"It's a fair double standard though. When it comes to sex the ball is in women's court. It's much harder for a guy to sleep around with a lot of women, therefore when he does he's considered more desriable and a god amongst men. It's much easier for a woman to sleep around with plenty of men, so sleeping around with too many makes her less desirable and subject to shame.
"'A key that can open many locks is called a master key, but a lock that can be opened by many keys is a shitty lock.'”
If you disagree with that, then there's nothing else to help you with."
.....I don't even know how to start with this is one but this is one of the stupidest and most ignorant things I've ever heard
Well you just said you didn't read the whole post, but the whole reference to it being ignorant has nothing about the individual personal opinion about sex but rather that its acceptable/okay for guys to do it but its not okay for girls to do that.
it's such a double standard that we criticize these girls for sleeping with guys but dont criticize the guys for doing the same.
It's a fair double standard though. When it comes to sex the ball is in women's court. It's much harder for a guy to sleep around with a lot of women, therefore when he does he's considered more desriable and a god amongst men. It's much easier for a woman to sleep around with plenty of men, so sleeping around with too many makes her less desirable and subject to shame.
"'A key that can open many locks is called a master key, but a lock that can be opened by many keys is a shitty lock.'"
If you disagree with that, then there's nothing else to help you with.
That is a god awful analogy. They are both fulfilling their sexual desires and I have no problem with people ******* around. Why is to so looked down upon?
Thank you haha. It's 2015 sexual activity is not a huge deal anymore.
I do not find Nany pretty at all. Half of the cast is prettier thsn her imo.
Half the cast is a reach, this is a pretty hot cast but still.
Yeah but I do find like Averey, Diem, Jonna, Sarah, Theresa, Nia, Brittany, Hailey prettier.
Also, I know people gonna hate me, but I actually find Jemmye even more attractive.
Averey is so pretty imo.
Nany is same level with Jessica. Both of them have that big *** creepy smile
I do not find Nany pretty at all. Half of the cast is prettier thsn her imo.
Half the cast is a reach, this is a pretty hot cast but still.
Yeah but I do find like Averey, Diem, Jonna, Sarah, Theresa, Nia, Brittany, Hailey prettier.
Also, I know people gonna hate me, but I actually find Jemmye even more attractive.
Averey is so pretty imo.
Nany is same level with Jessica. Both of them have that big *** creepy smile
Nany's smile isn't great but I can't understand how anyone finds Jemmye hotter.
We're getting closer to the finale of The Challenge. A bitter sweet feeling. No, I didn't get to go to the Reunion last Saturday (or I'd have an entirely sarcastic tone throughout this entire recap), but you know -- whatever. Who wants to sit in that freezing MTV Studio for six hours to watch a group of strangers argue?
Okay, did no one catch Zach calling Jonna his "space cadet" partner? The man is dating the girl who almost thought the UN was an element on the periodic table. Fortunately, tonight would be the night that Zach gets what's coming to him, but we'll talk about that later on.
Sarah writes the longest apology in history
With Johnny Bananas leaving the show and Wes having no direct personality to rival him, things have been as dry as it gets. Even the cliche bar scene at the beginning isn't as lively as it used to be. So the story of last week's episode was that Jordan suddenly (and without any real explanation) reverted back to being the biggest ****** on earth, with Sarah being his lightning rod of hate. It was the first bit of conflict that the team would have in the game and the first sign that they may not be as untouchable as they think.
This episode, it immediately begins with Sarah penning the longest apology that you can fit in a 3x3 notebook. Pages and pages long. It reminds me of this, if anyone here appreciates Simpsons references.
"If anyone asks why we still do these -- when we have real jobs, this is the answer." Wes couldn't have explained it any better. Last night's Challenge ('Speed Dating') featured the remaining five competitors leaping across two moving semis in a relay race to retrieve balls. THIS is what The Challenge should be like. I remember watching old Road Rules episodes and they used to dive in volcanos and have amateur boxing matches (yeah, they're never doing that again). You expect The Challenges to be experiences that can never be replicated or things you'll never forget. Conceptually, it's good. Visually, it's perfect. It's larger than life and something where you can feel the adrenaline of the competitors. Next Challenge have them do some circus shit or something.
