The Challenge: Rivals - Jenn Grijalva

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Jenn is crazy, I used to like her on the Inferno 3/duel 2. But damn theres a reason drama always follows her now. She is psycho. It's called status.
[QUOTE=Rickb;275958] It's called status.[/QUOTE] ... And it's something we don't have here...
[QUOTE=CrazyRealityGuy;275952]Thank you cryssy for saying "on the edited version of the show" ;) I think in REAL reality, if there is a person who you are close with who is getting picked on, you will stand up for them, and if there is another person who is getting picked, and you are not friends with them, most people wouldn't stand up for them. Again, I am not saying if that is right or wrong (I usually stand up for anyone, friends and "enemies" alike) but it's not just a game about money. I agree what was done to Cara Maria was wrong. I never argued that. But so many people pick and choose who they want to protect, it's human nature.[/QUOTE] Yeah. I get that.
[QUOTE=Dash_Vegas!;275995]... And it's something we don't have here...[/QUOTE] And it's something Jenn doesn't have either.

I wish she made a comeback

I wish she made a comeback

I wish she made a comeback

Not me. She gets a stupid amount of air time and does nothing but run her mouth and get carried. She adds nothing to the athletic side of the competition. They have enough girls that cause drama.  Bring back some actual athletic one.

She looks more built and older than before now...

I wish she made a comeback

Not me. She gets a stupid amount of air time and does nothing but run her mouth and get carried. She adds nothing to the athletic side of the competition. They have enough girls that cause drama.  Bring back some actual athletic one.

She never once got carried,she was easily the second best girl on cutthroat and did really good in the final despite Emily holding her back. The fact she didn't go into a elimination is because they didn't want to risk the strongest girl. Sending Jenn in was never even a idea because she performed so well.

I wish she made a comeback

Not me. She gets a stupid amount of air time and does nothing but run her mouth and get carried. She adds nothing to the athletic side of the competition. They have enough girls that cause drama.  Bring back some actual athletic one.

She never once got carried,she was easily the second best girl on cutthroat and did really good in the final despite Emily holding her back. The fact she didn't go into a elimination is because they didn't want to risk the strongest girl. Sending Jenn in was never even a idea because she performed so well.

She's still unlikable and should stay gone though.

I wish she made a comeback

Not me. She gets a stupid amount of air time and does nothing but run her mouth and get carried. She adds nothing to the athletic side of the competition. They have enough girls that cause drama.  Bring back some actual athletic one.

Most ridiculous post of the month so far. Congrats. 


Bring Jenn back.

always thought her rivals performance was kind of underrated. throughout the challenges she basically had to play the part of ev/laurel and THEN some considernig that she had the weakest girl partner out of the cara maria/paula/mandi group.

Jenn has always performed well. She never went into elimination on Cutthroat and Rivals because she performed well and had a ton of friends, you can't hate on her for that. She has always been one of my favorites

Bring Jenn back<3

always thought her rivals performance was kind of underrated. throughout the challenges she basically had to play the part of ev/laurel and THEN some considernig that she had the weakest girl partner out of the cara maria/paula/mandi group.

Mandi > Jenn

always thought her rivals performance was kind of underrated. throughout the challenges she basically had to play the part of ev/laurel and THEN some considernig that she had the weakest girl partner out of the cara maria/paula/mandi group.

and she had food poisoning too during the final and still competed. Props to her and Tyler for that.

Jenn > Mandi. We have Jenna to ocupy the dumb blond bimbo that gets to fly by to a final position, we don't need Mandi for that anymore. I won't mind Jenn, as long as she dials down a bit. She's a little extra for me, but she's ******* sexy. God, if do exist, put Jenn, Veronica, Kendal in a challenge together and make them mud wrestle. Smile Smile Smile

Jenn/Cara Maria would have been a great Rivals 2 team

Jenn may be my least favorite Real World/Challenge castmember ever. And there are a lot of people I don't like...

Hope she never returns.

Jenn may be my least favorite Real World/Challenge castmember ever. And there are a lot of people I don't like...

Hope she never returns.

Jenn may be my least favorite Real World/Challenge castmember ever. And there are a lot of people I don't like...

Hope she never returns.

Well, you would be happy since she has been ask for every challenge since her last apperance (Rivals) and she doesnt want to come back. So most likely you would never see her on your tv screen again.

Would be cool to see because she's a good competitor and very much in shape, but such a shitty personality and her Rivals 1 run will always stand out as being particularly awful.

Jenn may be my least favorite Real World/Challenge castmember ever. And there are a lot of people I don't like...

Hope she never returns.

 I'd only be open to her returning if it was for Rivals 3 and Cara Maria was her partner or Exes 3 with Adam as her partner.

I love Jen...personality and all. She's perfect for this kind of show and these comments prove that

"THIS is the Real World, Not tyrie's world" lol

I love Jen...personality and all. She's perfect for this kind of show and these comments prove that

She definitely brings drama and competition, but I'm kind of surprised as to why you love her. You typically like the more level headed castmembers ala Emily/Landon, etc.

I love Jen...personality and all. She's perfect for this kind of show and these comments prove that
She definitely brings drama and competition, but I'm kind of surprised as to why you love her. You typically like the more level headed castmembers ala Emily/Landon, etc.

You're right...most of the people I like are more "low-key"...Landon, Darrell, Mark, Emily, Sarah, Susie, Kimberly, Rachel B, etc.  Even Rachel Robinson is pretty low ket and I love her. 

I do like some women that are dramatic though...Jenn, Katie, Coral & Veronica for example.  With guys I want people that show up and want to bullshit drama like Bananas, Zach & Jordan bring

Her and Emily did pathetic on Cutthroat's finale

Her and Emily did pathetic on Cutthroat's finale

No.. Emily held Jenn back on the CutThroat final.

Jenn was easily the female with the best endurance in that final. She crushed every other castmember to the first checkpoint and had to wait for Emily to complete it. They were at a huge disadvantage by not having a male competing with them, but for the only time ever, Emily was the weak link.

Emily did an interview awhile back and stated that because she wasn't comfortable in that final, it sparked her seriousness when it came to fitness. She mentioned if Jenn had competed in that final alone, without the partner aspect, she could've easily made a push to win and at least second place.

Jenn was the number 1 or 2 girl, reversible with Laurel, on that season.

Damn JENN is crazy fit now!!! I'd LOVE to see her back on, too bad she doesn't want to Sad

Jenn may be my least favorite Real World/Challenge castmember ever. And there are a lot of people I don't like...

Hope she never returns.

Well, you would be happy since she has been ask for every challenge since her last apperance (Rivals) and she doesnt want to come back. So most likely you would never see her on your tv screen again.

