The Challenge: Battle of the Exes 2 - Informed Speculation (Spoilers)

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[QUOTE=kvm1977;426045]Which Ashley is Ashley M?[/QUOTE] Hotmess from Explosion: [URL=""][/URL] [QUOTE=challenge13;426046]Thanks? Haha I'm just kidding. I'm with you though... I really want to see Brian. I also want to see Haley with Thomas so we will see.[/QUOTE] You were joking?
[QUOTE=Youssarian;426047]The hot mess from Ex-Plosion. She made out with Cory one night[/QUOTE] That explains why I didn't know...was thinking maybe the Ashley from DC...thanks
[QUOTE=toenails;426028]I hope Sarah gets paired with Jordan. She's been given so many horrible partners in the past; she deserves to have a good competitor as her partner this time around.[/QUOTE] But I thought most people were in agreement that Jordan is NOT a good competitor. Didn't everyone rag on him for being terrible (not just his personality) during his stint on Free Agents? What makes you think he'd be better on his next challenge than he was on this one?
[QUOTE=PinkRose;426048]Hotmess from Explosion: [URL=""][/URL] You were joking?[/QUOTE] No. I was saying thanks when it was declared the worst post on the board lol. I know it wasn't great news and just agreed with him when he said it was.
[QUOTE=dagr317;426050]But I thought most people were in agreement that Jordan is NOT a good competitor. Didn't everyone rag on him for being terrible (not just his personality) during his stint on Free Agents? What makes you think he'd be better on his next challenge than he was on this one?[/QUOTE] Jordan is, at best, average but that's still better than anything she's had in the past
BMP really dropped the ball mot havong the Explosion cast on Free Agents.
[QUOTE=gamer73;426018]Jenn and Rachel..[/QUOTE] I know this is an EXTREMELY long shot but what about Evelyn and Brooke? At least they're legitimate exes. And if Brooke managed to make it to a final, it would be the equivalent of Shauvon scaling Mount Everest!! Talk about drama.
[QUOTE=dagr317;426050]But I thought most people were in agreement that Jordan is NOT a good competitor. Didn't everyone rag on him for being terrible (not just his personality) during his stint on Free Agents? What makes you think he'd be better on his next challenge than he was on this one?[/QUOTE] Jordan is better than vinny, trishelle or katelynn so it's the best shot that Sarah has.
[QUOTE=dagr317;426055]I know this is an EXTREMELY long shot but what about Evelyn and Brooke? At least they're legitimate exes. And if Brooke managed to make it to a final, it would be the equivalent of Shauvon scaling Mount Everest!! Talk about drama.[/QUOTE] Both Evelyn/Brooke are DONE
Jenn & Rachel would be so awesome and would have a legitimate shot at winning.
Oh man I really hope it's not another exes
I really hope they couldn't cast all the pairs they had in mind for an Exes 2 because I really want Cutthroat 2! 3 big teams with many top competitors would be awesome to watch again! This way production isn't limited on which cast members to pair up with.
[QUOTE=JEKFAN;426024]It would be so funny if Jamie doesn't get casted.[/QUOTE] Come on guys, I like Jamie.... but if its Exes 2 it will be Hailey unless Hailey says no .... so its not really in Jamie's control. If Hailey says no, and they want Tom, they could pair him and Jamie up and show some of there fights.
[QUOTE=challenge13;426030]I'm hearing Brian may have NOT gotten the 2nd call which makes me think if it's Exes, they'll pair Cory and Jenny. Let's be honest... Confirmation or not , you know she's doing it! Jamie got the 2nd call I'm also hearing that by the end of this week, early next week the cast will be notified. This could mean they made it the cast or as a alternate. We won't know for sure til the wheels go up just like we all thought Avery was on it last year from the beginning but was just an alternate! More to come...[/QUOTE] So what is we find out Thomas, Jamie, and Hailey are all going ..... that changes the Exes 2 theory. And I really feel like Cory is a shoe in. Months ago he knew the phone calls were going out in June and the Challenge was filming "end of summer". Production prob wants him so bad they asked him months ago what his availability was.