Here are my notes on The Challenge:
It's crazy how easy Nia and Leroy made this Challenge look. I think both being the largest competitors of any teams helped them out completely, but Nia's gaining enough confidence to know that she can beat any team.
Zach's a giant kid (but more on that soon). Props to Jonna for pulling more than her weight this Challenge. For some reason she's developed herself as a solid competitor on past Challenges, but she has had some weak moments over the course of the season. This was a good showing.
Poor Sarah & Jordan, who were my favorite to win this Challenge considering how fearless and effective they are. They ****** up when Sarah didn't stay on the inside. As much as getting the balls quick was the point of the game, maintaining positioning was a factor as well. Sarah finally gets to defend her 4-2 record in eliminations.
I had a false mini-freak out when Jenna and Jay got their ropes tangled. I thought Sarah and Jordan would have a chance. But then the untangle it pretty easily, like the logical fourth graders they are.
Leroy's "Uh oh" when they win might be the greatest thing ever. Ad-libs for the win.
Jonna's no Julia Roberts
You know the movie where the main character continues to be beaten down, but somehow finds the strength to persevere? This was Jonna's moment. Zach offered to talk to her so they could get on the same page, and this was the moment moment where Jonna was supposed to tear him a new one. There was supposed to be triumphant music playing in the background. Intense shots of Jonna looking strong. Less than flattering shots of Zach, maybe stumbling over his words and a slightly animated large gulp. And then she was supposed to walk down the side of pool like a BOSS. She was supposed to Julia Roberts this thing.
There was no Julia Roberts. There was barely a Stella Got Her Groove Back feel good moment. She just said, "It's not always my fault." That's it? *sigh*
On the positive side: Jonna's fro to flow(ing weave) transitions are flawless.
Black Power Couple Dinner is as Black History Month as MLK and Barack Obama
After trying to have them swim for four episodes, Leroy and Nia finally get something on land and they kill it. They finally get to enjoy the lap of luxury of the Power Couple dinner, which isn't frozen pizza or funny looking hamburgers, but instead fried chicken. You know what? I'm not mad, I'm not mad at all.
If Idris Elba becomes the new bond, Wes needs to be the Bond Villain
Do I really have to explain how much I enjoyed Wes' argument as to why he shouldn't go in? Wes has solidified himself this season as the greatest political genius of the game. Before he stepped to the table, he was almost surely going in, and when they left -- it was completely flipped. That takes skill. Not only that, he completely absolved himself of any responsibility and kept it quiet in the process. Even if you hate this scrawny ginger, you can't be mad at the game he's playing. It was perfect. He didn't fire the gun that killed Zach, but her handed Leroy the bullets to do so.
The moral of this episode: It's Zach's fault
Remember all of those episodes where they showed Zach being incredibly chauvinistic and narrow-minded by accusing the women of the game ruining the game of the men in this Challenge. Remember all the supposed "bad press and publicity" it got for The Challenge by highlighting this? Remember when I said it was all for a reason? Tonight was the reason.
Tonight Jonna held her own in the Challenge, which was the reason why they performed so well. But despite a good performance, it was Zach's fault that they ultimately lost. And while Zach tried to get his name out of the mouths of Leroy and Nia, it was his alliance that he made with Wes (on his own btw), that sealed his fate. He tried to be in an alliance with everyone, but in reality he was in an alliance with no one (sound familiar) and that got him thrown in the elimination round.
BMP doesn't do anything without a purpose, and while people argued why they continued to pain Zach in that light, it was because they knew he was getting his comeuppance. And boy did he ever get it at the end of the game. Like a large kid, his inability to focus on the precision of his shots, and just plow ahead was the reason why they lost the Exile to Sarah & Jordan In one episode, everything that he built collapsed right under him and it was great to watch -- despite losing Jonna, who had nothing to do with anything.
I didn't think Zach could do any more damage to himself after the Free Agents finale, but he topped himself this episode. Here's to hoping he comes back next season with even an inch of humility.
