They left to film Aug 5/6 and her first surgery was the 17th. CT was spotted on a plane to NYC the 18th.
I am sure we'll find out more of the pieces when it airs like why he originally stayed, if he knew, etc. As someone mentioned before his contract or them making him do interviews etc could have been a factor. I did hear they originally thought she was having an allergic reaction to something.
I think they were all in NYC to say bye to Diem. She may not have accepted that she was going to die until the day before but unfortunately it was all there. I had been preparing myself for a couple weeks to hear the news. I was still praying and hoping for a miracle but sadly saw there may not be one. I am sure some of her friends contacted her cast friends and told them "Get your *** here if you want to say bye to Diem" - ok maybe not in those words. If they are filming a $hit show it would be until they were already airing the season.
As for why Diem went on the show when she knew she had cancer .... She didn't think it was that serious. The first time she filmed a Challenge first, the second time thru she harvested eggs a couple months. The 3rd time thru decided to go film a Challenge again. Based on past comments, I'd say it was to A. Try to win money to help with medical bills. B. To do something fun before going thru it again. Risky risky move delaying cancer treatment but it falls in line with how she reacted to it everyother time she had it. CT probably knew about it, Bunim Murray probably did too. Her doctors may have OKed it too however I'd hope they advised against it. We may never know but when she said that in her interview I said to myself - welp that may have been a life ending mistake. Sorry to be blunt guys!!! We do not know if not going on the challenge would have made a difference, just soemthing I have thought about.
As for the special, I'd love to see some scenes from this upcoming Challenge but since they are not ready to promote the next Challenge, I'd doubt it. I am sure it will feature plenty of commericals for Real World Skeleton. I am expecting a lot of clips from her time on the Challenge and maybe some interviews with fellow castmates. CT leaving to be buy her side is straight out of a romance movie and unbelieavble romantic. I hope they are extremely tasteful in what they air - they certainly have plenty of time to figure it out but I'd love to see him announce he is leaving to go be with Diem.
Karisa, I think you probably covered what everyone has thought or been thinking in this message. I'm at peace with this: Diem knew what she knew each time she had to make a decision: to preserve her fertility, to harvest eggs, to do chemo lite before and chemo heavy after, to do another Challenge, to keep her relationship w/Chris private and all of the other 10 million decisions she made leading up to her untimely passing on the 14th. My respect for her work and her life accomplishments is immeasurable and my affection for her as a person grows every day. My wish is that she will continue to lead the charge in heaven for a way to help those with cancer on earth and that she will continue to be that beacon of hope for those who are facing an untenable situation, be it physical or mental.
I think they were all in NYC to say bye to Diem. She may not have accepted that she was going to die until the day before but unfortunately it was all there. I had been preparing myself for a couple weeks to hear the news. I was still praying and hoping for a miracle but sadly saw there may not be one. I am sure some of her friends contacted her cast friends and told them "Get your *** here if you want to say bye to Diem" - ok maybe not in those words. If they are filming a $hit show it would be until they were already airing the season.
As for why Diem went on the show when she knew she had cancer .... She didn't think it was that serious. The first time she filmed a Challenge first, the second time thru she harvested eggs a couple months. The 3rd time thru decided to go film a Challenge again. Based on past comments, I'd say it was to A. Try to win money to help with medical bills. B. To do something fun before going thru it again. Risky risky move delaying cancer treatment but it falls in line with how she reacted to it everyother time she had it. CT probably knew about it, Bunim Murray probably did too. Her doctors may have OKed it too however I'd hope they advised against it. We may never know but when she said that in her interview I said to myself - welp that may have been a life ending mistake. Sorry to be blunt guys!!! We do not know if not going on the challenge would have made a difference, just soemthing I have thought about.
As for the special, I'd love to see some scenes from this upcoming Challenge but since they are not ready to promote the next Challenge, I'd doubt it. I am sure it will feature plenty of commericals for Real World Skeleton. I am expecting a lot of clips from her time on the Challenge and maybe some interviews with fellow castmates. CT leaving to be buy her side is straight out of a romance movie and unbelieavble romantic. I hope they are extremely tasteful in what they air - they certainly have plenty of time to figure it out but I'd love to see him announce he is leaving to go be with Diem.
