Movies: Generic Thread

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That movie was trash, I'm so disappointed in y'all lol. In the spirit of Halloween I just bought ten more horror movies for my blu ray collection!!
Is that you DF lol???

LMAO. It really was trash though.

you guys just don't know how to appreciate anything do you... it had a lot of originality to it (aside from the handheld aspect)... reminded me a bit of The Descent (which is my fav scary movie ever). 

I'd really like to know what you two think the best horror movies are haha

It had a lot of originality yet it reminded you of the descent ? Not so original after all.

LMAO, it's not my fault you guys like horror movies that I find shitty XD like c'mon now...As above so below was annoyingly stupid, and any "horror" movie that relies on jumpscares and loud sound effects (mind you this is a found footage movie....and there are sound effects....smh) instead of telling a story, a scary story, doesn't really impress me.

I would say my favorite horror movies are Alien and Halloween (the original NOT THE REMAKE), but I think everyone mentions those two movies as their favorites when it comes to the horror genre, so for a more original answer...

Martyrs - This movie is pretty extreme and I would only recommend it to HARDCORE horror movies fans

The House of the devil - If you like slow burn horror movies, this is definitely the best of them !

Night of the living dead (1968) and 28 days later - My favorite zombie horror movies.

Let the right one in (NOT LET ME IN) - My favorite vampire movie.

Noroi - This movie will terrify you, out of all of the ones I listed so far, THIS IS THE SCARIEST.

Angst - No words, just watch it !

Suspiria and I saw the devil - These are awesome too, not as scary as some of the ones I named, but they are a personal favorites of mine and they should not be skipped by horror fans.

I just checked out that As Above, So Below movie... was actually pleasantly surprised. Decent horror flick!!! Had me on the edge of my seat a few times... love claustrophobia stuff haha

Great Movie, Great Taste

Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from that.


Is it just me or is the Descent 2 crap.

YAY, we agree on something !

Is it just me or is the Descent 2 crap.

It wasn't horrible.. just VERY unnecessary lol They didn't lose touch with the feel of the original, and I did love seeing Sarah & Juno kicking *** once again, but it was just a storyline stretched to fit what the fans wanted... and it didn't really work. Still, there has been A LOT worse.

It had a lot of originality yet it reminded you of the descent ? Not so original after all.

you know what I meant lol... The whole philosopher's stone. Classic treasure hunt gone terribly wrong. Everything being the reverse halfway through. Confronting the sins of your past. The many nods to Dante's work... the rings of hell. It was actually quite intelligent.. which you seem to just ignore. So it had simple jumpscares... jumpscares can actually make you jump! It's more effective at making my heart skip a beat rather than waiting... and waiting... and waiting for something to happen (House of the Devil.)

I would say my favorite horror movies are Alien and Halloween (the original NOT THE REMAKE), but I think everyone mentions those two movies as their favorites when it comes to the horror genre, so for a more original answer...

Martyrs - This movie is pretty extreme and I would only recommend it to HARDCORE horror movies fans

The House of the devil - If you like slow burn horror movies, this is definitely the best of them !

Night of the living dead (1968) and 28 days later - My favorite zombie horror movies.

Let the right one in (NOT LET ME IN) - My favorite vampire movie.

Noroi - This movie will terrify you, out of all of the ones I listed so far, THIS IS THE SCARIEST.

Angst - No words, just watch it !

Suspiria and I saw the devil - These are awesome too, not as scary as some of the ones I named, but they are a personal favorites of mine and they should not be skipped by horror fans.

I don't particularly watch many foreign horror films (sue me, i know they are "good" but I prefer my movies in a language I can understand and not have to constantly look up and down on the screen lol I have to really be in the mood to watch foreign films).. so I can't comment on most of those. The House of the Devil had SO MUCH potential to be great. I literally felt like I was transported back to the 80s... But once I got and hour and ten minutes in and realized nothing had happened yet, that was enough for me to write it off. Not even the somewhat predictable and lackluster ending could save it.