There's only 3-4 more episodes after this Challenge is complete, and we haven't got to the twist yet. Next week, the twist is revealed and I am BEYOND excited. Bring it on folks.
Surprisingly enough, this was the only Battle of the Ex-iled I felt compelled on watching directly after this episode of The Challenge aired. The highly anticipated Bananas/Nany vs. Johnny/Averey, and surprisingly enough, these elimination rounds are getting harder as they go on. Granted, they're still incredibly cheap, but the level of intensity and skill required to win is gradually increasing.
Not surprisingly, Bananas and Nany -- who haven't been doing weekly Challenges or torturing themselves mentally and emotionally living in a house with 12-14 strangers, grab the win pretty easy. Next week, they get the call to return to Panama. EXCITED.
Ok, when Sarah was reading her apology out loud and they flashed back to her and Jordan on that one challenge, what Jordan said wasn't even bad or rude. And just to make sure, I rewatched the challenge. Just my personal opinion, but i think everyone was overreacting about Jordan being a **** to her.
Ok, when Sarah was reading her apology out loud and they flashed back to her and Jordan on that one challenge, what Jordan said wasn't even bad or rude. And just to make sure, I rewatched the challenge. Just my personal opinion, but i think everyone was overreacting about Jordan being a **** to her.
I like to think that's not the reason he was mad at her. He might've been fed up of being in the house for so long and was annoyed by Sarah. It's happened before. It wasn't really explained, which sucks.
Ok, when Sarah was reading her apology out loud and they flashed back to her and Jordan on that one challenge, what Jordan said wasn't even bad or rude. And just to make sure, I rewatched the challenge. Just my personal opinion, but i think everyone was overreacting about Jordan being a **** to her.
I agree. It wasn't as if he was acting like Zach to her.
If they make to finale, Jordan should be worried how Sarahs endurance is. We know Jordan have good endurance(people have said it), but Sarah fails almost every time.
Am I the only one who noticed that when Nia said "*****" in this episode, it was not censored? I thought it was funny because when she called Nany a groupon *****, they decided to censor it during that episode lol
I've noticed they have been saying **** and ***** a lot on a few different networks. Maybe we're headed towards times where people won't get so bent about those words for tv?
Am I the only one who noticed that when Nia said "*****" in this episode, it was not censored? I thought it was funny because when she called Nany a groupon *****, they decided to censor it during that episode lol
I've talked about that a couple times. It appears they only censor "*****" when they're talking about the female ****** and uncensor it when it's used as a pejorative term.
it's such a double standard that we criticize these girls for sleeping with guys but dont criticize the guys for doing the same.
It's a fair double standard though. When it comes to sex the ball is in women's court. It's much harder for a guy to sleep around with a lot of women, therefore when he does he's considered more desriable and a god amongst men. It's much easier for a woman to sleep around with plenty of men, so sleeping around with too many makes her less desirable and subject to shame.
"'A key that can open many locks is called a master key, but a lock that can be opened by many keys is a shitty lock.'”
If you disagree with that, then there's nothing else to help you with.
A pencil that gets sharpened too often is eventually reduced to nothing while a pencil sharpener can sharpen many pencils and be just fine. See I can use a dumb metaphor to try to justify my sexism too.
Am I the only one who noticed that when Nia said "*****" in this episode, it was not censored? I thought it was funny because when she called Nany a groupon *****, they decided to censor it during that episode lol
Same thing with *******, they censor it sometimes lol
it's such a double standard that we criticize these girls for sleeping with guys but dont criticize the guys for doing the same.
It's a fair double standard though. When it comes to sex the ball is in women's court. It's much harder for a guy to sleep around with a lot of women, therefore when he does he's considered more desriable and a god amongst men. It's much easier for a woman to sleep around with plenty of men, so sleeping around with too many makes her less desirable and subject to shame.
"'A key that can open many locks is called a master key, but a lock that can be opened by many keys is a shitty lock.'”
If you disagree with that, then there's nothing else to help you with.
