The Challenge: Battle of the Exes 2 - Total Eclipse of the Heart

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Does anyone find it a little odd/disturbing that MTV allowed Jordan to accuse Wes of taking steroids, then basically backed it up with a picture of him being bigger during The Duel? 

If someone had accused Bananas of enabling rapists, would MTV have aired it and then cut to scenes of him bullying drunk women with Kenny & Evan?

OMG Nia went in!!!! That was one of the most intense arguments we've ever had in challenge history! Like it was all real drama and she was not backing down! I love her! 


Does anyone find it a little odd/disturbing that MTV allowed Jordan to accuse Wes of taking steroids, then basically backed it up with a picture of him being bigger during The Duel? 

If someone had accused Bananas of enabling rapists, would MTV have aired it and then cut to scenes of him bullying drunk women with Kenny & Evan?

Does anyone find it a little odd/disturbing that MTV allowed Jordan to accuse Wes of taking steroids, then basically backed it up with a picture of him being bigger during The Duel? 

If someone had accused Bananas of enabling rapists, would MTV have aired it and then cut to scenes of him bullying drunk women with Kenny & Evan?

there it is.

I do believe it's possible Wes dabbled in the steroid world for a bit but he is nowhere near the only person to do so.

Regardless, it was kinda lame. Since when did they start showing clips of old challenges again anyway? Let MTV tell it it's hard to believe anything pre-Cutthroat even exists.

Does anyone find it a little odd/disturbing that MTV allowed Jordan to accuse Wes of taking steroids, then basically backed it up with a picture of him being bigger during The Duel? 

If someone had accused Bananas of enabling rapists, would MTV have aired it and then cut to scenes of him bullying drunk women with Kenny & Evan?

You know the answer to that question lol.....

Long time lurker, but I can't figure out if kvm is a really good troll or a really petulant child. 

The first person that comes to mind when people bring up steroids is Danny lol. That was blatant as **** as far as I'm concerned.  I mean Wes is a possibility and they were friends so? But idk I thought that flashback was a weird call by MTV  it seemed pointed...

Watching that again, what the hell was Johnny talking about when he asked "how many wins do you guys have?"

Was he ******* serious? She should've cut into him even more & brought up how he's now on his 11th challenge & this is all his scummy *** has in life but Nany jumped in.

Bananas loves to use that line whenever someone questions him. Its his go to comeback to try and shut people up. As if it actually refutes some of the legit criticism people give him. He can win a million times and he'll still be the same person to me.

The first person that comes to mind when people bring up steroids is Danny lol. That was blatant as **** as far as I'm concerned.  I mean Wes is a possibility and they were friends so? But idk I thought that flashback was a weird call by MTV  it seemed pointed...

Somebody brought him up on another forum & said the exact same thing lmao but yeah he was definitely on the 'roids. I remember it was going around that Wes had both Danny & Kellyanne on the juice at one point or another.


Bananas loves to use that line whenever someone questions him. Its his go to comeback to try and shut people up. As if it actually refutes some of the legit criticism people give him. He can win a million times and he'll still be the same person to me.

Which is why I thought it was funny that people were saying Nia didn't own him. Wes/CT have owned him numerous times with basically this same argument. Johnny never has anything to say, which is why he tries to play like he's laughing it off or the whole "how many wins do you have" thing. He ethers himself with the fact that he literally doesn't have shit else going on in life that he has to depend on this dying show for his primary income.


Props to Wes & especially T for being Top 2 in 6 out of 9 missions. I don't think they got screwed by the Exile but with this ******* politic mission. There was no way they would survive against 7 people. Theresa really proved herself this season being the best female (at this point the only mistake she has done this season was spelling).


one of which was trivia and the other where everyone ganged up on them lol.

i get second hand embarrassment from jay/jenna

bananas totally f-cked over much for putting a lot of stock in loyalty

Exactly. The man will screw you over if he has to. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.

I thought Derrick was the first to mention Wes used roids? Kinda suspect though since this was after he beat him in an elimination on the Duel.