[QUOTE=CoolerTalk;426043]It's unfortunate but we're gonna see a lot of The Real World: Ex-Plosion cast on the next Challenge – it's the only way new faces are being thrown in at this point.[/QUOTE] I don't think it will be more then 6
Any info on Jay/Jenna getting a second call?
I heard Robb/Trey got a call as well as swift. Btw, Robb has shown more interest in challenges since he was single
[QUOTE=LurkerNoMore;426086]Any info on Jay/Jenna getting a second call?[/QUOTE] Both did.
[QUOTE=Livewitpeace;426000]Don't be offended but why the teams I highlighted would they want opposed to others we have discussed and seem more likely?[/QUOTE] Frank/Derek or J.D because There was supposed to be a male team on Exes 1 , Davis and Ryan but Davis wasn't down , So I imagine they will put a same sex male team this time around. I know that both J.D and Derek have issues with Frank , J.D more so than Derek but both are valid. Ty with Aneesa because , Ty is actually a good player and can stay under the radar which would help Aneesa make a final plus Ty killed the first Exes and was a major character , so having them there makes sense Marlon with Nia because Nia sill has isuues with Marlon coupled with her rivalary with Jasmin and Marlon issues with Frank and Knight it would be a good drama team. Dustin/Cooke-I actually believe Cooke will do another one , If the timing is not only right but if production doesn't screw her over , plus Dustin/Cooke have a more troubled past then Jessica , Dustin/Emilee- Her ties to stronger players/Veterans can potentially lead o her being an amazing political player. Adam/Nany-I understand he is banned but if they want ratings they will make this happen , Adam/Nany has a huge following and our TV Gold plus Adam has changed since his season and I would love to see the transformation. Leroy/Naomi-Although there a repeat team , Naomi and Leroy releationship got worse on the first Exes and after , then Twins (BGC) and her got into twitter beef due to Leroy and according to Heather , Leroy was dissrespectful on Exes towards Naomi and Naomi also threatened several girls during Exes , so there history is Exes gold. Cory/Hailey because Lo is out ad the potential of having Cory/Hailey , Thomas/Jamie and Brian/Jenny in one house will bring in viewers from Ex-Plosin especially since Hailey and Brian are the top 3 with Cory amongst most wanted to see again.
Does anyone know if Adam R. got a call!?? And if they are trying with him again? Nany and him would be GOLDD! Especially if Cohutta is there since Cohutta treats her so nice and Adam is an *****!
[QUOTE=ibeedevinyo;426098]Does anyone know if Adam R. got a call!?? And if they are trying with him again? Nany and him would be GOLDD! Especially if Cohutta is there since Cohutta treats her so nice and Adam is an *****![/QUOTE] mhm keep in mind Adam/Nany got dropped from the first exes for a reason...I doubt they will do it. [QUOTE=Npresh24;426094]Frank/Derek or J.D because There was supposed to be a male team on Exes 1 , Davis and Ryan but Davis wasn't down , So I imagine they will put a same sex male team this time around. I know that both J.D and Derek have issues with Frank , J.D more so than Derek but both are valid. Ty with Aneesa because , Ty is actually a good player and can stay under the radar which would help Aneesa make a final plus Ty killed the first Exes and was a major character , so having them there makes sense Marlon with Nia because Nia sill has isuues with Marlon coupled with her rivalary with Jasmin and Marlon issues with Frank and Knight it would be a good drama team. Dustin/Cooke-I actually believe Cooke will do another one , If the timing is not only right but if production doesn't screw her over , plus Dustin/Cooke have a more troubled past then Jessica , Dustin/Emilee- Her ties to stronger players/Veterans can potentially lead o her being an amazing political player. Adam/Nany-I understand he is banned but if they want ratings they will make this happen , Adam/Nany has a huge following and our TV Gold plus Adam has changed since his season and I would love to see the transformation. Leroy/Naomi-Although there a repeat team , Naomi and Leroy releationship got worse on the first Exes and after , then Twins (BGC) and her got into twitter beef due to Leroy and according to Heather , Leroy was dissrespectful on Exes towards Naomi and Naomi also threatened several girls during Exes , so there history is Exes gold. Cory/Hailey because Lo is out ad the potential of having Cory/Hailey , Thomas/Jamie and Brian/Jenny in one house will bring in viewers from Ex-Plosin especially since Hailey and Brian are the top 3 with Cory amongst most wanted to see again.[/QUOTE] Ashley and Jamie have a bigger rivalry than Hailey/Jamie.