Zombie movies aren't my thing... nothing about them really scares me. I have seen Suspiria, and it is great... you don't like much american horrors do you? What would be in your top american horror list? At least I could relate better with that haha

Alien and Halloween are definitely up on my list (even though they are your typical ones hahaha)

It had a lot of originality yet it reminded you of the descent ? Not so original after all.

you know what I meant lol... The whole philosopher's stone. Classic treasure hunt gone terribly wrong. Everything being the reverse halfway through. Confronting the sins of your past. The many nods to Dante's work... the rings of hell. It was actually quite intelligent.. which you seem to just ignore. So it had simple jumpscares... jumpscares can actually make you jump! It's more effective at making my heart skip a beat rather than waiting... and waiting... and waiting for something to happen (House of the Devil.)

I would say my favorite horror movies are Alien and Halloween (the original NOT THE REMAKE), but I think everyone mentions those two movies as their favorites when it comes to the horror genre, so for a more original answer...

Martyrs - This movie is pretty extreme and I would only recommend it to HARDCORE horror movies fans

The House of the devil - If you like slow burn horror movies, this is definitely the best of them !

Night of the living dead (1968) and 28 days later - My favorite zombie horror movies.

Let the right one in (NOT LET ME IN) - My favorite vampire movie.

Noroi - This movie will terrify you, out of all of the ones I listed so far, THIS IS THE SCARIEST.

Angst - No words, just watch it !

Suspiria and I saw the devil - These are awesome too, not as scary as some of the ones I named, but they are a personal favorites of mine and they should not be skipped by horror fans.

I don't particularly watch many foreign horror films (sue me, i know they are "good" but I prefer my movies in a language I can understand and not have to constantly look up and down on the screen lol I have to really be in the mood to watch foreign films).. so I can't comment on most of those. The House of the Devil had SO MUCH potential to be great. I literally felt like I was transported back to the 80s... But once I got and hour and ten minutes in and realized nothing had happened yet, that was enough for me to write it off. Not even the somewhat predictable and lackluster ending could save it.

Zombie movies aren't my thing... nothing about them really scares me. I have seen Suspiria, and it is great... you don't like much american horrors do you? What would be in your top american horror list? At least I could relate better with that haha

Alien and Halloween are definitely up on my list (even though they are your typical ones hahaha)

Honestly, these foreign horror movies that I mentioned are the best and are seriously terrifying to the point of chills, and it would be a shame if they are skipped by just because of their language ! I recommend you watch Martyrs FOR SURE though, since there isn't much dialogue in it, trust me, you WILL NOT REGRET IT, knowing what happens in the film makes me want to force you into watching it lol.

I think slow burns just aren't your thing then, since I also remember asking you about another slow burn and you replying by "I fell asleep after 20mins" or something like that lol. 

28 days later and Night of the living dead aren't your regular zombie movies though !!!

idk if I have many "OMG THIS IS THE BEST AMERICAN HORROR FILM" movies but some of them are:

Lake Mungo and Rosemary's baby are great (but knowing you, you will probably fall asleep after 15 mins lol)

I'm thinking of ones that aren't so popular but still very scary...mhmmm

Jacob's Ladder, May, The conspiracy, starry eyes, splinter are the ones that came off the top of my head.


It had a lot of originality yet it reminded you of the descent ? Not so original after all.

you know what I meant lol... The whole philosopher's stone. Classic treasure hunt gone terribly wrong. Everything being the reverse halfway through. Confronting the sins of your past. The many nods to Dante's work... the rings of hell. It was actually quite intelligent.. which you seem to just ignore. So it had simple jumpscares... jumpscares can actually make you jump! It's more effective at making my heart skip a beat rather than waiting... and waiting... and waiting for something to happen (House of the Devil.)

YOU TRIED IT LMAO ! The House of the devil >>>>>> As above so below, matter of fact, they aren't even on the same level.

