Survivor: Generic Thread (No Spoilers)

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Tocantins had the most unliked cast by far imo. Like now I only like Taj and Erinn there. Candace has so much potential too, but was booted early ugh.

And me when I see coach/Tyson/JT

You have clearly not seen Thailand. 

Fiji was the worst.

And if i recall correctly that season was 100% recruits.

I think onr person applied and was like the first one out.

i believe it was Gary and he was med-evaced.

Cagayan is sooooo friggin good so far. Im on the episode where Cliff goes home & when Jeff asked did anyone wanna use their Idol I was like TJ wtf are you doing!!? Use it I thought for sure that he was gonna go home but woooooow, that blindside even caught me off guard. 


& Btw I love Kass so far but i know that will probably change when she screws over tasha. 

Hahaha oh just wait for the merge!

***** @ Sarah going from being an essential vote to being discardable..

I dislike Tony 

I dislike Tony 

His accent annoyed me af.

Cagayan & the current season that's airing are the only seasons i've watched and i'd already elect Tony as the most annoying cast member to ever be on this show. Everything he does is annoying 

Cagayan & the current season that's airing are the only seasons i've watched and i'd already elect Tony as the most annoying cast member to ever be on this show. Everything he does is annoying 

Tony grew on me big time on a rewatch. I personally found Spencer more grating than Tony, but that seems to be an unpopular opinion. But if you think Tony's the most annoying, you have seen nothin' yet. 

Sandy looks like 60 years old Tyson lol.

Lmao I love spence, especially on this season he always seems to weasel himself out of being casted off the island.

Cagayan & the current season that's airing are the only seasons i've watched and i'd already elect Tony as the most annoying cast member to ever be on this show. Everything he does is annoying 

Tony grew on me big time on a rewatch. I personally found Spencer more grating than Tony, but that seems to be an unpopular opinion. But if you think Tony's the most annoying, you have seen nothin' yet. 

This, Spencer was such a chore to watch in Cagayan and surrounded by better players or characters. I actually love Tony and everything about him and how someone like him won. Top 3 for Cagayan is easily: Trish, Kass, Tony

Cagayan & the current season that's airing are the only seasons i've watched and i'd already elect Tony as the most annoying cast member to ever be on this show. Everything he does is annoying 

Tony grew on me big time on a rewatch. I personally found Spencer more grating than Tony, but that seems to be an unpopular opinion. But if you think Tony's the most annoying, you have seen nothin' yet. 

This, Spencer was such a chore to watch in Cagayan and surrounded by better players or characters. I actually love Tony and everything about him and how someone like him won. Top 3 for Cagayan is easily: Trish, Kass, Tony

Hands down, is not even close. 

I can see why you guys love Tony though, I'm just naturally a person who loves the "counter" alliances or outstanders on these type of shows..

I love Sierra. She's underrated. I thought she was  another dumb, whiny player, but actually she was smart. .

Still can't believe JT won 7-0. 

His answers were awful. He would have lost even to Erinn imo.

BTW Erinn looks gorgeous in FTC, and Sierra was a bad *** *****.

Erinn would have lost to almost anybody except Sierra, lol her tribe hated her

Erinn would have lost to almost anybody except Sierra, lol her tribe hated her

I see her being good speaker. She would have save herself with this tho.


Still can't believe JT won 7-0. 

His answers were awful. He would have lost even to Erinn imo.

BTW Erinn looks gorgeous in FTC, and Sierra was a bad *** *****.

JT was far more likable than Stephen.... as demonstrated lol. 

I don't know about Ponderosa, but if I was Taj, I would've bad mouthed Stephen for the few days I was in Podnerosa lol. Stephen is a fool for not staying loyal. I think he would've made it to the end regardless.

I think I'm addicted to doing brantsteele survivor simulations lol.

I think I'm addicted to doing brantsteele survivor simulations lol.

So am I. I wish they did some simulations on The Challenge.