Karisa, I think you probably covered what everyone has thought or been thinking in this message. I'm at peace with this: Diem knew what she knew each time she had to make a decision: to preserve her fertility, to harvest eggs, to do chemo lite before and chemo heavy after, to do another Challenge, to keep her relationship w/Chris private and all of the other 10 million decisions she made leading up to her untimely passing on the 14th. My respect for her work and her life accomplishments is immeasurable and my affection for her as a person grows every day. My wish is that she will continue to lead the charge in heaven for a way to help those with cancer on earth and that she will continue to be that beacon of hope for those who are facing an untenable situation, be it physical or mental.
Well said. I hate when people are posting that she probably went on the Challenge for CT. In no way should her decision to go on the Challenge with cancer be linked to him. It is not fair. As Nancy said above, Diem made every decision in her life right up to the very end. Questioning her choices is just part of the grieving process - sad, angry, sometimes happy when thinking of good times etc. The fact that she documented her struggles with cancer and the choices she made will help SO many people. I hope People never takes them down because her blogs will help so many in the future. Medgift will also continue to help tons of families. She was a bold, fearless fighter until the very end.
I think Diem/CT only did one challenge and then left. The first challenge had to do with peanut butter and they thought she was having an allergic reaction to it. I have no idea CT orginally stayed though.
It finally let me watch that interview and you could just see the sadness in her eyes that she knew this was more serious than the past two times. It was so hard to watch. Heartbreaking.
I juts got the People magazine and it says that Diem found out the cancer had returned in July.
Is the magazine worth getting? I was irritated with their article about Ct and Diem not being together hrs after his post. But prior to that I had been enjoying their articles.
Why did people even have to dig this up? She said she was born in 82 so that's obviously what she wanted her age to be. Her family put it on her program to honor her wishes. Diem was robbed of everything in life, the one thing she could have is the age she chose. Did it matter that she lied about her age? Do they feel like they've solved some sort of crazy mystery? How classeless and untactful. They had no reason to go digging around as if they can finally expose Diem. She worked for them for years. If they really wanted her true age why didn't they find it when she was still with us.
This and the CT article are just stupid. How tactless of them to write such click-baity stories. I thank them for giving Diem a platform and updating us on her status but when it comes down to it, they're just a tabloid, ready to exploit whomever for some clicks. I wish Diem could have shared her story with Vogue or Time or USA Today.
I juts got the People magazine and it says that Diem found out the cancer had returned in July.
Is the magazine worth getting? I was irritated with their article about Ct and Diem not being together hrs after his post. But prior to that I had been enjoying their articles.
Not really. It repeats a lot. But there is a very cute story Meagn told. She said that Diem had been sleeping for hours and all of her family and friends were just sitting around her sharing memories. Diem's brother told a story about how him and Diem would sneak up on each other with cameras to try to snap a picture of how bad the other looked in the morning. Then, without opening her eyes, Diem responded, "I never look bad" LOL....And they all thought she was sleeping!
I cant wait for her special. I miss seeing her tweets on twitter...
Never knew Diem personally, but can't describe how in shock I am.
Before she passed I was viewing some pics of her from January of this year until July/August and you see that she lost a lil' weight. Her collarbones were more prominent and her face was skinner. Awful, awful disease.
I pray she's at peace. She was such a wonderful soul.
Why did people even have to dig this up? She said she was born in 82 so that's obviously what she wanted her age to be. Her family put it on her program to honor her wishes. Diem was robbed of everything in life, the one thing she could have is the age she chose. Did it matter that she lied about her age? Do they feel like they've solved some sort of crazy mystery? How classeless and untactful. They had no reason to go digging around as if they can finally expose Diem. She worked for them for years. If they really wanted her true age why didn't they find it when she was still with us.
