Somebody on Twitter suggested Bananas was selling the story to US because it mentioned gopro and he has been pluggin it on twitter. I would like to think their friendship meant a hell of a lot more than that smfh.
Somebody on Twitter is a moron.
I don't think it was Bananas, but that said - I do have to wonder why the heck that detail was put into the story. Doesn't it seem so odd ?
Can we open another thread for those speculations about anything that happened after Diem died? I think if we discuss this here, it will destroy this beautiful thread that was to remember her and not discuss anything she has unfortunatly no power anymore
I judt dont want this thread closed. I have no other place to talk about my feelings regarding Diem's passing with. Nobody else understands why I am so attched to her or why I am so affected by all of this.
I judt dont want this thread closed. I have no other place to talk about my feelings regarding Diem's passing with. Nobody else understands why I am so attched to her or why I am so affected by all of this.
I am not closing the thread. Technically we could open another thread but in past experience with Challenge threads, they flow into eachother so I would suggest we just keep this one going. Talk thru are feelings but also remember Diem for what she wants to be remembered by - someone who loved life, loved her family and friends, and loved Medgift. The articles have created a lot of excess stress and questions. I have found them draining. Whoever was the cause of the one so quick after CT's beautiful post and felt the need to drive the the point home that she was not with him started this whole mess. Then we had People publish their "In your face - we were right" article about Diem's age. Once again unneeded. Then we have this article about CT's proposal which I inititally thought was sweet but the article was worded to make him look like a fool. So once again, the article came across that someone has it in for CT. Three very distateful articles.
We have had plenty of beautiful positive comments in here, it just takes a negative tone when new articles are leaked.
I'm attaching one of my favorite articles about Diem. This goes all the way back to her first battle w/OV cancer, after she was on The Duel. Go to pages 30 and 31.
Ok so I purchased the newest Us Weekly magazine and CT and Diem are a featured story(on the front page)
The article says a few things. First it syas, that castmembers were in NYC to tape the reunion for Exes 2. The reunion was shot on November 9th. Then, is says that CT did propose to Diem; twice just as the online article says. Then it says that they were on Exes 2 together and when Diem was airlifted home CT left as well to be by her side. It continues in saying that Diem's family was not a fan of CT's because of actions they witnessed on tv, (Shavon, and Rivlas 2) It says that they always thought that she could do way better, but Diem was willing to give him another chance.
CT did not stay with Diem the entire time. The article states that he made her nervous because he was hyper and she encouraged him to go home. However, he did visit a lot. And when he was there, he pampered her; he painted her toe nails and after a stay in the hospital, he redecorated her room by purchasing a comfy matress pad and new bed set. It also says that after she had to go back to the ER in September( I believe due to her kidney failure) He did not return, instead he instagramed pictures of her such as the one of them sleeping in the hospital. That and the on camera proposal made her family question his intentions. The source was quotted, "He can be a *******".
Three days prior to Diem's passing, the hospital restricted her visitors. However, he texted her and they exchanged texts up until the moment she passed. It also states that Diem was always responsive to him and no one doubted their love for each other.
We can look forward to seeing them on Exes 2; Diem appaers in 3 episodes.
Just a reminder, all of these quotes come from, "sources close to Diem" "Diem's friend" or "Diem's confedant" The only direct quote is from Alicia where she states that they had a complicated relationship.
Ok so I purchased the newest Us Weekly magazine and CT and Diem are a featured story(on the front page)
The article says a few things. First it syas, that castmembers were in NYC to tape the reunion for Exes 2. The reunion was shot on November 9th. Then, is says that CT did propose to Diem; twice just as the online article says. Then it says that they were on Exes 2 together and when Diem was airlifted home CT left as well to be by her side. It continues in saying that Diem's family was not a fan of CT's because of actions they witnessed on tv, (Shavon, and Rivlas 2) It says that they always thought that she could do way better, but Diem was willing to give him another chance.
CT did not stay with Diem the entire time. The article states that he made her nervous because he was hyper and she encouraged him to go home. However, he did visit a lot. And when he was there, he pampered her; he painted her toe nails and after a stay in the hospital, he redecorated her room by purchasing a comfy matress pad and new bed set. It also says that after she had to go back to the ER in September( I believe due to her kidney failure) He did not return, instead he instagramed pictures of her such as the one of them sleeping in the hospital. That and the on camera proposal made her family question his intentions. The source was quotted, "He can be a *******".
