True Blood: Series Finale

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True Blood: Series Finale
If we all just don't watch it tonight, it can't end, right? I understand that it's time for the series to end, I do. But still, can a girl just have a good cry about it? [ATTACH]6967[/ATTACH] [B][SIZE=3]Join me tonight in raising a glass to our friends in Bon Temps.[/SIZE][/B]
I'm a season and a half behind, lol.
True Blood ended for me a long time ago, I haven't watched since season 4 (I miss 1 & 2, they were so good)! Let me know if the finale is worthwhile, then I may go back and finish it.
Anonymous's picture
[SIZE=5][/SIZE][SIZE=5][/SIZE][QUOTE=LurkerNoMore;460980][B]True Blood ended for me a long time ago[/B], I haven't watched since season 4 (I miss 1 & 2, they were so good)! Let me know if the finale is worthwhile, then I may go back and finish it.[/QUOTE] THIS IS NOT THE THREAD FOR HATE. It's for celebration, and support. ****it. :p
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;461006][SIZE=5][/SIZE][SIZE=5][/SIZE] THIS IS NOT THE THREAD FOR HATE. It's for celebration, and support. ****it. :p[/QUOTE] [ATTACH=CONFIG]6970[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]6971[/ATTACH]
AHHHH Definitely gonna girl cry tonightttt.... I'm totes throwing a True Blood finale party.. red wine and vampire bite cupcakes hahaha Love it!!! I don't care what yall think! :P Gonna miss it soooo much! It had a good long run (maybe too long but who cares lol) and I hope they give the characters a proper send off: a BLOODBATH. hahaha j/k I'm sure it'll be a tearful goodbye [IMG][/IMG] :P
[QUOTE=LurkerNoMore;460980]Let me know if the finale is worthwhile, then I may go back and finish it.[/QUOTE] It's been a very herky-jerky season with forced closure and abrupt wrap ups to multiyear arcs. It's like the writers were given a giant list of things at the beginning of the season and they are just going through and checking them off, be ****** if it is good television or makes any sense at all. The way they set up the finale, I'm already disappointed - which is an appropriately low bar for a series that always had promise, but never came through.
I just can't get over Billith...that's where I stopped watching. I think it's good the show is coming to an end and I know I will eventually go back and see it end, but just not now.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=202mitch;461037]AHHHH Definitely gonna girl cry tonightttt.... I'm totes throwing a True Blood finale party.. red wine and vampire bite cupcakes hahaha Love it!!! I don't care what yall think! :P Gonna miss it soooo much! It had a good long run (maybe too long but who cares lol) and I hope they give the characters a proper send off: a BLOODBATH. hahaha j/k I'm sure it'll be a tearful [/QUOTE] Well I'm glad SOMEONE is with me!
Yeah I went a little True Blood crazy haha... so this happened.. and I have no shame in doing it :P [ATTACH]6975[/ATTACH] It's finally over!!! So sad... bit of an up and down finale.. much like the show itself. I enjoyed it thoroughly and I am happy I made it through all 7 seasons! haha True to the Last Drop... Goodbyes truly suck. (and yes, that is totally some pinot noir haha... yummy!!!:))
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=202mitch;461246]Yeah I went a little True Blood crazy haha... so this happened.. and I have no shame in doing it It's finally over!!! So sad... bit of an up and down finale.. much like the show itself. I enjoyed it thoroughly and I am happy I made it through all 7 seasons! haha True to the Last Drop... Goodbyes truly suck. (and yes, that is totally some pinot noir haha... yummy!!!:))[/QUOTE] Looks like an awesome party, Mitch! No parties for me but I've been commiserating with my Trubie friends through texts tonight.
Despite not watching, I'm still going to miss Lafayette. Nelsan Ellis is one hell of an actor, he never failed to bring a smile to my face, he was HILARIOUS! Please tell me the finale did his character justice.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=LurkerNoMore;461306]Despite not watching, I'm still going to miss Lafayette. Nelsan Ellis is one hell of an actor, he never failed to bring a smile to my face, he was HILARIOUS! Please tell me the finale did his character justice.[/QUOTE] [Spoiler] He actually wasn't in the episode at all :( [/spoiler]
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;461475][Spoiler] He actually wasn't in the episode at all :( [/spoiler][/QUOTE] In that case...
Anonymous's picture
In the interest of being [I]completely honest[/I], I have to say, I wasn't into the finale. Overall, I thought it was actually [strike]kinda[/strike], REALLY corny. I'm not sure what they could've done to make a good ending for a show that's had a 7-year run, but this wasn't it. Spoiler tags for those that are a few seasons behind *cough* [spoiler] But EVERYTHING felt forced. From the Jessica/Hoyt wedding, Sookie "killing" Bill, the flash-forward at the end (Everything is normal now! Complete with babies! And YOU get a kid, and YOU get a kid, and YOU get a kid! Everyone gets kids! -really?) The only somewhat enjoyable part was knowing Eric & Pam came out on top, and doing exactly what they should be doing - shilling Sarah Newland's blood. I would actually love to see a lighthearted spin-off of just Pam & Eric running **** until the end of time.[/spoiler] So there. I'll still recommend the series to anyone (I've been tryng to get my sister to watch it for years). As a whole, even with it's ups and downs, it was different, and enjoyable. It's just a bummer things ended on such a soft note.
Overall I liked the series, but the last half of this season was a wash with the finale just meeting or falling below expectations, which were in line with the joy watching paint dry or filing taxes... [spoiler]The finale was absurd, heavy handed and devoid of logic. From Hoyt inexplicably making Jason his best man after knowing him for a day (and getting into a one sided fist fight) to Bill wanting Jessica to be happily married to a human even though he was dying because he thought that kind happiness was an impossibility. This episode was filled with mind numbing cliche and resolute failure. As soon as I heard wedding, I knew it was going to be a long hour. However, even the wedding did not prove to be more of a dragging, time dilation field than the agonizing Sookie/Bill melodrama which transpired at the speed of an arctic slug in molasses fighting a headwind. The happily ever after in the future ending, highlighted and hour plus of a lackluster, cowardly writing and that will surely serve as a manual of style to future series finales without passion or vision. The only redeeming part of the finale in my opinion was the Eric/Pam subplot as it was, serious yet whimsical in vintage True Blood style - unlike the weepy Sookie/Bill schmaltz that infected the last half of the season. [/spoiler]