This and the CT article are just stupid. How tactless of them to write such click-baity stories. I thank them for giving Diem a platform and updating us on her status but when it comes down to it, they're just a tabloid, ready to exploit whomever for some clicks. I wish Diem could have shared her story with Vogue or Time or USA Today.
I've always been under the impression she was born in 1980 but I don't care if her and her family claim 1982. I also have no problem with anyone reporting she was born in 1980. It seems she was.
Despite everything Diem had a better life than many. I hate seeing people claim that she was somehow robbed of everything. There's a lot of people in this world that would trade everything in a longer life to have what she had in her 30+ years.
I juts got the People magazine and it says that Diem found out the cancer had returned in July.
Is the magazine worth getting? I was irritated with their article about Ct and Diem not being together hrs after his post. But prior to that I had been enjoying their articles.
Not really. It repeats a lot. But there is a very cute story Meagn told. She said that Diem had been sleeping for hours and all of her family and friends were just sitting around her sharing memories. Diem's brother told a story about how him and Diem would sneak up on each other with cameras to try to snap a picture of how bad the other looked in the morning. Then, without opening her eyes, Diem responded, "I never look bad" LOL....And they all thought she was sleeping!
I cant wait for her special. I miss seeing her tweets on twitter...
Me too! Twitter seems different now without her posts. I hope MTV honors her the way she deserves to be honored!
Maybe I should take my posts over to unpopular opinions because I appreciate the fact that People reported the truth. I appreciate facts and honesty. I still think she was so fun and had such a great personality. However, I also was shocked to see that her name was Danielle rather than Diem. I knew CT was short for Chris Tamburello, but had no idea that hers was short for another name too. I think she was very good at hiding both her age and name. Does MTV not check birth certificates/ I mean these people are competing for a lot of money. I would think it would be unfair if they were allowing people that didn't meet their criteria on the show. I am glad she was on the show though because I did love watching her and CT. My whole point in all of this is I am just wondering if the Challenge will have an ending like MTV's reality show The Hills/OC. Did yall see that? For example, Kristen Callavari was a jerk on that show, but is she really a jerk in real life? Did she ever really like Brody and Ricky Bobby or was that for the show and she was in love with Jay Cutler in real life.
I still think Diem was a breath of fresh air, but some of the stuff that People has been reporting has me questioning things. I hate that she had to fight this terrible disease for almost 10 years and I know that that fight was very hard and very real.
I don't think it's the fact they revealed the truth but rather how they revealed it. People Magazine bascially invented celebrity ass-kissing. That's why so many celebrities do exclusives with them; they'll keep out of all the dirty details in exchange for some puff piece. Whereas, UsWeekly and TMZ have inside connections so they don't have to pander so much. These are the same people who lie for the Kardashians every week and countless other celebs. You're telling me they just couldn't say "Screw it! She wanted to be 32 so let her be 32"?
I understand your perspective and you're not totally wrong but still it seemed like they back Diem's family into a corner and made them confirm this in their time of grieving, which I think is the most offenseive thing about this story.
I don't think it's the fact they revealed the truth but rather how they revealed it. People Magazine bascially invented celebrity ass-kissing. That's why so many celebrities do exclusives with them; they'll keep out of all the dirty details in exchange for some puff piece. Whereas, UsWeekly and TMZ have inside connections so they don't have to pander so much. These are the same people who lie for the Kardashians every week and countless other celebs. You're telling me they just couldn't say "Screw it! She wanted to be 32 so let her be 32"?
I understand your perspective and you're not totally wrong but still it seemed like they back Diem's family into a corner and made them confirm this in their time of grieving, which I think is the most offenseive thing about this story.
It was more important to them to be "right". They lost sight of the fact that is was neither the time nor the place to focus on petty details.
That age thing doesn't bother me a bit, but I do find People's treatment of the topic as tacky as anything. My biggest issue is that they couldn't just write the age as 32 in the first place. Then we have not only the author's note tacked on to the end of the original article, but an entire story dedicated to the topic days later. All of the information we received about Diem seemed to be meticulously crafted by Diem herself, beautifully and courageously done, and rightfully so, all the way down to the release of her final photos (which taught me more about gratitude for my life than I ever expected to learn in the past two weeks). And then we come down to this.
