Following his crazy season on The Real World: Explosion, Cory brings his cousin, Mitch, to the Challenge for a shot at the title. This Bloodline duo combines brains and brawn to create an imposing force in the Challenge house. Looking to his older cousin to lead them to victory, Mitch gushes, “I always looked up to Cory. He's definitely been a role model for me in a lot of ways. So I'm really glad that he's here and he's got my best interest at heart.” However, when Cory and Mitch start mixing business and pleasure with ladies on another team, it threatens to land them both in dangerous territory. Cory attempts to use his new love connection with a volatile vet for political leverage, but Mitch worries Cory might end up ******* the wrong people off.
Best team here. So excited for them.
I knew Cory would use his looks with the girls lol
Mitch lol
Mitch looks good in some pictures but in some he looks... tragic...
Ugh yes I can't wait to see Cory's debut!
Why Mitch is like 56 in this pic?
Please be "Cory's new love connection" be nany. Legit might be Cara after watching that trailer lol.
Current favorite team. Hope they show out.
I would definitely be going after Aneesa myself lmao either her or Nicole. There aren't many lookers on this one IMO
This has to be who Rianna and Aneesa mess with lol.. based on their bios.
I could see Cory flirting with Annesa. They showed him and her dancing in the club together
Jman's going to be camping on this page forever, lmaoo.
lmaoo. I'll try not to
Damn Mitch looks old as ****. Tom Hanks lookin ***!
Cory/Aneesa and Mitch/Rianna?
I'm mad at Aneesa because she should know by now that no man that young wants her. She needs to stick to the ladies. Although I lowkey think Aneesa is more attracted to men than women.
LOVE THIS TEAM. Mitch is soooo ******* cute.
Cory/Aneesa is weird to me.
I doubt Cory/Aneesa is anything. Prob just flirted & danced together at the club. Cory trying to snag those votes
I think so too and have always thought that.
Well obviously not because it seems like Aneesa caught feelings. But pause... didn't he have a girlfriend? Smh
BAHAHAHAHA! !! I can't stop laughing omg
Cory is the sexiest guy in the house.
Fine as ****!
finally someone has my name on one of these things!!! took long enough hahaha I hope Mitch does well
don't care much for cory tho
THIS is the team I am the most excited for! I'm really hoping they kick some serious *** this season.
It seems like everybody had a significant other while filming the show and they all got collective amnesia. This cast is disgusting.
Low key looks like a q tip
I can't with you.
Omg I'm dying.
This season is gonna be high key messy. But I like messy