Thank you for reminding me why I disliked this movie. And no, it wasn't intelligent...AT ALL, if it was I would of definitely praised this intelligence since I love horror movies and I would of loved if this stupid movie was actually intelligent, and you also ignored the part where I said that this "intelligent" found footage movie has sound intelligent.

But seriously if you want me to really go in depths why I didn't like this movie I will;

The beginning of this film is really good, I liked where it was going, and I enjoyed the adventure feel the movie was going for...But as soon as they entered the cave everything went downhill VERY fast. Aside from the main girl, you don't give one single **** about anyone in this movie, they were just puppets waiting to be killed off in my eyes....the dialogue was horrible, it reminded me of the dialogue in the gallows. Bad acting. The movie was boring. It's found footage. It's not scary. The jumpscares are very expected, and NO, jumpscares aren't scary, they just make you feel startled. You know what, **** this, the movie is too awful to even talk about, I really don't get how you liked it, it was horrible. The end LOL

It had a lot of originality yet it reminded you of the descent ? Not so original after all.

you know what I meant lol... The whole philosopher's stone. Classic treasure hunt gone terribly wrong. Everything being the reverse halfway through. Confronting the sins of your past. The many nods to Dante's work... the rings of hell. It was actually quite intelligent.. which you seem to just ignore. So it had simple jumpscares... jumpscares can actually make you jump! It's more effective at making my heart skip a beat rather than waiting... and waiting... and waiting for something to happen (House of the Devil.)

YOU TRIED IT LMAO ! The House of the devil >>>>>> As above so below, matter of fact, they aren't even on the same level.

Thank you for reminding me why I disliked this movie. And no, it wasn't intelligent...AT ALL, if it was I would of definitely praised this intelligence since I love horror movies and I would of loved if this stupid movie was actually intelligent, and you also ignored the part where I said that this "intelligent" found footage movie has sound intelligent.

But seriously if you want me to really go in depths why I didn't like this movie I will;

The beginning of this film is really good, I liked where it was going, and I enjoyed the adventure feel the movie was going for...But as soon as they entered the cave everything went downhill VERY fast. Aside from the main girl, you don't give one single **** about anyone in this movie, they were just puppets waiting to be killed off in my eyes....the dialogue was horrible, it reminded me of the dialogue in the gallows. Bad acting. The movie was boring. It's found footage. It's not scary. The jumpscares are very expected, and NO, jumpscares aren't scary, they just make you feel startled. You know what, **** this, the movie is too awful to even talk about, I really don't get how you liked it, it was horrible. The end LOL

Honestly I will take movies like this over any slow burn type of movie that puts you to sleep. I just think everyone has their own taste in horror movies & not everyone is going to like all of the same ones.

It had a lot of originality yet it reminded you of the descent ? Not so original after all.

you know what I meant lol... The whole philosopher's stone. Classic treasure hunt gone terribly wrong. Everything being the reverse halfway through. Confronting the sins of your past. The many nods to Dante's work... the rings of hell. It was actually quite intelligent.. which you seem to just ignore. So it had simple jumpscares... jumpscares can actually make you jump! It's more effective at making my heart skip a beat rather than waiting... and waiting... and waiting for something to happen (House of the Devil.)

YOU TRIED IT LMAO ! The House of the devil >>>>>> As above so below, matter of fact, they aren't even on the same level.

Thank you for reminding me why I disliked this movie. And no, it wasn't intelligent...AT ALL, if it was I would of definitely praised this intelligence since I love horror movies and I would of loved if this stupid movie was actually intelligent, and you also ignored the part where I said that this "intelligent" found footage movie has sound intelligent.