I feel weird for her sister having to issue that statement. I mean, I tried to shave like three years off my age so I could reclaim the time I wasted in graduate school. For Megan to have to take the time to justify what was basically a professional decision born from horrible circumstances, especially to a member of Diem's own supposed faction (People), that's just ridiculous.
On another note, I have been asking myself why in the world it matters to me whether she and CT were together. I've realized that it's just because I want to know that she was happy. She was strong, beautiful, and intelligent, and I'd like to think that in the past year, she felt that she got it right. It's just that simple. Diem looked radiant the past year (and a half), and CT so polished and refined (for him). I hope that it was a year that brought the very best out of both of them.
That age thing doesn't bother me a bit, but I do find People's treatment of the topic as tacky as anything. My biggest issue is that they couldn't just write the age as 32 in the first place. Then we have not only the author's note tacked on to the end of the original article, but an entire story dedicated to the topic days later. All of the information we received about Diem seemed to be meticulously crafted by Diem herself, beautifully and courageously done, and rightfully so, all the way down to the release of her final photos (which taught me more about gratitude for my life than I ever expected to learn in the past two weeks). And then we come down to this.
I feel weird for her sister having to issue that statement. I mean, I tried to shave like three years off my age so I could reclaim the time I wasted in graduate school. For Megan to have to take the time to justify what was basically a professional decision born from horrible circumstances, especially to a member of Diem's own supposed faction (People), that's just ridiculous.
On another note, I have been asking myself why in the world it matters to me whether she and CT were together. I've realized that it's just because I want to know that she was happy. She was strong, beautiful, and intelligent, and I'd like to think that in the past year, she felt that she got it right. It's just that simple. Diem looked radiant the past year (and a half), and CT so polished and refined (for him). I hope that it was a year that brought the very best out of both of them.
In my own way, I have been thinking about the same thing. It seems we may never really know what their titlle was in Diem's final days. Tere are so many conflicting stories and reports but, the bottom line is they played a majore part in each other's lives. Ialso hoped that she was happy. I hope that the two of them were able to finally forgive each other reconstruct theiir friendship. I hope they had no hard feelings and that they were able to say what they needed to say to each other. It just seems so sad to think that now she is gone and maybe things were left unresolved.
I wonder if we will see a change in CT from now on.
I don't see how he could do another challenge. If he loves her as much as we all think I would think it would be way too hard without her there. Too many memories.. Not to mention everyone would crucify him if he got with another woman.
I don't see how e could do another challenge. If he loves her as much as we all think I would think it would be way too hard without her there. Too many memories.. Not to mention everyone would crucify him if he got with another woman.
I think it is in CT's best interest to not do another challenge. I agree he will get crucified if he got with another girl or even flirted with someone. He is better off moving on from it since it will bring up too many memories plus the fans with probably go crazy over what he does.
Maybe I should take my posts over to unpopular opinions because I appreciate the fact that People reported the truth. I appreciate facts and honesty. I still think she was so fun and had such a great personality. However, I also was shocked to see that her name was Danielle rather than Diem. I knew CT was short for Chris Tamburello, but had no idea that hers was short for another name too. I think she was very good at hiding both her age and name. Does MTV not check birth certificates/ I mean these people are competing for a lot of money. I would think it would be unfair if they were allowing people that didn't meet their criteria on the show. I am glad she was on the show though because I did love watching her and CT. My whole point in all of this is I am just wondering if the Challenge will have an ending like MTV's reality show The Hills/OC. Did yall see that? For example, Kristen Callavari was a jerk on that show, but is she really a jerk in real life? Did she ever really like Brody and Ricky Bobby or was that for the show and she was in love with Jay Cutler in real life.
I still think she was a breath of fresh air, but some of the stuff that People has been reporting has me questioning things. I hate that she had to fight this terrible disease for almost 10 years and I know that that fight was very hard and very real.
