Survivor Cambodia: Second Chance - Witches Coven

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Survivor Cambodia: Second Chance - Witches Coven

I low key wanted Abi to win immunity

Joe making himself a bigger target YET again. Once he loses individual immunity he's out (or at least should be)

I like Fish, but want him gone now.

I low key wanted Abi to win immunity

Kelly is gone. They showed her confessional.

Well, better late than never with the thread.

i want Buster gone.

Please let Stephan go

Hate this twist.

"Tonight I can fix with my wits and hustle" lol okay.

Hope Abi doesn't go!!

Spencer "I'm sorry are we on the bottom?" Loooool

I want Kimmi gone so bad

So one if the Kellys is going home tonight, I'm gonna be sad either way.

This old hag, every week with the middle finger. Not bitter right lol. Savage looking good.

DEAD @ Kass and Savage

Man this rain is not okay. I would dip, deuces. Yall tried me.

What's the guy's name who found the two idols?

What's the guy's name who found the two idols?


What's the guy's name who found the two idols?


What's the guy's name who found the two idols?


Buster stays giving his comments like he's writing a review for some article. "Game has never played this way" "in past seasons" like skip.

I'm so sad right ya Wiggles


Joe leaves next....then Jeremy's going to have to start using those idols

I low key wanted Abi to win immunity

I did too lol

Exactly what I want to do

Joe leaves next....then Jeremy's going to have to start using those idols

Definitely agree

Ciera was right. They can't win with Jeremy.

Oh well, wiggles was boring as hell.
