The Challenge: Battle of the Exes 2 - Lovers In The Dark

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Why does it look like Backpack/Nany just got done *******?

I just died hahahaha I was thinking the exact same thing

So did I. I bet they did in the Exile house. Bananas has cheated on girlfriends on challenges before. And Nany hooked up with Adam on Vegas knowing he had a gf back home.

Oh my God! Nia has to hang there until the challenge over!? Hahahaha

Anonymous's picture

There goes Jenna.

I gotta give it to Jay. He works well with Jenna.

This is confusing.

Anonymous's picture

And there goes Jay.

It's almost like having one person fall off right away is the best bet cause the other person doesn't have to wait for anyone...

Hopefully you didn't hear her go "boom" Jay. Then you'd have a dead Jenna. 

well,  I have a feeling Jay and Jenna are going in the dome tonight

Why does it look like Backpack/Nany just got done *******?

haha they probably did on the exile...

oh god. This looks terrifying. Just seeing Nia fall made me nervous.

I gotta give it to Jay. He works well with Jenna.


Yep they aren't where they are totally by chance. Respect for your partner goes a long way.

Plot twist: jay and Jenna made it the furthest with both people on the ropes that they become power couple

Anonymous's picture

I wonder how Wes and Theresa would have done on this challenge.

The intensity of this challenge and the fact that it's at night, does anyone else feel like they aren't watching the challenge?


True but it doesn't help that much as the names are on the helmet but I feel you though. 

Leroy still claiming garbage man when he hasn't done that for half a decade lol

I don't get that.......

Jordan and Sarah working in perfect unison.

Damn this is intense.

None of these teams did good tbh

Nany is going to lose if for them.

Spoke too soon.

Wow and Bananas falls. would be Crazy if Leroy is the only one to make it to the bell.

Johnny went to the third rope before Nany made it to the bottom of the second. Wouldn't thay qualify as a DQ putting them in the dome automatically?

LOL Johnny fell. Who's going in the elimination. At least Leroy finished, hope he wins!

I think Banany hooked up in exile jmo

Anonymous's picture

Do the other Teen Moms hate Farrah/Farah or something?

I gotta give it to Jay. He works well with Jenna.


Jay just seems like a nice guy. ****** boyfriend, but nice, down to earth guy.

So do Leroy & Nia win since Leroy is the only one to reach the bell?

Leroy is the only one who made it to all five ropes. DAMN he's a beast!!

I hope Leroy gets power couple!!!!

LOL Johnny fell. Who's going in the elimination. At least Leroy finished, hope he wins!

Wouldn't Leroy techinically be last because Nia only cleared the first rope? They said making it to the bottom by yourself only counts if every other girl dropped at the same time. Everyone made it past Nia. 
