Omg!!!! Now Natalie just needs to win to make this season worthwhile. I just have a feeling in my gut that she won't though which sucks. Funny how Jon and Jeremy are similar in the fact that they gave up reward as a sign of good faith for an alliance member only to get stabbed in the back and voted out. Can't wait for Jon's ponderosa video. I'm curious to what he says to the others.
If the jury loathes you, your game's been pretty poor.
Or the jury is bitter
Which means you did something to make them bitter.
Not always---sometimes people are just bitter when they're outplayed and Baylor has outplayed pretty much everyone even if they or you can't see it
Jon and Nat have outplayed others yet play aren't bashing them. It's been hinted at in the edit but Baylor just isn't likable (or at least wasn't on the island). Not one jury member has said something positive about her and their comments don't even relay to her betrayals but laziness at camp, annoyance, bratty behavior. Nadayia, Val, Rocker, Kelley, Dale, Julie, Josh, Jeremy, Wes, Reed, Alec....I'm thinking the problem is with Baylor and not half the cast.
If Natalie seriously doesn't make FTC I will so SO devastated. I've been rooting for her since day 1. FOR ONCE can my one and true favorite actually win this thing? All that has to happen is Keith loses next immunity, she's guarenteed final 3 since she can whoop Baylor & Jaclyn in the final immunity challenge.
lol guys imagine if Keith won immunity, and Baylor/Missy/Jaclyn voted out Natalie. Then Jaclyn wins immunity and they vote out Keith. At FTC Reed trashes Baylor & Missy stands up for Baylor and instantly loses his vote & Josh's and in the end Jaclyn wins 6-1-1 with Jeremy voting Missy and Natalie voting Baylor. lolol
lol guys imagine if Keith won immunity, and Baylor/Missy/Jaclyn voted out Natalie.
Doesn't Natalie still have a hidden immunity idol? She's pretty much guaranteed F4 unless something dumb happened.
I think the final tribal council will be a bit exciting if both Natalie & Keith are in it. I mean, Natalie will still win IMO (she just has to actually make it to FTC), but it probably won't be as lopsided as with anyone else.
Jaclyn/Baylor/Missy F3 would be more even, but I hope that it's not those 3 at FTC lol.
lol guys imagine if Keith won immunity, and Baylor/Missy/Jaclyn voted out Natalie.
Doesn't Natalie still have a hidden immunity idol? She's pretty much guaranteed F4 unless something dumb happened.
I think the final tribal council will be a bit exciting if both Natalie & Keith are in it. I mean, Natalie will still win IMO (she just has to actually make it to FTC), but it probably won't be as lopsided as with anyone else.
Jaclyn/Baylor/Missy F3 would be more even, but I hope that it's not those 3 at FTC lol.
Yeah I forgot about Natalie's idol but just ignore what I said and switch around Natalie & Keith's boots.
And idk i'm so nervous about Natalie. If she's in the end with Keith I DO have faith she can win. I've already calculated every possible outcome and if her & Keith are in the end, her winning comes down to how bad Keith's speech is (which I expect it to be horrendous), how bitter Jon/Jaclyn are (looks like Jon won't be bitter, hopefully Jaclyn isn't either), and how Josh/Reed vote. I expect Jon/Jaclyn to vote Natalie over Keith, and I expect Natalie to outdue Keith in the final speeches so I can see Josh/Reed voting Natalie but there's that slim chance they vote based on alliances on vote Keith who was the "underdog". But as true Survivor fans they should realize Keith sucked *** at the game. He's nice, and was great at challenges, but Natalie should win and I hope they reward her for that.
I'm just praying Jaclyn doesn't try to turn Baylor & Missy on Natalie. I will be so disappointed if that happens :\.
Little bit about myself Inactively run a large cosmetic surgery practice in way California and add from last year we I'll added Med spa and we were just both our practice and are matched by were voted a bastion Relift Advanced Skincare San Diego by the I had union-tribune readers poll I'm the founder Aril patient ratings and I did show are basically over my complete frustration with the problem I've getting accurate ratings and reviews to reflect the quality a bar practice and I serve on the advisory board the center for services leadership which is a business school that focuses on this Ryan church service and so underlying reviews and reputation.
*****y Jaclyn comes out next week, so excited!
A Nat win would be perfect. If I had to imagine a'd be Nat/Missy/Baylor.