Three days prior to Diem's passing, the hospital restricted her visitors. However, he texted her and they exchanged texts up until the moment she passed. It also states that Diem was always responsive to him and no one doubted their love for each other.
We can look forward to seeing them on Exes 2; Diem appaers in 3 episodes.
Just a reminder, all of these quotes come from, "sources close to Diem" "Diem's friend" or "Diem's confedant" The only direct quote is from Alicia where she states that they had a complicated relationship.
Wow, okay thanks for posting that imjustsayin. I feel strange after reading that. Don't know of any other way to say it.
Here's the thing, part of me can believe that CT would deal with things in that way when it comes to Diem, not because he was trying to be a ******* but because he has trouble dealing with things, but another part of me is just really really skeptical that what is in US Weekly is accurate and not stretching the truth. I really don't know what to think. Also how could they exchange texts up until the moment she passed because if she was extremely ill she would not have the energy to text unless they mean that Diem was being told by someone else that he texted you and they let her know what he said and then she told someone else to text him back a response. I don't know. This whole thing is so strange. I really don't think I will believe exactly what US Weekly says. I hope we hear from CT eventually once he is ready.
Ok so I purchased the newest Us Weekly magazine and CT and Diem are a featured story(on the front page)
The article says a few things. First it syas, that castmembers were in NYC to tape the reunion for Exes 2. The reunion was shot on November 9th. Then, is says that CT did propose to Diem; twice just as the online article says. Then it says that they were on Exes 2 together and when Diem was airlifted home CT left as well to be by her side. It continues in saying that Diem's family was not a fan of CT's because of actions they witnessed on tv, (Shavon, and Rivlas 2) It says that they always thought that she could do way better, but Diem was willing to give him another chance.
CT did not stay with Diem the entire time. The article states that he made her nervous because he was hyper and she encouraged him to go home. However, he did visit a lot. And when he was there, he pampered her; he painted her toe nails and after a stay in the hospital, he redecorated her room by purchasing a comfy matress pad and new bed set. It also says that after she had to go back to the ER in September( I believe due to her kidney failure) He did not return, instead he instagramed pictures of her such as the one of them sleeping in the hospital. That and the on camera proposal made her family question his intentions. The source was quotted, "He can be a *******".
Three days prior to Diem's passing, the hospital restricted her visitors. However, he texted her and they exchanged texts up until the moment she passed. It also states that Diem was always responsive to him and no one doubted their love for each other.
We can look forward to seeing them on Exes 2; Diem appaers in 3 episodes.
Just a reminder, all of these quotes come from, "sources close to Diem" "Diem's friend" or "Diem's confedant" The only direct quote is from Alicia where she states that they had a complicated relationship.
Thanks for the info. Still makes zero sense that they were filming the Exes 2 reunion. That gets filmed like a month before it airs.
Wasn't CT spotted in NY crying the day she tweeted her doctors said there was nothing more they could do?
these articles are ridiculously horrible. Honestly think some of you guys coulda wrote an article about her that would be 100x more accurate and better, smh.
It is sad that people are saying this stuff about CT. I can't believe people have the audacity to write such bullshit. CT and Diem had a beautiful love and he was always there for her and it is sad people are trying to take that away.
It is also sad people are making up that Johnny was the one behind the stories when he was her closest guy friend from the show. People are awful.
Agreed. I think Diem is very dissapointed in all this right now. A beautiful soul should be remembered as such, and preserved. None of these bullshit articles that are coming out are in any way helpful or respectful, but rather just creating unneeded animosity.
I put no stock in what the gossip magazines say, actually I came home for Thanksgiving and my mother showed me her copy of US Weekly with Diem and CT on it and I had no interest in looking at it, but I think we also have to understand that they both probably put each other through a fair amount of pain in between their good times and most of the sources probably only saw a lot of that public turmoil rather than how they were privately. If I were Diem's father or a close friend and I saw Rivals II, CT would likely be pretty high on my shit list. Is it fair to CT being that these people don't know 100%? No, and Alicia said as much in one of the linked articles, but it is understandable that they don't have warm fuzzy feelings in CT's direction.
They're also likely annoyed that they just lost someone very important to them and rather than focus on her legacy, which in fairness they did for the first couple days or so, people seem more concerned with the "CT and DIem" entity rather than just DIem the person. Their daughter/sister/friend just died and they're getting bombarded with relationship questions about a guy that they were all likely not very keen on.