How could they even cast Cory/Hailey? They're not even exes...
[B]Challenge Summer 2014[/B] [U]Rumored to be Asked:[/U] Danny Jamieson (Real World: Austin) Dustin Zito (Real World: Las Vegas) Leroy Garrett (Real World: Las Vegas) Brandon Swift (Real World: St. Thomas) - second call Robb Schreiber (Real World: St. Thomas) Trey Weatherholtz (Real World: St. Thomas) Jordan Wiseley (Real World: Portland) Jay Gotti (Real World: Ex-Plosion) - second call Cory Wharton (Real World: Ex-Plosion) Thomas Buehl (Real World: Ex-Plosion) - second call Brian Williams (Real World: Ex-Plosion) Susie Meister (Road Rules: Down Under) Melinda Stolp (Real World: Austin) Svetlana Shusterman (Real World: Key West) Trisha Cummings (Real World: Sydney) Jonna Mannion (Real World: Cancun) Heather Marter (Real World: Las Vegas) Nany Gonzalez (Real World: Las Vegas) LaToya Jackson (Real World: St. Thomas) - second call Jenny Delich (Real World: Ex-Plosion) Jamie Larson (Real World: Ex-Plosion) - second call Hailey Chivers (Real World: Ex-Plosion) Jenna Compono (Real World: Ex-Plosion) - second call Ashley Mitchell (Real World: Ex-Plosion) - second call Lauren Ondersma (Real World: Ex-Plosion) [U]Rumored to not be asked:[/U] Cara Maria Sorbello (Fresh Meat 2) Robin Hibbard (Real World: San Diego) Mark Long (Road Rules: First Adventure)
[B]Challenge Summer 2014[/B] [U]Rumored to be Asked:[/U] Danny Jamieson (Real World: Austin) Dustin Zito (Real World: Las Vegas) Leroy Garrett (Real World: Las Vegas) Brandon Swift (Real World: St. Thomas) - second call Robb Schreiber (Real World: St. Thomas) Trey Weatherholtz (Real World: St. Thomas) Jordan Wiseley (Real World: Portland) Jay Gotti (Real World: Ex-Plosion) - second call Cory Wharton (Real World: Ex-Plosion) Thomas Buehl (Real World: Ex-Plosion) - second call Brian Williams (Real World: Ex-Plosion) Susie Meister (Road Rules: Down Under) Melinda Stolp (Real World: Austin) Svetlana Shusterman (Real World: Key West) Trisha Cummings (Real World: Sydney) Jonna Mannion (Real World: Cancun) Heather Marter (Real World: Las Vegas) Nany Gonzalez (Real World: Las Vegas) LaToya Jackson (Real World: St. Thomas) - second call Jenny Delich (Real World: Ex-Plosion) Jamie Larson (Real World: Ex-Plosion) - second call Hailey Chivers (Real World: Ex-Plosion) Jenna Compono (Real World: Ex-Plosion) - second call Ashley Mitchell (Real World: Ex-Plosion) - second call Lauren Ondersma (Real World: Ex-Plosion) [U]Rumored to not be asked:[/U] Cara Maria Sorbello (Fresh Meat 2) Robin Hibbard (Real World: San Diego) Mark Long (Road Rules: First Adventure)
[QUOTE=Karisa502;426082]So what is we find out Thomas, Jamie, and Hailey are all going ..... that changes the Exes 2 theory. And I really feel like Cory is a shoe in. Months ago he knew the phone calls were going out in June and the Challenge was filming "end of summer". Production prob wants him so bad they asked him months ago what his availability was.[/QUOTE] Production didn't asked nobody months ago... First availabilities Calls started going out May 12. They know producers some of them are friends with them, basically they can ask them in which month the challenge will start filming.
