Eleven teams start in New York City's Times Square, where they learn that the team who wins the first leg of the race will receive "The Save," a possibly game changing element that allows them to rescue themselves if they finish last on a future leg and face elimination.
I'm pumped for this
Definitely rooting for the soul surfers!!! Love bethany
... hate the dentists.. too much cockiness, and their teeth are blinding. Happy the karma******* left first lmao
The male dentist creeps me out so much lol.
I'm glad the realtors got what was coming to them, you can't play dirty and expect nothing to happen to you. Plus they were pathetic in the road block, she was swimming in the sand lol
Does this season look promising from the first episode? The last amazing race I watched fully was Season 21. I feel like this show is on it's last breath especially since they changed it to airing Friday nights.
Honestly its much better on Friday IMO no more stupid delays for golf or basketball
I really enjoyed the premiere. This cast is giving me Survivor Cagayan vibes. I feel this will be a good season, anything is better than last season actually.
I've always loved this show in general and I have no major complaints (yet) about the cast. I'm also more than fine with who got eliminated. At this very early stage, my wishes for the Final 3 are: the surfers, the mother and daughter, and the scientists. I'm not a huge fan of the Save card because it guarantees that the team who received it can take their time and just mosey through the first 9 legs without the risk of being eliminated, which kind of defeats the purpose of being in a RACE! But I'll wait and see how it plays out and I might end up liking it.
Maybe it's just me, but I like when they travel far away from Americ like Europe or South America, not the Virgin Islands.
I like it because its a new location instead of them going to China for the millionth time.
My money is on millionth plus one!! They ALWAYS go to China or other parts of Asia and usually stay there for 2 or 3 episodes. I prefer countries like Switzerland, Scotland, Ireland, and Austria. I don't know if the race has ever gone to Monaco but that would be great too.
I loved how the week one karma train played out and I don't think anyone is going to miss the
bimbosrealtors.That boat task seems so hard
Before the show I thought they might be calendar material; but, the sun apparently rises in the West, so what do I know...
My favorite teams right now are Keith & Whitney, Adam & Bethany and Michael & Scott.
Lol at the girl just peeing in the river
I loved the reactions of the guys in the other boat when she was doing that! My favorites are still Adam/Bethany, Shelley/Nici, and the scientists (their names escape me at the moment because they've been almost invisible up to now).
**I'm editing my post because I remembered the scientists' names... Amy and Maya. I still don't know which one is which but I do know their names now.
Helloooooo (echo). Anyone out there? Does anyone else know that the show is on Fridays now? Does anyone besides me care? Guess not.
I do.. but i'm so used to it being on sunday i always forget its on
I do but I was out on Friday and just watched it today.
I'm sad the firefighters went home but that's what they get for asking a people in a bar for historical information.
I like the cyclists now, that scene of them with the ducks was hilarious
OMG fml i hate the dentist couple on TAR so much... they are freaking killing me!!! finally a chance to get rid of their save pass and put them on the same level as everyone else... and its a non ELIM... ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! **** THEMMMMM hahaha
good ep though... was scared for me #1 team (surfersss)
I do too, Phill should have took the save anyway.
I like pretty much everyone this season but the dentists and Tim & TJ.
[/quote] I do too, Phill should have took the save anyway. I like pretty much everyone this season but the dentists and Tim & TJ.[/quote]
Agree 100%! (With all of it)
I'm a big fan of the cyclists now, they have fun with the race unlike so many people who go on it and just fight. I love how they stopped to eat cookies and party at the pub instead of camping out
Decided to watch this season and I'm actually liking it. I thought it was super dumb of Shelley and Nici to U turn Keith and Whitney when the dentists had the save still. Now the dentists are practically guaranteed in the final 3.
Yeah I don't like this whole "save" business... the express pass was a lot more fair than this shit... please do not include it in future races. Did i mention I hate the dentists? haha
The cyclists are my favorites I love how funny they are
but would we hate it if it was given to say, bethany/adam or the cyclists?
yes, i'll hate it nonetheless... its a free pass through an episode... we already have non-elim legs for that (case in point the fact that the dentists got to keep their save on the non-elim leg... basically giving them a guaranteed 2 non elim legs total)... at least with the express pass you could still potentially come in last and leave any leg... it was only worth the price of one of their challenges (which there are generally 2-3 of in an episode)
so far my favourite season locations-wise.. my least favourite season cast-wise (except cyclists & surfers lol)
I love both of those teams. The wrestlers make me laugh and I liked Keith & Whitney.
Also anyone else notice how funny the food scientist runs?