Cagayan & the current season that's airing are the only seasons i've watched and i'd already elect Tony as the most annoying cast member to ever be on this show. Everything he does is annoying 

Tony grew on me big time on a rewatch. I personally found Spencer more grating than Tony, but that seems to be an unpopular opinion. But if you think Tony's the most annoying, you have seen nothin' yet. 

This, Spencer was such a chore to watch in Cagayan and surrounded by better players or characters. I actually love Tony and everything about him and how someone like him won. Top 3 for Cagayan is easily: Trish, Kass, Tony

Kass' alliance at the merge was in the majority and she was probably in the top 3 of her alliance. I liked her, her back and forth flipping, and cursing people out was fun to watch, but doesn't make her one of the better players. Especially since she wouldn't have received jury votes. Trish was and will still always be a follower to me. She was Tony's minion and still did what he want after he screwed her over 2 times, the third time being her. Her move in flipping Kass however was brilliant.

People who don't put Spencer in their top for that season confuse me. I don't know what you were watching.

As for the jury speeches that is something I will just have to agree to disagree with people. Spencer/Jenn etc. speeches of talking to the jury instead of questioning the final 2-3 will always be powerful moments to me.

I think I'm addicted to doing brantsteele survivor simulations lol.

So am I. I wish they did some simulations on The Challenge.

Right that would be everything.

I think I'm addicted to doing brantsteele survivor simulations lol.

So am I. I wish they did some simulations on The Challenge.

Right that would be everything.

I think I'm addicted to doing brantsteele survivor simulations lol.

So am I. I wish they did some simulations on The Challenge.

You can do one but you have to use the Big Brother or Survivor formats and you have to upload the pictures yourself and add in the names. It's kind of annoying but if you have the time or patience go for it. Also, you can only do 20 people max

I think I'm addicted to doing brantsteele survivor simulations lol.

So am I. I wish they did some simulations on The Challenge.

You can do one but you have to use the Big Brother or Survivor formats and you have to upload the pictures yourself and add in the names. It's kind of annoying but if you have the time or patience go for it. Also, you can only do 20 people max

You go on the random section and it'll give you the option to use already made Chellenge players. You may get duplicates, like two jordans in a season, but it's better than uploading and doing the names yourself.

Cagayan & the current season that's airing are the only seasons i've watched and i'd already elect Tony as the most annoying cast member to ever be on this show. Everything he does is annoying 

Tony grew on me big time on a rewatch. I personally found Spencer more grating than Tony, but that seems to be an unpopular opinion. But if you think Tony's the most annoying, you have seen nothin' yet. 

This, Spencer was such a chore to watch in Cagayan and surrounded by better players or characters. I actually love Tony and everything about him and how someone like him won. Top 3 for Cagayan is easily: Trish, Kass, Tony

Kass' alliance at the merge was in the majority and she was probably in the top 3 of her alliance. I liked her, her back and forth flipping, and cursing people out was fun to watch, but doesn't make her one of the better players. Especially since she wouldn't have received jury votes. Trish was and will still always be a follower to me. She was Tony's minion and still did what he want after he screwed her over 2 times, the third time being her. Her move in flipping Kass however was brilliant.

People who don't put Spencer in their top for that season confuse me. I don't know what you were watching.

As for the jury speeches that is something I will just have to agree to disagree with people. Spencer/Jenn etc. speeches of talking to the jury instead of questioning the final 2-3 will always be powerful moments to me.

Where did I say Kass was a better player than anyone? She's in my top 3 as a character. Kass was absolutely at the bottom and Sarah evn admits postshow Kass would have been gone after the first or second merge vote. I mean I don't see why that matters since it benefitted her, it never would have done good to try to take Tony out with Tasha/Jeremiah/Spencer still around. She played a stellar social game that was very subtle and had a jury vote on lock against most. She even has a shot against Spencer or Tony.

Why? Spencer wasn't an engaging character and was at best a mediocre player. A nothing special social game and took fat because Tony wanted to use him until he had no use for him. Tony, Trish, and either LJ or Jefra are top 3 players of the season.