Derrick mentioned it but Derrick was always extremely bitter on his podcasts about losing to Wes. Becuase Kenny woudl trash wes but kenny had gone farther on shows with him and made better moves etc, so he could talk. Derrick trashed him but always had that loss hanging over him to Wes.  I never thought Wes took steroids, he was a swimmer, they know how to work out properly and train their bodies by eating right as well. He never seemed super strong either no matter how big he was, he never was as strong as some of the other guys like a darrell/CT and Wes knew it. Plus they alwyas have water challenges which is like handing Wes mission wins becuase he was by far the best swimmer.

Honestly Derrick has always been a pretty bitter guy about all his loses if you listen to his podcasts. He would mention his unfair treatment in his earlier seasons a lot, even though he became a follower in later challenges to get his wins without really ever going in on those season, or maybe once he did.


Honestly that's not cool of Jordan to say. He coudl have said when you were in good shape and just left it at that ..He was trying to be cool when he said it.

Whether people like Theresa or not which it seems no one really does anymore, her/Wes got a bad break and the twist and the mission and who is there was the worst possible scenario after Wes made all the moves he did to get Leroy on his side after leroy hates him and get johnny out etc. Wes really has played a great game. i think him being smaller helps becuase the only person who really wants to get him out of the house is johnny but that's due to their history, he really isn't a threat in physical stuff and his endurance we haven't really seen other than the ramp thing on rivals 2. But he was looking pretty gassed on the final of rivals 2.

Manipulation doesn't help in a final, which is Wes best challenge trait at this point.

Wes did not seem to crazy overly big where he was on steroids to me. A lot of people were bigger then him, plus back in that day if you worked out like wes was doing you would have a good chance of beating people since compared to now the actual challenges themselves were jokes, including the final.

I thought Derrick was the first to mention Wes used roids? Kinda suspect though since this was after he beat him in an elimination on the Duel.

Yep, I believe he said all the way back in those Duel aftershows with Blair, those are still watchable so someone could check. Derrick started it, then continued to yap about it any chance he got (podcast, etc.) then his boys (Kenny, Johnny) would say it. It just became a kinda party line or talking point. I never really heard an explanation or "proof" of any kind, more of just people repeating things. I think they talked the same way about CT sometimes? When he started the challenges he was working out as like a part time job, he would post workout videos online. He got buff. Now he's been open about the fact that he has a job he takes seriously and hasn't dedicated time to physical training in years. Now he's not buff. That's what happens. When he was big it wasn't like his muscles didn't fit his body type, he was just way more cut than now.  It seems a bit flimsy when it's a rumor started and spread by your rivals after you beat the dude in a tough physical Duel. That obviously does nothing to prove it untrue, but I'd like something better than 'Derrick said so'.  And then to have it thrown out on the show 10 years later on the episode where the format just screwed your game is cruel punishment lol

She can look at Nany as competition but you don't have to call her a **** when Nany had her back and they talked right before this challenge about how excited they were that they were both on it.

Theresa has contiunely played a shitty game. It isn't the challenge gods being against her, she just sucks at politics and is way too emotional. She screws every person she has ever been friends with over. It is pathetic. This season she impressed me as a competitor but Wes did all the politics and now she is mentally checked out just because Banany came back....That is her fault if they lose considering she checked out of the game...

Is Theresa shady?  Yes.  Has she shown up to play?  Yes.  Her competitiveness is what I like about her this season.  Full stop.  I don't care about her and Nany's drama. Drama seems to follow Nany around. Theresa sucks at politics, but being partnered with Wes is part of how things were clicking for her this season. This twist, followed immediately by a challenge that benefits alliances, is totally out of their control and has absolutely changed the game for them, unfairly in my mind, and I'm not even a Theresa/Wes supporter. In fact, if they're eliminated, it gives Sarah (who I want to win) a better chance of winning. I just think Theresa/Wes have played a great game and deserve a better fate than a twist/alliance challenge combo.  

You're right, Theresa is emotional, but so is Nany.  They're really not all that different in that area.  They both have emotional breakdowns.  Nany gets all worked up and either yells or cries or both.  I do think the game is taking its toll on Theresa.  Even before the return of Bananas/Nany.  I think being so close to the end is stressing her out (she's been close before and not made the final).  I think the stress, and not Jordan's comment, is what actually brought her to tears.   She was already on the brink and the comment pushed her over.  She does have to get her stuff together if she hopes to survive the dome, but even at her strongest emotionally, they have a tough go against Leroy and Nia.  

