The Challenge: Free Agents - Nany Gonzalez

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Way to put up a fight in that final! She impressed me, and I hope she ends up winning one in the future. I love that she ended up with Cohutta, but mad about the Johnny R thing.
Does anyone know if they broke up? There's not many more IG pics of each other of their pages like there were a few weeks ago when he visited her in Buffalo. I sure hope they didn't break up b/c of this challenge.
[QUOTE=realitytvmom;446411]Does anyone know if they broke up? There's not many more IG pics of each other of their pages like there were a few weeks ago when he visited her in Buffalo. I sure hope they didn't break up b/c of this challenge.[/QUOTE] Cohutta visited Nany last week I believe (or two weeks ago). I'm sure they're still together but idk
Cohutta and Nany broke up basically right before she lefts for this challenge. long distance relationships only work for some...
On Nany, Nany - she is certainly set on self-destruct. I don't think she can believe someone like Cohutta [I]really cares[/I] about her. She is too sexy and beautiful for her own good - I am sure she is quite used to men wanting her, using her and treating her like a thing and she buys into it. I don't think she knows how to be more and it is so sad. I think that is how she feels self worth, in who wants her. So many girls in that age group, think sexual equality means I can be just as much of a pig as the guys - well welcome to the world kids... you will still be judged. Cohutta is a rare jewel that was willing to look past that indiscretion and say we weren't together then, but he isn't a doormat. I think she probably ended it because she expects to f*&% it up and thinks it will hurt him less - if she just does it now. I look at her and think poor thing.
That's a shame. I really liked Nany and Cohutta together :(
Wondering who Nany gonna hook up this season (or two-three people)
[QUOTE=kollanekoer;451937]Wondering who Nany gonna hook up this season (or two-three people)[/QUOTE] DO you wonder about the guys who hook up with her? Or is it a feather in their cap?
[QUOTE=Semisweet;451943]DO you wonder about the guys who hook up with her? Or is it a feather in their cap?[/QUOTE] I do not understand that or I am not slutshaming by any means, just I feel like every challenge she hooks up with someone and u can not say this about others. I would never think that if girl hookd up with people she is weird, but if guys they are cool. It id about Nany not gender. Ialso wonder who is Jordans next target
Seems like all these couples just broke up before (like days before) filming this challenge: Cohutta/Nany, Jordan/Laurel, and that explosion duo (Jamie/Tom). Weird that they all stayed together until just days before leaving to film this. Nany and Jordan always find "action" on these challenges, so undoubtedly they will stay true to form on this one too. Maybe they'll find each other ... ;)
[QUOTE=kollanekoer;451947]I do not understand that or I am not slutshaming by any means, just I feel like every challenge she hooks up with someone and u can not say this about others. I would never think that if girl hookd up with people she is weird, but if guys they are cool. It id about Nany not gender. I also wonder who is Jordans next target[/QUOTE] Well that is good - I think a lot of people here are quick to judge her and I don't like it. We won't see it this time (apparently) but "you don't see it with others" seriously" Nia, Emilee, Jasmine (I want d*** & b**** in my face everyday)... (they don't even get drunk to numb their judgment) With Nany I really think she is emotionally damaged and sometimes feel the need to protect her... carry on ;)
[QUOTE=PlatosCave;451952] Nany and Jordan always find "action" on these challenges, so undoubtedly they will stay true to form on this one too. Maybe they'll find each other ... ;)[/QUOTE] Possible but... oh excuse me while I vomit!
[QUOTE=Semisweet;451953]Well that is good - I think a lot of people here are quick to judge her and I don't like it. We won't see it this time (apparently) but "you don't see it with others" seriously" Nia, Emilee, Jasmine (I want d*** & b**** in my face everyday)... (they don't even get drunk to numb their judgment) With Nany I really think she is emotionally damaged and sometimes feel the need to protect her... carry on ;)[/QUOTE] Well a lot of the girls on the show are notorious for coming from broken homes and terrible backgrounds so you should apply that same logic to Nia, Emilee, and Jasmine. I think Nany's a cool chick but this is reality television. If you act a certain way, you will be judge accordingly. It is what it is.
[QUOTE=Semisweet;451502]On Nany, Nany - she is certainly set on self-destruct. I don't think she can believe someone like Cohutta [I]really cares[/I] about her. She is too sexy and beautiful for her own good - I am sure she is quite used to men wanting her, using her and treating her like a thing and she buys into it. I don't think she knows how to be more and it is so sad. I think that is how she feels self worth, in who wants her. So many girls in that age group, think sexual equality means I can be just as much of a pig as the guys - well welcome to the world kids... you will still be judged. Cohutta is a rare jewel that was willing to look past that indiscretion and say we weren't together then, but he isn't a doormat. [B]I think she probably ended it because she expects to f*&% it up and thinks it will hurt him less - if she just does it now. I look at her and think poor thing.[/B][/QUOTE] I agree with you.
I do tend to look at most of the challengers in a more motherly way - worked with physically\sexually abused kids for awhile and if you look at their eyes whenever they are claiming not to care what anyone thinks... the smile never quite reaches their eyes :( Love competition, but am fascination by human nature
[QUOTE=PlatosCave;451952]Seems like all these couples just broke up before (like days before) filming this challenge: Cohutta/Nany, Jordan/Laurel, and that explosion duo (Jamie/Tom). Weird that they all stayed together until just days before leaving to film this. Nany and Jordan always find "action" on these challenges, so undoubtedly they will stay true to form on this one too. Maybe they'll find each other ... ;)[/QUOTE] I really hope Nany and Jordan don't get together. I like that Nany and Laurel are friends now, and I think that might ruin things a little.
nany wouldn't hook up with Jordan or at least I hope not
She won't hook up with Leroy, Dustin, Bananas, Johnny, Wes, Jordan, CT, Zach and Knight. So that leaves Danny, Thomas and Jay. I don't know if Danny has a girlfriend? And I honestly don't think Jay, Danny and Thomas are her type. So I hope she won't hook up with anyone and goes back to Cohutta <3
Jay and Jemmye are a thing so that doesn't really leave anyone for her to hook up with. So I doubt she gets with anyone but hey anything can happen in a challenge house..
[QUOTE=JEKFAN;454154][B]Jay and Jemmye are a thing[/B] so that doesn't really leave anyone for her to hook up with. So I doubt she gets with anyone but hey anything can happen in a challenge house..[/QUOTE] What? Since when. How did I miss that.
[QUOTE=Saloua;454173]What? Since when. How did I miss that.[/QUOTE] Apparently they hooked up and jemmye tweeted like "J hearts J" and Jay tweeted "us over everyone" and Jemmye retweeted it. He also comments on all her Instagram pictures.
[QUOTE=JEKFAN;454176]Apparently they hooked up and jemmye tweeted like "J hearts J" and Jay tweeted "us over everyone" and Jemmye retweeted it. He also comments on all her Instagram pictures.[/QUOTE] Ew gross. Maybe it's a bit mean to say but Jemmye is a downgrade.

Made Theresa Relevant <3 #QUEENNANYCOMETHRU


Forever my favorite.. Miss her!

Theresa wins still like she scored too high for Nany to catch up :/

2 Las Vegas 2 castmembers threads on the first page <3.


Forever my favorite.. Miss her!

WILL come back to claim the championship with Nicole <3
