Survivor Cambodia: Second Chance - Witches Coven

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This is Spencer, Jeremy, Tasha, Wentworth or Ciera's season to win. I don't think Fishbach, Kimmi, Keith, Joe or Abi have a chance.

It's between Jeremy, Spencer, Wentworth, and Ciera imo. I don't think the oithers have enough at this point, Stephen and Tasha are strong maybes.

 I feel like every episode Jeff is bringing up how the people from Cagyan get a chance to redeem themselves.

Not every, last episode they didn't. I mean they repeat challenges a lot like this one was on other seasons but nobody else was there.

I didn't say it was every episode, I know it's not, I just said it  feels like every lol. Last episode it was challenges from Wigglesworth and Keith/Kelly/Jeremy's season. But Cagayan has been done like 4-5 times.  I'm just saying it's a second chance season, they are all there to redeem themselves. Just sounds repetitive when I hear "Spencer and Tasha get a chance to redeem themselves. (Not complaning.. that's my favorite season and they are the two I am rooting for to win).

This is Spencer, Jeremy, Tasha, Wentworth or Ciera's season to win. I don't think Fishbach, Kimmi, Keith, Joe or Abi have a chance.

It's between Jeremy, Spencer, Wentworth, and Ciera imo. I don't think the oithers have enough at this point, Stephen and Tasha are strong maybes.

I actually think Stephen has a shot too. I can see him going soon but can also see him winning (if that makes sense) Kimmi, Ketih, Joe and Abi definitely no shot. Jeremy (although should be the target) isn't a target right now, even though that changes every episode and also has two idols. Tasha if she can get in with Jeremy/Spencer can pull it off. I'm just not sure about the jury votes for her.

I'm honestly a huge Spencer fan so I am rooting for him so hard, but Jeremy, Tasha, Wentworth, Ciera and mayyybe even Stephen would also make a good winner imo.

This is Spencer, Jeremy, Tasha, Wentworth or Ciera's season to win. I don't think Fishbach, Kimmi, Keith, Joe or Abi have a chance.

It's between Jeremy, Spencer, Wentworth, and Ciera imo. I don't think the oithers have enough at this point, Stephen and Tasha are strong maybes.

I actually think Stephen has a shot too. I can see him going soon but can also see him winning (if that makes sense) Kimmi, Ketih, Joe and Abi definitely no shot. Jeremy (although should be the target) isn't a target right now, even though that changes every episode and also has two idols. Tasha if she can get in with Jeremy/Spencer can pull it off. I'm just not sure about the jury votes for her.

I'm honestly a huge Spencer fan so I am rooting for him so hard, but Jeremy, Tasha, Wentworth, Ciera and mayyybe even Stephen would also make a good winner imo.

Yeah, I don't think the others aren't good winners, they're just not realistic at all. The edits someone like Kimmi has gotten isn't a winner edit, like at all.

The second Jeremy suspects he's getting a vote he'll play an idol, so he's literally int he strongest position to make it to the end at this point in the game. 

Stephen won't last unless Jeremy & Spencer keep him around. Spencer's chance's have improved. Tasha/Wentworth/Abi are all sitting pretty as well. 

This is Spencer, Jeremy, Tasha, Wentworth or Ciera's season to win. I don't think Fishbach, Kimmi, Keith, Joe or Abi have a chance.

It's between Jeremy, Spencer, Wentworth, and Ciera imo. I don't think the oithers have enough at this point, Stephen and Tasha are strong maybes.

I actually think Stephen has a shot too. I can see him going soon but can also see him winning (if that makes sense) Kimmi, Ketih, Joe and Abi definitely no shot. Jeremy (although should be the target) isn't a target right now, even though that changes every episode and also has two idols. Tasha if she can get in with Jeremy/Spencer can pull it off. I'm just not sure about the jury votes for her.

I'm honestly a huge Spencer fan so I am rooting for him so hard, but Jeremy, Tasha, Wentworth, Ciera and mayyybe even Stephen would also make a good winner imo.

Yeah, I don't think the others aren't good winners, they're just not realistic at all. The edits someone like Kimmi has gotten isn't a winner edit, like at all.

Agreed. I personally wouldn't be happy with Kimmi, Keith or Abi win if their game/edit stays the same. Joe maybe but he has no shot unless he wins every single challenge.