But seriously if you want me to really go in depths why I didn't like this movie I will;

The beginning of this film is really good, I liked where it was going, and I enjoyed the adventure feel the movie was going for...But as soon as they entered the cave everything went downhill VERY fast. Aside from the main girl, you don't give one single **** about anyone in this movie, they were just puppets waiting to be killed off in my eyes....the dialogue was horrible, it reminded me of the dialogue in the gallows. Bad acting. The movie was boring. It's found footage. It's not scary. The jumpscares are very expected, and NO, jumpscares aren't scary, they just make you feel startled. You know what, **** this, the movie is too awful to even talk about, I really don't get how you liked it, it was horrible. The end LOL

Honestly I will take movies like this over any slow burn type of movie that puts you to sleep. I just think everyone has their own taste in horror movies & not everyone is going to like all of the same ones.

I'm actually shocked some of you like these type of movies like As above so below, Annabelle, The Gallows etc..since they get trashed in their reviews, just google them and you will find a low score, but if someone liked it then good for you ? lol because I couldn't.

And honestly I would take a "slow burn" type of movie that actually has a great story to tell, characters you root for and legit scary moments over a stupid, cliched, filled with dumb/annoying characters and unrealistic dialogue type of movie that will put you to sleep.

Not true about slow burns!! I love The Shining and Rosemary's baby!!! House of the Devil was just a waste of an hour and a half though... like it actually has no payoff (wheras the two I mentioned do).

And if i'm going to see a movie like The Gallows, Paranormal Activity, As Above/So Below... IM EXPECTING TO BE STARTLED. THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT OF A JUMPSCARE MOVIE!!! They are predictable as shit... i'm not expecting the movie to win oscars, heck i'm not even expecting to see it more than once. I go into those types of movie because I want to be startled by the cheap jumpscares.. I can find appreciation in a movie if it manages to make me jump out of my seat. Anything to give me an adrenaline boost is refreshing haha.. Also why I like found footage flicks because they sort of give you a POV of the events.. really make you feel like you are right there in it. But that's just me.

I can also find appreciation in other types or horror movies!! Slow burners can be great (if they are worth it)... you look at a movie like Halloween, and you tell me that shit isn't predictable? those jump scares are original? maybe some of them were... movies today create original scares and recycle old ones just the same. Horror has been a dying genre because everything has been done to death.. it's predictable, it's cliche, it's whatever other problem you can think of. Basically what i'm getting at, is that I can find the appreciation out of most horror films nowadays (even the worst of them), along with appreciating all the others that came before it. Plain and simple, if I want to jump.. I go see a jumpy movie and hope for the best. As Above, So Below made me jump. That's it. haha

I will definitely check out Martyrs!! I've seen a couple clips and i've actually been meaning to see it for a while now. The most disturbing movie I've seen so far was A Siberian Film. #scarredforlife hahaha

Since Mitchy brought it up, Alone in the Dark, House of the Dead, feardotcom are worse

Not true about slow burns!! I love The Shining and Rosemary's baby!!! House of the Devil was just a waste of an hour and a half though... like it actually has no payoff (wheras the two I mentioned do).

And if i'm going to see a movie like The Gallows, Paranormal Activity, As Above/So Below... IM EXPECTING TO BE STARTLED. THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT OF A JUMPSCARE MOVIE!!! They are predictable as shit... i'm not expecting the movie to win oscars, heck i'm not even expecting to see it more than once. I go into those types of movie because I want to be startled by the cheap jumpscares.. I can find appreciation in a movie if it manages to make me jump out of my seat. Anything to give me an adrenaline boost is refreshing haha.. Also why I like found footage flicks because they sort of give you a POV of the events.. really make you feel like you are right there in it. But that's just me.

