve their ball and runs back to their bucket. They then tap their partners hand and then they blast off. This goes on and on. Trey and Debut Album slowly creep a one ball lead. After about 10 balls, Debut Album begins to feel a little sick. Around the 15th ball Debut Album is noticably slowing down and obviously exhausted. Trey tries to motivate his partner which helps but Nia & Graphk have caught up. Badladjj and Coral are roting for Nia & Graphik which only makes them more motivated. Both teams are neck to next whifch leads to the final heat which is Nia and Debut Album. Both blast off but Nia manages to find her ball first, she then sprints back and places the ball in her bucket. BURRRRMPP! TJ blows hi horn and announces Nia & Graphik as the winners of the elimination. TJ then says his goodbyes to Trey & Debut Album as their time in Uruguay comes to an end.
Jenna Compono & Bluehatchet2 made final, but placed 3rd.
The Challenge: Battle of the Fans
Ashley Mitchell & LurkerNoMore
Camila Nakagawa & Darkfights
Coral Smith & Badladjj
Jenna Compono & Bluehatchet2
KellyAnne Judd & CMJ
Nany Gonzalez & JAMiEFiRE
Nia Moore & Graphik
Bananas Devenzio & JEKFAN
Cory Wharton & Jman09
Tony Raines & PinkRose
Vince Gilatta & Tbone123
Wes Bergmann & DScott
Zach Nichols & Mickeyflo2
Episode 4
-Ashley is upset that Nia didn't get sent home so she begins to bother her which leads to Nia shoving Ashley into the ground. Poduction steps in and seperates the two.
-Zach and Jenna begin to discuss their relationship and Zach reveals that he doesn't know where their relationship is heading which leads to Jenna locking herself in the bathroom and bawling her eyes out. Bluehatchet2, Nany, and JAMiEFiRE try and help Jenna.
-Bluehatchet2 and Badladjj get into a heated arguement which ends with Badladjj throwing a glass at Bluehatchet2. Badladjj is reprimanded for his actions and is forced to apoligize.
-Coral, Badladjj, Bananas, JEKFAN, and Pinkrose are sick of Buehatchet's immaturity and plan on getting rid of him and Jenna ASAP.
-Tony and Ashley hook up. Soon after Tony makes out with JEKFAN which infuriates a jealous Bananas leading to a verbal arguement between JEKFAN, Bananas, and Tony.
-Vince and PinkRose hook up, Pinkrose starts to catch feelings.
-CMJ and Darkfights go thorugh the list of teams still left and agree that Wes and DScott have to go.
-Jenna, Bluehatchet2, Nany, and JAMiEFiRE decide to tan before the challenge.
Challenge #4 - Don't Play With Me!
Competitors will have to run to a mud pit and get a ball. Both you and your partner need a ball to stay in the game. 2 balls will be removed each round. The first time that does not get both their teamates a ball will go straight to the dungeon. Last team standing wins the competition.
In the first round, everyone one sprints to get a ball. Once there are 4 balls remaining Ashley, Jenna, JEKFAN, Tbone123, and MickeyFlo2 are left to scavenge for a ball. Ashley, Tbone123, and MickeyFlo2 get their ball leaving Jenna and JEKFAN. JEKFAN gets the ball but Jenna mamages to tackle JEKFAN and slowly but surely wiggles the ball away from JEKFAN running away from the pit. This ultimately means that Bananas & JEKFAN are the last placec team. As the heats go on the final 4 teams are Camila/Darkfights, Cory/Jman09, Wes/DScott, Zach/MickeyFlo2. Camila & Darkfights and Wes & DScott are then eliminated leaving Cory & Jman09 and Zach/MickeyFlo as the final teams standing. In the final heat, Cory & Jman09 each get a ball and win the challenge!
Winning Team - Cory & Jman09
Last Place - Bananas & JEKFAN
Cory & Jman09 hardly have to deliberate and quickly come to an agreement. They decide to send in their biggest enemies Vince & Tbone123.
Sent In - Vince & Tbone123
-Once the winner's reveal their decision, Vince and Bananas get into a HUGE blow out with Cory which leads to Vince throwing a punch. Vince and Cory are then removed from the house and taken to a hotel.
-Later in the evening, TJ arrives at the house. He reveals that physical violence is not accected in The Challenge and that Vince has been disqualified from the game because of his first punch. He then reveals that Tbone123 will have to leave as well. This leads to PinkRose breaking down into tears now that her boy toy Vince is leaving. TJ then reveals that an elimination will still happen and that Cory & Jman09 will have to revote another competitor into the elimination.