A pencil that gets sharpened too often is eventually reduced to nothing while a pencil sharpener can sharpen many pencils and be just fine. See I can use a dumb metaphor to try to justify my sexism too.
it's such a double standard that we criticize these girls for sleeping with guys but dont criticize the guys for doing the same.
It's a fair double standard though. When it comes to sex the ball is in women's court. It's much harder for a guy to sleep around with a lot of women, therefore when he does he's considered more desriable and a god amongst men. It's much easier for a woman to sleep around with plenty of men, so sleeping around with too many makes her less desirable and subject to shame.
"'A key that can open many locks is called a master key, but a lock that can be opened by many keys is a shitty lock.'"
If you disagree with that, then there's nothing else to help you with.
A pencil that gets sharpened too often is eventually reduced to nothing while a pencil sharpener can sharpen many pencils and be just fine. See I can use a dumb metaphor to try to justify my sexism too.
Does a ***** get smaller to more you use it?
But I 100000000% agree with you, we should not talk with metaphors when it comes to double standards..who cares with how many people an individual has sex with. Let them enjoy their life.
it's such a double standard that we criticize these girls for sleeping with guys but dont criticize the guys for doing the same.
It's a fair double standard though. When it comes to sex the ball is in women's court. It's much harder for a guy to sleep around with a lot of women, therefore when he does he's considered more desriable and a god amongst men. It's much easier for a woman to sleep around with plenty of men, so sleeping around with too many makes her less desirable and subject to shame.
"'A key that can open many locks is called a master key, but a lock that can be opened by many keys is a shitty lock.'"
If you disagree with that, then there's nothing else to help you with.
A pencil that gets sharpened too often is eventually reduced to nothing while a pencil sharpener can sharpen many pencils and be just fine. See I can use a dumb metaphor to try to justify my sexism too.
Does a ***** get smaller to more you use it? But I 100000000% agree with you, we should not talk with metaphors when it comes to double standards..who cares with how many people an individual has sex with. Let them enjoy their life.
Maybe if you tried sharpening a pen into an electric pencil sharpener. Is that a ridiculous enough analogy?
I've noticed they have been saying **** and ***** a lot on a few different networks. Maybe we're headed towards times where people won't get so bent about those words for tv?
I noticed they bleep a lot of words. In my country they never bleep anything.
I do not find Nany pretty at all. Half of the cast is prettier thsn her imo.
Lol good one. Maybe have your eyes checked then.
"It's a fair double standard though. When it comes to sex the ball is in women's court. It's much harder for a guy to sleep around with a lot of women, therefore when he does he's considered more desriable and a god amongst men. It's much easier for a woman to sleep around with plenty of men, so sleeping around with too many makes her less desirable and subject to shame.
"'A key that can open many locks is called a master key, but a lock that can be opened by many keys is a shitty lock.'”
If you disagree with that, then there's nothing else to help you with."
.....I don't even know how to start with this is one but this is one of the stupidest and most ignorant things I've ever heard
Well you just said you didn't read the whole post, but the whole reference to it being ignorant has nothing about the individual personal opinion about sex but rather that its acceptable/okay for guys to do it but its not okay for girls to do that.
Yeah bc having a different taste means there is something wrong with my eyes.
Go away
Because she's the only one who needs something checked out?
Thank you haha. It's 2015 sexual activity is not a huge deal anymore.
Half the cast is a reach, this is a pretty hot cast but still.
Yeah but I do find like Averey, Diem, Jonna, Sarah, Theresa, Nia, Brittany, Hailey prettier.
Also, I know people gonna hate me, but I actually find Jemmye even more attractive.
Averey is so pretty imo.
Nany is same level with Jessica. Both of them have that big *** creepy smile
Nany's smile isn't great but I can't understand how anyone finds Jemmye hotter.
Dunno. I like that weird face
I like pure beauty or weird ones.
We're getting closer to the finale of The Challenge. A bitter sweet feeling. No, I didn't get to go to the Reunion last Saturday (or I'd have an entirely sarcastic tone throughout this entire recap), but you know -- whatever. Who wants to sit in that freezing MTV Studio for six hours to watch a group of strangers argue?