I know. It really upsets me that her goal has not been reached on her support page. I have donated a little something and hope to do so again soon but what really fustrates me is MTV. They could have donated something to help out. Her poor family, I can only imagine what they are going through. Losing Diem, the holidays right around the corner, having to face the holidays/life without her, and then all those expenses on top of that....
But I am happy about people like Cara Maria who went out of her way to ccontribute
the orginizations that contributed
the other cast members
and I find it totally sweet that Barry's Bootcamp renamed their Simply PB milkshake flavor to the DiemShake because it was her favorite. All proceeds will go to her fund.
I put no stock in what the gossip magazines say, actually I came home for Thanksgiving and my mother showed me her copy of US Weekly with Diem and CT on it and I had no interest in looking at it, but I think we also have to understand that they both probably put each other through a fair amount of pain in between their good times and most of the sources probably only saw a lot of that public turmoil rather than how they were privately. If I were Diem's father or a close friend and I saw Rivals II, CT would likely be pretty high on my shit list. Is it fair to CT being that these people don't know 100%? No, and Alicia said as much in one of the linked articles, but it is understandable that they don't have warm fuzzy feelings in CT's direction.
They're also likely annoyed that they just lost someone very important to them and rather than focus on her legacy, which in fairness they did for the first couple days or so, people seem more concerned with the "CT and DIem" entity rather than just DIem the person. Their daughter/sister/friend just died and they're getting bombarded with relationship questions about a guy that they were all likely not very keen on.
But I am happy about people like Cara Maria who went out of her way to ccontribute
the orginizations that contributed
the other cast members
and I find it totally sweet that Barry's Bootcamp renamed their Simply PB milkshake flavor to the DiemShake because it was her favorite. All proceeds will go to her fund.
That's awesome, all of them. Maybe there will be a little surge too when the MTV special airs as I'm sure they will plug it in honor of her. I've got her page bookmarked for my next paycheck.
Re: the US Weekly article, I'm really glad that we'll get to see her on Exes 2. I hope she had a good ol' time. She looked so incredibly beautiful in her promo photos. (Made the reality of her decline all the more terrifying to me.)
I put no stock in what the gossip magazines say, actually I came home for Thanksgiving and my mother showed me her copy of US Weekly with Diem and CT on it and I had no interest in looking at it, but I think we also have to understand that they both probably put each other through a fair amount of pain in between their good times and most of the sources probably only saw a lot of that public turmoil rather than how they were privately. If I were Diem's father or a close friend and I saw Rivals II, CT would likely be pretty high on my shit list. Is it fair to CT being that these people don't know 100%? No, and Alicia said as much in one of the linked articles, but it is understandable that they don't have warm fuzzy feelings in CT's direction.
They're also likely annoyed that they just lost someone very important to them and rather than focus on her legacy, which in fairness they did for the first couple days or so, people seem more concerned with the "CT and DIem" entity rather than just DIem the person. Their daughter/sister/friend just died and they're getting bombarded with relationship questions about a guy that they were all likely not very keen on.
When CT posted that instagram message I knew that the internet would blow up about their relationship and take the focus off of Diem. That was the downside of it and the amount of press about that post was ridiculous. But these articles don't make Diem look amazing as well. I just wish the focus was on MedGift and proper ways to screen and catch cancer before it's too late. There was no need for her friends to indulge in the whole "CT & Diem Foreverahhh" thing. Alicia was as always classy and mature. Never saying too much but just enough. The other sources just needed to say "We will not comment on Diem's personal life. We are mouring our friend and this is trivial nonsense. Please help continue Diem's legacy by spreading the word about Medgift and making a generous donation." Boom. Done. CT is not the kind of person to talk to the media so we will likley never get response and that's fine. He said his goodbye and people should accept that whether they liked him or not.
I'm just disgusted that Diem has only left the physical world for a week or so and the only thing these "friends" could speak to the media was about CT. They've not only added more flames to the fire but once again left room for even more questions and pointless speculation that has NOTHING to do with MedGift. Now people are even more curious and the comments towards CT will get even more nasty. Is CT a perfect person? No. Not even close, but he's hurting in the same way that all of Diem's friends are and he and all of Diem's friends and family need to be left alone. No more stories. No more sources. MedGift and women's health issues are the only thing I want to hear about in terms of Diem from any media at this point.