Cory & Jman09 break it down to three potential nominees: Coral/Badladjj, Tony/Pinkrose, and Zach/Mickeyflo2. They realize that Zach is their biggest physical threat and decide to throw them into the elimination.
Sent In - Zach & Mickeyflo2
The Dungeon
In this elimination identical to the one on Rivals, players will have to uncover their teamate who will be locked in a wooden box hidden underneath a huge pile of hay. Once their partner is taken out of the wooden box, they will move onto a puzzle. The first team to solve the puzzle wins the elimination!
Cory and Zach decide to be the ones to break out their partner from the box. Once TJ blows the horn, they both dash the the hay. Zach uncovers the hay first and it's Mickey! He quickly breaks the box and release Mickey. Bananas then finally reaches the box and rapidly releases JEKFAN from the box. Now both teams are neck at neck at the puzzle. The teams try to solve the puzzle multiple times but no avail. From the stands, Camila quickly realizes how the puzzle works and helps Bananas telling him where to put what. Bananas and JEKFAN finally complete the puzzle with Lurker's help and TJ blows his horn! TJ congratulates Bananas & JEKFAN on their win and says his goodbyes to Zach & MickeyFlo2 whose time in Uruguay has come to an end. Badladjj basks in joy as MickeyFLo2 leaves but MickeyfLo2 runs back to the stands and punches Badladjj in the back of the head before being escorted by security. Jenna says her goodbyes to Zach but then he tells her that he thinks its best if they remains friends. Jenna's heart is broken and she remains silent the whole bus trip home.
Lmao at the written attempts at making yourself more relevant than you actually would be.
*****!!!!!! AHAHAHAH!!! LOLOLOL!
Move along now!
This whole Battle of the Fans is cute. But no Cara Maria & TyGuy14? Zzzzz
*Possible Replacements*![Smile](https://vevmo.com/sites/all/modules/smiley/packs/kolobok/smile.gif)
The Challenge: Battle of the Exes 3
Laurel and Jordan
Rachel and Evan
Cooke and Dustin
Nany and Cohutta
Kellyanne and Wes
Aneesa and Cory
Jonna and Jay
Paula and Ty
Theresa and Leroy
Tori and Brad
Madison and Tony
Kiki and Devin
Christina and Brandon
Episode 1:
Winners: Kellyanne and Wes
Last Place: Aneesa and Cory
Voted in: Kiki and Devin
Eliminated: Kiki and Devin
Episode 2:
Winners: Cooke and Dustin
Last Place: Aneesa and Cory
Voted in: Christina and Brandon
Eliminated: Christina and Brandon
Episode 3:
Winners: Cooke and Dustin
Last Place: Theresa and Leroy
Voted in: Madison and Tony
Eliminated: Madison and Tony
Episode 4:
Winners: Aneesa and Cory
Last Place: Jonna and Jay
Voted in: Laurel and Jordan
Eliminated: Jonna and Jay
Episode 5:
Winners: Kellyanne and Wes
Last Place: Aneesa and Cory
Voted in: Paula and Ty
Eliminated: Aneesa and Cory
Episode 6:
Winners: Cooke and Dustin
Last Place: Nany and Cohutta
Voted in: Tori and Brad
Eliminated: Nany and Cohutta
Episode 7:
Winners: Laurel and Jordan
Last Place: Theresa and Leroy
Voted in: Rachel and Evan
Eliminated: Rachel and Evan
Episode 8:
Winners: Theresa and Leroy
Last Place: Tori and Brad
Voted in: Laurel and Jordan
Eliminated: Tori and Brad
Episode 9:
Winners: Laurel and Jordan
Last Place: Paula and Ty
Voted in: Theresa and Leroy
Eliminated: Paula and Ty
Episode 10:
Winners: Cooke and Dustin
Last Place: Kellyanne and Wes
Voted in: Laurel and Jordan
Eliminated: Kellyanne and Wes
3rd: Theresa and Leroy
2nd: Cooke and Dustin
1st: Laurel and Jordan
Main Events:
- Christina and Madison have an argument about Tony and Christina's hookup, which leads to Madison having a part in Christina and Brandon's demise
- Madison and Laurel have a great friendship
- Kiki gets really drunk on the first night and has altercations with Aneesa,Jordan, and Devin, which puts a huge target on their back
-Theresa and Nany make up on this challenge
- Cohutta and Jonna get in a relationship
Cohutta and Jonna
Kellyanne and Tony
Madison and Brandon
Kiki and Cory
FreeAgent3 and Hardbitten
Yess and Cooke and Dustin killing it
No thanks, those are reserved for you
The Challenge: Battle of the Fans
Ashley Mitchell & LurkerNoMore
Camila Nakagawa & Darkfights
Coral Smith & Badladjj
Jenna Compono & Bluehatchet2
KellyAnne Judd & CMJ
Nany Gonzalez & JAMiEFiRE
Nia Moore & Graphik
Bananas Devenzio & JEKFAN
Cory Wharton & Jman09
Tony Raines & PinkRose
Wes Bergmann & DScott
Episode 5
-Bananas and JEKFAN continue to hook up in "secret" but soon enough guilt hits Bananas realizing that his girlfriend Hannah back home will eventually find out.
