This is going to be amusing because I'm going into this draft blind, on top of the fact that that I'm still heavily invested in MLB DFS and haven't done an ounce of NFL analysis what-so-ever, barring broad information for my sports betting :c
Most likely, same as every year, over half the players in the league won't show up and will have an auto-draft team.
Not with me and im new this year to the Vevmo league. One of my favorite parts of the game is actually showing up for the draft and talking trash to everyone who drafts any busts in my book I love the chat room option lol.
Most likely, same as every year, over half the players in the league won't show up and will have an auto-draft team.
Not with me and im new this year to the Vevmo league. One of my favorite parts of the game is actually showing up for the draft and talking trash to everyone who drafts any busts in my book I love the chat room option lol.
This is going to be amusing because I'm going into this draft blind, on top of the fact that that I'm still heavily invested in MLB DFS and haven't done an ounce of NFL analysis what-so-ever, barring broad information for my sports betting :c
Not with me and im new this year to the Vevmo league. One of my favorite parts of the game is actually showing up for the draft and talking trash to everyone who drafts any busts in my book I love the chat room option lol.
Remember what you told me!
Jamie what will you do when I beat you in fantasy? Beat you in bbvt and soon to be fantasy... It must suck to not be as amazing as me
Lol, Right!
You guys ready for the draft?
Hell Yeah!!!! Ready for tonight!!
Omfg... I almost forgot it was tonight.
Tom Brady!
I'm coming for you!
Lol using the chat room feature now!!!
When is my funeral!!!?????
Luck Dynasty has first pick and I have the second pick.
Omg what pick am I???
I have entered the draft room...
Star Wars- The Imperial March (Darth Vader's Theme)
10th pick.....
******* 8th wtf
Perfect timing. My other draft just ended.
I get 4th same as my last draft
Omg my team sucks.
***** im so mad!
I got the best QB!! And DeSean Jackson!! And Brandon LaFell! This is gonna be intense. My other team will prove to be solid.
Who is r Suarez???
AP All Day
Game over.
Yo im mad.
My draft was supposed to be.
1.) Eddie lacey /AP
2.) gronk
3.) luck
4.) Antonio B ***** yeah right but whatever!!!
I'll just leave this here:
Im mad Junky
my team sucks!!!!!!!!
Like please god let the Saints have an amazing year or some shit.
at least you have the #1 te