The Challenge: Battle of the Exes 2 - Informed Speculation (Spoilers)

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Well I think she getting tested for something not challenge related.
[QUOTE=Coralfan;430231]Well I think she getting tested for something not challenge related.[/QUOTE] The timing seems to add up...I know someone else is getting tested this week.
So from looking at the cast I can already tell who's going to win: OUR LEADER, KING JOHNNY BANANAS. Theres really no competition here for him other than Jordan and Zach. Any word on Darrell?
[QUOTE=JayTee;430233]So from looking at the cast I can already tell who's going to win: OUR LEADER, KING JOHNNY BANANAS. Theres really no competition here for him other than Jordan and Zach. Any word on Darrell?[/QUOTE] Well, he is going to be in Sacramento all month of August. So that should answer your question.
[QUOTE=PinkRose;430234]Well, he is going to be in Sacramento all month of August. So that should answer your question.[/QUOTE] Where did he say this? I didn't see it on his Twitter, but I'm guessing I missed something since you're definitely in the know. That's a shame. I want to see CT and Bananas get tested from time to time.
Is there any way you can italizie/bold the updates/changes you make to the speculation list on the front page?? It just makes it easier at first glance to the page to see who has gotten what call, who declined, what have you...THANKS!!! Great work to you and the moderators [QUOTE=Youssarian;430216]I made some changes to the first page list based on what I've been informed of... I haven't really been keeping track of this thread the past couple of days, so if there's anything that needs to be changed, please inform me and I will do so.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=KIsOpenDoors;430237]Where did he say this? I didn't see it on his Twitter, but I'm guessing I missed something since you're definitely in the know. That's a shame. I want to see CT and Bananas get tested from time to time.[/QUOTE] I didn't got that from any social network lol I am not revealing my source on that one, but if my source is lying about it. Which I highly doubt. I will find about it as soon as they start filming, Darrell is one of those cast members that would be easy for me to find out if he is filming or not. But as of right now I heard he is going to be in Sacramento with his family and probably running his Crossfit fitness center in August.
Theresa posted a photo on IG that said "no more miss nice girl, I've never been so excited in my entire life". Kind of thinking it's challenge related back up the always reliable Pink Rose and others , I got a few more names and wanted to double their confirmations (or 99.9% til the wheels go up on the following : Dustin Jessica Jay Bananas (200% positive about this one too)
I wanna know which big name couple is supposed to be on this.
[QUOTE=Coralfan;430247]I wanna know which big name couple is supposed to be on this.[/QUOte] It really depends on what you consider big...By what I keep hearing is probably going to be a combination of seasons 2/ Rivals 2/Free GAents/Explosion
[QUOTE=JayTee;430233]So from looking at the cast I can already tell who's going to win: [B]OUR LEADER, KING JOHNNY BANANAS.[/B] Theres really no competition here for him other than Jordan and Zach. Any word on Darrell?[/QUOTE] What is your hard on for Johnny? Who is a dude. And you are a dude. Seems a little odd to me. Just saying.
[QUOTE=PinkRose;430232]The timing seems to add up...I know someone else is getting tested this week.[/QUOTE] So STD testing is part of the process? Curious what else is involved?
[QUOTE=Karisa502;430251]So STD testing is part of the process? Curious what else is involved?[/QUOTE] Psychological, pregnancy and STD testing...I don't know if I am missing something else. Nia getting an STD test can be for anything, so it's not 100% challenge related.
Okay how about this question As of your projected cast, what is the oldest challenge season that we have to go back to in order to point out all of the cast members Like for example, we had to go back to The Ruins for Free Agents because of Cohutta and Inferno 1 for Trishelle on Seasons 2
[QUOTE=El Scorcho;430250]What is your hard on for Johnny? Who is a dude. And you are a dude. Seems a little odd to me. Just saying.[/QUOTE] That's actually the least odd thing about his obsession for Bananas. Newsflash: Some dudes like other dudes.
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;430255]Okay how about this question As of your projected cast, what is the oldest challenge season that we have to go back to in order to point out all of the cast members Like for example, we had to go back to The Ruins for Free Agents because of Cohutta and Inferno 1 for Trishelle on Seasons 2[/QUOTE] Actually, on Free Agents we had to go vack to the Duel 2 for Isaac, but this question is interesting and I want the answer for it.
