Survivor: Worlds Apart - Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner; We're Finally Playing Some Survivor

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Survivor: Worlds Apart - Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner; We're Finally Playing Some Survivor

Alliances get shaken up when players drop their buffs and switch tribes. Also, one castaway struggles after receiving a blow to the head; and one man tries to flex his power in the game, which could be his greatest weakness.



Survivor - Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner/We're Finally Playing Some Survivor (Sneak Peek)



I hope Sierra ***** them over in the long run. ***** THEM OVER HARDCORE.



Lmao cuz of Jenn?

Edit nvm I forgot you loved Sierra!!!

That speech at tc was weirdly positive for Lindsey who was being voted out.


All my favorites are getting the boot, first So and now Lindsey. I swear if Jenn goes home I'll flip out. 

I only care about joeeeeeee<3


Funny how SurVevmo also had a tribe swap today!!

Go blue!!!

Sierra is a queen, go slay all those **********. 

Escameca!!!!!!! Biggrin

Sierra is a queen, go slay all those **********. 

Joes smileee

That kid is perfffff

Unless Queen Carolyn takes charge soon, this season will be absolutely awful. I thought Caramoan sucked...

Unless Queen Carolyn takes charge soon, this season will be absolutely awful. I thought Caramoan sucked...

I can't stand Carolyn but we'll see what her game play looks like

Joe's smile is gorgeous. Shirin was a pre fav but all she's been is a disappointment, but I'm liking Carlyon/tyler/Joaquin. But no one that in completely rooting for other than maybe those 3. Don't care which team goes to TC, just hope I see someone flip (Carolyn and Sierra) from their orginal tribe.

"I've talked to so many more girls than you have" sure jan.


omg and here we go Dan.

Joe's smile is gorgeous.

I'm obsessedddd

Lol can they eat the popcorn after?

There's team are so unbalanced it isn't even worth watching anything but tribal

Max and his wharts can go.

Max and his wharts can go.

For real though!!!!!

That look Caroyln have Shirin hahaha. I hope she flips, max and Shirin are unbearable.

but I don't believe it's a good move for her to do flip. 

Awww sucks because Max was a huge fan, I really don't wanna see anyone else leave this tribe honestly.

I really don't see what Jeff saw in this season... I haven't had a single moment that got my heart racing and left me in shock outside of the premiere.

Sad part? He said ep 4 was the "best." What a joke. #Dirty30? #***************************.

Lol I loved this last episode , it was so funny how much hate Max and shirin got was hilarious

That look Caroyln have Shirin hahaha. I hope she flips, max and Shirin are unbearable.

but I don't believe it's a good move for her to do flip. 

Ikr her looks of disgust are great

Oh. And based purely on social media interaction, I can all but guarantee the next two boots... There's a picture of them at ponderosa/loser's lodge together floating around the web. 

That look Caroyln have Shirin hahaha. I hope she flips, max and Shirin are unbearable.

but I don't believe it's a good move for her to do flip. 

Ikr her looks of disgust are great

Carolyn is the only saving grace for me this season. I think Shirin is funny, but the odds are stacked heavily against her.

That look Caroyln have Shirin hahaha. I hope she flips, max and Shirin are unbearable.

but I don't believe it's a good move for her to do flip. 

Ikr her looks of disgust are great

Carolyn is the only saving grace for me this season. I think Shirin is funny, but the odds are stacked heavily against her.

What about Jenn or Sierra?

Lurker being over dramatic as usual haha

What about Jenn or Sierra?

I hate Jenn.

I really really really want Sierra to kick ***. I hope she pulls through and destroys Rodney and Mike.
