Netflix is seriously on a roll. From Bloodline, to Sense8, to their newest offering, Narcos, it is quickly becoming a TV network (streaming service) to be reckoned with. Dare I say it, Netflix has completely surpassed HBO for their quality of shows (that is until 2016 when Westworld and Vinyl premiere haha).
I just checked out the premiere of Narcos, and I have to say it is already one of my favourite shows this year. Best Neftlix premiere so far, and even with a fairly unknown cast, the acting is amazing and the story is told so well; especially with Pablo Escobar's ever expanding and confusing drug cartel universe.
"Netflix takes on the infamous Medellín drug cartel in "Narcos," which follows the rise and fall of Colombian kingpin Pablo Escobar and the Drug Enforcement Agency agents hunting him. The story is told largely from the points of view of Escobar, played by Brazilian actor Wagner Moura, and U.S. DEA Agent Steve Murphy (Boyd Holbrook), on opposite sides of what would become an all-out war. The gritty drama begins with the early days of the drug battle, when the biggest offenders were "hippies in flip-flops" caught with up to a kilo of marijuana, continuing to the violent, bloody battles between members of the cartel peddling tons of kilos of cocaine and drug agents from Colombia, Mexico, and the U.S. -- a struggle estimated to have cost at least 4,000 lives over two decades."
If you like true crime or just crime stories in general, DEFINITELY check this out!!!!
I heard this one wasn't that great. It wasn't bad by any means, but it apparently diluted the story and real world influences. I'll still give it a shot though, especially because
Pedro PascalOberyn Martell is a god.well I loved it lol it was fun, action-packed, and fast paced. The premiere almost felt like a scorsese short with the narration explaining the ins and outs of drug trafficking, the Madellin cartel, and the entire cocaine business. Plus I've heard plenty of good reviews so I don't know what you're listening too
They said in many interviews that they had to twist a few parts of the true story to fit the storyline of the show, but that they stayed as close as possible to the main events within the timeline. Also, I love anything 80s themed, so this show is right up my alley!! haha
This is probably one of the better American renditions of Escobar's story. Although it irks me he looks nothing like him.
LMAO. Looks like I read the only two bad reviews on the internet. That's what I get for not going to my go-to websites.
Well then I'll def give it a shot!
Right, looks like a copy of the Pablo Escobar in HBO Entoruage.
Anyways, just finished episode 1 and I loved it.
Oberyn (( s i g h ))
Mitch stay out of're too cute for that
will start this next
have you watched any of Grace and Frankie? Entirely different but sooooo good!
Just finished the season. Loved it. Can't wait for season 2!
Late night thots but Pablo Escorbar is hot in this show lmaoo. I cant, let me log out and finish episode 7.
lmao. Shame you'd think he'd be ugly in real life.
Right, he's not cute At All and I have a thing for Colombian men (or just from my past) but he gets the cut / axe just Nooo.
What is this about? You guys watch all the good stuff and I can only get through Scandal lmao
Papi and cocaine.
Colombians are where it's at.. haha
"I forgot my socks" lol just finished this.
I can't wait till season 2.
Still waiting Zzzzz.
Does the amount of reading ever decrease?
this show looks so good but episode one you had to read pretty much everything that was being said..
Wait, not everything is in english?
Everything was in Spanish except the narrator pretty much. At least for the first episode.
Ah. For some reason, that seems strange.
I'd say its more 50/50... Whenever its a scene with Pablo its in spanish, whenever its a scene with Murphy its english (for the most part), or narrated in english.
If you hate subtitles then this may not be for you, but it's really not too bad. They have to keep it at least somewhat authentic haha
Does anyone know when season 2 will happen?
I know its very nit-picky of me, but I wish it was just all english. I can't get past their accent. It just irritates me. lol
You can't get pass their accents? Sis....
I don't know what that's suppose to mean.
But I have my reason. I'm Colombian, and well, I've seen so many iterations of Pablo Escobar's life, Narcos is perhaps the most inaccurate version I've seen. But that's fine with me, I don't expect much. It's just an overglorified story Colombians are just gonna have to endure.
But the accents, or the lack of, I should say, is my pet peeve. And I know, of course, Pescual and the rest of cast aren't Colombian, so I can't expect them to have that distinct accent that is Colombian, let alone Antioqueño, but I can't get over it. And it sucks cause I want to watch this series, but I can't even get passed the first episode because of it. lol
"Most inaccurate version I've seen"
"can't even get passed the first episode"
youre funny lmaooo. And you're Colombian? Ayyyy Papí. Sike nah, that's what's up tho.
I read about the show, so that's where my claims are comming from. lol
Especially when I'm comparing them from the telenovela about Pablo Escobar. You can't get more detailed than a freaking telenovela.