I think Jeremy and Spencer probably have the best chance at winning with Ciera and Kelly right under them.

I can see Wentworth winning with the edit. If she did it would remind me of Allstars when Amber won. The least known person who did nothing on her original season but get voted out because of her Dad. She got voted cause she is hot as hell.

Lol I did not know this weeks episode is two hours. Super excited to see what goes down.

I can see Wentworth winning with the edit. If she did it would remind me of Allstars when Amber won. The least known person who did nothing on her original season but get voted out because of her Dad. She got voted cause she is hot as hell.

Team Wentworth

I like Wentworth, she's in my top 5, but she needs to do more for me to be on board with her winning. I loved her finding the idol and using it for the best blindside in a long time, but I'd be a little underwhelmed if the show ended right now and she was crowned the winner.

I like Wentworth, she's in my top 5, but she needs to do more for me to be on board with her winning. I loved her finding the idol and using it for the best blindside in a long time, but I'd be a little underwhelmed if the show ended right now and she was crowned the winner.

You are always going to be underwhelmed lol

On a serious note I can see Jeremy winning!great edit and with 2 idols, if he use on the right time I feel like he is goong to win.

I like Wentworth, she's in my top 5, but she needs to do more for me to be on board with her winning. I loved her finding the idol and using it for the best blindside in a long time, but I'd be a little underwhelmed if the show ended right now and she was crowned the winner.

That's really weird to say lol I'd be underwhelmed with any of them winning since we'd be missing so much.

I like Wentworth, she's in my top 5, but she needs to do more for me to be on board with her winning. I loved her finding the idol and using it for the best blindside in a long time, but I'd be a little underwhelmed if the show ended right now and she was crowned the winner.

That's really weird to say lol I'd be underwhelmed with any of them winning since we'd be missing so much.

Yea I was thinking the same exact thing after I posted this. There's still so much season left that if it ended today and any of them winning would be underwhelming but I would but 1-3 people a head of her at the moment. If that makes any sense?

I like Wentworth, she's in my top 5, but she needs to do more for me to be on board with her winning. I loved her finding the idol and using it for the best blindside in a long time, but I'd be a little underwhelmed if the show ended right now and she was crowned the winner.

You are always going to be underwhelmed lol On a serious note I can see Jeremy winning!great edit and with 2 idols, if he use on the right time I feel like he is goong to win.

Is this your first season of Survivor?

She's one of the people I'm rooting for but if it was the end of the season this week I wouldn't feel like she has done enough to deserve it, but it's still so early that it can be said about anyone.

I love when people find/play idols. But I can't base them being a winner just off of that. I can also see Jeremy winning if he plays his idols right.

I like Wentworth, she's in my top 5, but she needs to do more for me to be on board with her winning. I loved her finding the idol and using it for the best blindside in a long time, but I'd be a little underwhelmed if the show ended right now and she was crowned the winner.

That's really weird to say lol I'd be underwhelmed with any of them winning since we'd be missing so much.

Yea I was thinking the same exact thing after I posted this. There's still so much season left that if it ended today and any of them winning would be underwhelming but I would but 1-3 people a head of her at the moment. If that makes any sense?

Yeah I guess she hasn't had the control like Jeremy I agree. I know she's spoken highly of in interviews and has a huge edit (we hear from her constantly even when she's in a good spot). She, Jeremy, and Spencer are my main predictions to win.

I like Wentworth, she's in my top 5, but she needs to do more for me to be on board with her winning. I loved her finding the idol and using it for the best blindside in a long time, but I'd be a little underwhelmed if the show ended right now and she was crowned the winner.

That's really weird to say lol I'd be underwhelmed with any of them winning since we'd be missing so much.

Yea I was thinking the same exact thing after I posted this. There's still so much season left that if it ended today and any of them winning would be underwhelming but I would but 1-3 people a head of her at the moment. If that makes any sense?

Yeah I guess she hasn't had the control like Jeremy I agree. I know she's spoken highly of in interviews and has a huge edit (we hear from her constantly even when she's in a good spot). She, Jeremy, and Spencer are my main predictions to win.

Yea I definitely hope to see more from her. I love when a female wins, especially when the men try to run things. Jeremy is also playing a great game, especailly with the two idols and Spencer is one of my favorites every haha. So I can definitely see either of those three winning and I would be happy with it.