A Nat win would be perfect. If I had to imagine a'd be Nat/Missy/Baylor.
Fixed it
If they don't get rid of Keith , they are stupid lol the jury will vote for him to win
I was rooting for Jon, But now I want Natalie to take the w
I wouldn't complain. Nat & Keith are my favorites!
He could easily go on a immunity run IMO.
What do you mean?
Natalie is his only competition in challenges , if he wins the next one or two he wins the whole thing.
It means he could win immunity the next 2 times which ensures him a spot in the final 3
Nat/Jaclyn and Keith should take out missy or Baylor at F5. And then all the girls can vote out keith or something
There's no point to vote out Missy
Or Baylor...these next two votes should be Keith/Jaclyn.
Yeah getting rid of missy does nothing , she won't get any votes.
Getting rid of Baylor could work since she actually can compete
They should get rid of Keith...and see how it plays out. If Keith wins immunity then who knows what happens...Jaclyn's probably dead in the water
Oooops forgot it was F3 not F2
That's irrelevant. Baylor won't be getting votes and Nat turning on her risks the chance of losing a vote there.
Yeah if you're Nat you want to take missy & Baylor to the end, then you'd probably get all the votes.
Baylor's played a better game than people give her credit for
If the jury loathes you, your game's been pretty poor.
Or the jury is bitter
Omg!!!! Now Natalie just needs to win to make this season worthwhile. I just have a feeling in my gut that she won't though which sucks. Funny how Jon and Jeremy are similar in the fact that they gave up reward as a sign of good faith for an alliance member only to get stabbed in the back and voted out. Can't wait for Jon's ponderosa video. I'm curious to what he says to the others.
Which means you did something to make them bitter.
Not always---sometimes people are just bitter when they're outplayed and Baylor has outplayed pretty much everyone even if they or you can't see it
Jon and Nat have outplayed others yet play aren't bashing them. It's been hinted at in the edit but Baylor just isn't likable (or at least wasn't on the island). Not one jury member has said something positive about her and their comments don't even relay to her betrayals but laziness at camp, annoyance, bratty behavior. Nadayia, Val, Rocker, Kelley, Dale, Julie, Josh, Jeremy, Wes, Reed, Alec....I'm thinking the problem is with Baylor and not half the cast.
Jon's ponderosa video
If Natalie seriously doesn't make FTC I will so SO devastated. I've been rooting for her since day 1. FOR ONCE can my one and true favorite actually win this thing? All that has to happen is Keith loses next immunity, she's guarenteed final 3 since she can whoop Baylor & Jaclyn in the final immunity challenge.
lol guys imagine if Keith won immunity, and Baylor/Missy/Jaclyn voted out Natalie. Then Jaclyn wins immunity and they vote out Keith. At FTC Reed trashes Baylor & Missy stands up for Baylor and instantly loses his vote & Josh's and in the end Jaclyn wins 6-1-1 with Jeremy voting Missy and Natalie voting Baylor. lolol
Doesn't Natalie still have a hidden immunity idol? She's pretty much guaranteed F4 unless something dumb happened.
I think the final tribal council will be a bit exciting if both Natalie & Keith are in it. I mean, Natalie will still win IMO (she just has to actually make it to FTC), but it probably won't be as lopsided as with anyone else.
Jaclyn/Baylor/Missy F3 would be more even, but I hope that it's not those 3 at FTC lol.
Yeah I forgot about Natalie's idol but just ignore what I said and switch around Natalie & Keith's boots.
And idk i'm so nervous about Natalie. If she's in the end with Keith I DO have faith she can win. I've already calculated every possible outcome and if her & Keith are in the end, her winning comes down to how bad Keith's speech is (which I expect it to be horrendous), how bitter Jon/Jaclyn are (looks like Jon won't be bitter, hopefully Jaclyn isn't either), and how Josh/Reed vote. I expect Jon/Jaclyn to vote Natalie over Keith, and I expect Natalie to outdue Keith in the final speeches so I can see Josh/Reed voting Natalie but there's that slim chance they vote based on alliances on vote Keith who was the "underdog". But as true Survivor fans they should realize Keith sucked *** at the game. He's nice, and was great at challenges, but Natalie should win and I hope they reward her for that.
I'm just praying Jaclyn doesn't try to turn Baylor & Missy on Natalie. I will be so disappointed if that happens :\.