...*sobs quietly*
Exes 4.PNG
I feel you Jonna.
LOL @ Zach
Okay, did no one catch Zach calling Jonna his "space cadet" partner? The man is dating the girl who almost thought the UN was an element on the periodic table. Fortunately, tonight would be the night that Zach gets what's coming to him, but we'll talk about that later on.
Sarah writes the longest apology in history
With Johnny Bananas leaving the show and Wes having no direct personality to rival him, things have been as dry as it gets. Even the cliche bar scene at the beginning isn't as lively as it used to be. So the story of last week's episode was that Jordan suddenly (and without any real explanation) reverted back to being the biggest ****** on earth, with Sarah being his lightning rod of hate. It was the first bit of conflict that the team would have in the game and the first sign that they may not be as untouchable as they think.
This episode, it immediately begins with Sarah penning the longest apology that you can fit in a 3x3 notebook. Pages and pages long. It reminds me of this, if anyone here appreciates Simpsons references.
Exes 2.PNG
Okay, the coolest Challenge on earth.
"If anyone asks why we still do these -- when we have real jobs, this is the answer." Wes couldn't have explained it any better. Last night's Challenge ('Speed Dating') featured the remaining five competitors leaping across two moving semis in a relay race to retrieve balls. THIS is what The Challenge should be like. I remember watching old Road Rules episodes and they used to dive in volcanos and have amateur boxing matches (yeah, they're never doing that again). You expect The Challenges to be experiences that can never be replicated or things you'll never forget. Conceptually, it's good. Visually, it's perfect. It's larger than life and something where you can feel the adrenaline of the competitors. Next Challenge have them do some circus shit or something.
Here are my notes on The Challenge:
It's crazy how easy Nia and Leroy made this Challenge look. I think both being the largest competitors of any teams helped them out completely, but Nia's gaining enough confidence to know that she can beat any team.
Zach's a giant kid (but more on that soon). Props to Jonna for pulling more than her weight this Challenge. For some reason she's developed herself as a solid competitor on past Challenges, but she has had some weak moments over the course of the season. This was a good showing.
Poor Sarah & Jordan, who were my favorite to win this Challenge considering how fearless and effective they are. They ****** up when Sarah didn't stay on the inside. As much as getting the balls quick was the point of the game, maintaining positioning was a factor as well. Sarah finally gets to defend her 4-2 record in eliminations.
I had a false mini-freak out when Jenna and Jay got their ropes tangled. I thought Sarah and Jordan would have a chance. But then the untangle it pretty easily, like the logical fourth graders they are.
Leroy's "Uh oh" when they win might be the greatest thing ever. Ad-libs for the win.
Jonna's no Julia Roberts
You know the movie where the main character continues to be beaten down, but somehow finds the strength to persevere? This was Jonna's moment. Zach offered to talk to her so they could get on the same page, and this was the moment moment where Jonna was supposed to tear him a new one. There was supposed to be triumphant music playing in the background. Intense shots of Jonna looking strong. Less than flattering shots of Zach, maybe stumbling over his words and a slightly animated large gulp. And then she was supposed to walk down the side of pool like a BOSS. She was supposed to Julia Roberts this thing.
There was no Julia Roberts. There was barely a Stella Got Her Groove Back feel good moment. She just said, "It's not always my fault." That's it? *sigh*
On the positive side: Jonna's fro to flow(ing weave) transitions are flawless.
Black Power Couple Dinner is as Black History Month as MLK and Barack Obama
After trying to have them swim for four episodes, Leroy and Nia finally get something on land and they kill it. They finally get to enjoy the lap of luxury of the Power Couple dinner, which isn't frozen pizza or funny looking hamburgers, but instead fried chicken. You know what? I'm not mad, I'm not mad at all.
Exes 3.PNG
If Idris Elba becomes the new bond, Wes needs to be the Bond Villain
Do I really have to explain how much I enjoyed Wes' argument as to why he shouldn't go in? Wes has solidified himself this season as the greatest political genius of the game. Before he stepped to the table, he was almost surely going in, and when they left -- it was completely flipped. That takes skill. Not only that, he completely absolved himself of any responsibility and kept it quiet in the process. Even if you hate this scrawny ginger, you can't be mad at the game he's playing. It was perfect. He didn't fire the gun that killed Zach, but her handed Leroy the bullets to do so.
