Omg what happened!? I can't watch right now. Why is everyone saying poor missy and Baylor?
Reid, in his typical aggorant fashion, gave some idiotic "step *********** tale" speech about how awful Missy is. The reality is Reid needs punched repeatedly in the face even if Missy is a horrible person (debatable) just because she outplayed you doesn't make that okay
Omg what happened!? I can't watch right now. Why is everyone saying poor missy and Baylor?
Reid, in his typical aggorant fashion, gave some idiotic "step *********** tale" speech about how awful Missy is. The reality is Reid needs punched repeatedly in the face even if Missy is a horrible person (debatable) just because she outplayed you doesn't make that okay
I hate bitterness and attention ******
Reed spilled that truth tea.
If I was Baylor I would have probably knocked Reid out
Reed just proved why he's my least favorite, nobody needs your stupid fairy tale speech. We get it you love hearing yourself talk
Poor Missy and Baylor
I don't even like Reed that much, but his speech was awesome hahaha. There always needs to be that one speech every season that stirs things up.
well damn
Baylor should just bash him with missy's crutch.
Reed just thinks he's gonna be remembered like Corinne and Sur for his speech.
Omg what happened!? I can't watch right now. Why is everyone saying poor missy and Baylor?
I would have hit him
Natalie will win 5-2-1
Who the hell voted for Jaclyn...
Reid, in his typical aggorant fashion, gave some idiotic "step *********** tale" speech about how awful Missy is. The reality is Reid needs punched repeatedly in the face even if Missy is a horrible person (debatable) just because she outplayed you doesn't make that okay
So far...John & Reid...not surprising
Jaclyn played a good game
Well deserved
Yeah baby my girl won it all. One of he best winners in the history of Survivor.
aiyah....I knew he was a scum bag drama queen
She deserved it. So glad she won
I wish Keith won but Nat earned it much more so I'm fine with it.
Ghostie Home from the Survivor Sucks forum is going to have a pretty big ego from this. lol
Whoo! Live reunion plus season 30 sneak peak!
My thoughts exactly. Keith was the underdog that I always root for. But Natalie deserved it. First time I'm 100% satified with a winner since Denise.
Keith played a poor game IMO--I'm upset he made it as far as he did
Thank God. No one deserved this more than Natalie and it's great to see deserving players win on these shows.
"Stick to the plan" lmaoo
How are Reed & Josh fan favorites , i can kinda
understand Josh because he was a good player but reed is unbearable.
Segment of the fan base
Ugh I'm so sick of hearing Reed talk stop asking him questions!
Yeah so this reunion is practically the Reed Show. To be honest I'm only watching for next season's preview.
I'm only watching because it is an excuse to skip AHS
This. I'm just waiting until there's about 5 or 10 minutes left. I never watch the reunions (unless there's something worthwhile to cover).