The Challenge: Battle of The Exes 2- Dustin Zito and Jessica MCcain

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The Challenge: Battle of The Exes 2- Dustin Zito and Jessica MCcain

When Dustin arrived on Free Agents newly single, it didn’t take long for his swag to win over Jessica’s Southern charm. However, lack of a political game sent Dustin packing early, and the budding romance was cut short. After their season, Jessica tried to pursue Dustin, but was dismayed to discover that Dustin had already moved on. Jessica explains, “I made plans to see Dustin, but found out he ended up having a girlfriend and he didn’t have the balls to tell me!” Dustin explains, “I didn't pursue a relationship with her like she thought we would and now my balls are in her hands.” Will Dustin and Jessica be able to recapture their once fun and flirty relationship to seize the win? Or will Jessica’s broken heart cause her to sabotage their chance of winning like Dustin sabotaged their chance at love?

The Challenge: Battle of the Exes II | He Said/She Said w/ Dustin & Jessica | MTV

Early favorites as I'm watching the Real World: Las Vegas right now. Dustin's the man.

Lol  at them hinting jessica will be the one who ruins their chances.

LOVE Dustin. Jessica is harmless.

Rooting for these two!

REMINDER - THIS IS NOT A SPOILER THREAD!!!  There should be no talk on who had dorm matches, alliances, how far they got in the game, etc.  I will unpublish any I see.  Also, anyone can message me with any they see.  Thank you


Vevmo Moderator

*vomits* most annoying team ever

*vomits* most annoying team ever

Second most lol.

*vomits* most annoying team ever

Second most lol.

Whose the first one?

*vomits* most annoying team ever

Second most lol.

Whose the first one?

Knight & Jemmye.

Don't care for this team at all. Jess annoys me too much.

Indivdual pictures:

Dustin <3 Jess is cool and someone who gets an abnormal amount of hate. Rooting for them!

Dustin looking hot!

Another good team for me to root for! They are gonna be a dark horse this season! 

*vomits* most annoying team ever

Second most lol.

Whose the first one?

Knight & Jemmye.

Nope, Dustin and Jessica still take the prize. I can't stand Dustin, like at all, and Jessica is pretty self-explanatory. 

This might be the surprise of the season. Dustin is really competitive and Jessica shocked the hell out of us in FA. I won't be surprised if they make it to the final 4

Anonymous's picture

Lol I honestly didn't mind Dustin and Jessica until I joined this site!!! You guys make me hate them!!!! I try to keep an open mind about them because they are both super hot but all I see being said about them is how annoying they are. Omg I am starting to feel like they are annoying :'(. Why can't I have a mind of my own!?

Jessica makes me laugh at how storybook she is and clueless she is towards her performance. I like Dustin though and wish they wouldn't tried even harder to get Heather or Cooke. 

Dustin is one of my favotire male castmembers ever!

Is it me just that has never found Dustin that attractive...?

Lol I like him and all but I just never found him hott.

Anonymous's picture

Is it me just that has never found Dustin that attractive...?

Lol I like him and all but I just never found him hott.

Idk.. I think for me I just really dig his bod.

Is it me just that has never found Dustin that attractive...?

Lol I like him and all but I just never found him hott.

He can look creepy at times and he's not someone I find hot, but just cute. His videos are pretty great though haha

Is it me just that has never found Dustin that attractive...?

Lol I like him and all but I just never found him hott.

Everyone seriously goes crazy over his body, and how hot he is.

Dude's attractive, ain't gunna go crazy over him though.

Anonymous's picture

Is it me just that has never found Dustin that attractive...?

Lol I like him and all but I just never found him hott.

He can look creepy at times and he's not someone I find hot, but just cute. His videos are pretty great though haha

Lol FM!!!!! Naughty, Naughty!!!

Anonymous's picture

Lol I guess **** is everything! The girls on the challenge sound like size Queens!

Not gonna lie. I might be.

Jessica has a great body but it's definitely not like she makes it looks on instagram.

I think Dusting is Hot and entertaining. He was amazing on Seasons 2. Telling Trishelle that he hopes she has nightmares and Getting in Frank's face was so amazing.

And not to mention all the Fratpad stuff he did. Good lord he was sexy as hell in all of that.

I think Dusting is Hot and entertaining. He was amazing on Seasons 2. Telling Trishelle that he hopes she has nightmares and Getting in Frank's face was so amazing.

And not to mention all the Fratpad stuff he did. Good lord he was sexy as hell in all of that.

LOL Dustin was great on BOTS2, but after that he's been forgettable (FA and this season too probably). Plus this new haircut hes been rocking with since FA doesn't do him justice.

I like both of these two alot & hope they go  far. If fo nothing else, to see Dustin's handsome self in various states of undress.

I like both of these two alot & hope they go  far. If fo nothing else, to see Dustin's handsome self in various states of undress.

Their interview is up.