LOL... I was just thinking the same thing, I may need to re-locate over there as well. "Diem (or should I say Danielle) can be any age she wants" - ummm no she can't, there is a day and a year you are born and thats how it works. If she was lying on contracts and stuff, thats a whole seperate falseifying documents issue which is irrelevant at this point. I actually find the family putting a false yr on the funeral program screwed up. But yes, People wanted to drive the point home that they were right and the fans were wrong. It was as stupid as the CT article.
Now I gotta go, I decided Id like to relive part of my 20's so I was no longer born in 1982, its now 1989. Peace.
Go screw yourself. Yes, some people are "robbed" earlier in life, but just beacuse she wasn't the age of a toddler when she passed, doesn't mean that she lived the full life that she wanted to live. Ask Diem where she'd wanna be. ***, the girl was hanging on to the very last second.
I don't believe you understand the gravity of death unless it hits close to home and you seem to lack a sensitivity chip.
This was it. This was all she got and she was short changed a few decades. You, on the other hand, are still sucking up air here.
Why did people even have to dig this up? She said she was born in 82 so that's obviously what she wanted her age to be. Her family put it on her program to honor her wishes. Diem was robbed of everything in life, the one thing she could have is the age she chose. Did it matter that she lied about her age? Do they feel like they've solved some sort of crazy mystery? How classeless and untactful. They had no reason to go digging around as if they can finally expose Diem. She worked for them for years. If they really wanted her true age why didn't they find it when she was still with us.
This and the CT article are just stupid. How tactless of them to write such click-baity stories. I thank them for giving Diem a platform and updating us on her status but when it comes down to it, they're just a tabloid, ready to exploit whomever for some clicks. I wish Diem could have shared her story with Vogue or Time or USA Today.
I've always been under the impression she was born in 1980 but I don't care if her and her family claim 1982. I also have no problem with anyone reporting she was born in 1980. It seems she was.
Despite everything Diem had a better life than many. I hate seeing people claim that she was somehow robbed of everything. There's a lot of people in this world that would trade everything in a longer life to have what she had in her 30+ years.
So.. Shouldn't you be mad at MTV? I mean they are the ones who set an age limit. Who cares what age they are?? Apparently MTV did at the time. When did she decide to change her age?? When she applied or had she done it before? I am sure other cast members have done it as well.. Especially if they weren't checking to verify. I don't think anyone disagrees that she got short changed in life. She absolutely did, and seemed to be such a beautiful soul. She also got screwed bc she went through chemo 3 times and fought this for 10 years which is just extremely unjust. There is much on the show that I am sure we just don't know about. I was shocked on her blog to read that cast members steal other cast member's prescription drugs and she was worried that her steroids and chemo pills would get stolen. Call me naive but I thought that cast members just drank heavily on challenges.. Didn't realize illegal drug use is also involved.
Never knew Diem personally, but can't describe how in shock I am.
Before she passed I was viewing some pics of her from January of this year until July/August and you see that she lost a lil' weight. Her collarbones were more prominent and her face was skinner. Awful, awful disease.
I pray she's at peace. She was such a wonderful soul.
You're correct she was wonderful, not a saint (side eye anyone - lol)... but certainly put forth the effort to be better than most. She had a generous heart (even toward people who were nasty to her), thoughtful & kind spirit that was always looking for a way to further MedGift to help others. Would constantly reach out to strangers who would tweet her randomly - I was just told I need a biopsy and I'm scared, mt husband (wife, child parent, friend) was diagnosed and I don't know what to do... anything she could do to make them feel more at ease or to help them find resources she would... Many of you seem to have lost sight of the point here - her personal life isn't ours, who cares how old she was? (And fyi, not fraudulent as on her 1st season in 2005 they show on screen DIEM 25 do the math <-- so MTV knew how old she was) The point is it was handled poorly by People, and then because of backlash they had to prove how "right" they were! Well I guess they taught her a lesson didn't they... because now everything is being questioned... I don't understand it. Same girl today as 10 days ago when she passed except now you know Diem is her nickname not her given name - she didn't say it was. And her public persona didn't have the correct birthdate - yikes - should all her work be diminished because of this? Thank you Cali for being a singular voice that still seems to like her. Just a few days ago they couldn't hold back the tears, now everyone seems so angry...