 * I love Sarah, but I hate that she is so loyal to JEK.  Why do Bananas' dirty work for him?  

I don't see this as "helping JEK" but maybe I'm wrong

I do think this was Sarah's best move because she needs Johnny & Nany to protect her/Jordan next week if possible.   Getting rid of Wes had to happen for them because Jordan's too stupid to lie and pretend to take a deal.  Leroy & NIa are the best bet to take them out.  Theresa would probably kill least IMO

You're right. Sarah/Jordan had to make that call, especially since I want Sarah to win and Wes and Theresa are likely the strongest team in a final.  I get that.  I just hate that she's always been with JEK and was aligned with Bananas to begin with (and I liked EK in the early days). 

Bananas/Nany supporters talk about how shady Theresa is, but Johnny's the one who threw the competition so that he wouldn't have blood on his hands by throwing in Leroy (his boy!) It was smart of him, but it was definitely shady. The same way Bananas was confident that Sarah wouldn't throw him in, Leroy was confident Bananas had his back.  Boy, was Leroy wrong. 


tbh though i was really surprised Nia and Nany got into an argument. in that trailer where you can see Nia arguing i thought it was going to be against Jordan.

The first person that comes to mind when people bring up steroids is Danny lol. That was blatant as **** as far as I'm concerned.  I mean Wes is a possibility and they were friends so? But idk I thought that flashback was a weird call by MTV  it seemed pointed...

Somebody brought him up on another forum & said the exact same thing lmao but yeah he was definitely on the 'roids. I remember it was going around that Wes had both Danny & Kellyanne on the juice at one point or another.


Bananas loves to use that line whenever someone questions him. Its his go to comeback to try and shut people up. As if it actually refutes some of the legit criticism people give him. He can win a million times and he'll still be the same person to me.

Which is why I thought it was funny that people were saying Nia didn't own him. Wes/CT have owned him numerous times with basically this same argument. Johnny never has anything to say, which is why he tries to play like he's laughing it off or the whole "how many wins do you have" thing. He ethers himself with the fact that he literally doesn't have shit else going on in life that he has to depend on this dying show for his primary income.


but the whole argument was about the challenge. So I'm not understand how his comment "how many wins do you have" is even an issue.

 * I love Sarah, but I hate that she is so loyal to JEK.  Why do Bananas' dirty work for him?  

I don't see this as "helping JEK" but maybe I'm wrong

I do think this was Sarah's best move because she needs Johnny & Nany to protect her/Jordan next week if possible.   Getting rid of Wes had to happen for them because Jordan's too stupid to lie and pretend to take a deal.  Leroy & NIa are the best bet to take them out.  Theresa would probably kill least IMO

You're right. Sarah/Jordan had to make that call, especially since I want Sarah to win and Wes and Theresa are likely the strongest team in a final.  I get that.  I just hate that she's always been with JEK and was aligned with Bananas to begin with (and I liked EK in the early days). 

Bananas/Nany supporters talk about how shady Theresa is, but Johnny's the one who threw the competition so that he wouldn't have blood on his hands by throwing in Leroy (his boy!) It was smart of him, but it was definitely shady. The same way Bananas was confident that Sarah wouldn't throw him in, Leroy was confident Bananas had his back.  Boy, was Leroy wrong. 

i think it was kind of ****** up to but there's a big difference in shadiness between someone not protecting you and being voted in or someone continuously throwing people under the bus in past challenges and talking crap behind their back. If I was Leroy I would be kind of annoyed but I would understand it's a game. It's not like there are many teams left at that point it's either you or me. Which is why Leroy didn't seem to take it that personal unlike Nia. 

The first person that comes to mind when people bring up steroids is Danny lol. That was blatant as **** as far as I'm concerned.  I mean Wes is a possibility and they were friends so? But idk I thought that flashback was a weird call by MTV  it seemed pointed...

Somebody brought him up on another forum & said the exact same thing lmao but yeah he was definitely on the 'roids. I remember it was going around that Wes had both Danny & Kellyanne on the juice at one point or another.


Bananas loves to use that line whenever someone questions him. Its his go to comeback to try and shut people up. As if it actually refutes some of the legit criticism people give him. He can win a million times and he'll still be the same person to me.