I can also find appreciation in other types or horror movies!! Slow burners can be great (if they are worth it)... you look at a movie like Halloween, and you tell me that shit isn't predictable? those jump scares are original? maybe some of them were... movies today create original scares and recycle old ones just the same. Horror has been a dying genre because everything has been done to death.. it's predictable, it's cliche, it's whatever other problem you can think of. Basically what i'm getting at, is that I can find the appreciation out of most horror films nowadays (even the worst of them), along with appreciating all the others that came before it. Plain and simple, if I want to jump.. I go see a jumpy movie and hope for the best. As Above, So Below made me jump. That's it. haha

I will definitely check out Martyrs!! I've seen a couple clips and i've actually been meaning to see it for a while now. The most disturbing movie I've seen so far was A Siberian Film. #scarredforlife hahaha

I'm pretty confident that the house of the devil wasn't a waste of time and it did have a payoff, too bad you felt that way about the movie Sad . Horror is at it best when you don't know what's gonna happen next, you don't know what to expect and when to expect it, and the best thing about house of the devil is the tension and atmosphere during the movie. Yes, the payoff wasn't THE ABSOLUTE BEST, but it was good enough and a good way to end the movie.

But I can see people not liking this movie and finding it "boring" (when in reality, it's far from that).

I guess some people do like being startled instead of being scared during a horror movie, if you say it that way then yeah sure...

For me most of the found footage flicks don't work and I don't find it realistic since most of the time, there is no reason to hold the camera in the first place.

Yes the scares on Halloween were very original for it time and they were very genuine since they didn't have that annoying loud sound effect accompanying each scare.

And I find appreciation in horror movies that don't take the easy route and film a movie with a potato, accompanied by a cliche script and cliched characters.

I LOVEEEEEEEEE horror movies when you can actually give a shit about the characters and you care about what the characters are saying, and when the movie finds it way to scare you and stay with you. But that's just me.

Martyrs shits on a serbian film in every way.

Since Mitchy brought it up, Alone in the Dark, House of the Dead, feardotcom are worse

Agreed. Still doesn't take away how bad I think the movies I mentioned are.

How could I forget !!! Eden Lake (2008) is a great american british horror movie.

I never seen Lake Mungo or Eden Lake yet

#9 Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)

This is my favorite action movie, it's perfect, it's super entertaining, it's very well done, and it truly is considered an iconic and game changer movie.

But for you who somehow haven't watched this movie for some weird reason like living under Uluru, here is a little backstory; Arnold Schwarzenegger (The Terminator) is sent back in time to protect a 10 year old kid named John Connor, meanwhile another terminator (the T-1000) is also sent from the futur but with a different goal, to annihilate John Connor...and seeing these two vicious animals terminate each other is a blast !

This movie not only defeats the sequel curse, but it also out dose the original. 

Why is this movie so perfect ? 

Terminator 2 does what most action films nowdays forget to do, develop their characters, which is a huge thing for me, I mean you really get hooked with the 4 main characters in this film and the acting really helps that too since the actors do a phenomenal job.

The dialogue is a big part of this movie; I mean this is the film that brought us "Hasta la vista Baby" "chill out, *******" "Is it dead ? - Terminated" "Jesus you were gonna kill that guy - of course, I'm the terminator"

And of course, the action in this movie is not one to miss, the effects never feel too much or fake, instead it leaves you very entertained and beyond pleased.

I'll be back.

Terminator 2 was the legit last GOOD one. ROTM had some clever Japanese esque scenes but that ending was shitty

I saw Crimson Peak last night and LOVED it!!! It was a deliciously creepy gothic love story. The set designs, the costumes, the CASTING were just OUTSTANDING!!!! Jessica Chastain was the highlight of the film as the cold and mysterious sister to Tom Hiddleston. There is just soooo much to love about the movie... a classic period piece ghost story. Even the ghosts were beautifully creepy haha (is that even a thing?). I wouldn't say it's particularly scary at all... the first hour of the movie is all devoted to setting the stage and developing all of its characters, and the second half is the heroine (Mia Wasikowska) trying to figure out the mystery of Crimson Peak while being chased nonstop by it's ghosts haha... It does slip into predictable territory near the end, but the rest of the movie makes up for that. Definitely worth a watch!!! Smile

Is it just me or does Crimson Peak remind me of Sleepy Hollow 1999?

Let's be honest. The Power Rangers Movie cast is tragic beyond all ****.

Paranormal Activity: The Flop Dimension comes out today.

