This is the official account for the upcoming Survivor game hosted by me, Lurker. All of the missions are ready to go and we can start as soon as possible.
I am having a hard time narrowing down the cast. Feel free to post here with the reasons as to why you should be cast.
You need to be active so please keep that in mind.
1.) Looking for a show of hands as to who is ready to play now?
2.) Why they should be chosen for the first season?
3.) Anyone who's posts stand out in this thread.
Thanks guys! I'm trying to create the best cast possible!
I am ready to play as soon as it starts
i think i should be casted because i am very competitive, always on vevmo and i am super excited
i am super excited
I think I should be casted because I want to kick everyone *** and win this game.
I want the whole survivor experience and win the ******* game. please Pick Me! please
I think I should be chosen because I've always been active when playing VR and Mafia. I love survivor and would love to play this with all my Vevmonians
I think I should be cast because I'm a huge fan of the show and I would be willing to get down and dirty to get that win. I'm also pretty active, I check Vevmo at least once or twice a day.
Aw this sounds fun. Is it too late to play?
I should be cast because I have an extra half a brain.
I am ready to play whenever. I think I should be cast because I have so much fun playing these games. Although I'm super competitive, I never take these games seriously. I love competition! I'm also very active on Vevmo.
Second d of #Doubled, do I need to say more?
Also I am ready to be the most active person this site has ever seen.
You can axe me. More people would likely be more active in the game than I am.
Im ready to play now, and I should be cast because I always showed up when it came to VR. Im laid back for the most part, but if I peep some shady shit I have no problem turning up. 100.
No fake shit over here.
I am ready to play this game!! Lol I should be cast because I love survivor and it's my number 1 show. Plus I want to make new friends, create enemies, and win the first ever Survevmo!
Ready. Do I even need an explanation?
Hanna!! And no you dont.
I mean why wouldn't you pick me? I feel insulted
You can count me in fa sho! Love the competition and ready to show everyone what's up! I never seen the show but seen total drama series with the little cousins so I have a good concept of the game. I know I got this!
maybe. Everyone else does too! We all got it!
You of all people know how impatient I've been waiting for this to start XD
So I'm hella ready.
Ran Mafia, now it's time to get my feet wet again.
Ready or not, here I come!
I should be cast, because I actually want to play this game. Front seat. Strategy, competition, alliances, finding Hidden Immunity Idols, #Blindside ... the whole experience. Buckel up, it's go hard or go home.
Hopefully this game does not turn out to just like another mafia season, but I don't expect it.
I really looking forward to seeing how the game turns out to be with the challenges, merges, HII, jury etc.
Are these Vevmo games fun?
I'm down to play now.
I should be chosen because I'm amazing, and have great shoulders.
I am on vacation in Florida and conned my cousin out of her laptop just to get on Vevmo, just sayin LOL
You can tune a piano but you can't tune a fish?
Hakuna Matata?
1.) andre.silencio
2.) Juustintime
3.) nevidcm
4.) ChallengeFan134
5.) metalking
6.) josh8793
7.) Gamer73
8.) WittyWrath
9.) kvm1977
10.) LucciVee
11.) Gucci Mane
12.) Melm3
13.) Lizzie V
14.) hannamez8
15.) Youssarian
16.) DScott
17.) Timster3
18.) Raymond21
19.) GDInstall
20.) Mickeyflo24
21.) VCR14
22.) raskkii
23.) Fresh Meat
24.) Bischoff
25.) Maverick85
26.) Trinidad055
27.) Challenge 17
28.) hardbitten
29.) netkpr21
30.) DarkFights
31.) TheCloser
32.) Francisco
33.) Infamous
34.) CantKeepQuiet
35.) badladjj
The people in bold are getting noticed and showing me what's up. Who else is ready?
I'm about to start part 2 of the casting process with a final questionnaire that will be posted IN THIS THREAD. Your job will be to copy and paste the questions with your answers and send them through private message as soon as possible. Please keep a look out for it! It will show me who will be truly active and who is bullshittin.
Please submit your answers via private message!
Favorite color:
Animal within: (what you consider your inner animal to be)
This or that:
Left or Right
Night or Day
Summer or Winter
Black or White
McDonald's or Burger King
Chocolate or Vanilla
Peanut butter or Jelly
Ketchup or Mustard
Coke or Pepsi
Batman or Superman
Fantasy or Reality
Boxers or Briefs
Pen or Pencil
Smoke or Drink
Halloween or Christmas
Apples or Oranges
Teacher or student
Wet or Dry
Naughty or Nice
**** or Virgin
Nany or Averey
Violetta or Madison
Johnny Reilly or Adam Kuhn
Bruno or Tony
Loyalty or Betrayal
Faith or Science
Leader or Follower
Immortality or Happiness
Love or Money
I'm confused why there's a new thread--but okay
That question are was fun