-DScott is getting sick of JAMiEFiRE who is beginning to get clingy. This leads to the two of them ignoring each other.
-Coral and Badladjj start training physically in order to improve their performance in challenges.
-Graphik is getting home sick and is getting tired of the constant drama.
-The alliance of Coral/Badladjj, KellyAnne/CMJ, Nia/Graphik, and Tony/Pinkrose is still going strong and still want to target JAMiEFiRE and DScott.
-Camila/Darkfights and Jenna/Bluehatchet2 begin to notice the formation of the alliance above. They realize that their alliance is not that powerful.
-Tony and Ashley continue to hook up which leads to Nia calling Ashley a hoe which aggriviates Ashley. Nia and Ashley then almost get physical but they are seperated.
-Wes and Bananas decide to work together now that they seem a bit politically powerless.
-Camila and Cory agree to mend their rift in the past and try to work together as the game continues.
-Coral/Badladjj, KellyAnne/CMJ, Nia/Graphik, and Tony/Pinkrose
-Camila/Darkfights, KellyAnne/CMJ, Jenna/Bluehatcher2, Cory/Jman09
-Wes/DScott, Nany/JAMiEFiRE, Bananas/JEKFAN, Ashley/LurkerNoMore
Challenge #5 - Red Eye
Competitors will have to run 2 miles to a room filled with tear gas. In the room with tear gas, there are 10 sets of keys that each allow competitor to open their box back at home base that is filled with puzzle pieces. The first team to complete the puzzle wins the challenge! The team that does not get their key gets eliminated!
The challenge starts with a foot race which immediately put Camila/Darkfights, KellyAnne/CMJ, Nia/Graphik, Cory/Jman09, Tony/Pinkrose, and Wes/DScott in a lead. Camila/Darkfights, Cory/Jman09, Tony/Pinkrose, and Wes/DScott easily handle the tear gas, get their key, and dash off back to home base. The other teams then find their key and proceed. The last two teams to arrive to the tear gas room are Coral & Badladjj and Nany & JAMiEFiRE. They both run into the tear gas room ath the same time and Nany quickly finds the key, snatches it, and leaves the room with JAMiEFiRE ultimately leaving Coral & Badladjj as the last place team. Cory & Jman09 and Wes/DScott arrive back to base first and unlock their puzzle pieces. As they begin to try and solve their puzzle Tony & Pinkrose and Camila/Darkfights arrive and begi their puzzle as well. Each team is neck to neck but at the end, Pinkrose managed to solve the puzzle for he team! TJ blows the horn and announces Tony & Pinkrose as the winners of today's challenge! He then revleas that Coral & Badladjj were the losers of todays' challenge and will be going to today's dungeon.
Winning Team - Tony & Pinkrose
Last Place - Coral & Badladjj
Tony & Pinkrose and their alliance are stuck between sending in Wes/DScott, Jenna/Bluehatchet2, Cory/Jman09, and Nany/JAMiEFiRE. Coral and Badladjj do not want to face off against Cory. PR says that she does not want to send in Nany. It's not down to Wes/DScott and Jenna/Bluehatchet. Badladjj wants Jenna/Bluehatchet but Tony does not want to send in a weak team. Ultimately at deliberation, Tony and Pinkrose decide to try and destroy the showmance and send in Wes/DScott.
Sent In - Wes & DScott
-Wes and DScott are okay with te decision and are confident in their abilities. Coral and Badladjj are upset with Tony and Pinkrose's decision.
The Dungeon
Pole Position
Teams have to advance up a 25-foot structure, with ladders on both sides, and a bell at the top. Each partner faces each other, has their hands and feet strapped together into wooden poles, and have to use the wooden poles to advance up the ladder. The team that advances to the top and rings a bell first wins
Once TJ blows the horn, Wes and DScott immediately blast off. Coral/Badladjj are going slow and steady but cannot seem to go as fast as Wes and DScott. Wes and DScott continue to do well until DScott accidentely slips his footing and and leans back causing him and Wes to fall down from the platform. They quickly get up and start all over hoping to still be able to beat Coral/Badladjj. Coral and Badladjj continue to go and communicate marvelously and evetually reach the top of the platform and ring the bell, BING! TJ blows the horn and announces Coral and Badladjj and the winners of the elimination, he also says his goodbyes to Wes and DScott whose time in Uruguay has ended.