Such a shame, I used to really like that series.

Paranormal Activity: The Flop Dimension comes out today. Such a shame, I used to really like that series.

i stopped watching after the 3rd one so I'm completely lost on where the story has gone from there. Lol

Paranormal Activity: The Flop Dimension comes out today. Such a shame, I used to really like that series.

i stopped watching after the 3rd one so I'm completely lost on where the story has gone from there. Lol

The reviews have been tragic so far.

One of my favorite parts was in PA2 when the mom was in the kitchen and it was daytime, so I wasn't expecting a jump scare....then BOOM all the cabinet doors flung open. One of the only times I actually almost jumped out of my seat....literally lmao.

Hey has anyone watched Paperman with Jeff Daniels and Emma Stone? 
I personally loved the movie and loved the story, but my friend says it was crap. Just wanted to know y'alls opinion about it.

My 13 Days of Halloween movie marathon is currently in full swing

so far:

Oct.19 - Friday the 13th Part 1,2,3

Oct.20 - Pet Semetary

Oct.21 - Halloween (1978)

Oct.22 - Halloween II (1981)

Oct.23 - Either Child's Play or Beetlejuice (haven't decided yet)

Let's be honest. The Power Rangers Movie cast is tragic beyond all ****.
it is! I agree with this

Hey has anyone watched Paperman with Jeff Daniels and Emma Stone? 
I personally loved the movie and loved the story, but my friend says it was crap. Just wanted to know y'alls opinion about it.

No, but I did see the paperboy pass by this morning and giggled like Chris Griffin


A new Freddy

A New Jason and a Jason TV Series

Final Destination 6

Hey has anyone watched Paperman with Jeff Daniels and Emma Stone? 
I personally loved the movie and loved the story, but my friend says it was crap. Just wanted to know y'alls opinion about it.

No, but I did see the paperboy pass by this morning and giggled like Chris Griffin


It had a lot of originality yet it reminded you of the descent ? Not so original after all.

you know what I meant lol... The whole philosopher's stone. Classic treasure hunt gone terribly wrong. Everything being the reverse halfway through. Confronting the sins of your past. The many nods to Dante's work... the rings of hell. It was actually quite intelligent.. which you seem to just ignore. So it had simple jumpscares... jumpscares can actually make you jump! It's more effective at making my heart skip a beat rather than waiting... and waiting... and waiting for something to happen (House of the Devil.)

I would say my favorite horror movies are Alien and Halloween (the original NOT THE REMAKE), but I think everyone mentions those two movies as their favorites when it comes to the horror genre, so for a more original answer...

Martyrs - This movie is pretty extreme and I would only recommend it to HARDCORE horror movies fans

The House of the devil - If you like slow burn horror movies, this is definitely the best of them !

Night of the living dead (1968) and 28 days later - My favorite zombie horror movies.

Let the right one in (NOT LET ME IN) - My favorite vampire movie.

Noroi - This movie will terrify you, out of all of the ones I listed so far, THIS IS THE SCARIEST.

Angst - No words, just watch it !

Suspiria and I saw the devil - These are awesome too, not as scary as some of the ones I named, but they are a personal favorites of mine and they should not be skipped by horror fans.

I don't particularly watch many foreign horror films (sue me, i know they are "good" but I prefer my movies in a language I can understand and not have to constantly look up and down on the screen lol I have to really be in the mood to watch foreign films).. so I can't comment on most of those. The House of the Devil had SO MUCH potential to be great. I literally felt like I was transported back to the 80s... But once I got and hour and ten minutes in and realized nothing had happened yet, that was enough for me to write it off. Not even the somewhat predictable and lackluster ending could save it.

Zombie movies aren't my thing... nothing about them really scares me. I have seen Suspiria, and it is great... you don't like much american horrors do you? What would be in your top american horror list? At least I could relate better with that haha

Alien and Halloween are definitely up on my list (even though they are your typical ones hahaha)

How ridiculous