[QUOTE=nevidcm;430258]Actually, on Free Agents we had to go vack to the Duel 2 for Isaac, but this question is interesting and I want the answer for it.[/QUOTE] For Free Agents? We had to go to Battle of the Sexes for Aneesa.
[QUOTE=Youssarian;430259]For Free Agents? We had to go to Battle of the Sexes for Aneesa.[/QUOTE] I think he means which cast member had the longest time between challenges and what was the last challenge we saw that person on. In that case it would be Isaac since everyone else had done a challenge after The Duel 2.
[QUOTE=El Scorcho;430260]I think he means which cast member had the longest time between challenges and what was the last challenge we saw that person on. In that case it would be Isaac since everyone else had done a challenge after The Duel 2.[/QUOTE] Yeah that's what I meant.
[QUOTE=PinkRose;430211]I wonder why Laura have booked a fly before August ;) [ATTACH]5744[/ATTACH][/QUOTE] Is it weird that I'm kind of excited to see Laura even though she's kind of boring and I don't even like her that much? I think I just like seeing some fresh(ish) faces. But I'm more excited for Marie when it comes to St. Thomas.
I get why they're doing Exes, but I think I'd rather they just have 2 teams and pick them out of a hat for all I care. Must we be hung up on themes? Can't they just cast two teams and put them in a new format? Or even an Old Format, who cares...
[QUOTE=PinkRose;430226]Redemption is Near for Nia, she is becoming a strong possibility: [ATTACH]5745[/ATTACH][/QUOTE] Even though nothing is confirmed, I'm pretty sure Nia will be on this next challenge ;) She also posted an instagram vid on Sunday that said [ATTACH]5746[/ATTACH] And they do leave in about a month so the timeline seems correct. She stopped training for a while but come Sunday she started again and second calls did go out last week, so that basic ***** who told you no call was wrong, sooooooo "you know who" may be on too *cross fingers* :) But now the question is Jordan or Leroy lol (hopefully Jordan LOL)
That hole handling "unfinished business" make it seem like Averey will be there, but I might be reading too much into it. I'm crossing my fingers
So Bananas is going to be the most old-school castmember? Not a single castmember who was on a Challenge pre-Fresh Meat?
[QUOTE=toenails;430282]So Bananas is going to be the most old-school castmember? Not a single castmember who was on a Challenge pre-Fresh Meat?[/QUOTE] Danny & Melinda will probably be. Bananas is not even confirmed.
[QUOTE=nevidcm;430281]That hole handling "unfinished business" make it seem like Averey will be there, but I might be reading too much into it. I'm crossing my fingers[/QUOTE] No. I'm assuming the "unfinished business" was losing last season and coming back to win.
I know Exes got great ratings, but I think that had to do with some of the cast members they had on there like CT & Diem, Mark & Robin, etc, relationships that were bigger parts of past seasons. I feel like there hasn't been enough big relationships to make it legit. I know that wont stop them, but you would think they would try for a Duel 3, another format that seemed to be popular or even a cut throat in hopes for more hookups and relationships then attempt an Exes. I mean they had 21 seasons of relationships to pick from for the first exes, and now they just have had three seasons to find new ones. Unless they dig deep and get some oldies but goodies like a Jenn/Rachel team, or Veronica/Rachel Team, Emily/James Team, Coral/Abe team, and mix it with a few of the new ones. But I know thats just wishful thinking. But wasn't everyone saying Exes last time too then it turned out to be Free Agents? There is always hope for either a new format or a different old format. I personally would love an updated Battle of the Sexes format (with a different name due to copyright obviously).
[QUOTE=Livewitpeace;430283]Danny & Melinda will probably be. Bananas is not even confirmed.[/QUOTE] Bananas is going to be out of the country from August-October. Unless he's going away on another excursion with his girlfriend or his 2 boyfriends (JEK). Heard this from the same source as last year when I found out he was doing free agents!
[QUOTE=Livewitpeace;430283]Danny & Melinda will probably be. [B]Bananas is not even confirmed.[/B][/QUOTE] I trust Challenge 13, on this one Jess/Bananas are 100% going as of right now his source is pretty reliable. Unless either dropped out, which I don't see them doing or something happened they are going to be on that plane.


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