LOL this is BS. All 3 (?) days in the Challenge house and no schabi/Nate hook up? bye
The Challenge: Battle of the Fans
Ashley Mitchell & LurkerNoMore
Camila Nakagawa & Darkfights
Coral Smith & Badladjj
Jenna Compono & Bluehatchet2
KellyAnne Judd & CMJ
Nany Gonzalez & JAMiEFiRE
Nia Moore & Graphik
Bananas Devenzio & JEKFAN
Cory Wharton & Jman09
Tony Raines & PinkRose
Episode 6
-The house goes to a club to celebrate the top 10.
-Nany and Pinkrose hook up.
-Jman09 and JAMiEFiRE also unexpectedly hook up.
-Bluehatchet2 decides to sit down Graphik to try and start an alliance but he immediately turns him down refusing to work with him.
-Cory begins to flirt with Jenna which lead them to make out but she quickly stops once she remembers that she might still have a shot with Zach.
-The house gets back to the house. Tony sleeps in Ashley's bed, Nany in Pinkrose's, Jenna in Cory's, Bananas in JEKFAN's.
-The next day everyone wakes up early to head out to the sixth challenge.
-Coral/Badladjj, KellyAnne/CMJ, Nia/Graphik, and Tony/Pinkrose
-Camila/Darkfights, KellyAnne/CMJ, Jenna/Bluehatcher2, Cory/Jman09
-Nany/JAMiEFiRE, Bananas/JEKFAN, Ashley/LurkerNoMore
Challenge #6 - Are You The One?
T.J. Lavin asks each team a series of trivia questions, which includes spelling, sports, geography, pop culture and U.S. history. The challenge is played in multiple rounds, and each player is wrapped in a blanket that is hanging from a platform suspended above water. If teams correctly answers a question, they will stay in the game, but will get an "X" for each wrong answer. If a team gets two X's, each teammate is dropped into the water. The first team to be dropped into the water is automatically sent to the dungeon, while the last team hanging become the winners!
The challenge starts...Ashley, Camila, KellyAnne, Nany, JEKFAN, Cory, Jman09, and Tony get third questions wrong which means Cory & Jman09 are the first team to fall earning them a ticket straight to the dungeon. The next round of questions start and Ashley, Camila, KellyAnne, Nany, and Tony get theirs wrong. This leaves Coral/Badladjj, Jenna/Bluehatchet2, and Bananas/JEKFAN (1 wrong). The next round of questions go and Coral, Bluehatchet2, and JEKFAN get it wrong leaving Coral/Badladjj and Jenna/Bluehatchet2 each with 2 wrong. Bluehatchet2 proposes that if either of them win to not send each other in, Coral immediately agree. The next round of questions begin and Badladjj gets it wrong deeming Jenna/Bluehatchet2 the winners of trivia and Cory/Jman09 as the losers.
Winning Team - Jenna & Bluehatchet2
Last Place - Cory & Jman09
Jenna/Bluehatchet strip down their choices to Nia/Graphik, Tony/Pinkrose, and Bananas/JEKFAN. Buehatchet2 wants to send in Graphik but in the end they agree that their best move is to try and get rid of Tony/Pinkrose because they are a huge threat.
Sent In - Tony & Pinkrose
-Tony is enraged with the decision but Pinkrose manages to calm down Tony. Pinkrose begins to pack her bags and makes Badladjj promise her that he would try and get rid of the "lay ups".
The Dungeon
Stacking Up
Similar to "Stacking Stairs" from The Duel, teams have to stack up a tower of crates from the ground, toward a 20-foot high bell. The guys will try to balance on the crates, while receiving crates from their female partners. The first team to reach their bell wins.
Tony and Pinkrose motivate each other and are ready to kill it. Cory and Jman09 are also confident. Once TJ blows the horn, both teams immediately get to worrking and start getting their blocks up. Tony and Pinkrose are communicating flawlessly while Cory is getting flustered by his lack of strategy. Tony comletely destroys the elimination and manages to keep his balance throughout the whole thing. Cory is slowly creeping up but soon enough...Tony jumps and rings the bell earning him and Pinkrose the win! TJ blows the horn, announces Tony & Pinkrose's win, and says his goodbyes to Cory & Jman09 as their time in Uruguay comes to an end.