Big Brother: The Vevmo Takeover (Official Game Thread)

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Cheers to final 4! Melm, RLK and Yous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's all good. It's just a game...

You shady *** lying *************! ROFL

Love and luck to you all!!! Biggrin

Now let me get drunk and enjoy myself since apparently I have no chance of winning this game........... *takes shot*

Okay so I'm gonna go, don't feel good but congrats Final 4! 


Raymond21, RLK2014, and Youssarian you guy's HoH competition will be tomorrow night. What time works for y'all? Eastern time too. 

Same time is good for me. 9:30 EST time.

Okay so I'm gonna go, don't feel good but congrats Final 4! 


Raymond21, RLK2014, and melm3 you guy's HoH competition will be tomorrow night. What time works for y'all? Eastern time too. 

Don't you mean youssarian?

Okay so I'm gonna go, don't feel good but congrats Final 4! 


Raymond21, RLK2014, and melm3 you guy's HoH competition will be tomorrow night. What time works for y'all? Eastern time too. 

Don't you mean youssarian?

She must think one of us 3 will win?

But I work at 11pm CT,  so 12 est. So idc I just want to be done by 1030 ct. So 930 works unless it will be over 2 hours. 

Okay so I'm gonna go, don't feel good but congrats Final 4! 


Raymond21, RLK2014, and melm3 you guy's HoH competition will be tomorrow night. What time works for y'all? Eastern time too. 

Don't you mean youssarian?

She must think one of us 3 will win?

But I work at 11pm CT,  so 12 est. So idc I just want to be done by 1030 ct. So 930 works unless it will be over 2 hours. 

He- badladjj and no. Typo. 

Okay so I'm gonna go, don't feel good but congrats Final 4! 


Raymond21, RLK2014, and melm3 you guy's HoH competition will be tomorrow night. What time works for y'all? Eastern time too. 

Don't you mean youssarian?

She must think one of us 3 will win?

But I work at 11pm CT,  so 12 est. So idc I just want to be done by 1030 ct. So 930 works unless it will be over 2 hours. 

He- badladjj and no. Typo. 

I Know your a he but I just consider you Julie Chang not badl.

I'm so behind on my BBVT. I was over here still rooting for David. *****.

Great job though! Smile

I'm so behind on my BBVT. I was over here still rooting for David. *****. Great job though! Smile

David only left like 2 hours ago. 

When is the hoh start I need to run something somewhere can we wait till 40 to start it 

Girl, I'm starting early because you asked to start early and now you want to push it back. We are starting in a few minutes. Sorry. 

When I said wait till 40 I meant like 5 min


So did we decide on 930

So did we decide on 930








*RLK2014 walk in with the keys










RLK2014: This is the nomination ceremony, it is my responsibility as Sole Head of Household to nominate two houseguest for eviction this week. The first houseguest I have nominated is.......










*RLK2014 turns the first key






















RLK2014: The next houseguest I have nominated is....








*RLK2014 turns the second key






























RLK2014: I've decided to nominate you Youssarian and you Raymond21Unfortunately I only have three people to pick from and two of you need to go up. I left Mel, down since I was the only person he kept safe in the double last week. Don't take it personally especially since this week really just comes down to who wins veto. Good luck to everyone in the veto because I love everyone left! 



We're at the home stretch. Not many options left. Here we go...


Is eviction and hoh tonight? If so what time? 


Okay POV results will be posted by tomorrow afternoon. I should then have all submissions by then. The Veto meeting will happen right after, voting will follow, and then the LIVE eviction. 

HoH Part 1 is LIVE so we need to find a time that everyone still here can do it. Part 2 is deadline and Part 3 is LIVE as well. Then the Jury will have 24 hours for questioning and then they will vote and I will reveal a winner next week for sure. 

As for a reunion...... idk lol

Omg!!!! Wish veto was posted today but I understand.


Once again a change in plans. Youssarian was not able to do the Veto comp when planned. Hopefully in the next hour or 2 he will. Then later tonight results will be posted if Hanna doesn't do it before me. Someone will be evicted tomorrow afternoon though. 

The is the most nervewrecking veto of the season..... Wow... Haha

I'M SORRY EVERYONE I had to make that $$$. I'm here now so send me that veto comp

The time has come.....!!!!!!!!!



This is the Veto you should have been anticipating... you think we gave things a day # for no reason? For this Veto competition we will send you a list of 16 events that have happened this summer. It will be your job to send us back a numbered list (1-16) of what day you think that event occurred. There is a 1 minute penaltyper day off you are per question. So if the answer to an event is say day 1 and you put day 30... that is a 29 minute penalty for just that question. Day 1 is June 16th, Day 2 is June 17th, etc. follow the days!

The houseguest with the FASTEST time will win the POWER OF VETO and advance to the Final 3 with RLK2014.


The questions & answers....

1. Name the day that LurkerProbst and Josh8793 entered the house.

Day 31


2. Name the day PinkRose won her first Veto.

Day 23


3. Name the day that Lizzie V was removed from the game.

Day 21


4. Name the day that 202mitch was nominated for the third time.

Day 73


5. Name the day the first “Houseguest’s Choice” chip was drawn in the Veto Players ceremony.

Day 23


6. Name the day the Veto was not used for the first time.

Day 17


7. Name the day “The BB Gift of Giving Task” happened.

Day 11


8. Name the day PinkRose was evicted.

Day 63


9. Name the day of the first nomination ceremony. And by first, I mean VERY first.

Day 7


10. Name the day JAMiEFiRE and PinkRose were nominated together.

Day 27


11. Name the day CantKeepQuiet won Immunity.

Day 12


12. Name the day the Veto was used for the third time.

Day 38


13. Name the day Nostalgic was ejected from the house.

Day 9


14. Name the day the HoH Takeover happened.

Day 5


15. Name the day the reset button was pushed and the game was reset.

Day 10


16. Name the day of the last Battle of the Block competition.

Day 49


Sooooooo how did everyone do????



Your answers: 

1. Day 31

2. Day 23

3. Day 22

4. Day 49

5. Day 23

6. Day 24

7. Day 11

8. Day 63

9. Day 8

10. Day 27

11. Day 12

12. Day 37

13. Day 9

14. Day 5

15. Day 9

16. Day 49

35 minute penalty 


Your final time........


















