So #TGIT... Shondaland is back, and it's back in full force!!! The highlight of the thursday premiere pack was this new gem... How To Get Away With Murder. Essentially a prodecural law drama set in a university where everyone has a secret and kids kill people because why not? Murder is fun... and getting away with it is even better! haha j/k... but seriously, some crazy shit went down and it is already fast becoming tv's biggest addiction yet!! The amazing Viola Davis leads a strong cast of law students who each have their fair share of personal dramas... lots of scandal and lots of intrigue... and with the way the premiere ended, you will be buckled into your seat to see how it all unfolds over the next few months!!!
Damn!! I knew I was forgetting about something last night. I'll probably watch it online in a bit, it is worthwhile though?
Loved it!!
It is AWESOME!!! Definitely came out swinging with the series opener lmao
Honestly my expectations for the show were really low, but damn, it was really really good. Viola Davis was beyond amazing.
Loved the pilot!! That ending though. This is going to be one wild ride!
How to Get Away with Murder 1x02 Promo "It’s All Her Fault" (HD) / This Season
I'm defintiely hooked
Like I said elsewhere, thi9s is going to be one trippy ride.
Anyone up to date with #HowToGetAwayWithAHashtagThisLongIsBeyondMe ... I mean How to Get Away with Murder haha
Can I just restate how AWESOME this show is!!! Like YAAAASSS (that is the first time I have ever used that, but it is entirely appropriate). I was really confused when they started showing the flashforwards all over again... was pretty annoyed cause im like "we've already seen this!!! ughhhh"... but the new bits of info are very veryyyy interesting... how Wes just slyly lied about the heads/tails (um why would no one else look?)... the throwaway phone... who's on the other end!!?? Its Keating! No Its the Blonde TA!! NO its the neigbour???? whaaaaaaaat????? AND she's hooking up with WES? Wait what did she do? how is she involved in the profs murder? Surely she didn't kill him, they wouldn't reveal that this early. But Wes is protecting her.. maybe she was set up. OMG THIS IS TOO MUCH!!! Back in present day, the case they had was pretty cool... definitely didn't think about the daughter being the killer when it was there in plain sight the whole time lmaoo ****it i'm so slow haha. Kinda awesome how Keating can just get away with her clients murder so easily (even though he admitted to killing someone they cant convict him twice!! double jeopardy! haha). The rivalry between Connor and Michaela is hilarious! And I am all for the steamy Connor sex scenes (even if he is using the IT guy... but IT guy is fully aware of it haha come on
This might be a decent show if it weren't for the way it is edited to tell the story. Frankly, I don't enjoy working so hard to be entertained. We gave it two weeks and now will probably give our Neilsen "vote" to another show next week.
Sorry but the Neilsen ratings are bullshit anyway. This show is strongly appeasing. Plus its episode 2 there's more to it than meets the eye. Plus is headed a very talented African-American female so that's another plus. Now if you were to say Mysteries of Laura or Bad Judge, black/ish or that ******* A to Z series then I'm down with you.
However, V1, I do think people are watching just because of the title itself. Then there's that Virgin show on the CW which will also have people peeking (though I don't understand why one bit)to see if its good. I will be tuning out obviously as I can't stand theCW
You are not alone in your opinion of the Nielsens; however, they remain the industry gold standard with advertisers as invested as ever in the numbers. ***** about them all you want, I have a vote and most others don't.
I watched two episodes because of the interesting cast. It's the horrible edit that lost me. (As an occasional editor myself, I see many ways this could have been such a better show and appeal to my artistic taste; but, I'm simply expressing my personal opinion.)
As for the other shows you listed, haven't watched a minute of any of them. I'm rather selective about how little TV I watch.
As for the attaction of show titles, two words: "Dating Naked."
So I finally watched the first two episodes of this. OMG! I love it! It is so scandalous and I really enjoy the cast! Wes is ******* gorgeous. Like wow I want to marry that kid! I was dying when the client who killed his wife told his daughter that her and Wes would make cute children. #mixedbabies.
Shonda handled that with pure grace and elegance. #Boss.
"Why is your ***** on a dead girls' phone?"
Ba-BAM!! Now we're talking. It took me a few weeks to warm up to this show, but I'm all in now!
That is amazing. I really need to catch up on this show, loved episode 1, not sure why I stopped!
I'm all in for HTGAWM But the shonda ***** needs to come correct. I don't like her attitude. And Yeah didn't have to kill Harrison.
Anyway, I'll watch it this week to see if its slightly more intriguing but I feel this might not last.
Men calling women******* is a no-no and rude. Plus Harrison did have to die. Colombus almost killed his wife. He needs to get help.
Omfgggggg this show is soooooooo gooood!!!! I hate when it ends
That reminds me! I was supposed to get caught up on this... Guess it slipped my mind
this show is such a guilty pleasure... love all the twists and turns... and then end of this weeks ep!! yessss hahaha awesome... still so many questions though
I am in LOVE with this show! It's replaced Scandal as my Thursday guilty pleasure. Viola is a powerhouse. It's a shame Hollywood doesn't give her better role becase she can act circles around half of these actresses.
I wonder what's going on with Annalise's attorney assistant and her husband?? They seemed to imply that she protected him for some reason.
So I got a free month of hulu and forced my mom to watch the pilot.
Tell me why 20 minutes s in, she claims that the show is stupid. Wtf? When, IN FACT, she is the... not so smart one... who didn't understand flashbacks?
She was thinking the students killed Lila. And Lila was the body in the rug. Smh. #I can't with my mom.
I was like HOW do you not like this!??!!??!!!!
She watched episodes 2 and 3, now she's hooked. And all pissed off that she missed last nights episode. Tee hee.
Damn that reminds me I need to watch last night's episode sometime today, so I am all caught up. Hopefully it was good.
Anyone have any theories on which one of them actually killed Sam & who they are covering the murder up for?
I think Rebecca killed that girl & is playing everyone getting them to do her dirty work. Last time I checked drug dealers weren't reliable sources & are really good at lying. Probably had one of them kill Sam in her defense as well.
THAT MIDSEASON FINALE THOUGH!!!! HOLY SHIT WHAT AN EPISODE... the one we have all been waiting for was definitely not a let down... and that ending??? did NOT see that coming
gahhh gonna be a long break till the end of January
How did you watch it already? Its on here currently.
Its online two hours before it airs where i am too lol... it must air on some channel really early... i dont have a tv in my uni house so i just stream it
Oh ic that's cool then, so it was really good?