[QUOTE=auldx;454785]And now they want to backdoor/get rid of Frankie next week[/QUOTE]
Of course they do--of course they should. He'd be gone this week if it was at all possible
#RenomRule is trending. Apparently it's a rule stating that you can't tell a potential replacement nominee that they're going up. I've never heard of this rule before. Allegedly it was enforced in BB12 when Brendon told Brit that she was going up. Production then stepped him and Brit was immune. This is coming from the BB fan base on Twitter so I don't know how accurate any of this information is. However, it's pretty interesting. I feel like this rule isn't really enforced that well, if it is.
Anyways, Zach was told he was going up by Frankie so this is the reason why the Renom Rule popped up. This might be the hardcore Zach fans crying out because he's in danger this week. :hopelessness:
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en" xml:lang="en">F&Z are getting along + F was oddly persistent about telling Z. he knows the rules. i think / hope he has something up his sleeve <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/RenomRule?src=hash" rel="nofollow">#RenomRule</a>— Ariana Grande (@ArianaGrande) <a href="https://twitter.com/ArianaGrande/statuses/501264581067431937" rel="nofollow">August 18, 2014</a></blockquote>
[QUOTE=Clarke;455425]#RenomRule is trending. Apparently it's a rule stating that you can't tell a potential replacement nominee that they're going up. I've never heard of this rule before. Allegedly it was enforced in BB12 when Brendon told Brit that she was going up. Production then stepped him and Brit was immune. This is coming from the BB fan base on Twitter so I don't know how accurate any of this information is. However, it's pretty interesting. I feel like this rule isn't really enforced that well, if it is.
Anyways, Zach was told he was going up by Frankie so this is the reason why the Renom Rule popped up. This might be the hardcore Zach fans crying out because he's in danger this week. :hopelessness:
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en" xml:lang="en">F&Z are getting along + F was oddly persistent about telling Z. he knows the rules. i think / hope he has something up his sleeve <a rel="nofollow" href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/RenomRule?src=hash">#RenomRule</a>— Ariana Grande (@ArianaGrande) <a rel="nofollow" href="https://twitter.com/ArianaGrande/statuses/501264581067431937">August 18, 2014</a></blockquote>
so.. backdoor someone else?
[QUOTE=Clarke;455462]Maybe, I'm still not convinced that it's an actual thing though.[/QUOTE]
I've heard of something similar. When Devin was HOH and that night he told everyone but Brittany they were being nominated everyone on Twitter went crazy talking about that rule and how production should have made him change his noms and Ambers. So it is a rule that you can't inform your nominees that they'll be nominated. Jocasta and Devin read it in the rulebook too on the feeds lol. However, as for if that applies to renoms I'm not sure.
[QUOTE=Livewitpeace;455524]I've heard of something similar. When Devin was HOH and that night he told everyone but Brittany they were being nominated everyone on Twitter went crazy talking about that rule and how production should have made him change his noms and Ambers. So it is a rule that you can't inform your nominees that they'll be nominated. Jocasta and Devin read it in the rulebook too on the feeds lol. However, as for if that applies to renoms I'm not sure.[/QUOTE]
I've been following up on this rule a bit more and is it only for footage purposes? Like they can tell that potential nominee just as long as there's footage of the hoh making other suggestions or casting doubt?
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/renomrule?src=hash" rel="nofollow">#renomrule</a> doesn't exist! RT <a href="https://twitter.com/brendonvbb12" rel="nofollow">@brendonvbb12</a>: As far as I know they don't want u saying your noms. Outside the ... <a href="http://t.co/7nXy2NXyrj" rel="nofollow">http://t.co/7nXy2NXyrj</a>— Britney Haynes (@britney_haynes) <a href="https://twitter.com/britney_haynes/statuses/501377904861659139" rel="nofollow">August 18, 2014</a></blockquote>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en" xml:lang="en">As far as I know they don't want u saying your noms. Outside the DR b/c it spoils it for the live show. Not so much a rule as a story thing.— Brendon Villegas (@brendonvbb12) <a href="https://twitter.com/brendonvbb12/statuses/501373530244513792" rel="nofollow">August 18, 2014</a></blockquote>
I guess that ends all speculation haha.
[QUOTE=Livewitpeace;455524]I've heard of something similar. When Devin was HOH and that night he told everyone but Brittany they were being nominated everyone on Twitter went crazy talking about that rule and how production should have made him change his noms and Ambers. So it is a rule that you can't inform your nominees that they'll be nominated. Jocasta and Devin read it in the rulebook too on the feeds lol. However, as for if that applies to renoms I'm not sure.[/QUOTE]
If it is a rule and Frankie is telling him to try & save him that is messed up too so if truly a legit rule there must be some penalty for using it to your advantage...no?