Well Diem I for one loved you then, now & always and I miss you making me laugh terribly!
I want to "like" semisweet's post but no way to do it, so this post is my like, lol. Don't have much to add and I'm usually very wordy so don't know what is going on with me, lol.
how long was she on this last challenge before she had to leave? like how many challenges did she get to do?
I think she got to do one or two but I know she was not there long.
They left to film Aug 5/6 and her first surgery was the 17th. CT was spotted on a plane to NYC the 18th.
I am sure we'll find out more of the pieces when it airs like why he originally stayed, if he knew, etc. As someone mentioned before his contract or them making him do interviews etc could have been a factor. I did hear they originally thought she was having an allergic reaction to something.
Karisa, I think you probably covered what everyone has thought or been thinking in this message. I'm at peace with this: Diem knew what she knew each time she had to make a decision: to preserve her fertility, to harvest eggs, to do chemo lite before and chemo heavy after, to do another Challenge, to keep her relationship w/Chris private and all of the other 10 million decisions she made leading up to her untimely passing on the 14th. My respect for her work and her life accomplishments is immeasurable and my affection for her as a person grows every day. My wish is that she will continue to lead the charge in heaven for a way to help those with cancer on earth and that she will continue to be that beacon of hope for those who are facing an untenable situation, be it physical or mental.
Well said. I hate when people are posting that she probably went on the Challenge for CT. In no way should her decision to go on the Challenge with cancer be linked to him. It is not fair. As Nancy said above, Diem made every decision in her life right up to the very end. Questioning her choices is just part of the grieving process - sad, angry, sometimes happy when thinking of good times etc. The fact that she documented her struggles with cancer and the choices she made will help SO many people. I hope People never takes them down because her blogs will help so many in the future. Medgift will also continue to help tons of families. She was a bold, fearless fighter until the very end.
I think Diem/CT only did one challenge and then left. The first challenge had to do with peanut butter and they thought she was having an allergic reaction to it. I have no idea CT orginally stayed though.
I juts got the People magazine and it says that Diem found out the cancer had returned in July.
It finally let me watch that interview and you could just see the sadness in her eyes that she knew this was more serious than the past two times. It was so hard to watch. Heartbreaking.
Is the magazine worth getting? I was irritated with their article about Ct and Diem not being together hrs after his post. But prior to that I had been enjoying their articles.
It seems though that she didn't know she had colon cancer...they didnt find that until they actually went in. So, which cancer returned..uterine?
lets not forget that she was on fresh meat with cancer...I don't think she had treatment for that until she returned.
I don't think anyone knew how agressive the cancer she was getting was...and when i say that I mean her and friends and doctors...
people has a new article about diems age...meaghan said she was born in 1980
which I think makes sense because i think when she was on freshmeat it said she was 25.
Honestly I don't care that she lied about her age, especially with the reason given...i don't think its a big deal.
Why did people even have to dig this up? She said she was born in 82 so that's obviously what she wanted her age to be. Her family put it on her program to honor her wishes. Diem was robbed of everything in life, the one thing she could have is the age she chose. Did it matter that she lied about her age? Do they feel like they've solved some sort of crazy mystery? How classeless and untactful. They had no reason to go digging around as if they can finally expose Diem. She worked for them for years. If they really wanted her true age why didn't they find it when she was still with us.
This and the CT article are just stupid. How tactless of them to write such click-baity stories. I thank them for giving Diem a platform and updating us on her status but when it comes down to it, they're just a tabloid, ready to exploit whomever for some clicks. I wish Diem could have shared her story with Vogue or Time or USA Today.
