The Real World: Skeletons - Where's the Beef?

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I can understand Nicole a bit more when she says "burgers." I think her accent isn't so bad anymore.

Anyway! There has to be something that was there before the food thing with Bruno and his brother. It simply can't be "you took mah foods, you suck!"

There has to be more.

Nicole and her sisters?

Let me know when the show is actually about someone important in the house again.


"Third wans a chaam"

This is a nice change of pace, also lol @ her sisters not understanding her.

OMG Nascar!

I can understand Nicole a bit more when she says "burgers." I think her accent isn't so bad anymore. Anyway! There has to be something that was there before the food thing with Bruno and his brother. It simply can't be "you took mah foods, you suck!" There has to be more.

It is. His brother said he should have died in the car accident he was in.

This event looks dope.

They are! They are a breath of fresh air

The Real World can't afford real vacations anymore?

Poor Madison

RV's....*thinks back when Road Rules existed*, *cries*

That Nascar Party looks fun as hell.

LOL @ Violetta being the one hitting Madison in th face with the bottle. You know she did that on purpose.

Cue the (petty) Violetta bashing.

LOL at you guys saying those girls were lying.

The odds of Violetta hitting Madison... LMAO


I can understand Nicole a bit more when she says "burgers." I think her accent isn't so bad anymore. Anyway! There has to be something that was there before the food thing with Bruno and his brother. It simply can't be "you took mah foods, you suck!" There has to be more.

It is. His brother said he should have died in the car accident he was in.

I know about that. But I feel there is something more. Unless his brother is just then type to say things like that.

Awwww my precious Madison

only that would happen to Madison... LOL

Cue the (petty) Violetta bashing.

She did it on purpose. She got off the RV intentionally and aimed at Madison even though she had no clue where she was. It was all planned. 

I guess not, Prouduction is being cheap

I can understand Nicole a bit more when she says "burgers." I think her accent isn't so bad anymore. Anyway! There has to be something that was there before the food thing with Bruno and his brother. It simply can't be "you took mah foods, you suck!" There has to be more.

It is. His brother said he should have died in the car accident he was in.

I know about that. But I feel there is something more. Unless his brother is just then type to say things like that.

I don't think it takes much more than that. We see how petty Bruno is.

That Nascar Party looks fun as hell.

LOL @ Violetta being the one hitting Madison in th face with the bottle. You know she did that on purpose.


Reminds me of this thing they do here called WeFest. Country music 3 day festivla where everyone stays in RV's and a tents. A lot of people who go dont really even care for country they just go because its bickname is ****Fest and apparently its is extremly, extremly easy to******** there. Even for older (40-50) guys.

Cue the (petty) Violetta bashing.

She did it on purpose. She got off the RV intentionally and aimed at Madison even though she had no clue where she was. It was all planned. 


Dang, I missed the first 15 minutes. Started watching when Nicole's sisters showed up.

Nicole is married to herself? Didn't she ask one of the skeletons to be her wife?


She's addicted to cheating.

Brunos brother is a *******

Briah act like his shit don't stank judging from that video. He already think he a celebrity for being a skeleton.

Eh...I can't tell if that beer shot was intentional or not. I kinda doubt it.
