We have a Task for you guys that will start tomorrow afternoon. We will explain more then. In the task are Advantages and Disadvantages. So be prepared!
We have a Task for you guys that will start tomorrow afternoon. We will explain more then. In the task are Advantages and Disadvantages. So be prepared!
Goodnight houseguest!
Live or timed?
Deadline. 24 hours. I will reveal more tomorrow when I release the task.
We have a Task for you guys that will start tomorrow afternoon. We will explain more then. In the task are Advantages and Disadvantages. So be prepared!
Goodnight houseguest!
Live or timed?
Deadline. 24 hours. I will reveal more tomorrow when I release the task.
Also, those participating in the task, please be here at 1pm EST time so we can start. Everyone being here will make things wayyyyy more interesting. Hanna and I are very excited about this Task! Should be good!
Also, those participating in the task, please be here at 1pm EST time so we can start. Everyone being here will make things wayyyyy more interesting. Hanna and I are very excited about this Task! Should be good!
i will try! i have work so it depends when i am able to get away!
Also, those participating in the task, please be here at 1pm EST time so we can start. Everyone being here will make things wayyyyy more interesting. Hanna and I are very excited about this Task! Should be good!
I will try to be there then. I maybe working till then but idk for sure. I will be there around that time though since if I do work I need to be done by then. Also sorry for all the working someone at my work just had a baby so we are really short so I have been working like crazy like 70 hours this week cray
This has been the longest night ever! Thank god I have two days off. Screw going into work after my night job. I have off and am keeping it that way. See you at 1 for the comp
Auldx, JAMiEFiRE, Lizzie V, LucciVee, PinkRose, RLK2014, and Youssarian please try and show up in the next 30 minutes so we can begin the task! Thanks!!
Auldx, JAMiEFiRE, Lizzie V, LucciVee, PinkRose, RLK2014, and Youssarian please try and show up in the next 30 minutes so we can begin the task! Thanks!!
Auldx, JAMiEFiRE, Lizzie V, LucciVee, PinkRose, RLK2014, and Youssarian please try and show up in the next 30 minutes so we can begin the task! Thanks!!
Auldx, JAMiEFiRE, Lizzie V, LucciVee, PinkRose, RLK2014, and Youssarian please try and show up in the next 30 minutes so we can begin the task! Thanks!!
Hello houseguest, and welcome to your first Task of the season!
This Task is called....
For this Task, each of you will go to the Diary Room one by one and select a gift. There are 7 gifts and 7 of you participating in this Task. Your first mission is deciding who goes in the Diary Room in what order. I need a list posted like this and you must all agree on the list!
Before I can start letting each of you go in to the Diary Room and select your gift.
You can choose which ever gift is left in the DR. However, the gift you select isn't gonna be your gift though. You will be giving your gift to one of the houseguest participating in this task. Some of the gits are Rewards. Some are punishments. It all depends on what gift you choose. You have 24 hours to do this Task (some task will be longer-- just a heads up) and act out your task if nessecary!
Everyone understand? If so begin figuring out who goes when and post that list here!
I need to drink after this tiring comp. lol
Congrats to KVM and nevi!!!! Dude you're such a pro!
congrats guys!!
Haha no worries
Congratulations, KVM!!!!
Congrats KVM and Nev!
I need a straw... no feeling in fingers
Congrats everyone!!
Live or timed?
Well earned speedy and now the real trouble begins...good luck
Deadline. 24 hours. I will reveal more tomorrow when I release the task.
Sounds good
Also, those participating in the task, please be here at 1pm EST time so we can start. Everyone being here will make things wayyyyy more interesting. Hanna and I are very excited about this Task! Should be good!
i will try! i have work so it depends when i am able to get away!
I will try to be there then. I maybe working till then but idk for sure. I will be there around that time though since if I do work I need to be done by then. Also sorry for all the working someone at my work just had a baby so we are really short so I have been working like crazy like 70 hours this week cray
Damnnnnnnnnn everything happened while I was gone at work. Oh well. Congrats kvm and nevi! way to make an entrance in the game haha
I'm available between 1pm-5pm est for the task!
See ya tomorrow!
This has been the longest night ever! Thank god I have two days off. Screw going into work after my night job. I have off and am keeping it that way. See you at 1 for the comp
Wow Congrats KV Nevi and Mitch!
This game is so crazy and I love it!
Auldx, JAMiEFiRE, Lizzie V, LucciVee, PinkRose, RLK2014, and Youssarian please try and show up in the next 30 minutes so we can begin the task! Thanks!!
I'll be here!
I am here
Im here!
woo hoo! Just waiting on Youss and Lizzie!
Hello houseguest, and welcome to your first Task of the season!
This Task is called....
For this Task, each of you will go to the Diary Room one by one and select a gift. There are 7 gifts and 7 of you participating in this Task. Your first mission is deciding who goes in the Diary Room in what order. I need a list posted like this and you must all agree on the list!
Before I can start letting each of you go in to the Diary Room and select your gift.
You can choose which ever gift is left in the DR. However, the gift you select isn't gonna be your gift though. You will be giving your gift to one of the houseguest participating in this task. Some of the gits are Rewards. Some are punishments. It all depends on what gift you choose. You have 24 hours to do this Task (some task will be longer-- just a heads up) and act out your task if nessecary!
Everyone understand? If so begin figuring out who goes when and post that list here!
I'll go 3rd!
1. PinkRose
2. RLK2014
3. JamieFire
4. Auldx
5. Youssarian
6. LucciVee
7. Lizzie V
I'll go whenever