These tabloids are being disgusting. Diem was given tribute for 3 days after her passing, but now because so called " Sources " want to feed them inaccurate information, Everything with Diem's name in it, is followed with Gossip about her relationship, her age, who her familys likes. It is really sad and Diem would NOT want this. She would not want people spreading lies and attacking CT, who she loved. Saying her family didn't like him does not seem truthful. I am sure they had issues after the Duel 2- but saying they did after Rivals 2 doesn't make sense considering he vacationed with the family multiple times and spent holidays with them.
CT is grieving and Diem's family is grieving. None of them need to read crap like this- I hope they pay it no mind. I am also kind of nervous about the upcoming " We Love Diem " special. After seeing how MTV/Producers treated Diem on Rivals 2- I just hope they do right by her. She deserves better.
Oh and I know I just popped up out of nowhere - I use to post time from time a long time ago then stopped, but I decided to reactivate my account- So Hello
It's still Wednesday here in Cali, but it's Thanksgiving in the city where Diem called home.
Happy Thanksgiving, Diem...wherever you are, I hope you're holding a glass of wine, a grin on your face, and a twitch in your hips- shaking that booty to your fave song.
i can't begin to explain the effect that your passing has had on me, but I have learned how fragile life is and how we should all consider ourselves blessed for every day we have here on this planet.
You are not forgotten and your pain not in vain. Happy Thansgiving sweetie and goodnight.
Happy Thanksgiving all! Dont forget to say a prayer or give a thought to the Brown's this morning. Must be so hard to celebrate the holidays when Diem just passed.
Ok so I purchased the newest Us Weekly magazine and CT and Diem are a featured story(on the front page)
The article says a few things. First it syas, that castmembers were in NYC to tape the reunion for Exes 2. The reunion was shot on November 9th. Then, is says that CT did propose to Diem; twice just as the online article says. Then it says that they were on Exes 2 together and when Diem was airlifted home CT left as well to be by her side. It continues in saying that Diem's family was not a fan of CT's because of actions they witnessed on tv, (Shavon, and Rivlas 2) It says that they always thought that she could do way better, but Diem was willing to give him another chance.
CT did not stay with Diem the entire time. The article states that he made her nervous because he was hyper and she encouraged him to go home. However, he did visit a lot. And when he was there, he pampered her; he painted her toe nails and after a stay in the hospital, he redecorated her room by purchasing a comfy matress pad and new bed set. It also says that after she had to go back to the ER in September( I believe due to her kidney failure) He did not return, instead he instagramed pictures of her such as the one of them sleeping in the hospital. That and the on camera proposal made her family question his intentions. The source was quotted, "He can be a *******".
Three days prior to Diem's passing, the hospital restricted her visitors. However, he texted her and they exchanged texts up until the moment she passed. It also states that Diem was always responsive to him and no one doubted their love for each other.
We can look forward to seeing them on Exes 2; Diem appaers in 3 episodes.
Just a reminder, all of these quotes come from, "sources close to Diem" "Diem's friend" or "Diem's confedant" The only direct quote is from Alicia where she states that they had a complicated relationship.
Thanks for the info. Still makes zero sense that they were filming the Exes 2 reunion. That gets filmed like a month before it airs.
I don't think it was Bananas, but that said - I do have to wonder why the heck that detail was put into the story. Doesn't it seem so odd ?
Bananas wouldn't do that and if people really believe that then they are idiots.
I don't think Bananas would do it either but I do find that extra detail very odd.
Can we open another thread for those speculations about anything that happened after Diem died? I think if we discuss this here, it will destroy this beautiful thread that was to remember her and not discuss anything she has unfortunatly no power anymore
I judt dont want this thread closed. I have no other place to talk about my feelings regarding Diem's passing with. Nobody else understands why I am so attched to her or why I am so affected by all of this.
I am not closing the thread. Technically we could open another thread but in past experience with Challenge threads, they flow into eachother so I would suggest we just keep this one going. Talk thru are feelings but also remember Diem for what she wants to be remembered by - someone who loved life, loved her family and friends, and loved Medgift. The articles have created a lot of excess stress and questions. I have found them draining. Whoever was the cause of the one so quick after CT's beautiful post and felt the need to drive the the point home that she was not with him started this whole mess. Then we had People publish their "In your face - we were right" article about Diem's age. Once again unneeded. Then we have this article about CT's proposal which I inititally thought was sweet but the article was worded to make him look like a fool. So once again, the article came across that someone has it in for CT. Three very distateful articles.
