The Challenge: Free Agents - Devyn Simone

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[QUOTE=SourWolf;408978]I disagree about Jenny's commentary being natural. Just about everything regarding Ex-Plosion felt fake to me. Devyn comes across as a naturally funny person to me. Jenny on the other hand seemed like she was trying to do and say anything that would make her the most popular cast member on her RW season. I think Cory even said that Jenny was telling the roommates to be outrageous because it would get them more camera time.[/QUOTE] But I'm not even referring to the show, she does these little video chats and random things she says is just funny and it flows. In comparison to Devyn, it seems like she's trying to sound real and funny in her videos. As for Free Agents, Latoya definitely took Devyn's shine. But I was never a fan of her commentary much. Every now and then she'd have a funny line.
Paula has hilarious interview IMO. But who cares if they are trying to be funny it is a TV show. I'm remember people saying Evan would rehearsed what he was going to say in the interviews for the hell of it and apparently Kenny planned the whole Kenny Maria thing by taking CaraMarias hair into the interview. Lets be honest they all rehearsed because what else do they have to do.
[QUOTE=PinkRose;409113]I just care about Brian, Hailey and Arielle. Devyn/Jenny/Paula try to hard to be funny on their commentary.[/QUOTE] I liked them all in there own ways but Jenny had me dying on Ex-Plosion. Especially in episode 11. Paula was never funny but her make up was!
[QUOTE=PinkRose;412307][ATTACH]4696[/ATTACH][/QUOTE] WHY didn't they show that?! This episode was pretty dull. That would've made this episode so much more exciting.
[QUOTE=PinkRose;412307][ATTACH]4696[/ATTACH][/QUOTE] Ummm...that would have made for legit drama--stupid editing
I assume that Zach didn't want to send Theresa seems like they're working together.
[QUOTE=JL81790;412394]I assume that Zach didn't want to send Theresa seems like they're working together.[/QUOTE] It surprised me that Zach just rolled over and sent in Theresa. Makes more sense to know that's not what actually happened.
I could tell something was off because Zach wasn't just going to send in Theresa. You could tell he was upset about it. He probably wanted Laurel.
On the bonus clip on, Zach and Devyn discussed their room having an alliance [along with Theresa].
[QUOTE=JEKFAN;412419]I could tell something was off because Zach wasn't just going to send in Theresa. You could tell he was upset about it. He probably wanted Laurel.[/QUOTE] I noticed that he didn't seem happy about sending in Theresa, too. They show the winning team discussing the vote every week, so I'm not sure why they wouldn't show Zach and Devyn talking about who they wanted to go in. [QUOTE=kvm1977;412392]Ummm...that would have made for legit drama--stupid editing[/QUOTE] I agree. What's the point of having each of them vote for both the guy and girl if they aren't going to show the drama that occurred. Like you said, legit drama. I was surprised when Devyn said Theresa's name, but she has to do what's best for her. Good play by Laurel to show Devyn her hit list.
After this challenge Theresa was good friends with Nany/Devyn, by what heard they don't like each other anymore. Theresa is shady in the game and out side the show. She was good friend with Laurel/Jenn/Mandi/Paula/Camila/Diem but those friendships never survived and then end disliking her.
I thought Nany was one of the few that she was still really cool with.
[QUOTE=v123;412772]I thought Nany was one of the few that she was still really cool with.[/QUOTE] Nany/Theresa unfollow each other and they are not like they used t be, still cool but not like they were after this season.
I thought Devyn would surprise me and be at least decent but she didn't and she's terrible. And the one thing I thought she would be good at is using her size to a advantage in a physical elimination but she can't because she doesn't want to break a nail. I want to like Devyn but she's making it really hard for me.
I hope she doesn't come back...But then again MTV love her and she is going to keep coming back.
Apparently she told people if she got to a final she would literally walk so that is why everyone just saves her until the end. I like Devyn but I want to see people who actually compete.
She's funny I'd definitely watch her on a real world but a challenge no stay home don't get your nails broken because we know you won't
I found Devyn to a very interesting character this season. I feel she is only successful this season because she made the finals on seasons, I also think had she debuted on any challenge prior to seasons she would have been eliminated relatively early so it's a shock seeing how successful she's been, especially in a game that is left ultimately to chance like Free Agents.
She hasn't been successful. She is a bad player and even she knows it. She is being kept around to be an easy target in the end.
I gotta commend her for finishing the final. Even when she wanted to quit she didn't and she hanged on to the end. Hooray for Devyn> She was also very funny on the Reunion IMO.
[QUOTE=RealCynic;420671]She hasn't been successful. She is a bad player and even she knows it. She is being kept around to be an easy target in the end.[/QUOTE] Two challenges, two finals. When she came down the mountain, she was welcomed with applause from the crew. No worries, though, she announced her retirement during a Spreecast interview with Murtz.
[QUOTE=V1man;428367]Two challenges, two finals. When she came down the mountain, she was welcomed with applause from the crew. [B]No worries, though, she announced her retirement during a Spreecast interview with Murtz.[/B][/QUOTE] :( But I love Devyn. Oh well, hopefully it means bigger and better things for her in the long run.
[QUOTE=V1man;428367]Two challenges, two finals. When she came down the mountain, she was welcomed with applause from the crew. No worries, though, she announced her retirement during a Spreecast interview with Murtz.[/QUOTE] Sad to hear she's retiring :(. However she said she was done after Seasons so you never know.
[QUOTE=gamer73;428371]Sad to hear she's retiring :(. However she said she was done after Seasons so you never know.[/QUOTE] Agreed--other than Timmy I don't believe anyone is truly retired that claimed they were retiring. Maybe Devyn can host the after shows--that's a better role for her anyway
[QUOTE=gamer73;428371]Sad to hear she's retiring :(. However she said she was done after Seasons so you never know.[/QUOTE] If you watch the Spreecast, you will see that Devyn specifically address the "people always say that" view, and tells why it's different for her given what her immediate and long-term goals are.
[QUOTE=V1man;428367]Two challenges, two finals. When she came down the mountain, she was welcomed with applause from the crew.[/QUOTE] This makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I've loved watching her grow in her two seasons and really seeing her push herself in every stage of the final was really great and heartwarming to watch
She's retiring? Yeeessssss.
I still wish Theresa was in the final over her but I give her props for finishing. I think she is hilarious. I couldn't stand her on Brooklyn but I liked her on the challenges.
[QUOTE=V1man;428367]Two challenges, two finals. When she came down the mountain, she was welcomed with applause from the crew. [B]No worries, though, she announced her retirement during a Spreecast interview with Murtz.[/B][/QUOTE] Oh no Really? Damn. The challenges Suddenly just got a little less funny and entertaining. I'm gonna miss her on these shows.