Updating this according to information in this thread from people with reliable sources... [B]Challenge Summer 2014[/B] [U]Rumored to be Asked:[/U] Danny Jamieson (Real World: Austin) - accepted initial call Dustin Zito (Real World: Las Vegas) Leroy Garrett (Real World: Las Vegas) Brandon Swift (Real World: St. Thomas) - second call Robb Schreiber (Real World: St. Thomas) - second call Trey Weatherholtz (Real World: St. Thomas) - second call Jordan Wiseley (Real World: Portland) Jay Gotti (Real World: Ex-Plosion) - second call Cory Wharton (Real World: Ex-Plosion) Thomas Buehl (Real World: Ex-Plosion) - second call Brian Williams (Real World: Ex-Plosion) Susie Meister (Road Rules: Down Under) Melinda Stolp (Real World: Austin) Svetlana Shusterman (Real World: Key West) Trisha Cummings (Real World: Sydney) Jonna Mannion (Real World: Cancun) Heather Marter (Real World: Las Vegas) - declined initial call Nany Gonzalez (Real World: Las Vegas) LaToya Jackson (Real World: St. Thomas) - second call Jenny Delich (Real World: Ex-Plosion) Jamie Larson (Real World: Ex-Plosion) - second call Hailey Chivers (Real World: Ex-Plosion) Jenna Compono (Real World: Ex-Plosion) - second call Ashley Mitchell (Real World: Ex-Plosion) - second call Lauren Ondersma (Real World: Ex-Plosion) - declined initial call [U]Rumored to not be asked:[/U] Cara Maria Sorbello (Fresh Meat 2) Robin Hibbard (Real World: San Diego) Mark Long (Road Rules: First Adventure)[/QUOTE]
Update: a reliable source told me that Jessica, Johnny R., Averey and Anastasia also received calls. Also, Dustin and Nany both received a second call. [B]Challenge Summer 2014[/B] [U]Rumored to be Asked:[/U] Danny Jamieson (Real World: Austin) - accepted initial call Dustin Zito (Real World: Las Vegas) - second call Leroy Garrett (Real World: Las Vegas) Brandon Swift (Real World: St. Thomas) - second call Robb Schreiber (Real World: St. Thomas) - second call Trey Weatherholtz (Real World: St. Thomas) - second call Johnny Reilly (Real World: Portland) Jordan Wiseley (Real World: Portland) Jay Gotti (Real World: Ex-Plosion) - second call Cory Wharton (Real World: Ex-Plosion) Thomas Buehl (Real World: Ex-Plosion) - second call Brian Williams (Real World: Ex-Plosion) Susie Meister (Road Rules: Down Under) Melinda Stolp (Real World: Austin) Svetlana Shusterman (Real World: Key West) Trisha Cummings (Real World: Sydney) Jonna Mannion (Real World: Cancun) Heather Marter (Real World: Las Vegas) - declined initial call Nany Gonzalez (Real World: Las Vegas) - second call LaToya Jackson (Real World: St. Thomas) - second call Anastasia Miller (Real World: Portland) Averey Tressler (Real World: Portland) Jessica McCain (Real World: Portland) Jenny Delich (Real World: Ex-Plosion) Jamie Larson (Real World: Ex-Plosion) - second call Hailey Chivers (Real World: Ex-Plosion) Jenna Compono (Real World: Ex-Plosion) - second call Ashley Mitchell (Real World: Ex-Plosion) - second call Lauren Ondersma (Real World: Ex-Plosion) - declined initial call [U]Rumored to not be asked:[/U] Cara Maria Sorbello (Fresh Meat 2) Robin Hibbard (Real World: San Diego) Mark Long (Road Rules: First Adventure)
I hope cory gets out ASAP if he's really cast cause he talks a big game saying "they're so easy I have no competition." I def don't want to see him
Looks like they'll use Jessica for Dustin since Heather is being so resistant. Annoying.
Derek and Frank are friends from what I remember. Unless they try and twist "he's an OK kisser" into drama. Wouldn't put it past BMP though. Now Preston and Frank being a pair would be hilarious, they hate each other. Or at least Preston hates Frank.


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