Not really. It repeats a lot. But there is a very cute story Meagn told. She said that Diem had been sleeping for hours and all of her family and friends were just sitting around her sharing memories. Diem's brother told a story about how him and Diem would sneak up on each other with cameras to try to snap a picture of how bad the other looked in the morning. Then, without opening her eyes, Diem responded, "I never look bad" LOL....And they all thought she was sleeping!
I cant wait for her special. I miss seeing her tweets on twitter...
Never knew Diem personally, but can't describe how in shock I am.
Before she passed I was viewing some pics of her from January of this year until July/August and you see that she lost a lil' weight. Her collarbones were more prominent and her face was skinner. Awful, awful disease.
I pray she's at peace. She was such a wonderful soul.
I've always been under the impression she was born in 1980 but I don't care if her and her family claim 1982. I also have no problem with anyone reporting she was born in 1980. It seems she was.
Despite everything Diem had a better life than many. I hate seeing people claim that she was somehow robbed of everything. There's a lot of people in this world that would trade everything in a longer life to have what she had in her 30+ years.
Me too! Twitter seems different now without her posts. I hope MTV honors her the way she deserves to be honored!
Maybe I should take my posts over to unpopular opinions because I appreciate the fact that People reported the truth. I appreciate facts and honesty. I still think she was so fun and had such a great personality. However, I also was shocked to see that her name was Danielle rather than Diem. I knew CT was short for Chris Tamburello, but had no idea that hers was short for another name too. I think she was very good at hiding both her age and name. Does MTV not check birth certificates/ I mean these people are competing for a lot of money. I would think it would be unfair if they were allowing people that didn't meet their criteria on the show. I am glad she was on the show though because I did love watching her and CT. My whole point in all of this is I am just wondering if the Challenge will have an ending like MTV's reality show The Hills/OC. Did yall see that? For example, Kristen Callavari was a jerk on that show, but is she really a jerk in real life? Did she ever really like Brody and Ricky Bobby or was that for the show and she was in love with Jay Cutler in real life.
I still think Diem was a breath of fresh air, but some of the stuff that People has been reporting has me questioning things. I hate that she had to fight this terrible disease for almost 10 years and I know that that fight was very hard and very real.
I don't think it's the fact they revealed the truth but rather how they revealed it. People Magazine bascially invented celebrity ass-kissing. That's why so many celebrities do exclusives with them; they'll keep out of all the dirty details in exchange for some puff piece. Whereas, UsWeekly and TMZ have inside connections so they don't have to pander so much. These are the same people who lie for the Kardashians every week and countless other celebs. You're telling me they just couldn't say "Screw it! She wanted to be 32 so let her be 32"?
I understand your perspective and you're not totally wrong but still it seemed like they back Diem's family into a corner and made them confirm this in their time of grieving, which I think is the most offenseive thing about this story.
It was more important to them to be "right". They lost sight of the fact that is was neither the time nor the place to focus on petty details.
That age thing doesn't bother me a bit, but I do find People's treatment of the topic as tacky as anything. My biggest issue is that they couldn't just write the age as 32 in the first place. Then we have not only the author's note tacked on to the end of the original article, but an entire story dedicated to the topic days later. All of the information we received about Diem seemed to be meticulously crafted by Diem herself, beautifully and courageously done, and rightfully so, all the way down to the release of her final photos (which taught me more about gratitude for my life than I ever expected to learn in the past two weeks). And then we come down to this.
I feel weird for her sister having to issue that statement. I mean, I tried to shave like three years off my age so I could reclaim the time I wasted in graduate school. For Megan to have to take the time to justify what was basically a professional decision born from horrible circumstances, especially to a member of Diem's own supposed faction (People), that's just ridiculous.
On another note, I have been asking myself why in the world it matters to me whether she and CT were together. I've realized that it's just because I want to know that she was happy. She was strong, beautiful, and intelligent, and I'd like to think that in the past year, she felt that she got it right. It's just that simple. Diem looked radiant the past year (and a half), and CT so polished and refined (for him). I hope that it was a year that brought the very best out of both of them.
Age is nothing but an unimportant number. *****************. Case closed.
