Big Brother 16 - Spoiler Discussion

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Are we in the third ******* grade?
[QUOTE=RMD1;433124]Are we in the third ******* grade?[/QUOTE] Apparently.
[QUOTE=auldx;433122]Devin- Tell her (Brittany) that I like her. Frankie- Okay, I will #BB16 ohhhboyyy..[/QUOTE] Did he tell her?
[QUOTE=Livewitpeace;433153]Did he tell her?[/QUOTE] not that i know of so far.
I've come to the conclusion that that HOH room houses a virus that plagues the HOH with elementary school, lovesick stalker-tendencies. This is ridiculous. Devin called out Caleb so much for his Amber obsession and now he's doing the [I]exact same thing[/I]. Both fell for girls out of nowhere. Both can't speak for themselves and use Frankie, like children. Both are/will be horribly rejected because their interests think their personalities are awful. Good luck to whoever becomes the next sole HOH. They may catch the disease.
so a little update on the devin-britt (mostly devin-sided) situation; Nicole- Do you trust Devin at all? Brittany- No. I dont trust him. I think he feels for me being a parent but he sees me as a threat #BB16 Brittany to Nicole- Devin is trying to flirt with me and bring me pickles cause he cant bring flowers. Craziest **** I have ever seen #BB16 Brittany to Nicole- He (Devin) brings me pickles. I'm not eating those things. You either poisoned them or stuck them up your butt #BB16 Brit tells Nicole that Devin is now obsessed with her. Brittany: "He brought me pickles earlier because he couldn't bring me flowers." #BB16
It looks like Zach is staying atm -__- but it will probably change 1000000 times before Thursday. Frankie was trying hard to get Zach evicted but he was going to have a hard time securing the votes.
Brittany to Christine- I didnt even know what to say after Devin said he liked me. I'm not going to say "I like you too" cause I dont #BB16 Big Brother Updates ‏@BB_Updates · 42m Christine- That (you) is all he (Devin) talks about now. Brittany- I was sitting there on the couch and he kept trying to get closer #BB16
Why did Devin nominate Zach as a replacement nomination does he not trust Zach or does he not trust Paola?
Yeah there's a lot of scheming going on for week 2. Thursday should be a great day! :)
Christine or Derrick are my picks to win, based off of what we have seen. Frankie was great, but damn his game got blown up these last few days and I don't think Nicole is really anything special just yet. Hiwever, we have seen more gaming these 2 weeks than the entirety of BB15.
Devin exposed the bomb squad to Britt/Jocasta, everyone's pissed at him but wants Caleb out first. and 99% Paola is gone So much drama last night!
[url=]BB16 Day 19 - Zach has the votes to stay[/url] detail of everything :) a good read
All of the house guest just received activity tracker bracelets.... I'm thinking it has something to do with Team America
If they get rid of the brother I'm through with this show and season. They are shady. Be gone, Julie Chen.
I haven't watched big brother since I was like 10 but I'm so glad I started back watching the show is great.. Honestly even though I can't stand how Devin is playing I will say he is making for some really good TV.. Also I am soooo teambrit its not even funny.. She better play this game.. She knew what she could say that could get an emotionally unbalanced player like Devin to take her off the block.. Just that quick.. Also I don't have the big brother 24/7 thing but from what I'm reading and seeing Poala girl it's time for you to go..
Big Brother Updates ‏@BB_Updates · 7h Derrick to Cody- If I get HoH, if she (Brittany) doesnt talk to me by tonight, I'm putting her up...cause she's going to backdoor us #BB16
Diffrence is BOTB comp has to take place after nomination ceremony in the same episode, limiting the strategy discussion there. And yes, this cast changes their mind constantly, now way they will be able to properly edit for tonight's episode either.
I still can't believe how much Frankie blew up his own game this week just to get rid of Zack. He has made himself look so bad. Nicole views him as an Andy now and Donny does not trust him at all. There was so much overplaying this week. It is funny though that now no one is mentioning Zach as a threat now. Derrick is definitely amazing at getting people to think the way he wants them to think.
[QUOTE=DScott;433913]I still can't believe how much Frankie blew up his own game this week just to get rid of Zack. He has made himself look so bad. Nicole views him as an Andy now and Donny does not trust him at all. There was so much overplaying this week. It is funny though that now no one is mentioning Zach as a threat now. Derrick is definitely amazing at getting people to think the way he wants them to think.[/QUOTE] Cause he's a cop! I feel a shady one at that haha
Donny see's right through Derrick though. Derrick was telling him, and everyone else not in the Bomb Squad, that there was no alliance. That Devin is making that up and it was only a weekly handshake for 2 weeks. That if Devin saved him, he would vote whatever Devin wanted. He mentioned that he didn't know Devin had the same agreement with the others (Bomb Squad). It was a one way agreement. While Derrick was telling him that, Donny straight up told him "Devin told me the whole story, and I believe him."
[QUOTE=hannamez8;433916]Donny see's right through Derrick though. Derrick was telling him, and everyone else not in the Bomb Squad, that there was no alliance. That Devin is making that up and it was only a weekly handshake for 2 weeks. That if Devin saved him, he would vote whatever Devin wanted. He mentioned that he didn't know Devin had the same agreement with the others (Bomb Squad). It was a one way agreement. While Derrick was telling him that, Donny straight up told him "Devin told me the whole story, and I believe him."[/QUOTE] Derrick is trying to hard to convince people that the Bomb Squad wasn't what it was and everyone who wasn't in it believes Devin but they still wanna get rid of Devin. So I don't know what Derrick is trying to do but he is doing a bad job at it. He tries to mind **** you and talk in circles. I don't like him. He's kinda scary too but go figure he's a COP haha
[QUOTE=Livewitpeace;433933]Derrick is trying to hard to convince people that the Bomb Squad wasn't what it was and everyone who wasn't in it believes Devin but they still wanna get rid of Devin. So I don't know what Derrick is trying to do but he is doing a bad job at it. He tries to mind **** you and talk in circles. I don't like him. He's kinda scary too but go figure he's a COP haha[/QUOTE] Seriously, like who voted for him? Like I couldn't even stand him cause all he does is run his mouth and he think's he's bringing up brilliant points when in all he's really just saying the same crap using different words. He's repetitive and annoying and I'm glad people are seeing through his BS. I liked him when he had Caleb's back during the Devin vs. Caleb argument but he went back to annoying me. * Lol Donny has said he cannot stand Caleb, he's the only person who he doesn't like. Damn.
I'm not gonna lie, I think I will miss Devin if he goes this week.
Nichole told Christine that she is starting to like Hayden.. Maybe there will be a showmance this year after all. I'm still pulling for Cody to **** amber after Caleb is evicted.
I'm gonna feel bad when everyone ignores Devin this week. I wonder if he will self evict.
Nichole said she is outing up amber, which she should. I hope Caleb goes up with her.
[QUOTE=RMD1;434119]Nichole said she is outing up amber, which she should. I hope Caleb goes up with her.[/QUOTE] Just reading the updates is why you can't wait and hope to get rid of Devin after the veto
[QUOTE=kvm1977;434121]Just reading the updates is why you can't wait and hope to get rid of Devin after the veto[/QUOTE] What?
[QUOTE=RMD1;434122]What?[/QUOTE] You're watching, right? See Nicole as why your plan doesn't really work