Which is why I thought it was funny that people were saying Nia didn't own him. Wes/CT have owned him numerous times with basically this same argument. Johnny never has anything to say, which is why he tries to play like he's laughing it off or the whole "how many wins do you have" thing. He ethers himself with the fact that he literally doesn't have shit else going on in life that he has to depend on this dying show for his primary income.


but the whole argument was about the challenge. So I'm not understand how his comment "how many wins do you have" is even an issue.

he was being called a loser because he lost his elimination by Nia someone on her second challenge. I think he had every right to bring up his past wins. If someone who is a rookie was telling me I was a loser for losing an elimination why not bring up my track record into the argument since she's bringing in hers. 

Bananas loves to use that line whenever someone questions him. Its his go to comeback to try and shut people up. As if it actually refutes some of the legit criticism people give him. He can win a million times and he'll still be the same person to me.

Which is why I thought it was funny that people were saying Nia didn't own him. Wes/CT have owned him numerous times with basically this same argument. Johnny never has anything to say, which is why he tries to play like he's laughing it off or the whole "how many wins do you have" thing. He ethers himself with the fact that he literally doesn't have shit else going on in life that he has to depend on this dying show for his primary income.


but the whole argument was about the challenge. So I'm not understand how his comment "how many wins do you have" is even an issue.

he was being called a loser because he lost his elimination by Nia someone on her second challenge. I think he had every right to bring up his past wins. If someone who is a rookie was telling me I was a loser for losing an elimination why not bring up my track record into the argument since she's bringing in hers. 


I do believe it's possible Wes dabbled in the steroid world for a bit but he is nowhere near the only person to do so.

Regardless, it was kinda lame. Since when did they start showing clips of old challenges again anyway? Let MTV tell it it's hard to believe anything pre-Cutthroat even exists.

Acknowledging the past? #Season27.

yeah, he's a ******.


He posts spoilers in threads with no repercussions though, which is ****** up.

I'm dying at the people who are desperately adamant to prove to the world how horrible of a person Nany is, and can't give one single legitimate example lmao. I don't think Nany was being cocky but Nia wasn't even saying that, she was talking to Johnny about acting like a champion and then Nany started going off about not acting like a champion even though Nia wasn't talking to her lol.

I do believe it's possible Wes dabbled in the steroid world for a bit but he is nowhere near the only person to do so.

Regardless, it was kinda lame. Since when did they start showing clips of old challenges again anyway? Let MTV tell it it's hard to believe anything pre-Cutthroat even exists.

Acknowledging the past? #Season27.

Rivals 1, Exes 1 were pretty much entire seasons based on many things that happened prior Cutthroat.
Seasons, FA are the only ones that didn't really had anything to do with history pre-Cutthroat, but those are the only seasons where more new people were there than old ones.

I'm dying at the people who are desperately adamant to prove to the world how horrible of a person Nany is, and can't give one single legitimate example lmao. I don't think Nany was being cocky but Nia wasn't even saying that, she was talking to Johnny about acting like a champion and then Nany started going off about not acting like a champion even though Nia wasn't talking to her lol.

I thought she was which was why Nany started butting in. Maybe Im wrong though I do. I doubt she would have said the bold had she not been talking to her. 

I'm dying at the people who are desperately adamant to prove to the world how horrible of a person Nany is, and can't give one single legitimate example lmao. I don't think Nany was being cocky but Nia wasn't even saying that, she was talking to Johnny about acting like a champion and then Nany started going off about not acting like a champion even though Nia wasn't talking to her lol.

I know, right? I asked someone who called Nany a "horrible person" a couple pages back to explain what makes her a "horrible person" and got no response from any of the Nany haters. lol

I'm dying at the people who are desperately adamant to prove to the world how horrible of a person Nany is, and can't give one single legitimate example lmao. I don't think Nany was being cocky but Nia wasn't even saying that, she was talking to Johnny about acting like a champion and then Nany started going off about not acting like a champion even though Nia wasn't talking to her lol.

I know, right? I asked someone who called Nany a "horrible person" a couple pages back to explain what makes her a "horrible person" and got no response from any of the Nany haters. lol

Apparently if you can't see it yourself, that's your fault. I'm pretty sure it goes back to the "Nany's a ****" thing. Like always.