We have had plenty of beautiful positive comments in here, it just takes a negative tone when new articles are leaked.
As for the posts above worried Diem wasn't at peace when she died.... Alicia and Julie were both dear friends of Diem's and their comments do make me believe Diem was at peace.
I'm attaching one of my favorite articles about Diem. This goes all the way back to her first battle w/OV cancer, after she was on The Duel. Go to pages 30 and 31.
Ok so I purchased the newest Us Weekly magazine and CT and Diem are a featured story(on the front page)
The article says a few things. First it syas, that castmembers were in NYC to tape the reunion for Exes 2. The reunion was shot on November 9th. Then, is says that CT did propose to Diem; twice just as the online article says. Then it says that they were on Exes 2 together and when Diem was airlifted home CT left as well to be by her side. It continues in saying that Diem's family was not a fan of CT's because of actions they witnessed on tv, (Shavon, and Rivlas 2) It says that they always thought that she could do way better, but Diem was willing to give him another chance.
CT did not stay with Diem the entire time. The article states that he made her nervous because he was hyper and she encouraged him to go home. However, he did visit a lot. And when he was there, he pampered her; he painted her toe nails and after a stay in the hospital, he redecorated her room by purchasing a comfy matress pad and new bed set. It also says that after she had to go back to the ER in September( I believe due to her kidney failure) He did not return, instead he instagramed pictures of her such as the one of them sleeping in the hospital. That and the on camera proposal made her family question his intentions. The source was quotted, "He can be a *******".
Three days prior to Diem's passing, the hospital restricted her visitors. However, he texted her and they exchanged texts up until the moment she passed. It also states that Diem was always responsive to him and no one doubted their love for each other.
We can look forward to seeing them on Exes 2; Diem appaers in 3 episodes.
Just a reminder, all of these quotes come from, "sources close to Diem" "Diem's friend" or "Diem's confedant" The only direct quote is from Alicia where she states that they had a complicated relationship.
Wow, okay thanks for posting that imjustsayin. I feel strange after reading that. Don't know of any other way to say it.
Here's the thing, part of me can believe that CT would deal with things in that way when it comes to Diem, not because he was trying to be a ******* but because he has trouble dealing with things, but another part of me is just really really skeptical that what is in US Weekly is accurate and not stretching the truth. I really don't know what to think. Also how could they exchange texts up until the moment she passed because if she was extremely ill she would not have the energy to text unless they mean that Diem was being told by someone else that he texted you and they let her know what he said and then she told someone else to text him back a response. I don't know. This whole thing is so strange. I really don't think I will believe exactly what US Weekly says. I hope we hear from CT eventually once he is ready.
Thanks for the info. Still makes zero sense that they were filming the Exes 2 reunion. That gets filmed like a month before it airs.
Wait... they were filiming the reunion... wtf
I wonder if they did it( filmed the reunion) so that they could film a segment about Diem and get responses from the other cast?
I'm just confused since like none of the finalists were even in NY to film it.
Where is Miss PinkRose at? She can confirm this for us.
If there are cast quotes during the We Love Diem special, it could have been that.
Thank you imjustsayin
Seems to be something new to digest everyday.
Unfortunately!! lol
Not even giving my opinions on the latest article. Ill let it sit for a few days.
Wasn't CT spotted in NY crying the day she tweeted her doctors said there was nothing more they could do?
these articles are ridiculously horrible. Honestly think some of you guys coulda wrote an article about her that would be 100x more accurate and better, smh.
It is sad that people are saying this stuff about CT. I can't believe people have the audacity to write such bullshit. CT and Diem had a beautiful love and he was always there for her and it is sad people are trying to take that away.
It is also sad people are making up that Johnny was the one behind the stories when he was her closest guy friend from the show. People are awful.
Agreed. I think Diem is very dissapointed in all this right now. A beautiful soul should be remembered as such, and preserved. None of these bullshit articles that are coming out are in any way helpful or respectful, but rather just creating unneeded animosity.
Well I mean you can't really expect all these articles to be respectful. I mean these are basically tabloids and gossip mags.
yeah, you think they would focus more on her legacy...i.e. medigift.
I put no stock in what the gossip magazines say, actually I came home for Thanksgiving and my mother showed me her copy of US Weekly with Diem and CT on it and I had no interest in looking at it, but I think we also have to understand that they both probably put each other through a fair amount of pain in between their good times and most of the sources probably only saw a lot of that public turmoil rather than how they were privately. If I were Diem's father or a close friend and I saw Rivals II, CT would likely be pretty high on my shit list. Is it fair to CT being that these people don't know 100%? No, and Alicia said as much in one of the linked articles, but it is understandable that they don't have warm fuzzy feelings in CT's direction.
