CT and Diem hold the record for the longest standing love story in Challenge history. After meeting on The Duel, CT fell for Diem when she bravely removed her wig for a mud challenge, fresh after a battle with ovarian cancer. The two continued their romance off the show and fell deeply in love. However, their relationship hit rocky ground when Diem set her focus on her career. The pair overcame their obstacles and won second place on Battle of the Exes, but their trust was damaged at the end of Rivals II, when Diem felt betrayed by CT’s political game. CT admits, “I’m looking forward to redeeming myself with Diem. This is Diem’s game. Diem deserves to win.” CT and Diem weathered many storms, and their epic on-again, off-again love sustained over the years. Diem explains, “Seeing CT here gives me some sort of relief that somebody is somewhat in my corner. This Challenge will show what type of relationship we have.”
Thanks PinkRose!!
Best love story ever on tv. RIP Diem<3
#RIPDiemBrown we are all watching in your honor baby girl!
Little bit Bittersweet but It will be good to see these 2 together one last time(even though I've personally never cared about their rleationship).
Awwww how sweet
REMINDER - THIS IS NOT A SPOILER THREAD!!! There should be no talk on who had dorm matches, alliances, how far they got in the game, etc. I will unpublish any I see. Also, anyone can message me with any they see. Thank you
Vevmo Moderator
bittersweet but reading their bio was closure (for me at least) that the animosity btween them was long gone. Diem looks beautiful
RIP Diem, she looks absolutely stunning here.
Diem looks so beautiful, and fit and strong in the cast pics. I hope there's lots of footage of her being happy and feeling good. She also looks fantastic in the wider group shot on ew's website too. I'm happy we'll see her like this (happy and strong) one more time. I wasn't sure if I would watch this season, but will give it a try. Very bittersweet.
Diem looks incredible here.
She was so pretty and very fashionable.
I never really had a crush on CT until now. He looks so hot in that picture. I wasn't a fan of Diem but I respect her as a warrior.
They both look so beautiful!
How many episodes do these 2 last?
According to the US Weekly article, DIem and CT will appear in 3 episodes.
Going to be hard watching their love play out on TV for the last time; hopefully BMP can redeem themselves from the edit they gave Diem on Rival 2. RIP <3
Wonderful pictures of the both of them. Diem looks incredible. I just hope they show the two of them happy together.
Im interested to see how CT acts this time. On Free Agents he was pretty much nonexisitant. He, Diem, Johnny, Wes, and Sarah are the only old school vets on this show. I wonder if any of these new kids try to test him?
I have to wonder if he wasn't just as calm BC Diem was there (and if they were rumored to be together - it may not be like rivals 2 where he was trying to hook up to make her jealous). But I am interested to see what they say in their interviews. Also, if not more important - at this point, CT has proven to be on pretty good terms with most of the guys on it (we know the Boston crew is tight, we know his relationship with Knight/LeRoy/Jay/Wes has been good, and Johnny respects him) so I can't see him being all that crazy on this challenge anyway.
Did anybody else notice that they're matching? They are both wearing red, white, and blue! Also In the group shot, Diem's body looks amazing!!! She is more toned than the younger girls. She was such a knockout! And to me, CT looks smaller. IDK maybe it's because the beard is gone lol.
Diem and CT are by far the hottest couple there, imo. Straight killing them! Nobody is messing with Diem's body on this cast!
RIP gorgeous girl
Y'all are making me smile with your comments about how hot Diem looks in the cast pictures. I totally agree; she is smokin.
It has been tough to smile these past few weeks so thank ya'll.
Haha, definetly feeling clean shaved Chris more but he always looks good and Diem looks incredible!!
You know what really upsets me....Had circumstances been different, they would have won. It would have been so fitting for them to win together this time. He only wanted to do the challenge if she was with him. I feel as if they would have won and this would have been their farewell challenge and then they would have gotten married and lived out their lives together. I swear they have one of the most tragic love stories I've ever heard of..And because this was supposed to be their last challenge together I don't think he will return.
A few of her castmates are talking on the special tomorrow. http://insidetv.ew.com/2014/12/08/diem-brown-special-exclusive-clip/
I love how Paula switches from one side of the screen to the other.
Here is a clip MTV posted about her & CT and the CT voice I believe is from the new Exes season and it also shows a clip of them dancing and a club which also appears to be the newest season based off what CT is wearing & how Diem looks. http://www.mtv.com/shows/challenge-battle-of-the-exes-2/we-love-diem-sne...
Wes's Eyes. SO sad.