The moral of this episode: It's Zach's fault
Remember all of those episodes where they showed Zach being incredibly chauvinistic and narrow-minded by accusing the women of the game ruining the game of the men in this Challenge. Remember all the supposed "bad press and publicity" it got for The Challenge by highlighting this? Remember when I said it was all for a reason? Tonight was the reason.
Tonight Jonna held her own in the Challenge, which was the reason why they performed so well. But despite a good performance, it was Zach's fault that they ultimately lost. And while Zach tried to get his name out of the mouths of Leroy and Nia, it was his alliance that he made with Wes (on his own btw), that sealed his fate. He tried to be in an alliance with everyone, but in reality he was in an alliance with no one (sound familiar) and that got him thrown in the elimination round.
BMP doesn't do anything without a purpose, and while people argued why they continued to pain Zach in that light, it was because they knew he was getting his comeuppance. And boy did he ever get it at the end of the game. Like a large kid, his inability to focus on the precision of his shots, and just plow ahead was the reason why they lost the Exile to Sarah & Jordan In one episode, everything that he built collapsed right under him and it was great to watch -- despite losing Jonna, who had nothing to do with anything.
I didn't think Zach could do any more damage to himself after the Free Agents finale, but he topped himself this episode. Here's to hoping he comes back next season with even an inch of humility.
Exes 5.PNG
The preview for next episode
There's only 3-4 more episodes after this Challenge is complete, and we haven't got to the twist yet. Next week, the twist is revealed and I am BEYOND excited. Bring it on folks.
Battle of the Ex-iled
Surprisingly enough, this was the only Battle of the Ex-iled I felt compelled on watching directly after this episode of The Challenge aired. The highly anticipated Bananas/Nany vs. Johnny/Averey, and surprisingly enough, these elimination rounds are getting harder as they go on. Granted, they're still incredibly cheap, but the level of intensity and skill required to win is gradually increasing.
Not surprisingly, Bananas and Nany -- who haven't been doing weekly Challenges or torturing themselves mentally and emotionally living in a house with 12-14 strangers, grab the win pretty easy. Next week, they get the call to return to Panama. EXCITED.
Ok, when Sarah was reading her apology out loud and they flashed back to her and Jordan on that one challenge, what Jordan said wasn't even bad or rude. And just to make sure, I rewatched the challenge. Just my personal opinion, but i think everyone was overreacting about Jordan being a **** to her.
I like to think that's not the reason he was mad at her. He might've been fed up of being in the house for so long and was annoyed by Sarah. It's happened before. It wasn't really explained, which sucks.
I agree. It wasn't as if he was acting like Zach to her.
If they make to finale, Jordan should be worried how Sarahs endurance is. We know Jordan have good endurance(people have said it), but Sarah fails almost every time.
Am I the only one who noticed that when Nia said "*****" in this episode, it was not censored? I thought it was funny because when she called Nany a groupon *****, they decided to censor it during that episode lol
I've noticed they have been saying **** and ***** a lot on a few different networks. Maybe we're headed towards times where people won't get so bent about those words for tv?
I've talked about that a couple times. It appears they only censor "*****" when they're talking about the female ****** and uncensor it when it's used as a pejorative term.
No way. Wes would send in sarah and Jordan in a heart beat
A pencil that gets sharpened too often is eventually reduced to nothing while a pencil sharpener can sharpen many pencils and be just fine. See I can use a dumb metaphor to try to justify my sexism too.
Glad im not discussing with Camille
Same thing with *******, they censor it sometimes lol
Does a ***** get smaller to more you use it?
But I 100000000% agree with you, we should not talk with metaphors when it comes to double standards..who cares with how many people an individual has sex with. Let them enjoy their life.
Maybe if you tried sharpening a pen into an electric pencil sharpener. Is that a ridiculous enough analogy?
I noticed they bleep a lot of words. In my country they never bleep anything.