I found it hilarious how so many people thought Frankie was a genius because of this supposed "renom rule". Haha I'm def sad Zach will most likely be leaving. If he comes back I hope he just screws over at least one of the guys.
BigBrotherLeak @BigBrotherLeak 2m
Frankie just hid Christine's slippers in the have-not room. He tells Derrick that production had to film him hiding actual clothing. #BB16
[QUOTE=melm3;455581]I found it hilarious how so many people thought Frankie was a genius because of this supposed "renom rule". Haha I'm def sad Zach will most likely be leaving. If he comes back I hope he just screws over at least one of the guys.[/QUOTE]
I'm excited for any one (except for Jocasta obviously) to come back and disrupt the guys because they were fortunate enough to have smooth/unopposed games. I like to see when the winners have their backs against the wall a few times before they take the whole game.
[QUOTE=melm3;455581]I found it hilarious how so many people thought Frankie was a genius because of this supposed "renom rule". Haha I'm def sad Zach will most likely be leaving. If he comes back I hope he just screws over at least one of the guys.[/QUOTE]
If he comes back he'll target Frankie/Christine which doesn't change anything
Do you guys think it will be a comp to see who goes back in like the past two seasons?
The only person who may go after Derrick is Hayden. Thats a huge maybe. Everyone else will gun for Frankie/Christine.
BigBrotherLeak @BigBrotherLeak · 7h
Caleb says the fans screamed over the yard: "We hate you Beast Mode Cowboy, Zach we love you, and Frankie you're disgusting!" #BB16
Big Brother Updates @BB_Updates · 7h
Victoria to Cody/Christine- I'm giving him (Zach) a signature look and he is ruining my game every single day in this house #BB16 [B]What game??[/B]
Big Brother Updates @BB_Updates · 6h
Caleb hopes he didnt hear correctly that the fan said they hate him. He said he'll go flip their car over for talking to him like that #BB16
BigBrotherLeak @BigBrotherLeak · 6h
Victoria: "Christine! Christine! Grab me a knife now!" Victoria is about to tear the pink hat up. Zach doesn't know it's missing yet. #BB16
[QUOTE=Clarke;456045]I'm excited for any one (except for Jocasta obviously) to come back and disrupt the guys because they were fortunate enough to have smooth/unopposed games. I like to see when the winners have their backs against the wall a few times before they take the whole game.[/QUOTE]
But only one who is playing with any cognitive thought is Derrick - Caleb is playing he just doesn't know he is being played - and really any one of them Derrick could still work with... this really is his to lose! Imo
BigBrotherLeak @BigBrotherLeak 2m
Caleb and Frankie say as soon as they get out of the house, they are going to sign up for The Amazing Race. #BB16
please no. no. no.
[QUOTE=auldx;457900]BigBrotherLeak @BigBrotherLeak 2m
Caleb and Frankie say as soon as they get out of the house, they are going to sign up for The Amazing Race. #BB16
please no. no. no.[/QUOTE]
It'd be nice to not have Frankie on television again. I wonder if production really does love him.
[QUOTE=auldx;457900]BigBrotherLeak @BigBrotherLeak 2m
Caleb and Frankie say as soon as they get out of the house, they are going to sign up for The Amazing Race. #BB16
please no. no. no.[/QUOTE]
Well there goes their Emmys - lol
[QUOTE=Raymond21;458088]I hope either Zach or Hayden re-enter the house tomorrow night and take out Stankie and Chrustine! Derrick's sitting so pretty no matter what....[/QUOTE]
Well Zach's been in the house this long and hasn't done anything... I think with the way Hayden left, if he returned he'd definitely shake up the house. But Zach would probably just try to work with Frank and Derrick again because he's a little punk who doesn't know what he's doing.
I found this on a thread:
"Cody and Victoria are so stupid ... HOW Stupid are they? ... They tried to
alphabetize the m&m's. Then Victoria got confused because she thought they were w&w's. I could freeze frame the video of tonight's challenge and at least figure out that the first electrical board was simple. Just follow a line from one side to the other. Good God they are idiots."
BigBrotherLeak @BigBrotherLeak 31s
Derrick: "I'm super pissed!" Derrick tells Cody/Caleb/Frankie if he sees any of them talking to Nicole alone, he's gonna call them out #BB16
[QUOTE=auldx;459828]BigBrotherLeak @BigBrotherLeak 31s
Derrick: "I'm super pissed!" Derrick tells Cody/Caleb/Frankie if he sees any of them talking to Nicole alone, he's gonna call them out #BB16[/QUOTE]
Here comes paranoid Derrick