I love jefra but she wasn't one of the top 3.

I think I'm addicted to doing brantsteele survivor simulations lol.

So am I. I wish they did some simulations on The Challenge.

You can do one but you have to use the Big Brother or Survivor formats and you have to upload the pictures yourself and add in the names. It's kind of annoying but if you have the time or patience go for it. Also, you can only do 20 people max

You go on the random section and it'll give you the option to use already made Chellenge players. You may get duplicates, like two jordans in a season, but it's better than uploading and doing the names yourself.

Really? I can't seem to find that. That's awesome though. Can you link me to it? or explain where to go. When I do custom I have to upload links.

Cagayan & the current season that's airing are the only seasons i've watched and i'd already elect Tony as the most annoying cast member to ever be on this show. Everything he does is annoying 

Tony grew on me big time on a rewatch. I personally found Spencer more grating than Tony, but that seems to be an unpopular opinion. But if you think Tony's the most annoying, you have seen nothin' yet. 

This, Spencer was such a chore to watch in Cagayan and surrounded by better players or characters. I actually love Tony and everything about him and how someone like him won. Top 3 for Cagayan is easily: Trish, Kass, Tony

Kass' alliance at the merge was in the majority and she was probably in the top 3 of her alliance. I liked her, her back and forth flipping, and cursing people out was fun to watch, but doesn't make her one of the better players. Especially since she wouldn't have received jury votes. Trish was and will still always be a follower to me. She was Tony's minion and still did what he want after he screwed her over 2 times, the third time being her. Her move in flipping Kass however was brilliant.

People who don't put Spencer in their top for that season confuse me. I don't know what you were watching.

As for the jury speeches that is something I will just have to agree to disagree with people. Spencer/Jenn etc. speeches of talking to the jury instead of questioning the final 2-3 will always be powerful moments to me.

Where did I say Kass was a better player than anyone? She's in my top 3 as a character. Kass was absolutely at the bottom and Sarah evn admits postshow Kass would have been gone after the first or second merge vote. I mean I don't see why that matters since it benefitted her, it never would have done good to try to take Tony out with Tasha/Jeremiah/Spencer still around. She played a stellar social game that was very subtle and had a jury vote on lock against most. She even has a shot against Spencer or Tony. Why? Spencer wasn't an engaging character and was at best a mediocre player. A nothing special social game and took fat because Tony wanted to use him until he had no use for him. Tony, Trish, and either LJ or Jefra are top 3 players of the season.

You didn't you said "Cagayan had better characters and players" and your 3 of the season is easily Tony, Kass and Trish. Never specified which but I assumed you meant just character. She would definitely be in my top 3 as well.

Spencer had a great social game. I don't think Tony's was that strong. Spencer is the reason Tony flipped so many times. Spencer used Tony's paranoia to get him further in the game more than Tony used Spencer. Saying he isn't engaging is very subjective because he was very engaging and easily rootable. I know a lot of people who loved him too. Pretty good social player, had a lot of friends/allies, was great in competitions. Alway talked himself out of being at the bottom. Lol at Jefra being in the top 3 of the season. She had a pretty good social game by being friends with LJ/Jeremiah/Alexis.  But just being friends with people isn't enough. She's so good but Spencer was the one who sealed her fate of going home. She was way to naive and didn't know how to play a strategic game. LJ was good. Wish he wasn't such an early boot.

Who was her jury vote on lock? I don't think Kass had a shot against Tony/Spencer. She was known to be the goat of the season. Woo, Tasha, Sarah, Trish, Jeremiah, Spencer/Tony wouldn't have voted Kass over one of them.

I'm actually pretty pumped for next season.. i've heard good things about it. Apparently it was one of the most tortureous seasons as well (weather wise)... I don't remember, but did we figure out if there was a twist? Last time I remember hearing about it, it was just a fresh batch of rookies (and a BB player) with no specific theme... (three tribes?).
