Likely Teams and Players (due to social media hints, personal sources from those in close contact with cast, etc.)
Danny Jamieson/Melinda Stolp (personal sources, Melinda hinted by Emilee)
Dustin Zito/Jessica McCain (personal sources, Jessica hinting on Twitter)
Jay Gotti/Jenna Compono (personal sources, Jenna hinting on Twitter)
Johnny Bananas/Nany Gonzalez (personal sources, Nany hinting at flying on Twitter)
Johnny Reilly/Averey Tressler (personal sources, Averey hinting on Twitter)
Ryan Knight/Jemmye Carroll (personal sources, Jemmye hinted by Emilee)
Thomas Buell/Hailey Chivers (personal sources)
Zach Nichols/Jonna Mannion (personal sources, Zach hinted by Emilee)
Nia Moore (personal sources, heavy hinting on Twitter)
Theresa Gonzalez (personal sources, hinted by Emilee)
Sarah Rice (closed her Etsy shop, usually doesn't except for Challenges)
Jordan Wiseley (personal sources, spotted at airport)
Leroy Garrett (personal sources) Alternates:
Trey Weatherholtz/Laura Waller
Unclear, but Possible
Wes Bergmann - would match up with likely partners, but no one has wished him good bye on social media as they normally do when he departs for a Challenge
Dunbar Merrill - known to have gotten a second call, not active on social media after the departure time, but no further confirmation
Ashli Robson - known to have been asked and speculated to be Dunbar's only possible choice, not active on social media after the departure time, but no further confirmation.
CT Tamburello - known to have received a second call, not active on social media after the departure time, apparently spotted in an airport, but no further confirmation
Diem Brown - reportedly retired from Challenges, but if CT is going, he would probably need a partner. Supposed social media activity, but it doesn't match her typical tweet format. A tweet from Hannah Teter (Johnny Bananas' girlfriend) asked if she was "going". Unlikely but Could Surprise Us
Shauvon Torres - Likely wants to move on from reality TV and cultivate a professional presence, but if CT is going, he would probably need a partner. No confirmation other than speculation to be CT's possible partner. As for personal sources, those are all from people I trust who have direct or nearly direct contact with the cast members themselves and who have proven to be correct in the past.
Rumored to be Asked: Alton Williams (Real World: Las Vegas) Brandon Swift (Real World: St. Thomas) - second call Cory Wharton (Real World: Ex-Plosion) - rumored to not have made final cast due to lack of availables "exes" CT Tamburello (Real World: Paris) Danny Jamieson (Real World: Austin) - second call Darrell Taylor (Road Rules: Campus Crawl) - rumored to not have made final cast. Dunbar Merrill (Real World: Sydney) Dustin Zito (Real World: Las Vegas) - second call Eric Patrick (Real World: New Orleans 2010) Jay Gotti (Real World: Ex-Plosion) - second call Johnny Bananas (Real World: Key West) - second call Johnny Reilly (Real World: Portland) - second call Jordan Wiseley (Real World: Portland) Leroy Garrett (Real World: Las Vegas) - second call Ryan Knight (Real World: New Orleans 2010) - second call Thomas Buell (Real World: Ex-Plosion) - second call Trey Weatherholtz (Real World: St. Thomas) - second call Wes Bergmann (Real World: Austin) - second call, but unsure if he's going Zach Nichols (Real World: San Diego 2011) - second call Ashley Kelsey (Real World: San Diego 2011) Ashli Robson (Real World: Sydney) Averey Tressler (Real World: Portland) - second call Hailey Chivers (Real World: Ex-Plosion) - second call Jamie Larson (Real World: Ex-Plosion) - Hailey was chosen over her. Jasmine Reynaud (Real World: Cancun) Jemmye Carroll (Real World: New Orleans 2010) - second call Jenna Compono (Real World: Ex-Plosion) - second call Jessica McCain (Real World: Portland) - second call Joi Niemeyer (Real World: Portland) Jonna Mannion (Real World: Cancun) - second call LaToya Jackson (Real World: St. Thomas) Laura Waller (Real World: St. Thomas) - second call Melinda Stolp (Real World: Austin) - second call Nany Gonzalez (Real World: Las Vegas) - second call Nia Moore (Real World: Portland) Rachel Robinson (Road Rules: Campus Crawl) Sahar Dika (Real World: New Orleans) Sarah Rice (Real World: Brooklyn) - second call, but could be in school Theresa Gonzalez (Fresh Meat 2) Trishelle Cannatella (Real World: Las Vegas) - Rumored to not have made the cast
Rumored to have been asked but declined: Anastasia Miller (Real World: Portland) Ashley Mitchell (Real World: Ex-Plosion) Brian Williams (Real World: Ex-Plosion) CJ Koegel (Real World: Cancun) Diem Brown (Fresh Meat) Heather Marter (Real World: Las Vegas) Jenn Grijalva (Real World: Denver) Jenny Delich (Real World: Ex-Plosion) Johanna Botta (Real World: Austin) Laurel Stucky (Fresh Meat 2) Lauren Ondersma (Real World: Ex-Plosion) Marie Roda (Real World: St. Thomas) Marlon Williams (Real World: Portland) Robb Schreiber (Real World: St. Thomas) Susie Meister (Road Rules: Down Under) Svetlana Shusterman (Real World: Key West) Trisha Cummings (Real World: Sydney)
Rumored to not be asked: Ayiiia Elizarraras (Real World: Cancun) Beth Stolarczyk (Real World: Los Angeles) Cara Maria Sorbello (Fresh Meat 2) Mark Long (Road Rules: First Adventure) Robin Hibbard (Real World: San Diego) (*)Note: None of this information is official or confirmed in any way! Remember... nothing is confirmed until the wheels go up.
This is informed speculation. If you have anything to contribute to this list, please PM Youssarian so it can be added to this list.