They're also likely annoyed that they just lost someone very important to them and rather than focus on her legacy, which in fairness they did for the first couple days or so, people seem more concerned with the "CT and DIem" entity rather than just DIem the person. Their daughter/sister/friend just died and they're getting bombarded with relationship questions about a guy that they were all likely not very keen on.
I know. It really upsets me that her goal has not been reached on her support page. I have donated a little something and hope to do so again soon but what really fustrates me is MTV. They could have donated something to help out. Her poor family, I can only imagine what they are going through. Losing Diem, the holidays right around the corner, having to face the holidays/life without her, and then all those expenses on top of that....
But I am happy about people like Cara Maria who went out of her way to ccontribute
the orginizations that contributed
the other cast members
and I find it totally sweet that Barry's Bootcamp renamed their Simply PB milkshake flavor to the DiemShake because it was her favorite. All proceeds will go to her fund.
That's awesome, all of them. Maybe there will be a little surge too when the MTV special airs as I'm sure they will plug it in honor of her. I've got her page bookmarked for my next paycheck.
Re: the US Weekly article, I'm really glad that we'll get to see her on Exes 2. I hope she had a good ol' time. She looked so incredibly beautiful in her promo photos. (Made the reality of her decline all the more terrifying to me.)
When CT posted that instagram message I knew that the internet would blow up about their relationship and take the focus off of Diem. That was the downside of it and the amount of press about that post was ridiculous. But these articles don't make Diem look amazing as well. I just wish the focus was on MedGift and proper ways to screen and catch cancer before it's too late. There was no need for her friends to indulge in the whole "CT & Diem Foreverahhh" thing. Alicia was as always classy and mature. Never saying too much but just enough. The other sources just needed to say "We will not comment on Diem's personal life. We are mouring our friend and this is trivial nonsense. Please help continue Diem's legacy by spreading the word about Medgift and making a generous donation." Boom. Done. CT is not the kind of person to talk to the media so we will likley never get response and that's fine. He said his goodbye and people should accept that whether they liked him or not.
I'm just disgusted that Diem has only left the physical world for a week or so and the only thing these "friends" could speak to the media was about CT. They've not only added more flames to the fire but once again left room for even more questions and pointless speculation that has NOTHING to do with MedGift. Now people are even more curious and the comments towards CT will get even more nasty. Is CT a perfect person? No. Not even close, but he's hurting in the same way that all of Diem's friends are and he and all of Diem's friends and family need to be left alone. No more stories. No more sources. MedGift and women's health issues are the only thing I want to hear about in terms of Diem from any media at this point.
These tabloids are being disgusting. Diem was given tribute for 3 days after her passing, but now because so called " Sources " want to feed them inaccurate information, Everything with Diem's name in it, is followed with Gossip about her relationship, her age, who her familys likes. It is really sad and Diem would NOT want this. She would not want people spreading lies and attacking CT, who she loved. Saying her family didn't like him does not seem truthful. I am sure they had issues after the Duel 2- but saying they did after Rivals 2 doesn't make sense considering he vacationed with the family multiple times and spent holidays with them.
CT is grieving and Diem's family is grieving. None of them need to read crap like this- I hope they pay it no mind. I am also kind of nervous about the upcoming " We Love Diem " special. After seeing how MTV/Producers treated Diem on Rivals 2- I just hope they do right by her. She deserves better.
Oh and I know I just popped up out of nowhere - I use to post time from time a long time ago then stopped, but I decided to reactivate my account- So Hello
It's still Wednesday here in Cali, but it's Thanksgiving in the city where Diem called home.
Happy Thanksgiving, Diem...wherever you are, I hope you're holding a glass of wine, a grin on your face, and a twitch in your hips- shaking that booty to your fave song.
i can't begin to explain the effect that your passing has had on me, but I have learned how fragile life is and how we should all consider ourselves blessed for every day we have here on this planet.
You are not forgotten and your pain not in vain. Happy Thansgiving sweetie and goodnight.
Happy Thanksgiving all! Dont forget to say a prayer or give a thought to the Brown's this morning. Must be so hard to celebrate the holidays when Diem just passed.
Hope everyone enjoys their day!