In my own way, I have been thinking about the same thing. It seems we may never really know what their titlle was in Diem's final days. Tere are so many conflicting stories and reports but, the bottom line is they played a majore part in each other's lives. Ialso hoped that she was happy. I hope that the two of them were able to finally forgive each other reconstruct theiir friendship. I hope they had no hard feelings and that they were able to say what they needed to say to each other. It just seems so sad to think that now she is gone and maybe things were left unresolved.
I wonder if we will see a change in CT from now on.
I don't see how he could do another challenge. If he loves her as much as we all think I would think it would be way too hard without her there. Too many memories.. Not to mention everyone would crucify him if he got with another woman.
I think it is in CT's best interest to not do another challenge. I agree he will get crucified if he got with another girl or even flirted with someone. He is better off moving on from it since it will bring up too many memories plus the fans with probably go crazy over what he does.
LOL... I was just thinking the same thing, I may need to re-locate over there as well. "Diem (or should I say Danielle) can be any age she wants" - ummm no she can't, there is a day and a year you are born and thats how it works. If she was lying on contracts and stuff, thats a whole seperate falseifying documents issue which is irrelevant at this point. I actually find the family putting a false yr on the funeral program screwed up. But yes, People wanted to drive the point home that they were right and the fans were wrong. It was as stupid as the CT article.
Now I gotta go, I decided Id like to relive part of my 20's so I was no longer born in 1982, its now 1989. Peace.
Go screw yourself. Yes, some people are "robbed" earlier in life, but just beacuse she wasn't the age of a toddler when she passed, doesn't mean that she lived the full life that she wanted to live. Ask Diem where she'd wanna be. ***, the girl was hanging on to the very last second.
I don't believe you understand the gravity of death unless it hits close to home and you seem to lack a sensitivity chip.
This was it. This was all she got and she was short changed a few decades. You, on the other hand, are still sucking up air here.
So.. Shouldn't you be mad at MTV? I mean they are the ones who set an age limit. Who cares what age they are?? Apparently MTV did at the time. When did she decide to change her age?? When she applied or had she done it before? I am sure other cast members have done it as well.. Especially if they weren't checking to verify. I don't think anyone disagrees that she got short changed in life. She absolutely did, and seemed to be such a beautiful soul. She also got screwed bc she went through chemo 3 times and fought this for 10 years which is just extremely unjust. There is much on the show that I am sure we just don't know about. I was shocked on her blog to read that cast members steal other cast member's prescription drugs and she was worried that her steroids and chemo pills would get stolen. Call me naive but I thought that cast members just drank heavily on challenges.. Didn't realize illegal drug use is also involved.
You're correct she was wonderful, not a saint (side eye anyone - lol)... but certainly put forth the effort to be better than most. She had a generous heart (even toward people who were nasty to her), thoughtful & kind spirit that was always looking for a way to further MedGift to help others. Would constantly reach out to strangers who would tweet her randomly - I was just told I need a biopsy and I'm scared, mt husband (wife, child parent, friend) was diagnosed and I don't know what to do... anything she could do to make them feel more at ease or to help them find resources she would...
Just a few days ago they couldn't hold back the tears, now everyone seems so angry...
Many of you seem to have lost sight of the point here - her personal life isn't ours, who cares how old she was? (And fyi, not fraudulent as on her 1st season in 2005 they show on screen DIEM 25 do the math <-- so MTV knew how old she was) The point is it was handled poorly by People, and then because of backlash they had to prove how "right" they were! Well I guess they taught her a lesson didn't they... because now everything is being questioned... I don't understand it. Same girl today as 10 days ago when she passed except now you know Diem is her nickname not her given name - she didn't say it was. And her public persona didn't have the correct birthdate - yikes - should all her work be diminished because of this?
Thank you Cali for being a singular voice that still seems to like her.
Well Diem I for one loved you then, now & always and I miss you making me laugh terribly!
I want to "like" semisweet's post but no way to do it, so this post is my like, lol. Don't have much to add and I'm usually very wordy so don't know what is going on with me, lol.