I'm gonna throw in some points to make this HOH competition more interesting. For each item you get correct, I'll give you 3 points. Which means, there are 7 items you are looking for, so the most amount of points you can earn is 21.
However, there is a bonus! If you can tell me which season or seasons of Big Brother each item appeared in except for the Duck and The Pool Table, I will give you a half of point for every season that is correct. There are a total of 12.5 bonus points. So in total this HOH competition is worth 33.5 points. Houseguest to earn the most points will be crowned Head of Household #2 along side GDInstall who won the first Head of Household competition last night.
I see Lizzie V did it. It would be cool if the rest of you made your profile pic of your respective houseguest given to you on your memory wall. It can be whatever picture you want. If you don't know their name or what season they came from just ask me or somebody else and we'll let you know!
I see Lizzie V did it. It would be cool if the rest of you made your profile pic of your respective houseguest given to you on your memory wall. It can be whatever picture you want. If you don't know their name or what season they came from just ask me or somebody else and we'll let you know!
Time is up on your first Head of Household competion Part 2 (Good Guys) and the results are in! Later tonight I will reveal who had what item and how many points each houseguest recevied from Part 1 and Part 2 of this competition, but for now I reveal the top 2 houseguest among your team.
It came down to TWO houseguest.......
Lizzie V
The houseguest who received 31 out of 33.5 points and our second HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD this summer is.........
Congratulations Lizzie V you are the new HOH.
However, stay tuned houseguest because the game-changing twist is about to be revealed! I'll be right back!
Good Morning DScott! Anybody up for a workout?
Houseguest, I have some news....
I'm gonna throw in some points to make this HOH competition more interesting. For each item you get correct, I'll give you 3 points. Which means, there are 7 items you are looking for, so the most amount of points you can earn is 21.
However, there is a bonus! If you can tell me which season or seasons of Big Brother each item appeared in except for the Duck and The Pool Table, I will give you a half of point for every season that is correct. There are a total of 12.5 bonus points. So in total this HOH competition is worth 33.5 points. Houseguest to earn the most points will be crowned Head of Household #2 along side GDInstall who won the first Head of Household competition last night.
Here is an example I posted earlier....
Any questions?
Deadline for this HOH Part 2 competition is tonight @ 8pm eastern time!
Hey Everyone, Good Morning!
OMG sorry I wasn't here to see my fave GD win HOH. Congrats!
And Jamie I'm obsessed with you <3
And I've been peeping you with my secret crush DScott.
BTW I've made French Toast with bacon and eggs in the kitchen right NOW. Enjoy
I'm in.
I see Lizzie V did it. It would be cool if the rest of you made your profile pic of your respective houseguest given to you on your memory wall. It can be whatever picture you want. If you don't know their name or what season they came from just ask me or somebody else and we'll let you know!
Here is the link to the Memory Wall
Good morning everybody!!
Good Guys your deadline is @ 8pm tonight!
Lol seriously... If I thought my girl was cute I would totally change my avatar.
Luccibaby.... I would totally share him with you.
OK <3
Since it is crazy warm day meet me at the pool for a pool party. I'm sweating real bad. And need to cool off
*goes by himself some swim trunks.
Wait until 12-15 years then try to remember your age--lol
I'll join the pool party!!! (or hottub lol) been a long day for me haha
I'm extending the deadline to 9pm eastern time, but no later! Send in your submissions ASAP! Thank you!
Who do you guys think will win the HOH?
my bet is on DScott
YESSS loving the profile pics! Keep them going y'all-- yay!
Hello everyone!! Finally they let me out of the diary room!!!
My money is on him for sure!
About damn time
I thought I was Drew--had to edit
BBVT Day 2! Who wants to review Day 1 happenings with me on the hammock?
True. Me, you and someone else. LOL
The beautiful and talented Miss JamieFire!
Thanks for believing in me guys!! It's cool you think I will win HOH!
LOVE your avatar DScott! Kaysar is SMOKIN HOT!!!
Haha thanks again everyone!!!
Houseguest please report to the living room!
Time is up on your first Head of Household competion Part 2 (Good Guys) and the results are in! Later tonight I will reveal who had what item and how many points each houseguest recevied from Part 1 and Part 2 of this competition, but for now I reveal the top 2 houseguest among your team.
It came down to TWO houseguest.......
Lizzie V
The houseguest who received 31 out of 33.5 points and our second HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD this summer is.........
Congratulations Lizzie V you are the new HOH.
However, stay tuned houseguest because the game-changing twist is about to be revealed! I'll be right back!
Congrats Lizzie!!!